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Dare to enter a gritty universe of sci-fi survival horror! The XENOMORPHS Kickstarter Has Launched!

The Kickstarter for Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing has launched! Dare to enter a gritty universe of sci-fi survival horror! A full standalone set containing the core rules for WOIN-powered science-fiction roleplaying games and the Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing setting/adventure sourcebook. Terror and monsters await in the depths of space...

The Kickstarter for Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing has launched! [FONT=&amp]Dare to enter a gritty universe of sci-fi survival horror! A full standalone set containing the core rules for WOIN-powered science-fiction roleplaying games and the [/FONT][FONT=&amp]Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset [/FONT][FONT=&amp]Landing[/FONT][FONT=&amp] setting/adventure sourcebook. [/FONT][FONT=&amp]Terror and monsters await in the depths of space...[/FONT]


Xenomorphs is a gritty, dark, survival horror setting. Known space is largely dominated by a self-serving corporation, and the setting primarily features blue-collar workers or marines. The game should feel claustrophobic; colonies are dark and cold, and hammered with rain. Death is around every corner, whether by an engineering accident or by something else...


It is the late 22nd century. Humanity has travelled some 50 light years from Earth, but has not yet encountered any intelligent alien civilizations. Colonies — usually financed by the massive Chen Zua Corporation—litter known space, mining, terraforming, and researching, as humanity slowly pushes its frontiers forward.

Back on Earth, much of the wasted space — Antarctica, the great deserts — has been terraformed and the planet is crowded; resources are running low, a situation which is driving the push out into the galaxy.

The Kickstarter include two books:

  • The 300-page full-colour hardcover N.E.W. The Science Fiction Roleplaying Game core rulebook, fully updated and errataed, with a special, exclusive Xeno Edition cover.
  • The 60-page full-colour softcover Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing setting/adventure sourcebook which describes the setting - including known space, the United Marine Corps, equipment, careers, a pair of iconic starships, information about the different varieties of xenomorph, plus a detailed terraforming colony called Somerset Landing, along with a survival horror adventure set in that colony. Both books are detailed below.
Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing was written by Darren Pearce (Doctor Who; Lone Wolf), Angus Abranson (Hillfolk; Cubicle 7), and Russ Morrissey (What's OLD is NEW; To Slay A Dragon).

Click here to back the Kickstarter!

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
That was a fantastic first day! We're fully funded, five times over. As I look at it right now, we've just hit £5K (or $6750).


5ever, or until 2024
Ok, question: this seems like one of those games where PCs are likely to die.

We know that sometimes those games can work, but still, what is the hook into this bleak future?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Ok, question: this seems like one of those games where PCs are likely to die.

We know that sometimes those games can work, but still, what is the hook into this bleak future?

The sample adventure is like that. But not every adventure has to be! We wanted the example adventure to really be survival horror, but there are plot hook ideas in the setting book for other adventure types too. It’ll never be high fantasy, but you don’t have to be eaten by xenomorphs in every adventure!
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Actually, that could work really well as a campaign.

* You are being experimented on by unseen captors who experiment on you. You are regularly put into scenarios where you have to try to survive, because you remember each time that you die. Each time you die your consciousness is beamed to a new clone. Eventually you see an opportunity to escape, but if you die, you will be right back in your captor's clutches.


* You are part of an elite force with the training to clean out Xenomorph infestations. When you die one of your buddies needs to grab the consciousness download box to take it back to a clone.

This would allow both "flavors of the week" as well as a longer running plot.

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