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Darkmatter D20 - Yellow Twilight Darkening

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
From the Philadelphia Enquirer, Saturday, August 2, 2003:

Police seek clues in disappearance

12-year old Alyson McNaghten was reported missing from her room in the Intensive Care Unit at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Hospital yesterday morning by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNaghten.

Last year, Alyson was diagnosed with a degenerative kidney disorder which would lead to eventual failure. In July of this year, she suffered total kidney failure and required a transplant.

"Our thoughts and prayers got out to Alyson's parents. We here at the hospital are cooperating 100% with the police investigation into the McNaghten girl's disappearance," said James Garfield, the doctor who performed Alyson's surgery.

The police are currently investigating a 28-year old woman, originally from West Chester, in connection with the crime. Though the police declined to release the woman's name, they confirm that she was the nurse in charge of caring for Alyson, and also had contact with 72-year old Robert Hosterman, who disappeared in April. Hosterman was in the hospital receiving a liver transplant. The woman has denied any involvement in the disappearances.

You've been contacted by the Institute and instructed to assist the police with this case.
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A sleek, black luxury automobile slipped into the parking garage at Thomas Jefferson Memorial Hospital. Moments later, an equally sleek man strode out, black coat being tossed by the wind. He stood over six feet, dark, spiky hair and thick brows clearly marking him as Italian. He wore a light blue shirt, obviously by some famous designer, tucked into dark pants, trimmed by a long, dark suit jacket and dark shoes.

Overall, he was dark.

It's as if the revolving doors to the place simply admitted him without pushing, when he strode into the hospital. The clicking of his shoes stopped as he stood before the receptionist.

"Hi, I'm Vincenzo Angelica, and I'm a concerned man. I was wondering if you could let me see a roster of the nurses who worked with the McNaghten girl? Perhaps I could shed some light on this case."

He smiled, running a finger down her cheek.

Diplomacy check; 13 + 8 + 1 (Charm) = 22.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Ian Spectran is a quiet man. He has led a rather unusual life and now he is a police detective on a very interesting case. He pushes his hands through his think gray hair and sighs. "Ok Alyson, What is the connection with your dispearence and that of Hosterman It's just too easy to somehow pin it on the nurse." Ian gets up from his desk pushing the papers to one side and eventualy off the table. It's an old trick he learned with Tarot cards. Some times the randomness of the act will bring order out of chaos. The pages hit the floor and Ian looks at them hopeing for enlightnement.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
dave_o said:
I was wondering if you could let me see a roster of the nurses who worked with the McNaghten girl? Perhaps I could shed some light on this case.

The receptionist smiles back, a single lock of her blond hair hanging over her face. "The police said there'd be some people coming to look into our little mystery. Let me see here," she says as she punches some things into the computer. A few moments later, she returns with a printout. "I've highlighted the one who was working with Alyson and Hosterman. The police have already looked over this, but if you think you can find something..." She hands the thin packet over to Vincenzo. "Sir, can I help you with something?" she asks, gesturing to a mysterious-looking individual in the corner of the room, staring at something on the floor.

OOC: Argent, I'm assuming Ian's in the lobby, even though I see now he's not. Whoops.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Ian looks up at the nurse's question. He had completely forgotten he was not in his office. "I'm sorry nurse. I seem to have dropped my papers." Ian bends down and deftly sweepd the papers back into the folder. He sees the 'Man in Black' and approaches.

"I'm Detective Spectran of the Philadelphia Special Victims Unit." He says showing his badge. "Who are you and what is your interest in this case?"

Ian stands 6'2" tall and 180 pounds. his gray hair and beard making him look much older than he truely is but his crystal blue eyes are young and full of life. He's wearing a slate gray suit, neatly pressed but off the rack.


Vincenzo smiles, truly a devil's smile, tucking the packet into his suit jacket. He looks Detective Spectran up and down, arching a brow, before reclining on his heels a bit.

"I'm Vincenzo Angelica, and I assure you, this is purely family business."

He turns back to the receptionist, and smiles warmly, giving a slight wink.

"Thanks, angel."

And with that, he turns, making for the revolving doors, designer shoes clicking their way along the tile floor.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Ian gets in front of Vincenzo. "I'm sorry sir but this is a police investigation. I require that you stay here and answer my questions." Ian has his badge out. "We can talk here or at the station. Your choice." Ian reaches for his cufs.


Vincenzo looks quite annoyed, sighing a few times. He taps his fingers on his belt buckle, looking past the Detective, before finally speaking - in a quite exapserated tone.

"Look, I've got some info that makes me worried about this case. Info that it's probably better that you didn't know. Actually, unless you're employing personal guards, I really doubt this is info that you'd even want to know. You got kids? A wife?

This is stuff you really don't wanna know."

He looks over his shoulder, and turns back to the Detective.

"I'll let you follow me to this nurse's place, if that'd make you feel better. But otherwise, it's really best I go."

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Ian gives Vincenzo a look and says "this way please." pointing the way to the Nurses Lounge. "I take it you didn't understand me when I said were talking now. I will arrest you if I need to." Ian is smiling as he says this but he obviously knows he can take care of this guy.


Vincenzo tosses his hands in the air, and reclines on his heels again. He gives the receptionist a pleading look, staring past Ian, as he speaks.

"Fine, fine, you cop types are so inflexible. But let's make this quick - I've got work to do."

He turns, sighing again, and walks hastily toward the nurse's lounge.

Voidrunner's Codex

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