I have high hopes that the 5E OGL will really start to open up the game...and this would seem to qualify! Very excited for this.
I own it and would very much like to try it, but have never had a chance to play it.
I don't doubt C7's scholarship or their love for Tolkien's world. But let's just say that I've seen a lot of scholarly and sincere fans of Aragorn and the Rangers of the North who have spoken extremely slightingly of Gondor and the Dúnedain of the South. To the point that when someone proclaims a strong preference for the northern regions (as C7 has by focusing exclusively on them since the publication of TOR), I tend to assume they're "that type" of fan until and unless they prove otherwise.
"forced" to be "good" least they gain more shadow points.
I've often said that the Shadow system is the best 'alignment' system that I've ever seen. Just personal opinion, but I love the feel that it creates.
4 sessions into a campaign I'm running set in Gondor. No hobbits or elven pcs
Going very well
Am using a few things tweaked over from TOR