D&D 5E D&D Essentials Kit Offers a New Place to Start

One of the biggest surprises at D&D Live 2019: The Descent was the announcement of the D&D Essentials Kit. The D&D Starter Set has already been around several years so it was surprising that that Wizards of the Coast would make another set for new players. It seemed even more odd once they explained that the Essentials Kit was not replacing the Starter Set.


According to Chris Perkins in a D&D Beyond interview with Todd Kenreck, they decided early on that Essentials Kit could be usable with the Starter Set. From that flowed out the decision to also set the Essentials Kit adventure in Phandalin so if you own both, the two adventures create a larger campaign. Another reason for the Essentials Kit is to apply what they learned since the Starter Set about teaching D&D, and RPGs in general, to newcomers.

Looking through the Essentials Kit, I'm excited. Even though I've been playing and DMing D&D longer than I want to admit (I have dice older than some of my current players), I'll use many of the items in it for my games whereas with the Starter Set, I mostly used it for the adventure, which was very good for newcomers to D&D.

Now, I have to admit to some favorable bias. The Essentials Kit utilizes concepts about how to lower the barrier to entry for new players that I've championed for a long time. I've also developed a card-based RPG so I definitely approve of how the Essentials Kit uses cards for conditions, magic items and NPC sidekicks.

Like the Starter Set, the Essentials Kit comes with dice, character sheets, a rulebook geared to newcomers and an adventure. The extras and how it handles rules is what makes the difference.

Unlike the Starter Set, the Essentials Kit does not come with pre-generated characters. The philosophy in the Starter Set was to get people playing as quickly as possible since character creation can be confusing to new players. Character creation can be dealt with when they need a new one.

The Essentials Kit requires new players to make characters and that's described as the first session. While I think the Starter Set got it right, doing it differently for the Essentials Kit makes sense since they're supposed to co-exist.

To keep it simple, the Essentials Kit only offers four races – dwarf, elf, human and halfling – and five character classes – bard, cleric, fight, rogue and wizard. The description of each and the rules to play are written well and simply. Let's be honest, explaining an RPG to an absolute beginner can seem odd and complicated. Doing it well is an art, and the D&D Essentials Kit Rulebook accomplishes it nicely.

Several types of cards are added to enhance the player experience. Initiative cards are a visual reminder of combat order. The Combat Step by Step cards are easy cheat sheets, though I wish a full sheet of 9 had been provided. Condition cards make it easy to remember and track the effects of being knocked prone, grappled, etc. Again, I'd love to see more of these so they could be put in front of every character so affected because even with experienced players, it's easy to lose track in combat.

Magic items used in the adventure also get cards, enabling them to be traded or, if it's a single-use item, handed back to the GM when done. [Note: Gale Force Nine produces official 5E D&D Magic Item cards, too.) A cardboard box is included in the kit to easily store the cards.

One of the key differences in the Essentials Kit adventure is that it can be run with a group, as usual, or as a solo adventure for one player and a DM. This enables people who can't find a full group to still play D&D and also provides an opportunity for someone shy to try the game in a more private situation. With the popularity of actual play videos like Critical Role, Sirens of the Realms, Dice, Camera, Action, Acquisitions Incorporated, etc. attract more people to D&D, that's a useful option. It would be good to have more two-person (one player and DM) adventures on the market (hint to DM's Guild creators).

To facilitate this, sidekicks are a game option. D&D tested companion rules for such a situation and then streamlined them for the Essentials Kit, offering a spellcaster, a fighter and an expert [rogue] as options. Sidekicks give a solo player a little extra help and can level as well. DMs are told to work out with the player who controls the sidekick but presumably with new players the weight will mostly be carried by the DM. A sheet of nine sidekicks are provided as cards with one side showing the NPC's image and the back giving their name, race, category class, personality, ideal, bond, flaw and a blurb about them. Details as to what a sidekick expert, caster or fighter can do is in the Essentials Kit Rulebook.

A sidekick also opens up the possibility of a new player being the sidekick to a more experienced player to try out the game without being overwhelmed. That's a nice option.

I like the DM screen in the kit much better than the original 5E DM screen I'm using, which has an entire quarter devoted to randomly generating NPC characteristics, bonds, flaws, and ideals as well as a “something happens” random chart that's pretty useless. The Essentials Kit DM screen has conditions, travel, cover, etc. info like that screen but also includes charts for services, food and lodging, concentration rules, object hit points, object armor class, damage by level, etc.

The last set of cards are for Quests. During the adventure players can visit the board at the townmaster's hall to get jobs [quests]. Only three quests are out at a time, when those are completed, three more are available and then a final three.

The Essentials Kit also comes with a double-sided, full color map and dice. Whereas the Starter Set only had six dice because it only provided one d10, the Essentials Kit has a standard set of polyhedrals plus a second d20 to make rolling advantage/disadvantage easier, and four d6s.

I'm really happy with the Essentials Kit. Unlike the Starter Set, which has mostly sat on my shelf, I'll use parts of this kit in my weekly campaign. It's definitely a good entry point to the hobby for newcomers.

The D&D Essentials Kit is an exclusive at Target until September 3, 2019, when it will be available at all D&D retailers.

This article was contributed by Beth Rimmels (brimmels) as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. If you enjoy the daily news and articles from EN World, please consider contributing to our Patreon!

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels

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The D&D Starter Set has already been around several years so it was surprising that that Wizards of the Coast would make another set for new players. It seemed even more odd once they explained that the Essentials Kit was not replacing the Starter Set.
My 4e neo-grognardia is experiencing PEAK SCHADENFREUDE at the confusion here.

How can they possibly make this same mistake twice?!

At least this time they seem to have a plan to put the product in the mass market where it belongs....

Fun little story:

I decided to swing by and see about picking up a copy at the local Target here. I wasn't sure if it would be with books or board games or what, so I went to that general area towards the back of the story. As I'm starting to look around, I hear a boy's voice say, "It comes with it's own DM screen!" Of course my ears perked up and I went in that direction as I hear, "Oh, sorry. One for my friend, too."

Getting to the end of the aisle, I see two boys around 10 or so, and they are staring at the back of a box. Keeping my distance because I am some random stranger in a store, of course, I say, "Hey, picking up the Essentials Kit?"

One replies, "Yeah, they only had 3 left and those were still in the back. He's getting one for my friend. You here for it, too?"

"Yep, it looks pretty cool."

"Yeah, I guess they're going to be all out! I'm so excited we were able to get them the day they dropped!" (I can't help but think how weird but nice that is to hear a kid talk about a D&D boxed set the same way they would the latest major video game.)

An employee comes out with a 2nd one for the other boy, and I consider backing away because I feel bad making this guy now go in back for a 3rd time, but the first kid speaks up again, "Thanks! But I guess you have to get that last one for him."

The employee looks at me with a "You want one, too?" look. I nod and apologize for making him go back yet again, but he says he doesn't mind.

As the two kids walk away still re-reading the backs of the boxes mumbling things like "Defeat the dragon of Icespire Peak", I say, "Have fun with that. Happy gaming!"

"Yeah, you, too!" and they walk off and meet one of their mothers, "They had it! Only 3 left..."


So our local Target didn't have them out on the shelves yet but still sold out by 1pm.

And it was awesome seeing two kids so excited about it and at pretty much the same age I was when I first got the BECMI Red Box. It was just a cool moment I wanted to share. :)

At least you can! My closest Target is... wait, let me check... oh yes. On a different continent.

To me its one thousand miles... but hey at least it's the same continent!

Hopefully it will show up on Amazon or my country's response to EBay. Sometimes Target exclusives get listed...

Fun little story:

I decided to swing by and see about picking up a copy at the local Target here. I wasn't sure if it would be with books or board games or what, so I went to that general area towards the back of the story. As I'm starting to look around, I hear a boy's voice say, "It comes with it's own DM screen!" Of course my ears perked up and I went in that direction as I hear, "Oh, sorry. One for my friend, too."

Getting to the end of the aisle, I see two boys around 10 or so, and they are staring at the back of a box. Keeping my distance because I am some random stranger in a store, of course, I say, "Hey, picking up the Essentials Kit?"

One replies, "Yeah, they only had 3 left and those were still in the back. He's getting one for my friend. You here for it, too?"

"Yep, it looks pretty cool."

"Yeah, I guess they're going to be all out! I'm so excited we were able to get them the day they dropped!" (I can't help but think how weird but nice that is to hear a kid talk about a D&D boxed set the same way they would the latest major video game.)

An employee comes out with a 2nd one for the other boy, and I consider backing away because I feel bad making this guy now go in back for a 3rd time, but the first kid speaks up again, "Thanks! But I guess you have to get that last one for him."

The employee looks at me with a "You want one, too?" look. I nod and apologize for making him go back yet again, but he says he doesn't mind.

As the two kids walk away still re-reading the backs of the boxes mumbling things like "Defeat the dragon of Icespire Peak", I say, "Have fun with that. Happy gaming!"

"Yeah, you, too!" and they walk off and meet one of their mothers, "They had it! Only 3 left..."


So our local Target didn't have them out on the shelves yet but still sold out by 1pm.

And it was awesome seeing two kids so excited about it and at pretty much the same age I was when I first got the BECMI Red Box. It was just a cool moment I wanted to share. :)

Not too shabby for a five year old edition...

Just picked one up at Target at lunch today. The set looks great, and I'm so happy to set it sitting on the shelf in the games department of a major retailer next to the D&D Starter Set. It seems like a new golden age to me.

I did the same thing. Didn't have time to go threw it at all, but I left it sitting on my desk. Amazing how many of my co-workers desided to poke their colective noses in my office today... new golden age, indeed...

Any more Info's on those Sidekicks?

Basically there are three npc stat blocks in the rule-book. Warrior, Expert, Spellcaster each with information on what they get each lvl up till they get to lvl 6. Then there is 9 npc cards with personality and flaws. What you do is offer one to the player and choose the appropriate stat block. you handout the player the corresponding npc card. I wish the sidekick stat-blocks where in cards as well but that you can easily do on an index card.

Edit: When one sidekick dies you hand out a new one.

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