D&D meets Feng Shui


"A battle in the roofs, or jumping between boats sweept away by a flood are much more interesting that a fight in a 30 ft by 30 ft room."

I just wanted to point out that if you can arrange it, this is true of any game system including D20.

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First Post
Check out non d20 7th Seas. It is just what you are asking for, well, no monsters but plenty of high flying action with a kick. I have played it twice and it has revitalized me toward roleplaying. Sometimes consistant well defined rules like d20 just get in the way.

Dave Blewer

First Post
I agree with Jeph here...

It can do anything. I have played several Star Wars Feng Shui games and they seem to capture the flavour better than either the d6 or D20 games...

My Feng Shui conversion of Werewolf seems to have been popular as well...


Celebrim said:
"A battle in the roofs, or jumping between boats sweept away by a flood are much more interesting that a fight in a 30 ft by 30 ft room."

I just wanted to point out that if you can arrange it, this is true of any game system including D20.

True. But D&D -I mean the DMG- puts much more emphasis in how to design balanced encounters and less in designing spectacular scenarios. It´s not a fault of Mr. Cook, of course, because not every game needs or is meant to be run like a Hong-Kong action movie.

Feng shui, OTOH, gives precise advice on how to desing and place them, and such advice can be translated to D&D without much difficulty.


First Post
Thanks for the experieinced advice everyone, much appricaiated. I've runa good bit of FS and like the lose play of the rules, so I figured it would be a good break for the players and the GM to cut back their workload as far as managing characters. I want them to concentrate on the action and colorful descriptions.

My D&D games have always delt more with huminiod NPCs and a few random encounters. Making use of terrain or urban habitats is old habit, something very important to a good combat in any game. I plan to push that to its limits in this game. And as soon as I can bring everyone together I'll be playing. And yeah, I'll post the resulting chaos for folks to laugh at.



Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Dude, Feng Shui can do ANYTHING. To prove it's versatility, my Star Wars Feng Shui campaign begins in five days.
A friend of mine ran a LotR game with the Feng Shui rules. He adapted Legolas with the Carnival of Carnage move.

aramis erak

Am I a total nut job or has anyone tried running a D&D type game under the Feng Shui rules?
Essentially, that's what the ancient juncture is...

Except lacking elves, dwarves, and orcs.

But not all fantasy, not even all dungeon fantasy, needs those. (My best dungeon crawling party in D&D was a trio of halflings...)

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