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D&D 5E D&D Encounters - Scourge of the Sword Coast play report (spoilers) - Complete!


Eternal Optimist
4th level characters should rip through those duerger with nary a scratch.

Not quite true - the environment gives a lot of advantages to the duergar. The duergar should die easily once hit, but AC 18 is troublesome for 4th level characters, even so!

Just remember the map is at 10' scale, not 5' scale :)

One of the nice things about running AD&D (one of my other campaigns) is that I assume it by default!


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Eternal Optimist
DnDScourge.jpgAll of my regular table were able to make it for the eleventh session of Scourge of the Sword Coast. We only had one other table this week, but it had seven players and one DM. Personally, I would have preferred to split it into two tables, but we were missing both our regular third DM and our back-up DM, so Ben did a good job of running the crowd. Thankfully, D&D Next is fairly forgiving of larger numbers in a way that 3E and 4E weren’t.

My own table were continuing through Firehammer Hold this week. We’d paused play from the last session after the group had fended off an attack by several duergar warriors. After catching their breaths, the group began to wonder where to go next. Troy had a look down the passageway the duergar had been coming from, and saw that further duergar had arrived and seemed to be discussing what to do next.

My group did try to negotiate with the duergar, but quickly came to an impasse: the duergar didn’t want to release their prisoners, and the heroes didn’t want to leave! Tait provoked the combat by sneak attacking a duergar with his bow, but was unable to get back into cover in time and fell to the duergar priests casting hold person spells on him. The group moved to defend him, and he was dragged back into the feasting chamber, where he was fed several potions of healing and received a cure wounds spell from Sondra. The duergar priests and their guardian warriors fought hard, and inflict wounds spells inflicted a fair amount of damage on the party.

The group wanted information, and they were constantly reminding each other that they needed to capture one of the duergar. They were finally able to knock one out, but the last of the priests escaped. Lily attempted to create the illusion of a wall of fire to stop his escape, but he made his saving throw and ran right through it, proceeding down a set of stairs. No-one was eager to follow.

Instead, they woke the captured duergar and questioned him about the prisoners and who was guarding them. I found it amusing that when he was telling the truth, no-one believed him, so he just began to lie, telling them what they wanted to hear.

The prisoners were being kept in the mine (being worked as miners) and they had between 3 and 20 guards. With no more use for him, the group killed the prisoner, only then realising that they hadn’t actually asked directions to get to the mine!

However, it isn’t like there were all that many ways to go, and so the group proceeded down the stairs the priest had run down and came to the more rough formations of the Firehammer mine.

They were greeted by the sight of a statue of Haela Brightaxe, over which a strange helmet had been placed, but none of the party could identify its provenance. They removed the helmet and cleaned the statue a bit before proceeding onwards. Ignoring the set of stairs proceeding further down, they made their way along a tunnel to a great cavern, a pool on its south side and with several tunnels proceeding outwards. Listening carefully, the group could hear movement from one of the tunnels and gravelly duergar voices.

The group started to ambush the duergar, only to be surprised in turn with some spider-riding duergar from another cavern! Soon, Troy found himself standing along against the riders, whilst duergar rushed into the cavern and felled Tait where he was hiding behind a large rock. The rest of the group cast spells and fired missiles to aid their companions.

(I found I hadn’t brought in spiders for the duergar riders, so used grick miniatures instead. Josh riding one ended up being cuddled by its tentacles!).

Josh charged in to aid Troy, and between them they were able to slay the riders and one of the spiders. Josh jumped onto the other spider, attempting to tame it. Like Danielle a couple of months ago, he was successful, rolling really well and rode the Steeder into battle against the remaining duergar. It was a tough battle, and a long one, and at its end the party discovered that the duergar had been guarding the prisoners… the villagers from Julkoun had been saved!

Dealing with that would have to wait for next week, as we were (once again) out of time. We’d played for about 90 minutes or so, with two big combats and the interrogation taking up most of the time.

I’m amazed we haven’t finished Firehammer Hold yet, but there is a lot of material in this adventure – and we won’t get to run all of it before Dead in Thay begins in a very short period of time.


Seasons 1-11, and 17-18 are available on dndclassics.com. Season 18 starts next weekend.

12-14 have not been released yet (Against the Cult of Chaos, Storm over Neverwinter, Search for the Diamond Staff) in PDF.

15 and 16 were print products Murder in Baldur's Gate and Legacy of the Crystal Shard.


Shirokinukatsukami fan
Is there a way to get the previous encounter seasons?

are they available on the WotC website?
Most, but not all, previous seasons of Encounters are for sale as PDFs:

Season 1: Undermountain: Halaster's Lost Apprentice
Season 2: Fury of the Wastewalker
Season 3: Keep on the Borderlands: A Season of Serpents
Season 4: March of the Phantom Brigade
Season 5: Dark Legacy of Evard
Season 6: Lost Crown of Neverwinter
Season 7: Beyond the Crystal Cave
Season 8: The Elder Elemental Eye
Season 9: Web of the Spider Queen
Season 10: Council of Spiders
Season 11: War of Everlasting Darkness
Season 12: Against the Cult of Chaos (not available)
Season 13: Storm over Neverwinter (not available)
Season 14: Search for the Diamond Staff (not available)
Season 15: Murder in Baldur's Gate (available in stores in print)
Season 16: Legacy of the Crystal Shard (available in stores in print)
Season 17: Scourge of the Sword Coast
Season 18: Dead in Thay


First Post
> Season 15: Murder in Baldur's Gate (available in stores in print)
> Season 16: Legacy of the Crystal Shard (available in stores in print)

Can I get these though Amazon or some such?


Eternal Optimist
DnDScourge.jpgDue to our scheduling, this was the final session of Scourge of the Sword Coast before the Dead in Thay launch weekend on the 10th of May. It also turned out to be the second-most well-attended session, with three brand new players turning up; I handed them some of the pregenerated characters I’ve created for this season. They’ll make new characters for next week’s event. There were a total of 3 DMs handling 17 players, so tables of 6, 6 and 5. My own table was full of the regular crew: Josh, Danielle, Sondra, Tait, Lily and Troy. They were mostly running 4th level characters.

The bulk of the session concerned exploring the rest of Firehammer Hold. The main bulk of the duergar had been dealt with, but there were still a few lurking around.

We began with the group freeing the prisoners from Julkoun they’d discovered last session. Some of the prisoners told the group of a dwarf who had been captured a couple of weeks ago, and dragged off to be tortured – they’d occasionally hear his cries echoing through the mines. Exactly where he was being held, they didn’t know – most of their time had been spent mining. Only a couple of dozen villagers had survived; the vast majority of Julkoun’s residents were now dead, along with all the dwarves of Firehammer Hold. The schemes of the Red Wizards have had a devastating effect on the region! The party escorted the prisoners to the upper level, and promised to return for them after they’d dealt with the rest of the duergar.

I was amused by the group’s reaction to one of the statues of the dwarven gods, this one with gems for eyes. Troy’s first reaction was “take the gems”, but after most of the group made their Religion (Intelligence) checks and realised the statue was of Dumathoin, who hates defilers and thieves, they became a lot more respectful and refused to take the gems. Lily was curious as to what would have happened if the gems were taken, but no-one was willing to take them just to satisfy her curiosity!

Continuing to explore the depths of the mine, the group discovered another shrine, this one to “the Watchers”, whatever they were (no-one in the party knew). It contained a great statue with its face missing, which was entirely a mystery to the group. It was also guarded by a great locked door (which they disabled fairly easily) and a timed trap that began to activate as they stood inside the shrine. They all retreated quickly, returning to the upper levels of the mine, realising that here was a mystery they’d be unable to solve.

Another tunnel led down to the great pit from which the duergar had emerged, riding their spider-mounts (steeders) from the depths of the earth. It was guarded by a necromantic trap, but Lily’s mage, thinking quickly, used holy water and her skill with the arcane to disable it. The group thought about descending, but it went straight down thousands of feet – far too difficult for them to use. Josh, on his now-tamed steeder, might have managed it, but the rest of the group – never.

Eventually, they discovered the room the Duergar leader and his bodyguards were hiding in. Jekk, the dwarf they’d met in Daggerford, was the prisoner. Did I say “they met?” I mean, “Tait met”, as no other player was there for that session (and Tait didn’t remember, anyway – it was almost three months ago!) It should be noted that when they actually encountered the duergar, they were without Tait and Troy. Troy had decided he’d go off on his own and scout out different passages to the rest of the group, and Tait was hanging back waiting for the first sounds of fighting to start, which would be the signal for him to join in.

The party were actually somewhat surprised to find the duergar leader (a half-fiend) was not possessed by a fire elemental! He did have bodyguards, however, who took the brunt of the early attacks. Josh sent his steeder in, and then recalled it just as quickly as it was almost slain in a single round by the combined attacks of the duergar. The duergar leader was casting spells to frustrate the party, but with Troy and Tait finally entering the combat, he moved out of cover to cast scorching ray on the group. It was mostly ineffective, but Lily’s response, “This is how you cast scorching ray!” was far more effective, slaying him where he stood. The remaining duergar didn’t stand long after that.

Some of the group now went looting (the duergar had a number of nice items), whilst others actually attended to the prisoner. Jekk told them of his travails: how his party had been ambushed and all slain except him; he’d been kept alive to provide the duergar with a fun “toy” to play with. He told them about a Red Wizard who had been working with gnolls – the group recognised the description, as they’d killed him a couple of weeks ago – and Jekk had one very good bit of news: they’d been indiscreet around him and had revealed where the stronghold of the Red Wizards, Bloodgate Keep, was. He’d be able to lead the group to it!

With that good news, and after a bit of rest, the group returned to Daggerford, escorting the villagers to safety.

Sir Isteval was extremely pleased with their work and immediately began to plan a raid on Bloodgate Keep. Meanwhile, the Duke of Daggerford invited the group to a celebratory dinner… which, of course, turned out to be an ambush, the Duke having been possessed by a devil and his mistress turning out to be a succubus.

The Duke wasn’t that difficult a combatant to take down, especially after they hurt him enough so that he temporarily regained control of his senses and hurled his flaming sword to the group, but the devil’s use of cause fear was quite effective, and knocked out a couple of party members from the combat. The succubus, who could only be hurt by magic weapons, was more challenging. We had a wonderful moment when Danielle, playing a gnome, picked up the Duke’s sword and ran at the succubus. As Danielle wasn’t proficient with the sword and then rolled a 1, we watched in awe as her gnome raised the sword above her head… and staggered backwards, tottering away from the succubus!

In the end, the group had enough magic to take care of the succubus, with Tait using magical longsword and dagger to make sure of the fiend. I was impressed – the group even saved the Duke, using holy water once he was restrained to force the possessing devil from him.

For now, the plans of the Red Wizards around Daggerford had been foiled, but their stronghold in the region still stood. Next session, all the players who play D&D Encounters with us will be teaming up together to take on the stronghold… in the first session of Dead in Thay. I’ve lined up three Dungeon Masters and I’ll be taking the role of the co-ordinating DM, making sure that all the groups work with each other.

I’ve rather enjoyed Scourge of the Sword Coast, although we didn’t get to do nearly as much role-playing in it (especially around Daggerford) as we might have done if the group I’d had in the first session had stayed together. On the other hand, I had the chance to DM five players I hadn’t met before this season and it looks like they’ll all be continuing on into the next season. We’ll spend a little bit of time at the beginning of the Launch Weekend creating and levelling-up characters, and it will be fascinating to see what Dead in Thay brings. I hope you’ve found these reports entertaining; I intend to continue them throughout the next season.


5ever, or until 2024
You mentioned leveling up. Will your regulars be keeping their characters?

Also, for the next one, is the idea that the stronghold/megadungeon is so big that it can have multiple parties in it at the same time?


Eternal Optimist
You mentioned leveling up. Will your regulars be keeping their characters?

Most of them will be. A few will take the opportunity to make new ones, but mostly they'll keep them.

Dead in Thay is part 2 of the series. (of two).

Also, for the next one, is the idea that the stronghold/megadungeon is so big that it can have multiple parties in it at the same time?

Yes. :)


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