D&D 5th Edition Starter Set


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

The Starters set gives you everything you need to start playing. The included adventure is well done and supports play up to level 5 to give both players and DM's plenty of time to see if they like the system. Coupled with a price below $20 (and even below $15 if you shop online), this package gives you great value.

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4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

This module is fantastic. Best starter module for any edition. My only issue with the boxed set is I would have liked to have a printed map. I imagine they didn't provide one to save on costs, but also because of the new design philosophy of not requiring maps or minis. It would have been a 5/5 if a map had been provided.


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

Look around, and you'll find this very cheap (below the $19.99 list price). It was even less than $10 one time I checked. For that price, there is really no reason not to grab this, if not for the Lost Mines of Phandelver alone. I think this adventure is standing the test of time after the first year since the 5e release. It's arguably a "perfect" adventure for what it is. I do wonder if 10+ years from now if this will be the next "red box" that another generation of D&D gamers will look back on fondly. I hope so.


Eternal Optimist
5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

I've DMed the adventure in the D&D Starter Set three times now, and here's my considered opinion on it: It's excellent. One of the best introductory adventures ever for the game, and worthwhile even for new players. As an entire product the Starter Set is incredible value. A fuller review is on my blog.


4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

While walking around the bookstore in January, my kids were looking to spend their xmas $$ and my wife calls me over to the game section. She and my daughter are looking at the boxed set and say "Wouldn't it be fun to play as a family?" I hadn't played pen & paper D&D since 1e/2e in high school, so I should rate this higher, but I had some formatting issues with the adventure book.I thought the adventure was fun. They way the rules were laid out were good and this 40-something had no trouble adapting to the 5e rules and dusting the cob-webs off what he already knew. I ran my family through the adventure and I'm now running some work friends through it (some newbies, some returning to the game after a long hiatus like me). I found I was forever flipping back and forth looking for something. I would have liked the town NPC descriptions and what quests they give be a little more prominent, perhaps a little section of their own. The town building descriptions felt equally jumbled.A small complaint though - we all had fun.


First Post
5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

So, this is my first time posting to the site! At the time I had purchased this set, I had not run a game in over 10 years. In that time, I remarried and found myself in a blended family with a teenage step-son and a grown-up stepson that had never played tabletop RPG's. My wife and step-sons had never RP'd before and my eldest step-son's bestie had played 4th edition only one time. I was itching to run some D&D and during the "D&DNext" phase of things, I became intrigued with the new system. (I never hit it off with 4th).

It reminded me of old 2nd Edition. I'm old. That's where I got my chops. Back in the 80's when D&D was decidedly NOT COOL in the mainstream. I scooped up the Starter Set for around $15-$20 and dove in. For a veteran DM, much of it was hand-holding, but for someone new to the game, the lay out is perfect. The adventure holds the backseat for you while you pedal along and before you know it, you look back and it has let go while you barrel down into Wave Echo Cave.

The rules are simple to understand.
After the first session of explaining to a bunch of new role-players the difference between a d8 and a d10, the players were quickly picking up on where to find skills and saving throws on their character sheets and were able to understand the mechanics of the game.

The adventure is straight forward and fun.

The story has a nice hook and a sandboxy feel through the middle, complete with side quests! The final dungeon was fun and I found that even though the campaign took us 1 year to complete, the players retained a lot of information regarding NPC's in between our downtime. Always a good sign they are invested in the story!

So yeah. It took us a year. We are only able to get the whole party together once a month or so to play, but that leads me to my next point!

WE got a year's worth of entertainment for 6 folks for under $20!!!!

I call that value.

So now I have some hooked adventurers roaming the Sword Coast craving more dungeons to explore! We are so sold on 5th edition that we have 3 Players Handbooks in the party, a monster manual, dungeon tiles, minis (granted most are old warhammer minis....my lizardman army doesn't make for very accurate looking bugbears), AND I just ordered the DMG and Out of the Abyss. I hope its good!

Only one thing is certain.

If my group continues at this rate, you can expect my review of Out of the Abyss in 7 years. Thanks for having me aboard!

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First Post
5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

First off, this is a starter set, so while the bar isn't set lower, the expectations on what it should deliver are different from a more mainstream product. As such, the Starter Set delivers admirably. The rules section is pretty light, and you'll have to download the basic rules to add more oomph, or a PHB to really go to town. The adventure is fairly plain, but that's ok for a starter adventure, you don't want to confuse new players, but seasoned players may find it a bit boring. It is well written for the most part, but assumes a default "we are good guys helping people" that may turn off some seasoned groups. For them, I say the DM needs to rough it up a bit. If you're new to D&D, or returning after a very long hiatus, this is a great first start.


Expert Long Rester
5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

Solid. Everything you need to start playing. I bought this, a friend volunteered to DM we scheduled a night to play. When we got together we looked at the character sheets picked the ones we wanted and went to town. Or we started to go to town and were ambushed by goblins. A great introductory adventure!


5 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Starter Set

When "lacks character creation" is your only argument against a starter set for a game that features free online Basic Rules (with character creation, no less!) in multiple formats and happens to be the premiere RPG on the market since the ’70s, all you can really do is say, "yeah, okay: this thing is perfect!" I’m a notoriously nitpicky critic, but I found the D&D Starter Set to be the perfect gateway not only for Dungeons & Dragons' 5th edition, but also for D&D as a whole. Featuring a stellar, streamlined rule booklet perfect for referencing even after you’ve moved on to the full game, a beautifully executed introductory adventure that doubles as a mini-campaign, well-developed pre-generated characters that can advance up to level 5, and a set of nice-looking dice, this boxed set is a real treasure for new and experienced gamers alike.

Rating: Content 5/5 and Form 5/5.

Read the full review on neuronphaser.com!

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