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Dawnforge: Heroes of Legend (IC Thread)


Guest 11456

The City Of Seagarden!

As you walk through the streets of the city, a cloaked figure trusts a parchment into your hands as he says, "Here you go!". The voice sounds like that of an old man. Absentmindedly glancing at the parchment reveals an orange dragon symbol drawn on it. Looking back up for the cloaked figure you find that whoever he was has disappeared into the crowd. You find it strange that an old man could move so quickly.

Looking more closely at the dragon symbol you note that it is quite intricate and stylized. You wonder what it means. Looking around you don't see anyone else with a similar parchment in their hands. This makes you wonder why you were chosen from all the folk around you to receive this odd gift.

What can it mean?

Kyna: *
There was something wrong with the man's hands. It appeared like the man's hands were not those of an old man.

Kieran: *
There is something odd about the cloaked figure. Something about the way he acted or spoke. You just can't quite put your finger on it. The symbol reminds you of a sign you have seen before hanging over a tavern door. The Jacynth Dragon. It is a fairly upscale place. You have been trying to play there but so far have been unable to get permission. Perhaps this is just what you need to get your foot in the door.

Sasskasa: *
There is something odd about the cloaked figure. Something about the way he spoke. You just can't quite put your finger on it.

Zek: *
The symbol reminds you of a sign you saw yesterday over a tavern or inn. It was of an orange dragon. After pondering it for a few minutes you remember the name of the tavern. The Jacynth Dragon. It seemed like a fairly upscale place.

Karl: *
There was something wrong with the man's hands. It appeared like the man's hands were not those of an old man. There was also something about the way he spoke. The symbol reminds you of a local tavern. The Jacynth Dragon.

Sssakkariah: *
There was something wrong with the man's hands. It appeared like the man's hands were not those of an old man. The symbol reminds you of a local tavern. The Jacynth Dragon. But it is clear on the other side of the city. It will take you a while to get there.
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First Post
Sasskasa hisses softly as he is affronted by the disgustingly old and decreipt human. 'How dare the senile old softie impose its lesser self upon him!?', the lizardman thinks, suppressing his first instinct, which was to bury a retreiver into the old fool's forehead... Sasskasa looks up and impossibly - the man is gone.

The lizardman's nictating membranes slide forward and back with twin audible clicks and a ragged hiss escapes his scaled lips. 'What treachery is this?', he thinks. 'The way the man spoke, and the dragon - the dragon - on the parchment, very odd indeed.' Sasskasa scans the crowd, looking for the old man, or any sign or clue related to him...

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Kieran frowns as the unwanted parchment is thrust into his hand. Blasted rabble. No matter where I go it's a jostle here, a push there, someone spilling ale on me, a drunk calling out for "The Dancing Girl of Deluene" for the seventh time that evening, then me tripping over passed out laborers, struggling to get the innkeeper's eye so I can get my pay for the night. It's a wonder the whole lot of them don't kill each other for food. Thankfully, there're people like my father to protect them from themselves. He stops abruptly and frowns as the irony of the last statement sinks in -- his father never really had a use for Kieran, not like he did for Kieran's brothers. Nor the common people.

About to throw the parchment away, Kieran notices the symbol on it. The Jacynth Dragon? I wonder what the meaning of this is? Well, if nothing else, maybe I'll finally get to play in a civilized tavern. It's been far too long. Adjusting his cloak and flashing a quick, handsome grin (it might not have been enough for the daughters of the nobles back home, but it should do well enough on a serving girl here -- well enough to get him in the door if he brings the little slip of parchment with him), Kieran heads off towards The Jacynth Dragon, mentally practicing a recitation of "The Last Stand at Kith-Kisane" in case he needs to audition.
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Lady Shatterstone

First Post
*Startled by the sudden appearance of the parchment in her hands, Kyna looks around for the old man who put it there*

What is this? Why was it given to me? Only one way to find out...

*With a shrug she head off in the direction of a building she had seen with a similar symbol. As she makes her way her mind drifts back to the old man. His hands seemed wrong. He may not have been an "old" man at all...*

Isida Kep'Tukari

*With a curious tilt of "her" head, the halfling known to the world as Mother Anja examines the paper for a moment and gives a faint smile.*

"A gift to the fortunate," she says brightly and puts the paper in a pocket. Trotting briskly along with more energy than one would think for one of her age, Mother Anja makes her way to the Jacynth Dragon without a further thought to the stranger. Inwardly Zek smiles. Yes, fate has sent me this, as it sent me Mother Anja in life and death and life again. What wonders await me? Surely fate will provide to bring me what I desire so that Mother Anja may live again...


Guest 11456

Sasskasa looks around for the old man or any sign of him, but it is as if he has melted into the crowd. There is no sign of him. Puzzling over the parchment a large man glances over at it and remarks, "That is the best drawing of the the Jacynth Dragon symbol I believe I have ever seen." Seeing Sasskasa's look of confusion, the man continues, "The Jacynth Dragon! Nice tavern. A bit steep for my tastes to be sure." Then he points the reptilian in the general direction of the place.

Kieran arrives at the Jacynth Dragon. He sees the sign above the door with the orange dragon and the words just below it "The Jacynth Dragon." As he walks up to the door he sees a placard to the right reading, "Tonight! One night only! The legendary Pheliben! By invitation only!"

Kyna arrives near the location of the building to find a human standing in front of the same building. He appears to be reading something. As she had guessed there is a sign hanging over the door with a depiction of an orange dragon. From this distance she can just make out the words, "The Jacynth Dragon," In stylized letters beneath the dragon symbol.

Mother Anja (Zek) arrives near the Jacynth Dragon and spots a human who appears to be reading a placard next to the door. From this distance she cannot quite make out the words on the sign.


First Post
Sasskasa sneers and hisses at the man, showing nearly all of his top row of sharp teeth. "I knowssss that, fool!", he says and then, with a fluid, sinuous movement, stalks off towards the tavern.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Tailspinner said:
Mother Anja (Zek) arrives near the Jacynth Dragon and spots a human who appears to be reading a placard next to the door. From this distance she cannot quite make out the words on the sign.
*Knowing that he never would be able to read the strange markings that other races used to communicate, Zek sighed inwardly. Striding boldly as Mother Anja, she walks right in the door, looking for a good seat and good food.*

Lady Shatterstone

First Post
Tailspinner said:
Kyna arrives near the location of the building to find a human standing in front of the same building. He appears to be reading something. As she had guessed there is a sign hanging over the door with a depiction of an orange dragon. From this distance she can just make out the words, "The Jacynth Dragon," In stylized letters beneath the dragon symbol.

"This looks like the place."

*Looking around Kyna does not see the "old man" who depostied the paper in her hand. Letting out a long sigh she slips into the buliding looking for a quite, secluded table in a corner.*

Voidrunner's Codex

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