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(Cydra) Great Conflicts

the Jester

At this point the party's composition is something like this:

Baron Lillamere- elven sorcerer 20/argent savant 5; CG. He is a Baron under King Malford on Dorhaus. His cohort Hyliss and he are lovers.
Inoke- human ex-barbarian 2/psychic warrior 2/fighter 8/warmind 15; LG. Inoke is a mace-wielding warrior of incredible prowess.
Horbin the MFKG Holy- human cleric 27 of Dexter, now Bishop of Western Dorhaus; NG. Horbin is a staunch worker for the good of the people of Dorhaus.
Lester- half-elven elementalist 14/warrior of chaos 4/divine oracle 3/contemplative 2/paraelementalist 1/heirophant 1/divine ascendant 1; CG. The would-be god of adventure. Lester's name is synonomous with reckless or bad choices. He has never lived down pulling the lever that released Fuligin into the world. His cohort is Orbius, the Eye, who is an incredibly powerful diviner/divine oracle.
Chakar- dwarven monk 22; LN. Chakar is a formidable warrior and perhaps the best dwarven wrestler alive. He has recently been trying to find the Perfect Masters, a mysterious group of epic monks.
Sybele- female human fighter 8/egoist 15/warrior of chaos 4; CG. Sybele is large-sized due to a gift of Chaos. She is a formidable archer and is capable of amazing psionic feats as well.
Gerontius- halfling rogue 16/fighter 4/invisible blade 5/halfling paragon 2; CG. Gerontius is trying to set his people free of the orcish oppression holding them down on Valonia, preferably by getting them to emigrate and come to Dorhaus.
Alcar- half-celestial wood elf fighter 2/cleric 19; ECL 25; NG. Alcar, the Angel of Food, was the leader of a heretical sect of Galadorians. He is currently in big trouble with Heaven, though he is not aware of it yet.
Sonja- human druid 20; NG. The newest addition to the party. Sonja is a druid from Valonia who fell in with the party because she was a defender of the halflings.

Did I miss anyone?

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Use proper grammar when addressing your God

Its God of Adventure, not god of adventure. :mad:

Oh, and his name is also synonomous with kick butt and talkin' smack! (Though Alcar could definately claim some stake in the latter.) ;)

the Jester

Revenge on Bile Mountain (pt. 4)

I cannot believe we took a week off! broods Baron Lillamere. We have limited time to make progress here before we leave to assault the Bastion of Law, by our agreement- and we have squandered half of it. He sighs. Thoughts of the Bastion hang over him like dreary clouds.

I gave my word, he thinks again, reflecting on the party’s journey to the Isle of Vuivui, where Chaos gifted members of the party with an impressive array of items in exchange for their vow to assault the Bastion of Law. Now neither Lester nor Orbius is inclined to follow through. Only reluctantly have they been persuaded to go. Inoke has outright refused, though he has vowed not to fight the rest of the party. Lillamere scowls. And Horbin is showing more and more reluctance...

Even if I must go alone, I will go, he vows silently. He glances sidelong at his old friend and lover Hyliss. Even at the worst, I will not have to go alone.

Then he pulls his thoughts back to the present, as the party proceeds into the chamber. He is in the back, but he has seen the reports of his prying eyes and he can see through Sybele’s synesthetic link with the party. There are three vicious-looking beasts in the room, one of them three-headed. He unleashes a volley of seeker missiles at the three-headed one, but is disgruntled to find that the creature has sufficient spell resistance that they break against it.

Then Lillamere flinches back as the two-headed monster lets out a tremendous roar, which stuns both Gerontius and Hyliss! The other two leap to the attack, tearing viciously into Inoke. Orbius bestows a mirror image on the big warrior. The monsters ‘pop’ several of them. One bite lands on the real Inoke despite the images, and it latches onto his leg. Blood immediately begins to flow as the massive teeth crunch into his thigh. He growls and pulls it from him, throwing it off after only a few seconds, but despite all his protections, his leg is badly torn.

With a roar he schisms his mind into two. Then his second mind activates another power and he expands to about 12’ tall! Out comes his mace, but even as he is preparing to swing the monsters tear at him again! His mirror images pop like so many soap bubbles, and the monsters begin ripping at him again. Even with his mighty ability to withstand damage, the creatures inflict terrific wounds, tearing into his arms, leg and chest. Lester steps up, using a ring of spell storing to cast another bestowed mirror image on Inoke, and once again a shimmering, interchanging series of alternate Inokes springs into being.

Nor are the other party members idle. As Zyltha begins singing, Thrush, a little further back in the hallway, grins. The far strike laid on his blade enables him to attack with killing speed. The preeminent swordsman of his age (as Thrush styles himself) goes to work, and one of the beasts dies in short order, a web of deep slices punctuated by stab wounds across its body. Chakar moves up into position to aid Thrush by distracting the creatures, making it easier for the warrior to hit them. Sybele uses her psicrystal to control sound so that the monsters cannot roar again- that was devastating, and Gerontius and Hyliss have not recovered yet! Orbius, Lester and Lillamere start unleashing spells of ridiculous power. But the monsters are extraordinarily resistant to our heroes’ spells. Furthermore, they are extremely fast and nimble; it proves surprisingly difficult to hit them with ray attacks.

With a gleeful prayer, Alcar casts both a quickened divine power and righteous might. He steps up to join the melee. Simultaneously, Inoke takes on the form of doom. Tentacles sprout from his back as he grows forbidding and monstrous- and quite powerful. The tentacles slap out for the rending, tearing three-headed creature, which is now engaging him directly. Horbin casts heal and steps up to touch Inoke, mending some of his wounds, but the three-headed monster is dealing incredible damage with every blow that lands, and it pops five images to top it off!

These things are tough, Thrush sends respectfully over the telepathic link that the party shares. He slices into the other one-headed creature again and again. Lester stabs at it as well; a momentary pang goes through him as he recalls his old sword Felix Optima Maxima, which he lost long ago. Alcar pounds at the beast with his mace, but still it lives!

“Forget this!” exclaims Baron Lillamere. He calls out is the strange tongue of magic, making grand gestures, and a wall of force suddenly springs up, walling the one-headed monster off.

The entire party turns its attention to the three-headed monster. It continues to tear at Inoke, who continues to pound it. Sybele fires a crystal shard, and a huge jagged block of crystallized ectoplasm streaks over and smashes into it. It shakes one of its heads, but it continues fighting. Inoke is starting to flag, though the monster itself is looking weaker and weaker moment by moment.

Inoke! cries Gerontius’ psychic voice from behind Inoke. I am ready now!

Clearly, he is no longer stunned.

Inoke and Gerontius have discussed their tactics many times before. So it is that Inoke launches a full attack at the beast, further wounding it, and then uses a dimension swap to trade places with his halfling companion. Gerontius’ twin daggers, Gerontius and Diplomacy, are both sheathed, but with a flick of the wrist he pulls one out and thrusts deep into the monster’s chest. The thing’s three heads all eye him foully, with disgruntled expressions of dismay on their faces. It’s as if the monster is thinking, A dagger??

It collapses.

Gerontius chuckles and dusts his hands off before withdrawing his dagger.

“There is still the one behind the wall of force,” Baron Lillamere says.

“Let’s get it!” exclaims Lester. “Can you disintegrate the wall?”

Hyliss, head still ringing from the stunning roar of the beasts, says, “I can take care of it.” The party turns expectantly, weapons at the ready. Hyliss moves up and casts disintegrate. There is a flash as the wall of force is destroyed.

Alcar steps into place immediately, slamming his mace into the monster’s head. Hyliss discharges a spell into an arcane strike and slices at the creature, inflicting more damage on it. The beast lunges forward, tearing at Lester, popping over half of his mirror images and wounding the would-be god of adventure.

But the monster, however formidable, cannot stand up to the combined fury of Chakar, Thrush, Inoke, Gerontius, Lester and Alcar. Together, they inflict more damage on it than most battlefields see in a war. It is once again the invisible blade whose blow slays the monster.

“Those things were tough!” declares Horbin.

“But we killed them,” says Thrush with some satisfaction.

The party looks around the chamber. Though there is no treasure to be found, they immediately notice a stairway spiraling up.

“There we go,” Sybele exclaims.

Chakar and Gerontius lead the way further up into the mountain. The stairs spiral up for around 30’ before ending in a chamber full of Axons and Axels.

The nimblewrights never even have a chance to act.*

When it is done, Orbius strides through the wrecked springs and gears and digs in the pile of destroyed constructs for a moment. He pulls out a head. “I thought so,” he muses. “It appears that the Axons, Axels and Axars we have met so far have been numbered... except for this one. This one was different.” He displays the head to the others. Instead of a number, a bold A is stamped in the electrum faceplate.

“Axon-A,” breathes Chakar.

“I hope he is the toughest of them,” grins Wankerman.

Again, some looting ensues. Indeed, the nimblewrights were well-equipped. Gerontius grins to himself.

Again, he and Chakar lead the way, stealthily heading forward a little ways ahead of the others while Lillamere and Orbius send out various magical eyes. The two scouts find that the sole passage leading from the chamber with the nimblewrights soon T’s, though a door lies in the wall straight ahead as well. The party gathers at the door, while Lillamere sends prying eyes down each branch of the passage. The door opens easily, and reveals a promising-looking hallway. At the end of it is a room, once fairly richly-appointed but now spoiled by rot and bile. A search doesn’t turn up anything of value, so the party turns back and, by long tradition, at the T they take the passage that now lies to their left. This soon leads to a large chamber- though a fat passageway leads off just before the room. The large chamber is very interesting indeed, for one the far wall is composed of a strange greenish-silver energy. Some books are in the chamber, both on shelves and on a sitting table that is in one corner of the room.

The glowing wall radiates magic. Nobody can really remember much about it from before, so they decide to get back to it. The books don’t radiate magic, so they decide to get back to them, as well.

“Let’s explore some stuff while we have effects up and running,” suggests Horbin. The rest of the group agrees with his idea, and they move back to the wide tunnel just before the entrance to the chamber. It leads to a door, and when they throw it open, our heroes find themselves staring into a kennel, made out of flimsy wood.

Anything with any strength or spirit could only be kept in there by its own choice, thinks Chakar- and the four vomit hounds within the pen prove him right.

Next Time: Our heroes battle vomit hounds!

*This through a very poor initiative check. I had previously decided that they would all go on the turn of Axon-A. We use a house rule by which, if you roll a 20 or a 1, you roll again and add (or subtract, if the initial roll was a natural 1) to the first die roll. Sure enough, I ended up with an initiative of (iirc) 1. :(

the Jester

Revenge on Bile Mountain (pt. 4)

The battle with the vomit hounds is swift and brutal. Once again the party is lucky to gain the initiative on them, and a preliminary volley of attacks leaves the deadly monsters wounded. But then they burst their kennel apart with ease and spring to the attack, three of them focusing on Thrush. The third belches a spray of acid at the party, catching Hyliss, Wankerman, Sybele and Gerontius in the area. The halfling springs nimbly aside, evading the acid entirely, but the others scream in pain as the deadly liquid sears and melts their flesh. Worse yet, their protections from acid only seem partially effective against this foul liquid!*

Thrush, Alcar, Gerontius, Chakar, Wankerman, Inoke and Hyliss all engage the vomit hounds in melee (although Hyliss does so via far strike). Meanwhile, Lillamere fires off puncture and disintegrate spells with abandon. Horbin unleashes a flurry of various powerful prayers at the creatures- destruction, harm, greater command and more. Sybele fires arrows and crystal shards at the one of the beasts.

Finally, Thrush manages to decapitate one of the hounds, and the party cheers. The battle intensifies, with screams and yowls, blasts of acid, more powerful spells and psionics detonating throughout the room. Then Inoke manages to line up a psionic lion’s charge on two of the monsters (using his sweeping strike ability), and pounds into them! Another one falls. The tide has turned. Whirling his mace, Inoke smashes another one down, killing it. Sybele and Gerontius finish the last of the hounds.

“Sheesh!” exclaims Horbin. “Those things aren’t pushovers.” He and Alcar begin healing the rest of the party.


The Alcarite temple on Gorel

Blazing with golden auras, the aleax descends on angelic wings to the main temple of Alcar on Gorel. The elven priests who follow Alcar’s heterodox (or heretical, depending on whom you ask) teachings scurry forth, at first assuming that it is Alcar himself.

“Welcome back, Father Alcar!” exclaims one.

The aleax looks at him and smiles beatifically. “I am on a mission for Galador,” it intones. “I may not speak of the details. Tell me- where do you think I am most likely to have been over the last few days?”

“What?” The elven priest looks puzzled. “My lord, I do not understand...”

“Have faith,” the aleax says simply. It smiles, and the golden aura around it intensifies, filling the elves around with religious awe.

“Yes,” the priest whispers. “Var? Possibly in Var, on Dorhaus.”

The aleax nods. “That rings true. Thank you.” He utters a prayer and casts bless over Alcar’s flock and then spreads his wide wings and lifts himself aloft again. Tirelessly, the aleax begins winging its way west, across thousands of miles of ocean, towards Dorhaus.

Behind it, the elven priests gather, murmuring in wonder and confusion.


Bile Mountain

“All right,” says Baron Lillamere. “Now where?”

Two other doors lead from the kennel room. Sybele gestures at the leftmost one. Opening it reveals a hallway about 20’ long, ending in a door. Boldly advancing, Alcar opens the door.

A large room stretches before the party. “Undead!” shouts Alcar, and Zyltha starts singing. Thrush pushes past the Angel of Food and takes in the sight of another crawling head the size of an elephant and about a half-dozen armored humanoid undead with their eyes and mouths sewn shut.

“Deathbringers!” curses Lester. “Chemnu brought one of them against us before!” He fires a quickened meteor swarm and an empowered meteor swarm (using his metamagic rods), and all six of the deathbringers are blown to pieces! He grins and turns to see Inoke, Alcar, Sybele and Thrush cut the crawling head down.

“That was easy,” remarks Horbin in surprise.*

“We are ze most powerful adventurers on all of Cydra,” Gerontius chuckles.

The party strips the deathbringers’ weapons and armor; although it is heavy and bulky, there are plenty of party members to help carry the load (since access to their extradimensional carrying devices is cut off within Bile Mountain). Then they turn to the single exit from this chamber: a passageway that leads to another door. The party assembles around this door and Alcar opens it.

The circular room that is revealed is full of decadent-looking, but spoiled, cushions. It is warm and moist. And within the chamber are horrifying creatures. There are four ostentatiously-dressed illithids, garbed in rich-looking planar silks. And next to them are hideous larger creatures, scuttling on crab-like legs. Tentacles writhe. Sharp teeth line a tremendous, slavering maw.

Sybele shrieks. She has met one of these before, long, long ago, in the depths of Firestorm Peak... but it was much smaller.**

There is a terrible sense of wrongness about the things.

Alcar casts holy blast into the room and then slams the door shut. “Let’s get ready,” he says. “Let’s make sure everyone is protected with mind blanks or something.”

“What are those things?” wonders Lillamere.

“They are called brain collectors, or neh-thalggu.” Orbius looks grim. “They collect brains.”

“Who still needs a mind blank?” inquires Lillamere. As they converse, the party is preparing with a variety of buffing spells and psionics. Once they are ready, Alcar throws the door open again. The illithids and neh-thalggu are waiting for them.

But they are not prepared for our heroes’ firepower.

Again the battle lasts only an instant. Another holy blast from Alcar, followed by a sunburst from Baron Lillamere, and they are dead.

“Yeah!” exclaims Lester. “We rock!”

Another large door leads out. The party throws it open. A 15’ wide passage leads off into the darkness. As the party starts down it, they hear a moaning, spine-chilling scream come from up ahead.

Weapons drawn, our heroes move forward into a wide, exitless chamber. At first glance, it appears to be a chamber full of death, with some sort of half-decayed, vaguely humanoid body slumped between what appear to be huge reptilian corpses. A weird humanoid with bright green skin hangs asleep in the air, slowly rotating over the whole scene. It is about 10’ tall, hanging motionless in the air. It has bright green skin and an elongated head shaped something like a teardrop. Its eyes are enormous and bulging, but are shut. Beneath their lids the great eyes twitch madly, apparently dreaming deeply. The creature is obviously asleep.

As soon as our heroes set eyes upon it, they feel a wave of desire for sleep wash over them. All of them resist it, and Horbin frowns. “What is this thing?”

Then the sleeping humanoid lets out another scream. The sound is blood-curdling- and, again, our heroes feel a desire for sleep.

“Maybe we should kill it,” suggests Thrush.

“I think we should also make sure that these things are dead,” Inoke says, gesturing at the large monsters on the ground.

“Good point.”

Chakar and Thrush move forward to start ensuring that there won’t be any unexpected complications from the creatures on the ground when an unexpected complication arises from the creatures on the ground.

The rotting thing that they assumed was a corpse rises up, and it is horrible to behold. It has the look of an aborted fetus, tainted by the hatred of the universe itself. Suddenly a staggering amount of negative energy is pouring out, filling the air around them.

Lester runs the dreaming screamer through.

The undead fetus chortles with glee as the huge, dinosaur-like creatures that our heroes had initially taken for dead stir and rise. Prismatic sprays of color begin shimmering along a ridge along their backs.

“Uh-oh,” says Orbius.

Next Time: Our heroes battle a hideous threat!

*Less than one round. Yikes.

**Not yet told in any of my story hours, this was from when she was prolly about 6th level.

the Jester

The Last Day in Bile Mountain

Beams of colored light scintillate and shoot through the room as the prismatic dinosaurs heave themselves to their feet and begin roaring angrily. The negative energy washing through the room shocks our heroes with its chill energy. “Look out!!” cries Gerontius, hurling himself out of the way of multiple colored bolts of energy. The others aren’t quite as lucky. Horrified, the halfling watches as Horbin stiffens, groans, and turns to stone! Hyliss is struck square in the chest by a beam of yellow electricity. For a few seconds he screams and dances as the lightning races through his nerves. Then he falls to the ground dead.

“HYLISS!!” cries Baron Lillamere.

Chakar darts in, distracting one of the monsters for Thrush, who proceeds to deliver a series of pounding blows. Gerontius spins in and stabs into it before he spins back into a defensive stance. Then, right in front of him, there is a twist in the air as Sonja uses a reverse gravity to send the monsters crashing to the ceiling! One of them struggles forward out of the area and falls with a heavy whump back to the ground. Shaking its head to clear it, it roars and tears into the druid, its massive mouth ripping at his arm and its tail coming around club like to smash as his chest. Gasping, Sonja stumbles away. “It can hit hard,” he warns the others. Blood soaks his tunic.

Meanwhile, the abortive undead launches crazy beams of dark energy at Gerontius. The halfling yelps, throwing himself from one side to the other, dodging madly. The not-baby cackles with evil laughter.

Unfortunately for the undead creature, however, one of the great prismatic reptiles collapses under the onslaught of Gerontius’ lingering damage. Grinning, the halfling spins and strikes at the next one. His blade dips deep into his enemy’s neck. It gurgles and shakes as Thrush pounds it from the other side. Then Inoke knocks it sprawling to the ground with a mighty blow. A final blow of his great mace, and the monster is slain.

Most of the party turns to the final reptile, Gerontius waggling his finger at the abortive undead with a grin. They begin to turn the figurative heat up on it, while Lester turns to deal with the undead thing. “Take this!” he shouts, pulling forth the wand of days that the party gained so long ago in the City That Waits, Moil. There is a blaze of solar radiance and the fetal undead squeals, flinching back as chunks of its flesh catch flame and burst into ash. It howls in pain, then glares at him- but Lester’s not done yet. Thanks to Marius’ double actions, he can also cast a sunburst! Brilliant white light explodes soundlessly throughout the chamber, and the undead shrieks in agony. It howls like a baby, but the L knows no mercy for its kind. Relentlessly, he advances, pulling out a metamagic rod and using it to fire a twinned polar ray.

With a shudder, the unliving abortion collapses into a pile of burnt and frozen meat.

Meanwhile, the others have finished the final dinosaur. However, the fight isn’t over yet, for a trap door in the ceiling swings open and a quartet of flaming bony figures tumble down from above!

“Lavawights!” shouts Alcar. “Watch out!”

The blazing undead engage our heroes in a brief and utterly unsuccessful battle. Orbius’ reverse gravity/prismatic sphere combination once again proves invaluable, and soon all that remains of the lavawights is broken stone.

“Our companions,” says Chakar, gesturing at the petrified Horbin and Hyliss’ corpse, “need some aid.”

Reluctantly, the party decides that their best course of action may be to retreat long enough to fix their friends’ unfortunate... situations. Inoke, Sybele and Thrush, all being quite strong (especially when large or bigger), pass the statue back and forth as the group begins the long retreat down out of Bile Mountain. Finally, they reach the mountain’s base, and then leave the cavernous first level (which consists merely of a single huge chamber, mostly full of water, with a single visible inflow and outlet). They troop back outside and then superior teleport away, back to Var and Horbin’s Halls of Healing. Unfortunately, there is nobody there powerful enough to unpetrify Horbin.

It’s around this time that the party realizes that Alcar has slipped off on his own.

The party therefore begins searching for someone who can. First they check at the castle, but King Malford is not present. A little work turns up Arion the Archmage at a new bar in town (called the Fresh Fish). As usual, he is more than a little drunk, but he happily offers to help them on the morrow. “I just don’t have it prepared,” he explains.

“Umm... well, we’re kind of limited on time,” Baron Lillamere replies. “I don’t suppose you know of anyone else that might be able to help?”

Arion ponders for a moment, then suggests Thimbleton, one of Malford and Lester’s old traveling companions and adventuring buddies. He issues a sending to Thimbleton, and tells the party, “He can help. He says he’ll meet us in the castle shortly.”

So they go back to the castle, and not long after, Thimbleton hurries up to them. “Glad to help,” he says. “Take me to Horbin.”


9 p.m., the Halls of Healing

“...thanks again,” says Horbin. He grins at Thimbleton as they shake hands.

“Sure,” replies the gnome modestly. “I’m glad to be able to help.”

“Listen, we’re going to have a few drinks, you know, celebrate things, that sort of deal. Care to join us?” Thrush grins. “A friend of Malford’s is a friend of mine.”

Thimbleton hesitates for a moment. “Maybe for a bit, but I have things I need to be getting back to.”

The group rents a tavern for the night. Some good, fun drinking ensues, with Arion and Thimbleton joining the party briefly. Lillamere braces Arion about joining them when they assault the Bastion of Law. “When?” the archmage asks.

Lillamere frowns and digs out a notebook. He looks at it, checks the date, and whistles. “The day after tomorrow.”

“Hmm,” says Arion thoughtfully. He makes promising noises, but he is drunk, so who knows?

Later that evening, Ten Buck Tom approaches Horbin. “Say,” he asks, “did Alcar every catch up with you?”

“No, we’ve been wondering where he is,” Horbin replies.

“Oh, he was looking for you earlier today, early this afternoon.”

“But we were in Bile Mountain then.”

“Well, he came around looking for you...”

“No, Tom, you don’t understand,” Horbin responds, puzzled. “He was with us in Bile Mountain this afternoon.”

They look at each other.



“Hey Horbin,” calls Sybele.


“I was wondering if you could cast a sending for me,” she asks.

“Uh, sure. To whom?”

“To the leshay that is hunting me.”

Horbin cocks his head. “What do you want to say to him?”

“I want to offer to let him hunt me. I mean, I’ll put up a good chase. I’ll totally cooperate, but all I want is for him to leave us alone until we’re done with the Bastion.”

Horbin looks at her dubiously. “Well, it can’t hurt to try,” he admits. He murmurs prayers to Dexter and clutches at his holy symbol. A message issues forth from him: Lady Sybele agrees to the hunt in a forest of your choosing after her current quest, agrees to her outcome. Action before then considered murder.

The response is arrow-swift: I scoff at your rules. I hunt my prey. When the arrow comes she will run.

“Oh well,” Sybele sighs.

“We have a lot of stuff on our list, don’t we?” sighs Sybele.

Well, the Bastion of Law isn’t on my list, states Inoke firmly over the permanent Rary’s interplanar telepathic bond that the party shares.

I don’t think I can go, either, Horbin announces. Especially now that I’m a Bishop.

Lillamere shakes his head in woe. Well, at least we will still have Alcar as a healer, he thinks over the link.

“Where is he, anyway?” wonders Chakar.


9/6/371 O.L.G., 10 a.m., at the foot of Bile Mountain

“One last day,” Lillamere remarks, gazing up at the yellow-brown soil of the mountain. “And then...” He trails off, but finishes telepathically. The Bastion.

You sound eager, thinks Orbius.

The longer we wait, the more time we give them to prepare, the worse off we are, Baron Lillamere insists.

We’ll be fine, Lester assures him. I’m sure we can handle whatever they can dish out.

Well, I’m glad you’re so confident, the Baron replies sardonically.

The party walks in to the first level of Bile Mountain: the vast, wet, empty cavern. Only the stairs twisting up one wall show any sign that there might be something intelligent within the mountain’s innards.

Our heroes begin ascending back into the mountain, heading towards its festering heart. Inoke is in the lead, and abruptly he stops. “Hey,” he exclaims, “there’s a wall of force or something in the way here.”

“Wait,” says Chakar, “that wasn’t there before-”

The trap springs.

Next Time: Ambush in Bile Mountain!

the Jester

Sorry, I've been doing an extreme amount of prep for the next epic game. Just a few games after the story hour's position, our heroes are in the midst of falling into another trap. They didn't have any trouble with the devils, but the arrival of six >COUGH COUGH HRM SCUSE ME< looks ugly.

What the party doesn't know is just how thoroughly Law has planned their response to this attack, and how thoroughly informed they were by >SNORT, COUGH, NOTHIN TO SEE HERE<. Yep, I predict that our heroes are screwed. :eek:

Stay tuned for some Cydra-changing events, one way or another!


First Post
the Jester said:
Just a few games after the story hour's position, our heroes are in the midst of falling into another trap. They didn't have any trouble with the devils, but the arrival of six >COUGH COUGH HRM SCUSE ME< looks ugly.

What the party doesn't know is just how thoroughly Law has planned their response to this attack, and how thoroughly informed they were by >SNORT, COUGH, NOTHIN TO SEE HERE<. Yep, I predict that our heroes are screwed. :eek:

Stay tuned for some Cydra-changing events, one way or another!

We all know how well traps work against us. Oh no they might kill the cohorts, but they know they are going down. The party knew that Law would thoroughly plan for us, but what Law cannot plan for is the unexpected and we are the Variables of Chaos. Expect the unexpected, but you cannot plan for it.

I at least predicted the COUGH, COUGH, HRM to an extent. Give the rogue some time and he'll route out Mr., Miss, or Mrs SNORT, COUGH and their vitals. :p
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