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D20 Vaporware

Banshee16 said:
Isn't that out now? On Friday I saw a D20 hardcover called the Immortal's Handbook or Immortal's Adventures or something to that effect at my FLGS...


That would be the one from Mongoose. Don't really know anything about it.

The one we're talking about here is the near mythical Immortals Handbook by ENWorld's own Upper Krust. You can find the discussions in the house rules forum.

And I'm seriously doubting it will ever see the ligt of day as well....


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Another vote for the rest of AEG's Shadowforce Archer line.

Also, the Season 3 book for Stargate SG-1. I like the stuff AEG puts out, but they seem to have trouble getting it all out the door.


First Post
Adamant's Glorianna may or may not become vaporware, I for one really, really hope it does not. I like that period, and I like the fey, what more could I ask for?

Boojum said:
Heh, sorry about my mishandling of that. I announced it way, way too early (as soon as I decided to write it, before I had come up with anything at all for it). Plus which, I vastly underestimated the scope of the project and just how much time and effort it would take, and also completely underestimated the amount of time and energy that my studies, day job, other writing projects, and other recreation would take up in my life. Announcing any completion date other than "when it's done" was obviously a major mistake, but my enthusiasm for the project won out over my better judgment. I've learned from that and decided not to try for publicity until it's done, since too many delays frustrate people like you who have waited for it. Actually, I'm somewhat surprised and flattered that the couple of annoucements that were made piqued your interest enough to miss it when it didn't come out.

That said, however, the project is not dead. I currently have a draft of the rules that's about 85% complete and a weekly playtest campaign, which is causing it to come together pretty nicely. Several demos have been run at cons, with very positive responses. Actually, we're getting to the stage where additional playtesters would be helpful, so if you're interested, please email me. (ghughes "at" uci "dot" edu).

Again, sorry about the massive delays.

Heh, I know how that works! I used to freelance for a gaming company here in Maine back in Eighties, I don't think we ever had something come out on schedule. I am very glad that this is not vaporware!

The Auld Grump
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First Post
Which reminds me, the company I wrote for in the Eighies sold their adventures to TSR, which announced them in Dragon Magazine, then never printed them! TSR Vaporware! (Along with R.I.P. and a few others as I recalll. TSR did that a certain amount.)

The company was the Companions Inc. out of Bath Maine, the Islandia Campaign was the book that became vaporware. As I recall Roger E. Moore did not like the Companions adventures because the bad guys ran around doing bad things rather than waiting in their dungeons to be slaughtered... This was during his 'anti dark gaming' period, about when I stopped playing AD&D for the first time.

The Auld Grump


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Banshee16 said:
Isn't that out now? On Friday I saw a D20 hardcover called the Immortal's Handbook or Immortal's Adventures or something to that effect at my FLGS...

That's "Classic Play: The Book of Immortals" by Mongoose Publishing (as Sorcica said). I have long since wrote off Upper Krust's work as vaporware. He keeps working on it, so eventually it may turn up, but I am not expecting it anytime soon. Maybe in 2010 or so, at his current rate.

BTW, CP:TBoI isn't terribly good I am afraid. I was disappointed with it. Hmmm. It might be worthwhile to write a review...


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While I was rather skeptical about it, the various things that were hinted about Frostholm by Justin Achille sounded interesting. But I haven't heard anything more in over a year.


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SuperGamera said:
Also, the Season 3 book for Stargate SG-1. I like the stuff AEG puts out, but they seem to have trouble getting it all out the door.

They weren't releasing anything for Stargate while in license negotiations, and now no longer have the license so obviously won't be publishing anything more. There's a thread in the d20 Games forum on this topic.


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Another HOHF: Gnomes vote. You can't just do four and leave the greatest nonhuman race in DND without it's own book.
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Krieg said:
So what you're saying is that GURPS d20 counts? ;)

I somewhat expect to see a GURPS d20 (as in, a GURPS version of d20) one day. And maybe a d20 GURPS (as in, a d20 version of GURPS) as well. It would be fun to use one in order to play the other. Err... :confused:

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