• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D20:Modern. Dark City Explorers Company. Staff.


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Here's a thread for Jarval, Mordante76, Orochi, Radient, Tokiwong, and Urial_fire_of_Heaven to post complete characters for this game. We'll also use it for tracking gear, ammunition, cash, action points, and XP.

Link to the OOC Thread
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Finneas Greybull

Finneas Greybull (Mordane76 – Shannon Carl)
Dedicated 1/Smart 1; Character Level 2; Starting Occupation: Academic (Archaeologist); Age: 29; Gender: Male; Height: 6’1”; Eyes: Green; Hair: Sandy Blond; Skin: White (Tanned); Initiative: +1; Base Attack Bonus: +0 (melee +0, ranged +1); Speed: 30ft.; HP: 14; Defense: 13; Flat Footed Defense: 12; Reputation: +2; Action Points: 11; Wealth: +1 (started at +7); SV: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +5

Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14.

Weapons: Sword Cane; Attacks at +0; Damage: 1d6; Critical x2 on 18-20; Range: M; Weight: 3 lbs.; Type: P; Size: M; Special: Blade always concealed (Spot DC 18)

Armor/Protective Item: Leather Jacket; Type: Impromptu; Equipment Bonus: +1; Proficient: Y; Armor Penalty: -0; Weight: 4 lbs.; Speed: 30ft.; Size: L; Max Dex: +8; Special: None.

Skills: Computer Use +7/4, Craft (Writing) +7/4, Decipher Script +11/4, Disable Device +7/4, Investigate +9/4, Knowledge (arcane lore) +9/4, Knowledge (history) +9/4, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +7/4, Profession (Archaeologist) +7/4, Research +9/4, Search +7/4, Sense Motive +9/4, Survival +5/2, Spot +5/2

Feats: Archaic Weapon Proficiency, Attentive (Investigate, Sense Motive), Educated (Arcane Lore, History), Simple Weapon Proficiency

Talents/Special Qualities: Savant: Research (Smt 1), Skill Emphasis [Decipher Script] (Ded 1), and +1 to Decipher Script, Research, and added Speak Language [Japanese] (Academic)

Languages: English (S/R/W), Ancient Greek (S/R/W), Latin (S/R/W), Japanese (S)

Allegiances: Heolstor City, Neo-Hermeticism (A mix of Modern, Post-Modern, and Victorian Mystical Steampunk Science), Emma and Jeremiah (Family)

FX Abilities: None

Gear: Daypack, First Aid Kit, Compass, Standard Flashlight, Rope (150 ft), pack of chemical light sticks (5), two disposable cameras, contractor’s field bag, windbreaker, tent (4-person dome), metal detector, sleeping bag, sword cane, multipurpose tool, leather jacket -- 49 lbs; Medium Load.

Appearance/Personality: A tall, strapping American, Finneas is possessed of good, aristocratic features befitting the last son of the Greybull family (a fairly wealthy family in Heolstor City). Charming and handsome, his parents never understood (and still can’t) why their son would want to play in the dirt – something Finneas loved to do since he was little. This habit of being outdoors, digging in the dirt, parleyed well into what would become his lifelong occupation and obsession – archaeology. With the state of the world today, it is necessary for those of Finneas’ learning and ability to strike out and find a means to better life for his fellows in Heolstor City.
Not all is good for Finneas, however. His parents were shocked when he decided to take up archaeology as a profession, but they tolerated his “phase” in hopes it would pass and he would return to the family business (medicine). However, when he started to spout his Neo-Hermetic rhetoric as gospel – talking about magic and how it rules our world, how it is responsible for all the good and bad things that have happened to us, and how it can explain even the simplest scientific phenomenon – they disowned him. Now, Finneas is a struggling scientist, whose theories are considered extreme at best.
These truths rarely faze Finneas, however – he is a loyal, well-adjusted, and confident man. His money issues are tight right now, but he, his wife, and his son are able to board and eat, which is all that is important. He is dedicated to his work and his theories, and confident that one day he will find the evidence he needs to support his theories. Some of the “meta-humans” are of special interest to Finneas, as they are very similar to fairy tales of magical beings, and he feels if he can find the links between the “radiation” and his theories on magic, he will have solid evidence to publish his body of work. Even though Finneas is very fascinated by these creatures, his traditional upbringing shows through in his dealings with them; Finneas is very curt with mutants, seeing them more as objects of study or second-class citizens at best.
Finneas’ latest fixation has been pre-End technology; he believes whole-heartedly that this technology will prove his theories about magical intervention, and may well provide a means to better the lives of the inhabitants of Heolstor City.

Background/History: The third son of the Greybull family, Finneas was expected to take up the family practice of medicine, marry a nice girl from another wealthy family, and generally live a quiet life. At the age of four, Finneas started digging; his brother James would say he hasn’t stopped since. From little trinkets like wallets and buttons to larger finds like a well-preserved vintage 1998 Honda Accord, little Finneas found all sorts of things during his childhood. At the age of 14, he decided to take up with a local historian and archaeologist named Gerald Trimbul; Trimbul taught him much of the basics, and schooled him in more difficult subjects such as Latin and Greek. Over the next seven years, Trimbul and Greybull would make many amazing discoveries, and begin to advance theories of what actually caused the End. These theories and findings would lead to the dig that cost Gerald Trimbul his life – a mysterious cave-in during a dig in the Cheyenne Mountain region of Western America buried Trimbul alive and left Finneas with an all-consuming passion - prove the theories that he and Trimbul had developed.
Returning to Heolstor City after the accident, Finneas worked quietly as a historian and short-range archaeologist, and married his sweetheart Emma Carson, the daughter of a general storekeeper. His son Jeremiah was born when Finneas was 23.


First Post
Name: Father William Mallory (goes by Father William) (Orochi)
Class: Charismatic Hero 1/Tough Hero 1
Character Level: 2
Starting Occupation: Religious
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 6’3”
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Red
Skin: Tan
Initiative: +2
Base Attack Bonus: (melee +0, ranged +2)
Speed: 30ft.
HP: 21
Defense: 13
Flat Footed Defense: 11
Reputation: +2
Action Points: 10
Wealth: +?
SV: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1

Str 11, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 16

* Weapon Name: Glock 20; Attacks at +3 (includes ranged attack bonus); Damage: 2d6; Critical x2 on 20; Range: 40; Weight: 3lbs.; Type: ballistic; Size: S; Ammunition: 15; type: 10mm rounds.
* Weapon Name: Combat Knife; Attacks at +0; Damage: 1d4; Critical x2 on 19-20; Range: XXX; Weight: 1 lbs.; Type: slashing; Size: S

Armor/Protective Item:
* Name: Leather Jacket (duster style) Type: Impromptu; Equipment Bonus: +1; Proficient: N; Armor Penalty: -0; Weight: 4lbs.; Speed: 30ft.; Size: M; Max Dex: +8

Concentration +3/1 rank
Intimidate +3/4 ranks
Knowledge (theology) +1/4 ranks
Knowledge (streetwise) +0/1 rank
Profession (preacher) +1/4 ranks
Profession (bounty hunter) +1/2 ranks
Spot +1/1 rank
Bluff +3/2 ranks
Diplomacy +3/1 rank
Gather Information +3/3 ranks
Perform (oratory) +3/4 ranks
Listen +1/3 ranks
Sense Motive +1/3 ranks
R/W/S English
R/W Hebrew
R/W Ancient Greek

Feats: Archaic Weapon Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Renown, Frightful Presence

Talents/Special Qualities: Remain Conscious, Fast Talk

Languages: English (R/W/S)

Allegiances: God, Heolstor City

FX Abilities: none

Gear: Steel Handcuffs (x2), backpack, tent (2 person dome), sleeping bag, 50’ rope, 3 weeks trail rations, hip holster, chemical light sticks (5), binoculars, Bible (concordance), 30 10mm rounds, aluminum travel case, 10 pound capacity.

Appearance/Personality: Father William is a huge man. He looks like a lumbering bear, dressed an old leather duster over a plain black shirt with a white collar, black slacks, a silver patent leather boots. He has a full red beard and his hair is long, falling out of the back of his old style black preacher's hat (looks kinda like a cowboy's stetson, for those not familiar with that kind of hat, only the brim does not fold upwards anywhere). Between the coat and the clothes are his weapon belts, crisscrossing his barrel chest and putting his pistol on his left side and a large combat knife on his left. In spite of his bulk, he's a lightning fast draw and a pretty good shot, from extensive practice.

You can't talk about Father William's personality without discussing his religion, because the one formed the other as much as the other formed the one. His religion is pretty easy, since it's pretty much standard Old Testament-style Christianity. He talks a lot of hellfire and brimstone, and is a boisterous, outgoing individual for the most part. Under all the bluster and preaching about sinners and the need to get rid of them is a decidedly pragmatic bent. Father William will use criminals as needed to get at more important criminals, primarily murderers. Father William will only fight to the death if attacked or in bringing in those wanted for murder. He prefers to leave the punishment of lesser crimes to lesser servants of the Lord. He has a penchant for bringing back scalps, even when such things are not necessary, since he considers it important to leave an object lesson for those who look to sin. He has rejected all sins except for gluttony, since he feels he burns plenty of calories doing the Lord's work.

Background/History: Father William knew he was destined for great things from an early age. He grew up in a religious community, a group of Menonites that had survived the Apocalypse by being far removed from everything and everyone. His early life was peaceful, a community that worked together and helped one another. All of that came to a crashing end when a band of marauders found New Zion (the community in question) and rampaged through it, looting, killing, and rapeing as they pleased. William was one of the only survivors. He was about 18 at the time, and new nothing about the outside world. He hid among the ruins for days, scavaging what he could and reading the Bible, looking for an answer as to why this happened. Then, on the seventh day, he had an epiphany. New Zion, for all its fair, was too insular. They had sinned in pride, thinking themselves better than the world, and they had sinned in sloth, ignoring the plight of their fellow man. And so William set out to right those wrongs. He took up what weapons he could find, donned his father's minister's hat and collar, and set out into the wastes to bring enlightenment in one hand and purification in the other. He traveled from town to town, preaching to those who would listen and killing those whose burden of sin was too great for them to be used, and who were wanted by the local authorities. He keeps little of the reward money, buying only food and any needed equipment and donateing the rest to a worthy cause. Over time, he has learned to use lesser sinners to bring down larger ones, but he has not yet learned to refuse an offer of a good meal. He has only recently arrived at Heolstor City, but is eager to be a part of the good work.
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First Post
Orochi - thank's for posting Father William's stats; languages look good. I'm glad you opted for Perform (Oratory); the perform skill is one that's rather restricted in d20:Modern... any feats, ect. that would normally apply to other perform skill groups can be applied to oratory if you wish to do so.

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