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Daunton's Dead Shadow (DM:Ukingsken, Judge:????)


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Ah, good, were here to help you. Kamotz purposefully lays his flail down, See, no need to get jumpy, let's all relax... The shifter gives a slow look around, someone needed to talk this guy down... and from the look in Grakk's eye, he wanted the fight...

We don't want a fight, Kamotz glances at Grakk, then at Vrrsk't, just investigating, Kamotz slowly indicates his holy symbol. What happened?
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At the sight of the thing in the magic circle Magnus' eyebrows shot up and he let out a low whistle. When his eyes were finally able to move beyond the monstrosity they locked onto the man behind it, narrowing.

Ooo...someone...has been opening doors...yes...ones they ought not be opening...


Arcana, Religion (1d20+10=17, 1d20+10=20) to see if Magnus might have notion what they're dealing with.

Just out of curiosity, how big is the room, how much room between the walls and the diagram? How far are we from the man, and how far is the man from the circle? Is he armed?



First Post
Hearing Kamotz's, Grakk steps back from the ring and lets the others focus their attention on the whimpering human. Instead his eyes focus back on the statue, ready to attack if the statue makes the slightest movement.


ooc: No time for a full post just now, but here are a few answers:

[sblock=Magnus]It's clearly demonic in origin, and its musculature and stance bespeak a preference for physical violence, as opposed to magic. It looks powerful. Beyond that you have no idea; your studies have not led to a description of such a demon.

[sblock=the room]It looks kind of like this:


(You know, just in case we need it. ;)


formerly roadtoad
Vrrsk't holds his tongue. He knows that this foul thing of darkness must be destroyed. He knows that there are ways to avoid bloodshed, but he does not know who is in the right here. He leaves it to those with more skilled tongues to sort that out. He knows one thing: he must be ready to fight. Walking toward Grakk, he lays one scaly hand on the barbarian's shoulder. "Not yet, friend. Let us see if this can be ended peacefully."

Facing Grakk, his back is to the
old man in the corner. Vrrsk't drops the sunrod in his right hand and draws his flail, with a wink to Grakk indicating that he, too, would prefer to be tested against the demon. Vrrsk't casually moves near the bookshelf on the north wall, making certain that he does not appear to be any closer to the scared man in the corner. Then he waits and lets the talkers do their thing...


First Post
Kamotz watches the exchange between Vrrsk't and Grakk, his hackles raise slightly. The nose of the shifter sniffs once, twice. Familiar sensations built up, good sensations... Kamotz smelled the intent of the Pack, felt the need for a fight, to bring down the big prey. His adrenaline began to pick up slightly, deep down he felt the urge to smite, to rain down righteous wrath.


First Post
"Yes, Vrrsk't...you are right." Grakk says to his comrade, then nods to Vrrsk't in such a way to let him know that he understands his intent. As Vrrsk't moves east along the northen wall, Grakk slowly moves south along the western wall so that he could be in good position to flank the demon with Vrrsk't if the demon moves. Grakk stops at a position southwest of the circle, holding his great blade with both hands, with the blade resting on his shoulder. His eyes continue to watch the demon statue for movement.


"You're... investigating? And you wear Lauto's mark. Yes, you can't be with them! What happened? Well, my name is Varonus Morenson. I own an import business for fine textiles. Our offices are in... but that doesn't matter.

For twelve years, now, I have, as the dwarf says, been opening doors I shouldn't have been opening. I was... just bored, really. I mean, textile imports aren't exactly what I dreamed of, when I was young, and I'm not getting any younger. I just wanted some excitement, and when I stumbled across that book, well... I never did anything with what I summoned; never sent them on rampages or anything. I had them build this room for me in secret, kept it from my family. It was my secret, my way to get away and be myself for a bit.

Well, it turns out, someone noticed. I started to get notes, left in places no one but me would look. Threats, telling me that they knew what I was, and they had a job for me, and that they wouldn't take no for an answer. Left me instructions, how to contact them, passwords... But I did nothing. I thought... At first I thought it was a prank, but it kept happening. The threats got worse, said they'd go after my family, said I could work for them or feed them. One day, a zombie came into my shop, in broad daylight, and went after the customers! It was just one, and the guards got it, but I got a note saying it was just a warning, that my time was running out. I got scared. I wanted nothing to do with them, but who could I go to? I couldn't explain why they wanted me.

Then, they came... broke into the house, black robes, big serrated knives... Well, I fled here. And I started to summon something, to protect myself. I, uh, well, I was in a hurry, and I wanted something powerful enough to protect me. I cut some corners, doubled the reagents. I... may have stuttered. I got this."
he waves at the circle. The demon just stands there, tense, waiting.

"I've never summoned anything like this. I don't even know what it is. I can't command it. I can't even banish it. It's all I can do to contain it. I've been holding the circle ever since. But I'm out of components. The circle is weakening. I... I'm weakening. I don't even know what day it is. And they never came. All this, and they didn't find me here. Or maybe they just left me." He laughs, bitterly.

"You should go."

It has been at least two days since the family upstairs were killed, which explains the man's exhaustion.

[sblock=insight 16 (passive is ok)]He's being mostly truthful, but he didn't quite meet your eyes when he said that he never used his summoned demons for anything.


First Post
Kamotz smiles, I've got good news. You're small fish Varonus, and we are after big fish. If you will cooperate with our investigation, I'll do my best to make sure you get out of trouble. We can protect you, and I'm sure the Temple will have use of talents like yours. In a safe environment Varonus. Come stand behind us, and out of the way, we shall send this thing back from whence it came... One way, or another. Kamotz slowly bends down and picks up his flail, hefting it with both hands, Any advice? Kamotz asks the wizard, thinking he may know the things strengths and weakness'.

Voidrunner's Codex

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