WotBS D&D 5th Edition | New BACKGROUNDS for WotBS


I'm starting to run a game of WotBS for [DND]D&D 5th Edition[/DND] and I think it seems perfectly logical to make custom backgrounds that tie the character to the game. I've developed a bunch for my game and I'm happy to share them here, with the community.

Note that there are probably a few things a bit weird about them, considering that they are for my own game and aren't owned by EN World or intended for public consumption. But feel free to use and/or modify as you see fit!


[h=2]Academy Student[/h]
Homeland: Any
Rarity: Uncommon
Good fit for: magic users of any variety

Choose one:

  • You are a Student of War, a student at [[Gabal’s School of War]] in Gate Pass, which is primarily for wizards who specialize in war wizardry
  • You are an Exchange Student, a student in the magical arts from Lyceum Academy in Seaquen (which covers all types of magic) and are currently on exchange in Gate Pass.

Skill proficiencies: Arcana
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: a bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from City Council instructing you to turn yourself in to the Ragesian inquisitors, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10gp.

Feature: Researcher
When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the information you seek is kept secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.

Primary Bond: Diogenes, human enchanter.
A powerful wizard, Diogenes is quick with a joke and a smile. Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • You often come to Diogenes for advice. How did this relationship develop?
  • You owe Diogenes a favour, whether you admit it or not. What happened?
  • Diogenes once intervened when you were in a spell duel that had gone too far. What happened? What has been your relationship since that day?

Student of War

Class: Wizard (evocation, conjuration, or transmutation)
Homeland: Any, but most likely Gate Pass
Rarity: Uncommon

Gabal, a famed evoker who helped drive the Ragesians out forty years ago, maintains a school of war in Gate Pass. This large cluster of squat towers connected by covered bridges and surrounded by a moat and fence is jokingly known as The Castle. Gabal’s students — easily identifiable by their red robes — are generally viewed as arrogant and hot-tempered, but their mentor forces them to sell their services for low prices, particularly in matters of defense and construction, and a handful of wizards serve in the city military. Gabal is said to scorn magic-users who do not study spellbooks for their powers, and has a particular dislike for sorcerers, commonly saying he doesn’t trust people who have that much charisma. Charm is a personality flaw Gabal proudly lacks. You are a student at Gabal’s School of War.

Answer these questions:

  • Why did you enrol at Gabal’s School of War?
  • How does the Scourge make you feel (i.e. scared, angry, annoyed)?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Warfare

Exchange Student
Homeland: Any, but most likely Dassen
Rarity: Rare
Good fit for: magic users of any variety

Another magical academy lies far to the south – Lyceum Academy, in the city of Seaquen, in Dassen. You are an exchange student, who attends Lyceum but has been in Gate Pass for the past six months on exchange at Gabal’s School of War. Your semester is almost over and it is nearing time to return. Unlike Gabal’s school, which caters primarily to war wizards, Lyceum is much more focused on the pursuit of knowledge and magical ability of all varieties.

Answer these questions:

  • What made you decide to go to Gabal’s School of War for the semester?
  • How did you feel this semester (i.e. welcomed, shunned, homesick, excited)?
  • What will you do after you graduate?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: History

[h=2]Acolyte of the Aquiline Cross[/h]
Homeland: Any, but more common in Sindaire
Rarity: Common
Good fit for: healers, clerics, paladins, self-righteous sorts

The Order of the Aquiline Cross originally emerged in Sindaire a decade ago. Since then, small chapels that teach the order’s doctrine of mercy, sacrifice, and a fierce defense of life have sprung up throughout the lands of Ragesia and its neighbours. Knights of this order dress in white and red tabards, marked with a cross surrounded by a halo of feathers.

The name of this order derives from the legend of the Dragon and the Eagle. Many Knights of the Order go on quests to try to locate the Aquiline Heart, believed to be a relic of healing power (though the non-initiated claim it is just a legend – of course, no one has been successful, so maybe it is).
Members of the Order take a vow: they cannot refuse to heal any injured living creature who asks them for healing, but they are not required to heal enemies unless they surrender and they are reasonably sure they cannot be betrayed. They cannot perform a coup de grace on a living creature, nor can they target damage against a dying living foe.

You are or were a member of this Order. Perhaps you still are, or perhaps you left for some reason. Perhaps you are still an acolyte, or were a squire to a knight. Perhaps you have just taken your vows.

Answer these questions:

  • Why are you in Gate Pass?
  • Why did you join the Order?
  • What do you find most difficult about being a member of the Order?
From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw

Skill proficiencies: Medicine, Insight
Tool proficiencies: Herbalism kit
Equipment: A holy symbol (an embroidered emblem of a cross surrounded in a halo of feathers) which was a gift to you when you entered the priesthood, a prayer book, 5 sticks of incense, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp

Feature: Shelter of the Faithful
As an acolyte, you command the respect of other members of theOrder of the Aquiline Cross, and you can perform the appropriate religious ceremonies. You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a Chapel dedicated to the Aquiline Cross (though you must provide any needed material components). Members of the Order will support you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle. Your home temple is in Gate Pass (unless you choose otherwise, specify), and there you maintain a residence and can call on the priests there for assistance, provided the assistance you request is not hazardous, and provided you maintain good standing within the Order.

Primary Bond: Buron Watcher, High Priest.
Buron is the high priest at the Chapel of the Aquiline Cross in Gate Pass. You also suspect he is a member of the resistance in Gate Pass against invasions by Ragesia or Shahalesti. Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • Buron took you in when you were young, and raised you as his own. What happened to your real parents? Do you feel you have a debt to Buron you must repay?
  • Buron was there when you said your vows, and you know you can always turn to him for advice. What was the last thing you asked him about, and what did he sat?
  • Buron is trustworthy. You know this, because he knows your deepest darkest secret and he hasn’t told a soul. What is this secret?

[h=2]Blade of the Resistance[/h]
Homeland: Gate Pass
Rarity: Common
Good fit for: anyone else

Devoted to keeping the city of Gate Pass free from the rule of both Ragesia and Shahalesti, the resistance includes a huge variety of people from the many nations that have a vested interest in keeping the current balance of power. You are one of its members. Mostly they work to bolster pride among the citizens of Gate Pass, though occasionally a spy is turned over to the authorities by unknown persons, and the resistance is credited with the capture. Many farmers and ranchers who live in the mountains surrounding the city claim to have spoken to members of the resistance, who encouraged them to be prepared to fight to defend their lands.

Recently, the death of the Ragesian emperor seems to have triggered movement. Ragesia and Shahalesti seem to be going to war, and Gate Pass is square in the middle between these two powers. The resistance is mobilizing.

Answer these questions:
· Why are you involved in the Resistance?
· What is your character’s biggest fear?
· What’s your character’s motivation?
From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: choose any two
Languages and tool proficiencies: choose any one
Equipment: 30 gp with which you may buy whatever is appropriate for your character.

Feature: Recruiter
You know how to say the right words to the common folk. You can say the right thing to them and they will shelter you from the authorities, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. You can also convince those who are ambivalent towards the Resistance to become sympathetic, and those who are sympathetic to become more active. Your DM will tell you how long this will take.

Primary Bond:
Choose any of the default bonds

[h=2]Dasseni Nobility[/h]
Race: Human, last name Gallo
Homeland: Dassen
Rarity: Rare
Good fit for: martial characters, lawful characters, charismatic characters

The Kingdom of Dassen lies to the south of Ragesia, and the southwest of Shahalesti, its borders defined by craggy mountains defended by hundreds of small dwarven strongholds. Dassen’s people, a swarthy assortment of humans and dwarves, cherish their land, to the point that superstitious cavalrymen even put dirt in their boots so they never have to stop touching the soil of their homeland.

Originally known as the Eight Lands, when Dassen was unified fifteen years ago a ninth region was carved out, which became the holding of King Steppengard. Today Dassen is divided into nine regions, forming a loose ring around the central mountain range, the Toraest Steppes. King Steppengard rules over the eight feudal lords and ladies, as well as dozens of minor dwarven nobles who govern their own small holdings in the mountains.

There are no mighty cities in Dassen, only thousands of farms and towns growing out from the nine castles of the king and his dukes. The largest city, Bresk, is a hilly community built both above and below ground, a sprawling walled fortress on the banks of the Nasham river. Bresk is home to King Steppengard’s castle. The second most prominent settlement is Gallo’s Fend, a centuries-old fortress city on the northern border, which has long served to keep enemies from entering the nation.

You are one of the children of Lord Gallo of Gallo’s Fend. You may decide your birth order and whether you have any brothers and/or sisters, but please keep in mind two things: you do not have many (if any) siblings, and if you are the heir, you need a darn good reason for traipsing around adventuring.

Alternate option: if you want to play a dwarven noble, you are the child of Lord Dashgoban (he is the only dwarf noble among the eight lords).

Answer these questions:

  • How do you feel about your father?
  • Why have you left home?
  • What brings you to Gate Pass?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: History, Persuasion
Tool proficiencies: Calligrapher’s supplies
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a signet ring depicting the sigil of House Gallo, a scroll of lineage, and a purse containing 25 gp

Feature: Position of Privilege

Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. In Dassen, common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. In other countries, you can be instantly recognized as a member of the Dasseni royal family if you choose (which may have similar benefits, or possible drawbacks). You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.

Primary Bond: Duke Gallo
Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • You parted on less than amicable terms. What happened?
  • You are constantly seeking the Duke's approval. Why do you feel this need, and what do you think will finally make him respect you?
  • You've lost faith in your father after that one fateful day. What happened then, and can your relationship be mended?

[h=2]Griffon Rider[/h]
Homeland: Gate Pass
Rarity: Uncommon
Good fit for: fighters, paladins, archers, urban rangers, urban druids, animal lovers

While the Gate Pass military answers to the City Council, their opinion carries great weight given how much attention the city pays to its defense. Unlike most militaries, they are not trained for large open field combat, but rather for the defense of the city, taking advantage of enclosed terrain. Commander Harmand Fletcher, a veteran of the rebellion against Ragesia, recently retired from leader of the armed forces, replaced by Brant Sawman, who if anything is almost more gruff and brooding than his predecessor. A small unit of twenty griffon riders serve to patrol the far reaches of Gate Pass’s domain, but otherwise the city has little in the way of a cavalry tradition.

You are a griffon rider, recently initiated. Unfortunately, within a few weeks of your initiation, your griffon quite suddenly became ill and died, which meant you were grounded (effectively demoted) until another griffon became available. However, since griffons are quite rare, you’ve been waiting a few months, with no sign of progress.

Answer these questions:

  • How did you come to join the ranks of the Griffon Riders?
  • How do you feel about being grounded while your colleagues take to the skies, even if it’s just for drills?
  • The Ragesians are coming to Gate Pass, and some say that City Council, in all its wisdom, is just going to let them in. How do you feel about that?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Animal Handling, Athletics
Tool proficiencies: Vehicles (flying)
Equipment: as per the soldier in the PHB

Feature: Military Rank

You have a military rank, that of a cadet. Soldiers loyal to Gate Pass still recognize your authority and influence, and they defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can invoke your rank to exert influence over other soldiers and requisition simple equipment or horses for temporary use. You can also usually gain access to friendly military encampments and fortresses where your rank is recognized.

Primary Bond: Baby Griffon
As you mourned the loss of your griffon (and resulting career setback), so to did another: the griffon’s infant child. In your moment of weakness (however brief), you gave the baby griffon the affection it craved, and now it follows you around no matter what you do. It will likely be months, if not years, before it can bear a rider, but for now, you seem to have attracted yourself an adorable, annoying, teething, floppy, rambunctious baby griffon.

  • Give it a name, and write down how you feel about it

Homeland: Gate Pass
Rarity: Common
Good fit for: rogues, swashbucklers, scallywags, and charmers

Once upon a time (not too long ago), there was a dashing young rogue by the name of Rantle, who came to fame because of an elaborate confidence game to steal from a female merchant. One night when his scam was near fruition, he was with the merchant when she was attacked by a trio of common thugs, who intended to have their way with her. Rantle fought them off, then stayed around to protect her while the city guard arrived, even though he knew he would be recognized and arrested. Public support for his heroism got him pardoned, and since then, he’s attracted something of a cult following. A loose association of young rogues have joined forces with him to learn from the master, meet all the ladies (or men), and of course, “liberate” unattended coin purses and the like. You belong to this group, who calls themselves theLiberators of Hearts and Wallets (though not always limited to those two).

Answer these questions:

  • What’s your relationship like with the rest of your family?
  • What’s your moral code?
  • Under what circumstance would you violate this moral code?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Persuasion
Tool proficiencies: Thieves’ Tools
Equipment: A small knife, a map of Gate Pass, a handkerchief with red lipstick on it, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Criminal Contact
You can rely on Rantle to help you make connections to other criminals. You have a secret code that only Liberators can read, and you know how to get messages to and from Rantle, even over great distances. You know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.

Primary Bond: Rantle
Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • Rantle saved you from doing a huge mistake once. When this was and what mistake was it?
  • You owe Rantle your life, whether you admit it or not. What happened?
  • You and Rantle have been romantically involved. How did it end, and do you still harbour feelings?

[h=2]Political Protégé[/h]
Homeland: Gate Pass
Rarity: Uncommon
Good fit for: charismatic characters

The government of Gate Pass is a council of representatives from each of the districts, with a city governor chosen every ten years. Many different groups hold sway with the government, ranging from citizen groups to wealthy merchants to religious and military groups.

One of the more colourful characters in the council is Erdan Menash, a former merchant and tailor who used to sell well-crafted but horribly unfashionable gear to adventurers, with the goal of making sure everyone knew he was the one sponsoring their heroism. His personal manor is painted vivid green, yellow, and purple.

The current governor is Merrick Hurt, a half-orc who has kept relationships with Ragesia warm in the past, though many worry he will be too agreeable to demands by the new ruler of Ragesia. Rumours say that he bitterly loathes elves and has a vast lexicon of insults for them, a vice that relatively few in the city worry about.

You’re keenly interested in politics in Gate Pass. Although you are too inexperienced to have any real political clout, you know the right people, and know your way around the city’s laws and government.

Answer these questions:

  • What made you interested in politics?
  • What is your aspiration?
  • Ragesia and Shahalesti are going to war, and Gate Pass is square in the middle. What do you think should be done?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Persuasion, Insight
Languages: Choose one of orcish or elven
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, five sheets of paper, a bottle of black ink, a quill, sealing wax, a signet ring with Erdan Menash’s mark, an abacus, and a belt pouch with 10 gp

Feature: Connected
While in Gate Pass, you can get away with minor offences like not paying for a bar tab, or breaking down a door, because you know a guy who owes you a favour, and if not, you can definitely work something out later to smooth things over. In addition, you can forge documents including official papers, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document you are trying to copy.

Primary Bond: Erdan Menash, Councilor
Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • You know Erdan’s secret, which has allowed you to have some leverage over the man, which you use to your advantage from time to time. What secret do you know?
  • You owe Erdan for getting your start. Although he didn’t have to, he vouched for you or gave you a chance when no one else would. What did you need help with? How and why did he help?
  • Erdan is a relative of yours, and for good or ill. Whether you get along well or poorly, he is your connection to the political world of Gate Pass. What is your relationship, and what complicates it?

[h=2]Ragesian Refugee[/h]
Homeland: Ragesia
Rarity: Common
Good fit for: magic users, half-orcs, chaotic characters, barbarians

Decades ago, a half-orc warlord by the name of Drakus Coaltonguerose up and led his hordes across what is now Ragesia. The surprising part is that his bloody sweep was not a short-lived rampage as is common among orcs. Instead, slowly he expanded the borders of Ragesia, conquering the nations of Morrus, then Latia, then Kelaquois, and finally Chathus.

More recently, Emperor Coaltongue was assassinated, and the Inquisitors have undertaken a literal witch-hunt to find the magic user responsible for killing the supposedly immortal emperor. Mages tell stories of Inquisitors — sent to hunt down disloyal mages — completely ignoring powerful spells, or even turning spells against their casters. The few who have been captured byInquisitors and have lived to tell the tale recount being tortured, their wrists slashed by an Inquisitor’s clawed gauntlets, then being left to a slow, cold death unless they betrayed their allies. Some rumours say that Inquisitors can even devour the souls of magic-users, taking their powers for themselves before raising the slain mage as an undead follower.

You are one of the many refugees who fled Ragesia. Perhaps the Inquisition recently came to your village, and you or a loved one was a magic user and you were forced to flee. Perhaps you left to take vengeance. Perhaps your family left decades ago as their homeland was invaded, but you were brought up according to Ragesian customs. In either case, while your homeland is Ragesia, you now live in Gate Pass, and bear a deep resentment towards the Ragesians – in particular, an Inquisitor named Guthwulf.

Answer these questions:

  • When did you leave Ragesia? What made you leave? Have you started a new life?
  • Do you have any living family members in Gate Pass? In Ragesia?
  • What childhood memories do you have? How do they make you feel (i.e. lonely, homesick, angry, peaceful)?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Athletics, Survival
Tool proficiencies: Choose one type of artisan’s tools that reflects your family’s profession
Equipment: A winter blanket, a map of Ragesia, a set of traveler’s clothes, a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Ragesian Connections
You have family in Ragesia and know the customs well. You know (generally) how the military operates, holidays and seasons, important people and businesses, and the general political climate. You also have people in Ragesia that you trust. While in Ragesia, you can always find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them or overstay your welcome. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you. You can also get messages to and from your connections, and use this to get recent news including things like troop movements. Note that the information provided is not always accurate, instead it reflects what public beliefs are.

Primary Bond:
Choose one or both of the following:

Inquisitor Guthwulf, Minister of Pain
Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • You believe Guthwulf is responsible for the death of a loved one. Who did he kill, and what were the circumstances?
  • Guthwulf betrayed you once before, and you have never forgiven him. What happened?
  • You have been accused of a heinous crime, and Guthwulf is responsible for bringing you in. What crime are you accused of? Did you do it? What really happened?

Lost Love
A loved one fled Ragesia before you, and you left shortly thereafter, trying to find them. You’ve been in Gate Pass long enough to have come to the conclusion that he/she is not here, though they may have passed through. Who are they, and why is it so important that you find them?

[h=2]Shining Warrior[/h]
Race: High elf, half-elf, or human
Homeland: Shahalesti
Rarity: Uncommon
Good fit for: arcane warriors

The Shahalesti military, including its navy, focuses on quality rather than quantity. Arcane magic is key to most of the nation’s tactics. Their most famed soldiers are the Solei Palancis, the Shining Legion, whose swords shed light as bright as the sun. Typically, they fight with a longsword and a shield, with a longbow as a backup weapon and arcane spells to augment their fighting prowess.

You are a member of the Shahalesti military, once with aspirations of becoming a member of the Solei Palancis. However, something went awry with your plans, and you are currently on a leave of absence. Perhaps you refused an order you found to be appalling. Perhaps you have a character flaw, such as gambling or drinking, which got in your way. Perhaps you did not show enough skill, either with the sword, bow, or spell, and were encouraged to find another career. Perhaps you have a relationship with the Princess Shalosha that her father, Lord Shaaladel, felt was inappropriate. Or perhaps, simply, your blood was not pure enough.

Roleplaying tips: racism is common in Shahalesti, with high elves being at the top of the pyramid. Wood elves can trace their ancestry back to Taranesti, a rival elven nation that has since been wiped out; they have brown skin and are generally seen as savages. Drow are basically unheard of. Half-elves are below elves, humans are below half-elves, and then comes everyone else. Shahalesti elves venerate the sun.

Answer these questions:

  • Why have you fallen out of grace?
  • What must you do to redeem yourself?
  • Is that something you’re willing to do?
  • What brings you to Gate Pass?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Arcana, Warfare
Tool proficiencies:
Equipment: as per the soldier in the PHB

Feature: Shahalesti Connections
You have family in Shahalesti and know the customs well. You know (generally) how the military operates, holidays and seasons, important people and businesses, and the general political climate. You also have people in Shahalesti that you trust. While inShahalesti, you can always find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them or overstay your welcome. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you. You can also get messages to and from your connections, and use this to get recent news including things like troop movements. Note that the information provided is not always accurate, instead it reflects what public beliefs are.

Primary Bond:
Choose one or both of the following

Commander Kiznith, elven military commander.
Tall and charming, with dramatic blond hair, when this elf moves, his soldiers watch raptly. Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • Kiznith was the leader of your unit, and you hold him responsible for your current situation. What happened? Is it really his fault?
  • Kiznith is a battle brother to you; you’ve saved each other’s lives more times than either of you can count. He said that once you fixed things, he’d put in a good word for you, but you have to prove it to him that you’ve changed your ways first. What do you have to do to prove it?
  • Kiznith is a dick, and you told him so. Through some underhanded tactics, he arranged to get you “dishonourably discharged.” For that, you’ll probably never forgive him. What will you do the next time you see him?

Princess Shalosha, daughter of Lord Shaaladel, heir to Shahalesti.
Regal and beautiful, this blond elven woman can handle herself quite well in combat, but her demeanour is genuinely peaceful.

  • You harbour romantic feelings for Shalosha, and you once had a brief opportunity to spend some time together. Were your feelings reciprocated? How far did your relationship get? Why did it end?

[h=2]Taranesti Survivor[/h]
Race: Wood elf or half-elf
Homeland: Shahalesti
Rarity: Rare
Good fit for: rangers, druids, barbarians, nature-aspected warriors

Once, there were two great Elven nations: Taranesti and Shahalesti. A millenia ago (a few generations, to the elves), they lived in relative peace, disagreeing on a few matters but tolerating each others’ viewpoints. The Taranesti were forest dwellers; theShahalesti venerated the sun and built great cities.

Centuries ago, a human nation called Morrus was born in the west, and gradually began expanding its borders east, until both Elven nations were forced to dwell in what is now the Ycengled Phuurst, a Taranesti forest. Tensions and hostilities grew until a warlord to the west, Coaltongue, looked to be capable of defeating Morrus.Lord Shaaladel of Shahalesti (a general, at the time) allied with the warlord and reclaimed Shahalesti. Claiming to unite the elves and cleanse his lands, Shaaladel claimed that the Taranesti were a threat that needed to be removed once and for all and lead a purge against the Taranesti.

Today, (about forty years later) only a few dozen Taranesti elves survive. You were a child at the time, but you still call yourself Taranesti. For some reason, you have ended up in [Gate Passlooking to connect with the resistance that is brewing there. Most likely, you have arrived in the past month, after word of Coaltongue’s death reached you.

Answer these questions:

  • How do you feel about the Shahalesti elves: all bad, or just under bad leadership?
  • The Taranesti are very few in number. Should you continue the fight, at the possible risk of extinction, or should you seek alliances and carve out a new life for your people?
  • Were you sent to Gate Pass or was it your own initiative?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Nature, Survival
Language: Sylvan
Equipment: A staff, a hunting trap, a trophy from an animal you killed, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.

Feature: Survivor
You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.

Primary Bond: Fayne Rawnbeck, female elf ranger.
A strong warrior, Fayne is one of the leaders of the Taranesti survivors. Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • Fayne has saved your life, maybe even more than once. What happened?
  • You and Fayne lost a close mutual friend or relative. Who was it, and what happened?
  • Fayne is a close relative, friend, or love interest. What is your relationship? What complicates it?

[h=2]Two Winds Training[/h]
Homeland: Any, but most likely Ostalin
Rarity: Uncommon
Good fit for: monks, philosophers, those with air affinity

Choose one:

  • East Wind Style. You have learned the techniques of the East Wind. Your vicious, tempestuous fighting style makes you a storm upon your foes.
  • West Wind Style. You have learned the techniques of the West Wind. Your graceful, windy fighting style makes you a breeze among your foes.

The Monastery of Two Winds lies in the mountains that form the main border between Ostalin and Sindaire, near to the large town of Eresh. The monastery teaches two different approaches to harnessing the power of air magic, the gentle West Wind style, and the fierce East Wind style. Some monks of the two winds feel compelled to travel the world, letting the wind guide their journeys.

You received training at the Monastery. It is not always a life-long commitment, however. You may have completed your training but decided that monastic life is not for you. Or perhaps you are a devotee, but the next stage of your life required you to travel, with intentions of returning one day. Or maybe, you failed or dropped out.

Answer these questions:

  • Why did you come to the Monastery of the Two Winds?
From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Insight, Nature
Languages: Auran
Equipment: as per the Hermit in the PHB
Feature: as per the Hermit in the PHB

East Wind Style
Primary Bond: Pilus, Master of the East Wind
Pilus, a healthy man in his early forties, is dark-haired and dashing. He is passionate and moody, changeable as the wild East Wind.
  • Describe the moment that Pilus earned your respect.

West Wind Style
Primary Bond: Longinus, Master of the West Wind
Longinus always wears an elegant white mask, and speaks little. When he does, his voice is raspy and wheezing, though he is always worth listening to. He is serene as the West Wind.

  • Describe the moment that Longinus earned your respect.

[h=2]Wayfarer Cirqueliste[/h]Homeland: Any

Rarity: Uncommon
Good fit for: bards, rogues, acrobats, illusionists

Every port in the region has at one time or another been host to the Wayfarer Theater, a beautifully-decorated ship that is both home and base of operations for the Wayfarers. The Wayfarers are both master acrobats and skilled mages, prone to dress in elaborate and eclectic costumes cobbled together from dozens of lands. Strangely, no one ever sees them enter or leave port; they simply appear and vanish in the blink of an eye, some claim. In addition to being welcome performers for the rich, Wayfarers serve as elite couriers, delivering news between major cities. They are very well paid for their services.

You have a connection to the Wayfarers Guild. Perhaps one or both of your parents are/were performers. Perhaps you’re a stage hand. Perhaps you wanted to run away and join the circus when you were a child. Perhaps, last time they were in town, you fell in love with a performer, only to have them leave you behind. Or perhaps you are a performer and you were the one who was left behind (did you fail to pay your membership dues?).

Answer these questions:
  • What is your connection to the Wayfarers?
  • Why are you not aboard the Wayfarer Theatre right now?
  • What brings you to Gate Pass?
    From these answers, create an Ideal and a Flaw
Skill proficiencies: Acrobatics, Performance
Tool proficiencies: Disguise Kit
Equipment: As per the Entertainer in the PHB

Feature: By Popular Demand
You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble’s court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.

Primary Bond: Giorgio, Wayfarer Extraordinaire!
A flamboyantly dressed, staff-carrying braggart whose swagger is apparent in everything, from his walk to his talk, Giorgio is not one to be missed. Choose one (or use these for inspiration and make up your own), and elaborate:

  • Giorgio is a former flame, and you hate his guts, but you know you won’t be able to resist him next time, either. What do you plan on saying to him next time you see him?
  • Giorgio is your favourite performer and is clearly the most talented of them all. What memory do you have that makes you believe this?

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That's a great project! I should only note that your backgrounds lack 1 more tool/language. From WotC forums:

A custom background is made up of:
-A Background Feature
-Any two skills
-A total of two languages or tools
-Two Personality Traits, one ideal, one bond and one flaw.

Voidrunner's Codex

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