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d20 Threshold [Alpha]


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Presented for your comments, critiques, derision, or suggestions: d20 Threshold RPG

Threshold is a free, d20-based, cross-genre, classless roleplaying game inspired by the 3rd and 4th editions of the Dungeons and Dragons games, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and the Star Wars Saga d20 game. It is 100% Open Game Content and 100% free. It is currently in ALPHA stage, which means the rules are still under ACTIVE development (they change a lot!)

The name Threshold refers to the most common mechanic in the game. When the result of a d20 roll exceeds the target number needed for success by a certain margin, it is called "rolling a Threshold." Negative Thresholds can also be rolled if the result of the check misses the target number by the same margin.

At this stage of development most of the Gamemastering rules are fairly complete, including movement, actions, and combat. Under development at the moment are the character creation rules. Ideas and suggestions welcomed at jreyst@gmail.com

Thanks for your time,


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I've been following this for a little while now and have been very impressed with what you are trying to do here. I cannot give you XP for this - hopefully someone who takes a look and is impressed can cover me?

Keep up the good work!

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


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Thanks! I get so little feedback I often worry I'm all alone in the world wanting what I'm developing. Any level of feedback, even negative, lets me know others are occasionally looking at it. So in any case, thanks for the positive words!

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