[D20 CoC] Mountains of Madness - Chap 4: Departure; Recruiting Alternate Players


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Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
Prof. Moore
Father Rucker addresses his academic mate.
I pleased to see that you are all right.

Our time is short and I'll talk briefly ... I came here because the captain turned down my application to join this journey, god's will caused me to arrive in this terrible moment, but I see it as an emissary.
I planned to meet the captain on personal and convince him to let me join. I can help as a scientist and as a father. Not to speak that Antarctica is a fascinating place to be.

Father Rucker eyes the Prof.

Will you help me Prof.?
Professor Moore listened intently to Father Rucker, nodding frequently, although occasionally interrupting him to give directions to a passing dockworker. When the priest finished, Moore looked at him for a few long moments and then smiled without really smiling.

He reached up and clapped Rucker on the shoulder, saying, "Do you know what you are asking, my friend?" He laughed and said, "Sure. I'll see what I can do. Your God must not like you very much!

You may relax in the Ship's Mess while I go talk to the commander."

Job (the tortured one).
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Drowned Hero said:
Øyvind stands up from his chair and puts a big dose of snuff under his lipp. 'Im gonna be off to take a look at my gear, dogs and gramaphone' 'i hope all is in shape and ready to go' he walks out the door taking a glance back on the meeting.
As soon as Øyvind nears the hatch to enter the hold, he hears the nervous barking of the dogs within. As he clmbs down the ladder, he can see them running back and forth in their cages.

Job (the tortured one).

Once back to Shore and with the promise of Prof. Moore to handle his joining to the expedition, Father Rucker will bring his stuff from the hotel to his new cabin. On his way he will buy the local newspaper, wanting to know if someone wrote about the harbor incident, and if police officers commented about any line of investigation.

Drowned Hero

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Øyvind Raknes Sled Driver

Job said:
As soon as Øyvind nears the hatch to enter the hold, he hears the nervous barking of the dogs within. As he clmbs down the ladder, he can see them running back and forth in their cages.

Job (the tortured one).

'shhhh' 'shhh' 'rolig nå skattene mine' 'shhh' 'shhh'
Translation: [sblock]'Calm down my treasures'[/sblock]

Handle Animal (1d20+9=18)


First Post
Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
Once back to Shore and with the promise of Prof. Moore to handle his joining to the expedition, Father Rucker will bring his stuff from the hotel to his new cabin. On his way he will buy the local newspaper, wanting to know if someone wrote about the harbor incident, and if police officers commented about any line of investigation.
Father Rucker did indeed find a news article in the next day's newspaper.


  • Fire Newsclip.jpg
    Fire Newsclip.jpg
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Father Rucker

Nada, nothing on the news.
Remark Rucker, placing the newspaper on Prof. Moore' desk.
Could be arson or accident, I never knew there was another ship.
He looks again at the newspaper.
Miss Lexington expedition, what do we know about them, who are the scientists over there?


First Post
Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
Once back to Shore and with the promise of Prof. Moore to handle his joining to the expedition, Father Rucker will bring his stuff from the hotel to his new cabin.
Upon his return to the docks, luggage in tow, Father Rucker spent a half hour attempting to convince policemen and a security guard that he was to be allowed onto the USS Gabrielle. A runner was sent to speak with Professor Moore and returned word that Father Rucker was indeed to be permitted aboard, to await within the ship's mess.

Job (the tortured one).


First Post
Drowned Hero said:
'shhhh' 'shhh' 'rolig nå skattene mine' 'shhh' 'shhh'
Translation: [sblock]'Calm down my treasures'[/sblock]

Handle Animal (1d20+9=18)
The dogs are clearly upset about something and, although they quiet down for Øyvind, they continue pacing and whining.

Job (the tortured one).
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First Post
Strahd_Von_Zarovich said:
Nada, nothing on the news.
Remark Rucker, placing the newspaper on Prof. Moore' desk.
Could be arson or accident, I never knew there was another ship.
He looks again at the newspaper.
Miss Lexington expedition, what do we know about them, who are the scientists over there?
Father Rucker remembers meeting Martin LeBlanc, the expedition's journalist, on deck just before Martin sacrificed his body to save the female pilot. It occurs to the priest that perhaps Martin has some information.

Job (the tortured one).

Voidrunner's Codex

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