D&D 5E Dark Sun Spiritual Successor on Kickstarter: Red Dawn: Into the Dawnlands


Existential Risk
Dark Sun and Eberron are the only canonized D&D settings with enough originality to really feel unique to me, so I hope they succeed! It's clear that Wizards is staying lean with new or reintroduced settings, so if this succeeds without legal problems maybe we'll get some dark horse settings like Rich Burlew's in the future. That said, I agree with the potential lack of sensitivity and novelty noted by others below.
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I'm going to hold off. This looks like it could have potential, but it could do with some sensitivity readers, too -
it's been a long time since DARK SUN; things scan a lot differently, and it wouldn't hurt to have it have a going over.

Frankly, the talk about slave races and 'ideal slave race' stuff comes off as not great.

They certainly have time left in the KS to go out and hire some folks to clean up the game and make it more appealing to everybody, because, hey, everybody has money - and with some readers, it would make even MORE money.

This ... is probably not for me, on first viewing. I love Dark Sun, but just such a naked, transparent ripoff rubs me the wrong way a little, plus neither of the main authors listed seem to have any prior RPG design or writing credits whatsoever and this is the company's first KS, which always makes me a little wary. I've been bitten before.

The art looks very nice though. I suspect WotC will release a 5e Dark Sun in the next 12-18 months anyway. If that doesn't do it for me, I might revisit this one.
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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
This looks less like a spiritual successor and more like a carbon copy with the serial numbers filed off. Though, one notable difference seems to be that a big cataclysm is responsible for the state of the world, and also changed the way magic works, rather than magic always having drawn its power from the natural world and its over-use being to blame. And for me, that’s pretty much a dealbreaker. The number one selling point of dark sun for me is the environmentalist themes, and this change weakens them significantly.


Yeah like a lot of you, I'm torn with this one.

My need for something Dark Sun increases with my frustration every year that WOTC does not bring the setting out. This is probably driving me emotionally at the moment.

I wonder if they will give us a sneak peek at a bunch of the mechanics so we can make better informed decisions about this.


I was hesitant to back, as it is a first-time kickstarter and I'm not familiar with anything else the creators may have done. However, WotC dragging their feet on giving us 5E Dark Sun made me decide to give it a go - print + PDF.

I will say, their enclosed video on the Kickstarter is hideous - sounds like a bad rendition of a stereotypical baptist minister, I kinda expected something sounding more like a Fury Road Mad Max exposition instead.


I was hesitant to back, as it is a first-time kickstarter and I'm not familiar with anything else the creators may have done. However, WotC dragging their feet on giving us 5E Dark Sun made me decide to give it a go - print + PDF.

I will say, their enclosed video on the Kickstarter is hideous - sounds like a bad rendition of a stereotypical baptist minister, I kinda expected something sounding more like a Fury Road Mad Max exposition instead.

I've posted the link for my group to look at. If they're keen I'll get it if not eh maybe grab the PDF.

Voidrunner's Codex

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