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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 5


Aust Thale


Jabbars Trade Shop is located near the Temple of Ishvar in the south-eastern section of Cabarda next to the Fools Gold Tavern. It is a two story stone structure with plenty of storage space. There are stalls for six horses, bunks for six men, a shop front, a small living area and two upstairs bedrooms. Living here for the last twenty-odd years has been quite an educational experience.

You were born a gray elf in the Elven Kingdom of Seilon in the north. The year of your coming of age ceremony was near upon you, with all the pressures of gray elf society soon to follow, so you had to make a choice. Stay or go. For you there was only one choice, abandoning your family and all your fathers grand plans. Brave as that was, had you come to Vulkh alone, green as you were, unfamiliar with outsiders, you might not have lasted this long.

Thankfully Jabbar was there to familiarize you with the laws of Vulkh, Akhenaten culture, and the smuggling trade. That was 22 years ago. Jabbar was still young then, freshly scarred from some terrible encounter in Masaeus that still gives him nightmares. Those early years were dangerous for you both, full of risk and intrigue. But thanks be to luck, you both survived and made enough profit for your efforts to purchase this shop, its merchandise and furnishings. The pair of you even managed to dig out a hidden storeroom under the floor, accessed by a secret door beneath the stairwell.

Jabbar ages much quicker than you, but in many ways he is still the same. He still refuses to have a family, attends services at the temple of Ishvar on a regular basis and occasionally meets other men at taverns to speak in low tones about all the injustice and tyranny the people of Vulkh endure, especially slavery.

In truth your smuggling days aren't what they used to be. The whole point of smuggling was avoiding taxes to earn greater profits. Now that you own a shop with a comfortable home to live in there is no longer a need to risk so much. Even so, Jabbar is still restless, still haunted by the evil that tried to kill him so many years ago. Someday he will work up the nerve to return to Masaeus and face that evil again. Knowing him as well as you do, you are certain of it.

He likely only waited this long ensuring you had everything you need before he goes, and also perhaps because he fears you might follow after him.


A fire crackles in the hearth before you in the cozy common room at the back of the shop. You closed up at sundown, as most shops do besides inns, brothels and taverns. It is rare to have an evening to yourself but he and the others left town some time ago. Jabbar wanted to take Avar the sundered dwarf with him on a trial run to meet a contact somewhere outside of town. You know the town guard shuts the gates of Cabarda at sundown, permitting no entry until dawn. If Jabbar and the others have not returned yet they shouldn't arrive until morning at the earliest.

Sundered dwarves are often spoke of like madmen and fearful cravens so you've kept your judgement carefully reserved. Jabbar has high hopes for him however. He said he seems like a natural and his mind is in the right place. He also said he knows many things worth knowing. Perhaps he is right, perhaps not... Jabbar has always proven himself a good judge of character, but you don't always agree with who should be brought into your inner circle.

The other men who work for you and Jabbar, who sleep in the bunks in the barn, are technically slaves bought in the market. (As most merchants are known to do) Even so, Jabbar actually pays them a wage to keep their mouths shut about all the black market goods you buy and sell, even if you don't deal in them nearly as much as you used too. Jabbar does more for them than pay wages however. He promises to grant each one their freedom after a years service is up.

True to his word, after their time is served, he uses his many contacts around the kingdom to arrange new lives for them. He enjoys freeing slaves quite a bit and would never sell his slaves to another buyer. In the meantime of course, anyone of them could report you to the sheriff or, the vulfear, for an even bigger reward.

Sometimes at night you hear doors around town being kicked in by the vulfear... or worse, the screams of the victims of the Vulkyrie. Those winged monsters enjoy creating new ways of killing for sport. Every once in a while a pair of them will carry someone up into the air, fifty feet up or more, before dropping them unto the street below. (If its someone small like a halfling, it only takes one.) The bloody mess afterwards is a telling reminder of their cruelty and serves as an example for others who might break the law.

As you reach for your wine bottle again you are sad to find it empty. There is only the Berelle of Tejj Jabbar keeps in the cupboard as an alternative. In truth you have yet to acquire the taste for such a sweet and strong liquor. A visit to the tavern next door might be in order for you.

[Aust: What do you do?]
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Billanverthorne, Burrai, Elloral


Billanverthorne said:
Bill stands up and begins to move toward the front door, making no effort to hide his actions. "Why is everyone around here so moody? Can't anyone take a joke? I need some air..." ~Wait, does he expect ME to pick a fight with Burrai?~

Bill puts that last thought out of his head, as he moves quickly, with purposeful intent, toward the front door; anyone in his way will be shoved aside.

You inspire a few curses and chided remarks as you push your way to the door, but it is not possible to get out of the inn before the woman does. (While seemingly disregarding her at least)

Billanverthorne said:
Once Bill is outside, he will pause for a moment, waving at the porch that is 20 yards distant, where Jabbar and Avar are crouched, hiding. He allows them a second or two to notice him before gesturing at the woman sprinting away down the street (indicating she is a person of interest) before sprinting around the western side of the Inn. He stops at the corner so that he can peer around it and look at the Inn's back alley without being noticed. [Hide roll = 22.]

When Bill notices the six thugs against the wall, instinct takes over. ~The game has changed. Whomever these 6 are, whether they're with the watchers or not, their intentions are clear. Burrai will die if I do not ACT!~

Mr. Bigmouth, who is apparently the leader, is about to get shot from behind. Bill is hoping that a shot from the far corner will give him the element of surprise.

(Bill's intention: shoot Mr. Bigmouth from behind, twice.

Kong: (Spot Check, DC 22: = 24 -3 for shadowy lighting conditions, = 21, Fail)

The big mercenary does not glimpse the elf archer before he lets his arrows fly. (Effectively has him surprised & flat footed)

Billanverthorne said:
(First shot, base, without flat-footed or surprise modifiers, which are the DM's prerogative: Hits AC 20. Hit location: Skull, damage = 9, fort save or stunned.)

Kong: (Fortitude Save, DC 9: = 11, Saves) Your arrow deflects off Kong's thick skull leaving a large gash.

Billanverthorne said:
(Second shot, base [Rapid Shot]: Hits AC 14. Hit location: Right hand, damage = 9, Drop item on failed reflex save.)

Kong: (Reflex Save, DC 9: = 8, Fail) Your arrow pierces Kong's meaty right hand, forcing him to drop his Ono (massive battle axe)!

<End of Surprise Attacks>

<Start of Combat>


<Start of Round 1>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(16) Billanverthorne
(12) Elloral
(10) Kong (-9,-9)
(08) Burrai
(01) Thugs


[Billanverthorne: You act first in round 1. What do you do?]


Aust Thale

Aust starts out to the tavern, thinks better of it, and straps on his rapier and dagger, and then wanders over for a pint. It's one thing to enjoy a pint, a flask, or a gun of wine. It's another to allow some wayward brigand get the drop on Aust. That simply wouldn't do. Woe unto those who would stand between Aust the elf and his refreshment.


Aust Thale

As you emerge from the shop you feel a chill beneath dark, looming clouds. The streets are largely deserted except for small groups moving to and from the taverns, inns and brothels. You've visited all the taverns of the town by now, yet the one next door is the one must frequented by yourself and Jabbar and its not just for the sake of convenience.


The Fools Gold Tavern is one of the better built in town, constructed with walls of mortared stone with a tile roof. It has four chimneys, one for the kitchen, one for the common room, one for the private seating area and one for the owners quarters. There are large glass windows with a wide view of the street in both the common room and the private seating area. (Those in the private seating area are magically enchanted to only see through clearly in one direction, looking outwards)

There are hitching posts for mounts out front. Inside the common room there's a small bar with five stools as well as five circular tables. The tavern also has a small walled herb garden in the rear which you can access by a side gate in the alley (always locked), a side door in the private seating area or a backdoor from the main common room (always locked). Commoners off the street and newcomers to the city aren't permitted into the 'private seating area' for fear they are spies or informants for the vulfear.

Ubayullah Zaide is the owner of this tavern, an old cripple who lost a leg above the knee. He walks know with the aide of a crutch that always rests beneath his right shoulder. Despite his infirmity, Ubayullah is highly respected and well liked. Indeed there are many who wanted him to serve as Cabarda's Merchant Lord instead of Farik, a man he despises.

Ubayullah has important political connections and powerful friends among rich merchants and respected guild leaders. However, in truth, Ubayullah despises snobs and those who profit from slavery. He bought this tavern as a place where honest tradesman can meet and share a drink. Anyone associated with Merchant Lord Farik, the thieves guild, or whom otherwise has a criminal reputation are not usually welcome. Jabbar and yourself are the only smugglers you know of that make an exception.

Ubayullah is one of Jabbars oldest friends and trusted business partners. It's no secret to you why they respect each other, it's because of their faith and an ancient tribal alliance that predates the Kingdom of Vulkh itself. Whenever Ubayullah needs anything smuggled he comes to your shop to get it done, and he pays well. Jabbar is a regular visitor to the private room of the tavern, one of the few trusted enough to carry a key for the side gate so he doesn't have to move through the common room first when he enters.

The kitchen is run by two women, both younger sisters to Ubayullah. The bartender is his younger brother Isra. He also employs two servers and two bouncers. One who watches the front door/common room and another who guards the private seating area.

However as you near the front door of the tavern you notice a woman sprinting down the street... chased by Avar and Jabbar?! (Avar runs much faster than you'd expect for a half-dwarf!) As the woman nears you, Avar hurls a homemade bola around her legs, sending her sprawling. As she tumbles painfully at your feet she cries out to you for help.

[Aust: What do you do?]
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne: Silent as Death...

Bill will continue to attack Mr. Big Mouth. Two more shots [Rapid Shot]: (First shot = Hits AC 15, Hit Location Right Leg, -5' Move if arrow stuck, 8 points damage.) (Second shot = Hits AC 23, Hit Location Right Hand [Again! Ouch!], 7 points damage.)

Bill is as silent as death, focused on the death of the lead thug, in the interests of lowering morale, and giving Burrai a fighting chance.

After the second arrow leaves the bow, Bill takes a 2-square movement to his left, back around the corner, completely out of view. ~If Mr. Bigmouth wants me, he'll need to be brave enough to follow me around a blind corner. And WHEN he does that, I'll show him the error of his ways!~
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Aust Thale

OOC: Aust's defensive instincts spin up. He immediately adjusts his posture and comportment, no longer relaxed. He reaches to assist the female up, taking stock of her appearance and unique characteristics (Aust wants to recall her face - does he know her?] and faces Jabbar and Avar. He does not let go, and he doesn't help untangle her feet from the bolos.

He doesn't speak to her. He simply nods at her and holds her still, placing her facing him but with her back to Jabbar & Avar. If they wanted her dead, they would not have used a bolo. Aust doesn't want her to bolt, and he doesn't want her to know how close they are from her to move her to struggle. Folks get injured when they struggle. Really don't want her hurt. She's not a gnome, or an orc.

Again, defensively, Aust takes a measure of the direction she was running, any other living folks around (Infravision), and then focuses again on her. Nope, she's not moving.


Billanverthorne, Burrai, Elloral, Kong

Bill will continue to attack Mr. Big Mouth. Two more shots [Rapid Shot]: (First shot = Hits AC 15, Hit Location Right Leg, -5' Move if arrow stuck, 8 points damage.) (Second shot = Hits AC 23, Hit Location Right Hand [Again! Ouch!], 7 points damage.)

Bill is as silent as death, focused on the death of the lead thug, in the interests of lowering morale, and giving Burrai a fighting chance.

After the second arrow leaves the bow, Bill takes a 2-square movement to his left, back around the corner, completely out of view. ~If Mr. Bigmouth wants me, he'll need to be brave enough to follow me around a blind corner. And WHEN he does that, I'll show him the error of his ways!~


Elloral: Looks to the mercenary thugs -Raises her voice- "I will warn you only once to leave us alone! Feel the wrath of my goddess Valkauna!" Uses a Domain Power of Valkauna (Orders Wrath), targeting a 30 ft cube in the back alley that targets Kong and five of the six thugs (except thug 3). Will save, DC 17 for half damage. (Damage: = 10) As the mercenaries cry out with pain she adds. "If that warning isn't enough, the axe of Burrai Steelborn is much worse!"

Orders Wrath said:
Order’s Wrath
Evocation [Lawful]
Level: Law 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Nonlawful creatures within a burst that fills a 30-ft. cube
Duration: Instantaneous (1 round); see text
Saving Throw: Will partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You channel lawful power to smite enemies. The power takes the form of a three-dimensional grid of energy. Only chaotic and neutral (not lawful) creatures are harmed by the spell.

The spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8) to chaotic creatures (or 1d6 points of damage per caster level, maximum 10d6, to chaotic outsiders) and causes them to be dazed for 1 round. A successful Will save reduces the damage to half and negates the daze effect.

The spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither chaotic nor lawful, and they are not dazed. They can reduce the damage in half again (down to one-quarter of the roll) with a successful Will save.

Kong: (Will Save, DC 17: = 7, Fail)(Damage: 5) Howls with anger before he speaks to his thugs in that foreign tongue."Le gèng hǎo de jiàn jí zhòng le duì nǐ!" He growls before he grabs the shafts piercing his right hand with his free hand and snaps them in half, pulling them free, gritting his teeth together with pain. (Swift action, 2 damage)

Kong pulls out a potion and swallows it. (Standard Action)(Cure Serious Wounds: = 30) "Is this how you let your friends fight your battles for you Burrai?" He asks mockingly.

Thug 1: (Will Save, DC 17: = 3, Fail)(Damage: 10)(Dazed)

Thug 2: (Will Save, DC 17: = 20, Saves)(Damage: 5)

Thug 4: (Will Save, DC 17: = 17, Saves)(Damage: 5)

Thug 5: (Will Save, DC 17: = 19, Saves)(Damage: 5)

Thug 6: (Will Save, DC 17: = 18, Saves)(Damage: 5)


<Round 1>

Bleeding Damage ( * )
Fire Damage ( # )
Cold Damage ( @ )
Spell Damage ( ^ )
Spell Healing ( ^ )
Poison Damage ( ! )

The order of initiative is:

(16) Billanverthorne
(12) Elloral
(10) Kong (-9,-9)(-8,-7)(Arrow stuck in leg)(-5^)(-2)(+30^)
(08) Burrai
(01) Thugs
- Thug 1 (-10^)(Dazed)
- Thug 2 (-5^)
- Thug 3
- Thug 4 (-5^)
- Thug 5 (-5^)
- Thug 6 (-5^)

[Burrai: It is your turn, what do you do?]
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He savors the taste of his first sip and then gives an appreciative glance to Rasul. He finds the taste interesting and will drink modestly from time to time as he listens to the thief-lord.

“I suppose the way you built up the system brought its own disadvantages and advantages. It somewhat alienates people, at least does not encourage a deep collective, on the other hand it worked well with managing ideas. Curious.” he found it especially curious, and somewhat amusing, how suddenly people are giving him insight into the various workings of the underworld. It makes him wonder if it’s the prank of some divine entity on him.
“On another hand I am not sure if the system will hold up once you are gone and your trick no longer enforces the rules. But maybe that is the worry of someone else...”

“As for the Vulfear and the Vul, it sounds like one has to tread especially careful here. How will they react to my being if they see me? I can alter my skin tone somewhat, but far from enough to be able to blend in passably. I also suspect that there are a lot of said, unsaid rules, and way of things I should be aware of.” he asks practically.



Ordechai: "My hogs need feed and water. The rest of us are also quite weary from our long walk. Unless you say the inn is too dangerous for the rest of us, I propose to return to your camp after we have a chance to resupply and refresh ourselves. Is that agreeable?" He asks.

There was that word again, "dangerous". ~Is anything not dangerous out here? Of course the Inn is dangerous, imagine it, a cesspit of tanked up weary travelers, all armed to the teeth with their arrogance, violent histories and all the rest.~

The old cleric did plenty of thinking in the awkward silence after Ordechai's words, but as instructed he kept his mouth shut, and merely nodded at the suggestion of any kind of "refreshing". This was Ordechai's call, and for the new fellow to provide direction on.

Silently beneath it all, Wrenwil was hopeful about the offer to join camp as opposed to spending the night at the Inn. Out here at least there was space, breeze, stars, and hopefully less hassle. ~The Vul though, better to be in an Inn perhaps?~ It was all becoming clear, both options, naturally, were "dangerous".
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Ersun, Rasul

Ersun said:
He savors the taste of his first sip and then gives an appreciative glance to Rasul. He finds the taste interesting and will drink modestly from time to time as he listens to the thief-lord.

“I suppose the way you built up the system brought its own disadvantages and advantages. It somewhat alienates people, at least does not encourage a deep collective, on the other hand it worked well with managing ideas. Curious. On another hand I am not sure if the system will hold up once you are gone and your trick no longer enforces the rules. But maybe that is the worry of someone else...”

Rasul: Hmphs "Someone else indeed... I won't hold myself responsible for the guild when I'm gone. In truth I expect it won't last long." He says with a smirk intimating he probably has more than a guess about what will happen.

Ersun said:
“As for the Vulfear and the Vul, it sounds like one has to tread especially careful here. How will they react to my being if they see me? I can alter my skin tone somewhat, but far from enough to be able to blend in passably. I also suspect that there are a lot of said, unsaid rules, and way of things I should be aware of.” he asks practically.

Rasul: "There is only one rule about the Vul, and that rule is, they respect no rules. You can act exactly as they demand of you and they may still dispatch, dismember or torture you on a whim. My best advice is cover yourself up and stay out of sight. If you are caught before one, you can try and fight it, run from it, or just grovel and hope for the the best. But as you say, you are different, an outsider. They may want to cut you open just to see what you're made of."

"I don't know if you can understand this analogy, but think of the Vul as the hunters and the Vulfear as their hunting dogs. They go into an area first, seeking to flush out the prey the Vul are after. Whoever resists or fights back becomes the Vuls next target." He says taking another puff of his cigar. Then he asks.

"Can you demonstrate being able to change your skin tone?" After you do so he remarks. "Ania didn't explain exactly what she wanted you to do in Masaeus, but a unique ability like that could certainly have its uses, especially in the undercity. She did tell you about the undercity did she not?" He asks. When you reply that she mentioned it he continues.

"I know she wants me to familiarize you with that place..." He pauses to drink more deeply. "I remember it well, despite how badly I want to forget it." He looks at you. "But you are an under-dweller yourself are you not? Tell me about your home Ersun. If I understood that better it will help me explain things in ways you can relate with."
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