Three Free RPG Day Games of Fall of Magic


David Jose
For the first time in a LONG time, I was actually free on Free RPG Day and decided to dig into my bag of tricks and bring something I was figuring few if any of the people there had ever seen before. I had picked up a copy of Fall of Magic after falling in love with a different game from the same designer, that I had Kickstarted as a Christmas gift for my nieces, and then selfishly decided to keep for myself.

For those not familiar, Fall of Magic is almost more of an experience than just an RPG. The game is played on a beautiful silk screened, canvas scroll, that you slowly unfurl across the table as you explore the world. The game comes with this beautiful set of thick, metal coins that you're pushing around to represent yourself and your companions as you slowly work your way across the landscape.

"Magic is dying, and the Magus is dying with it. We travel together to the realm of Umbra where magic was born."

Character creation involves everyone choosing a name off a list, one of the listed places, and one of that place's listed titles. Everyone has to have a different name, but places and titles can be shared. In addition, players are encouraged to come up with some kind of explanation as to who we are to each other, who we are to the Magus, and what the Magus is, though much of that is teased out during play.

Mechanically, the map is littered with little scene prompts to spur you on and help paint a picture of the world that you're in and the places you are at. On your turn, if your coin is not on the map, you place it there and choose one of the prompts. Your scene can be anything you want, in whatever style of roleplay you wish. You can narrate a scene, act out a conversation, describe things cinematically. First person, third person, you can include other characters and players to act out parts. Whatever it is that you're comfortable with. On you're turn, you have final say over what it is that happens, though even then, other people have final say over their own character actions and fate.

Additionally, if your coin is already on the map, you can either choose to revisit a prompt, choose a new prompt, or decide to move the Magus on to the next location on the map. If you do so, you use the primary prompt of that new location either playing as the Magus or as a removed narrator.



The first group had four players. Myself, an old college buddy of mine, his 14(ish) year old son, and a random game store stranger. Our characters were a giant who had been friends with the Magus for so long he no longer remembered how long it had actually been; an iron golem servant that the Magus had crafted with his own hands; an 8 year old, newly minted apprentice; and... And Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z who was riding around on a giant battle crab looking for people to fight.

This style of game was new for pretty much everyone, but they all took to it and shined, even Piccolo. We discovered that my giant was kindly and gentle and was appalled by violence. He had a scene where he wept over an age old forgotten battlefield, because he was overwhelmed by the thought of people deciding that they had no option left but to hurt each other. It was revealed that the apprentice had faked his way through his aptitude tests and had lit his candle with a flint when no one was looking. The golem marveled over how different the outside world was from the world he knew, and the first seeds of resentment at the life of servitude that had been chosen for him were sown. Meanwhile Piccolo made a bunch of DBZ references and quotes.

We travelled through the Mistwood where my giant remembered that this was where he was originally from, that the giants had all been scattered by an ancient war, and that I had been the last of my kind that anyone had seen for generations. Piccolo, urged on by a scene prompt, chose on his own to have his battle crab disappear mysteriously, and we spent the better part of the day trying to find any sign of it.

As the sun set, we stumbled on to the Hall of the Grey Rangers, and in discussing who they were and why they were here decided that they were made up of men and women who had been cursed with lycanthropy and had removed themselves from society. Fearing for our safety the rangers locked us away in their Hall that night in an attempt to protect us. On my turn, I spotted a prompt that involved a die roll that might reasonably set me up to either take a life, be wounded, or to be changed in some drastic and dramatic way (werewolf giant?) so I opted for that. I rolled +wounded and described how the largest of the wolves eventually scented us and battered his way into the hall and charged at the child before I was able to tackle him and pin him to the ground till morning.

We described how the Magus, who would normally be able to heal my wounds without thought or effort struggled to even stem the flow blood, and talked about how sickly and weak he was getting. Realizing that he needed help, the Magus led us down into the Mouth of the Deep where we hoped to find an old friend who might be able to help sustain him, at least till we could get him to the Umbra so that he could be healed.

Heading down into Mouth involved us flipping the scroll over to reveal a "hidden" section of the map, and we found ourselves in the Hanging City. A society suspended from the cavern ceiling, built out of the discarded rags and remains from the above ground world. There, we were able to find the Magus' friend, a hunched and withered old mole-man, who provided him with a potion that restored his strength and who traded us a chest full of priceless diamonds for a colorful quilt the apprentice had been carrying with him for most of the trip.

Travelling on, across the Sea of Salt, we eventually reached the Fortress of Karst, a giant, industrial, clockwork city. Here, our golem discovered that the Magus had not created him, but had instead rescued him from being destroyed for being a golem accidentally created with free will. For his entire existence he had just assumed he had no choices and could make no decisions for himself, but he now realized he had complete control over his own destiny. While this was happening, the apprentice visited a mechanical oracle and asked it what he was supposed to do since he wasn't a magician and had no magical abilities. The player decided that, since he himself didn't know what the answer should be, that he'd pimp me into providing it, so on my turn I chose the "What nears the fortress" prompt and had the city get attacked by a giant lava monster before he could read his little fortune cookie prophecy.

The apprentice, giant, and magus ran to escape the fortress as it revealed itself to be a giant, 80 foot tall golem. Realizing that he could choose for himself, OUR golem decided to ignore our cries to run and instead stood in defense of the home that had abandoned him. Excited to finally get his chance to be in a fight, Piccolo jumped in, powered up, chanted some kind of Japaneseish battle cry, and Special Beam Cannoned the lava monster.

Growing weaker by the minute, the Magus had to be carried by his friends through the Gates of Umbra, where the other players were surprised to discover that we were supposed to flip the map back over. They had been actively trying to kill the poor guy off cause they thought it was the end of the story. We travelled through the Nameless City where my giant gave away his name so that the denizens would let us pass unharmed.

We then, just as the 5 minute warning was called for the break between sessions, arrived at the source of magic. The Magus we decided, had had to make this trip, and had known all along that he was going to die so that he could pass on the spark of magic to his new apprentice. He had brought us along not only to help him get here, but to protect the child. The apprentice, now the new Magus, who was my friend and had always been my friend for longer than I could ever remember used his magic to give me my new name. Piccolo, having fought the greatest monster this world had had to offer, and now realizing that violence was not always the solution to a problem ascended from this world to go beat people up in other dimensions. The golem, again realizing that he had a choice, decided that he would go back with us to the Magus' home, because the outside world was too big and too many choices.

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The second game was NOT bad. [I change my mind. Now that I've revisited the entire story, I realize that there were interesting pieces, but that overall it was pretty freaking painful.] It just suffered from having a mix of playstyles that I and (I think) one of the other players were not expecting and just found to be a little frustrating.

Have you ever played in a game of D&D and had a player who was perfectly content to to just spend the entire session just going shopping? And talking to the shopkeeper. And finding out about the shopkeeper's family. And asking the shop keeper if they had this suit of armor in a different color?

Three of the five players we had in this game were that kind of player, and they were all sitting next to each other.

This meant that on their turns, they'd each spend five or six or more minutes excitedly discussing their character choices and world building, each stacking and spiraling off each other, well beyond the scope of the prompt, and barreling past reminders to aim small and not dictate what future story beats and turns of the game should be miles down the road.

And then it would get to mine, and the other player's turn and then, instead of then moving the Magus on to the next town down the road, the three of them would decide to revisit prompts in the same town and just spin and spin and spin and spin for another 15 to 20 minutes.

But they were having so much freaking fun and the other player and I were trying hard not to squash it or look too distressed and headachey.

All told, in a two hour span, the first game (with four people) was able to easily visit 13 locations with one bathroom break and a demo of another game in between. This game, with five people and no breaks, was able to just barely make it to six locations before we ran out of time. Thankfully, I think that we were still able to come up with a satisfying and interesting ending and didn't have to leave things on a "we're never going to see each other again" cliffhanger.

But, on to our cast:

Going clockwise around the table from me we had a Fox of Mistwood, a rakish rogue who left a broken heart in pretty much every town he visited. Another Crabsinger, who in this game saw themselves as an oceanic druid. A knight of Stormguard who hated and distrusted magic. Another fox, who in this case, decided that they were an actual magical talking fox, enchanted by the Magus. And I chose to be a Hero of Barleytown, a washed up war hero who had piled up too many gambling debts.

We opened in Ravenhall, gathering to meet the Magus, and the discussion devolved into a need to define power levels and spell lists and abilities and I tried to bend things around and explain that this game wasn't necessarily going to need that level of detail, but that if we found ourselves needing it later, we could come back to it. Talk also revolved heavily around what narrative course should be plotted for the Magus and there was a very distinct desire (with 3/5 of the group) for the Magus to be an untrusted villain that we were all travelling with apparently against our wills and that he was dangerous.

I applauded the idea, but suggested that we keep things open and that we could steer things in that direction if the opportunity presented itself. For now though, we should come up with a reason why we either liked and/or wanted to take this trip. I pushed towards the idea that maybe magic wasn't dying per se, but that it was changing and the Magus was changing with it. We all liked the idea of magic in the world maybe being more watery and constructive, but that the world had been plagued with longer and longer droughts and heat waves, and as that was happening, the kind of magic that existed in the world, and that the Magus was able to cast was more firey and destructive.

We moved on to the second location and there was a request to maybe have the Magus turn evil now. I said that we should probably stretch it out a little bit more, and that we should look at and take cues from the prompts. We discovered that the roguish fox had a wife waiting for him back home, and that the crabsinger had a menagerie of different kinds of crab familiars hiding in the folds of his robes.

I moved us on to our third location, Barelytown, where we discovered that the gates to the city were locked to us because they blamed the Magus for the droughts that had destroyed their crops. The rogue decided that the princess of Barleytown had dressed herself as a commoner and snuck out of the castle and the two of them fell in love. The crabsinger had hundreds if not thousands of crabs appear and put on a colorful dance routine which explained to the townsfolk that they should open the gates and let us in because the Magus was here to make rain. The knight bought manacles in case we needed to handcuff the Magus. I forget what the talking fox and I did. I think I confessed to her that I had taken advantage of people and didn't consider myself to be a hero anymore. It was at this point that I expected the rogue to move us on, but we went for round two in Barleytown. The rogue seduced a woman at a farm. We had a discussion about what kinds of magic the crabsinger could cast to make it rain on the barley fields or if the Magus should try to make it rain and accidentally incinerate everything. The knight wanted to overhear the Magus in a confession booth admitting that he was turning evil. The talking fox moved us on to our next location.

Crossing through the Stormguard Mountains, she described a wicked blizzard that was gathering in the mountain peaks. I had us take shelter in an outpost of the Queen's Guard since she had ordered the pass closed until the storm passed. I don't remember what the rogue did, but it probably had something to do with a story about an ex lover. The crabsinger chose to have the storm worsen and we all decided that the blizzard turning into a rain of fire would fit the bill nicely. The knight realized he could stack the deck and that he could theoretically have any of the "roll to see the effect" answers to the prompt "The danger you fear" equate to the Magus turning evil. Lo and behold, the knight realizes that the rain of fire had been caused by the Magus.

I suspiciously fail to point out that the talking fox skips her "her" turn and moves the Magus on instead, especially cause we realize we only have like 20 minutes of game time left. The knight interrupts briefly because he has the idea that maybe the reason why the Magus brought the philandering rogue "fox" and his talking fox on this trip with him is because someone had told him a prophecy that he needed to bring "the fox" and he wasn't sure which one that meant. Sure, sounds great, we add it to the pile.

The rogue beds a dancer... Jesus I hadn't realized just how much of this there had been. I'm going up to edit my "Not Bad" vote. The crabsinger wanders down a hall and accidentally ends up in the king's tomb where his crabs steal a magical bracelet. The knight has the rogue get sent to horny court by the Queen. Apparently her daughter is the princess of Barleytown and the Queen is also good friends with his wife. He gets banished from the castle as punishment and we all get kicked out with him.

We move on to a magic ice train, and then the city of Istallia, our last location. The rogue has wife show up on the train and she files for a divorce. The knight has the Magus try to magic the train for some reason and had it convert into a fire train and I really don't remember why. At this point the talking fox and I are just trying to make it to the end of the session.

In the city, the knight discovers that we have a legendary magic maguffin at our disposal that will solve all of our problems and deduces that the prophecy about "the fox" means that all he has to do is give the bracelet to the right fox and all our problems will be solved. We've got minutes before the end of the session, and the talking fox is up next, so he gives it to her.

The talking fox decides that the only logical solution at this point is that she is the wrong choice, and that as soon as the bracelet is put on her it dispels the enchantment and she wanders away a normal, ordinary fox. meanwhile she has the Magus wade off into the ocean and boil it away as he goes supernova.

I'm really sorry about this one, I had really been looking back at this with some industrial strength rose freaking colored glasses.

I swear to god the third and final session was probably one of the best role playing experiences I've ever had in my life. Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow (today) to post it.

Looking forward to reading it when you get to it!
I had someone compare my game God-Killer Prophecy to playing Fall of Magic and since I haven't played that, it's very nice to see some write-ups of actual plays for FoM.

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