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[d20 Future] 22nd Century: Solar Odyssey to Hell. [The game]

To make it short, we had some investigations done. They essentially led to the Martian Triads, and especially to Ashira_29 a station orbiting Earth. However, our investigations on Ashira_29 were discovered and we couldn't get any really useful info, just reinforce our suspicion of theft."

This doesn't sound good thinks Lambert to himself. Whoever were sent to scout out Ashira 29 were probably professionals.

"If I may ask..." in a nervous voice "how did they find your first set of agents?"

"So, what happens is that some unknown technology could have been used to attack the starships and steal the bombs."

This same technology injured the crew... if it had done so on a biological basis, bypassing the usual defenses, then we have a terrifying enemy on two fronts. It's too bad the ships aren't around anymore for studying. I'll see if I can dig up some research on plasma weapons. It's entirely possible some "black magic" technology that everyone said would never work was used.
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First Post
"Infomorphs 'agents' are rogue software programs, Mr. Lambert. While sometimes impressive, they are little more than attack scripts. Not that the danger is less real.

I will research the crew members of the lost ships. Humans are sometimes tricked in to hostile behaviors by hostile assocations. Perhaps the ships were betrayed from within. It is also possible that the data we have recorded is false.

HAR-Vee requests any pictures that are available of how the anti-matter bombs appeared from the exterior. If he can find detailed images or schematics, then he'll attempt to make 3 mock up bombs (sometime later). He'll also access files on how such bombs should be handled and stored safely.
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John Tobermory

First Post
Maj. Tobermory sits quietly listening to the inquiries of his new crew before speaking.

"General will this be an autonomous mission or will we be funded from the dummie corporation?"

OOC: Do I know any of the assembled crew by previous experience or reputation?

Vincent Collins

First Post
Vincent sits stoically through the briefing, exhibiting no sign of emotional response to the disastrous news on his long, thinly bearded face. After a few of the questions are fielded by the general, he speaks up at an appropriate moment with a bass, inflected accent which is disturbingly smooth.

"This is distressing news indeed general. Clearly the Ashira_29 station is the place to begin our investigations. I suggest we formulate a procedure for approaching the station before we depart, and gather as much data on the proprietors of the station as possible. With the permission of the Major," he nods in the direction of Maj. Tobermory, "and of course yourself, I am happy to volunteer to formulate a task force with this objective in mind over the next 24 hours and remaining travel time,” Vincent pauses and looks around at the assembled crew, " For my part, I have no further questions at this time, sir."


First Post

So many questions! General Henwalis raises a hand, in a gesture meaning he cannot answer when everybody speaks at the same time.

- "All of this is serious indeed. This is the reason why we mount an expedition so quickly. We are sorry, but we have very little information. It's your job to find answers, to know what happened, and to put order to it."

- "The computers onboard of the starships didn't have time to record and analyze these "energy discharges"; and they were not programmed for that anyway. What did bring them aboard is unknown. The little data we have suggests something like electricity or plasma fire contained in some sort of magnetic field, and organized in some way, that is, having a structure of its own. Nothing we know is capable of doing this; except if, as suggests HAR-Vee, it is false data recorded by a traitor inside the starship to mislead us. However, we can only fathom what the thieves with such a technology at their disposal would want to do with anti-matter bombs."

Then, as the general is speaking, HAR-Vee begins to download detailed images or schematics of the stolen antimatter bombs, and how such bombs should be handled and stored safely. Later, he will be able to process any data regarding the crews of the lost starships, but such work has already been done with no useful result or clues. [OOC: a Search check at DC = 30 is required here to get some interesting clue!]

- "Anyway, concerning our investigators on Ashira_29, our infomorphs were discovered and blasted by three idiots. These idiots then had the idea to make some careful search onboard the station and discovered our covert agent there. The agent wasn't killed, but now we have legal proceedings with the station owners for months ahead. What's strange, is that this second rate station rented for commercial purpose to small start-ups, has a so good electronic defense system. We think that the station may in fact belong to the Martian Triads and serve for some of their illegal activities. However, not all the start-ups and other people who rent parts of Ashira_29 are criminals. They probably, and unknowingly, serve as cover."

General Henwalis now looks specifically at the major Tobermory and agent Collins.

- "The 'dummy corporation' is your cover major. It is indeed a true corporation, the one that funds your expedition. However, the directors of Sarteck inc. are themselves SIA agents; this company only exists to give a cover to some of our people, and let them operate under the pretense of private business. As such, you can consider this an 'autonomous missions'. In any case, beginning with Ashira_29 is a good idea, and all info we have on it, is uploaded onto the starship's computer. But thereafter you may have to head up for Mars, or even Jupiter, in case you could find clues that our satellite Vigrix-B5 was unable to find."

OOC: Do I know any of the assembled crew by previous experience or reputation?

Players can decide if they want their characters know each other from previous missions. The default is that none of you know each other except from reputation. All of you have good records and are trustworthy agents. (No double cross and treachery in this adventure online. As a DM I allow it only in long standing tabletop campaigns, where all players know each other and have played together for a long time.)

Kecia Tavernier

First Post
"If they did use advanced technology to acquire the bombs, perhaps said technology is unsuited for the purpose of causing the mass destruction that an anti-matter bomb is capable of. Of course, this implies that they intend to use the stolen bombs, rather than sell them, because if they were in this for profit, they would have just sold their new weapon instead of stealing bombs," stated Kecia, pondering possibilities.

OOC: Do I know any of the assembled crew by previous experience or reputation?

Kecia isn't famous, she's never had her face in the media, it's doubtful any of the other crew would know her.


First Post
General Henwalis then looks at the others, those who haven't speak yet, and waits for a moment.

- "Any other questions gentlemen? If not, I suggest that now you go on your spaceship in orbit around Earth... or head up first to Ashira_29 as suggested by Mr Collins. In any case you shouldn't waste time."

He also turns toward Liam and says:

- "You shouldn't have any problems with the Telarion, but you will get the specs before leaving, as requested, and can anyway get a look to familiarize yourself with the spaceship."
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Conrad Hart

First Post
Conrad furrows his brow as he hears the general's description of the energy discharges, trying to think of anything he knows of that resembles this. After a moment of unproductive thought, he rejoins the conversation:

I concur with Mr. Collin's conclusion that Ashira_29 is the best place to start this investigation. This should give us a chance to quickly establish our cover and start off where the previous investigators were frustrated. Still, we should be highly cautious so we aren't caught in the same trap as our predecessors.

OOC: The other two scientists, and possibly Mr. Forbes, might know Conrad through his published research papers, but it is unlikely that the rest of the crew is familiar with me.

Vincent Collins

First Post
"I wholeheartedly agree that we should waste no time, sir. With your permission, I would like to begin making preparations."

Vincent stands and moves toward the exit, then turns to address the room "Perhaps the crew should convene for a brief private meeting to decide our immediate course of action?"

Jay Purr

First Post
Jay Purr: (Somewhat more at ease now that he is inside a structure, though obviously still somewhat awkward on the 1-G planetary surface. He gives the impression that he is not paying complete attention to the briefing - possibly he is listening to some music piped in on his unicom...)

Will we be taking the Telarion to the Ashira_29 orbital station, or using commercial transport? I, for one, would be more comfortable having our own transportation close at hand should a quick departure from that location turn out to be desirable.

OOC: If anyone knows of Jay by reputation, it is probably as one of those obnoxious, hubris-filled fighter jocks.

OT: The dark blue highlight that some are using for quote blocks is a bit hard to see against the default skin charcoal background...
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