It's not necessarily intuitive. The rules for awarding downtime and renown are under the heading of Player Rewards, not character rewards. A good argument can be made against awarding downtime and renown to DMs based on this relatively minor detail. I've run a store with over 15, well peaked before these rule changes, and when you cannot logically deduce the assumed answer based on reasonable assertions, like the DM rewards are separate from players rewards ... you can't actually be expected to to deduce the admin's intentions.
This is made worse by inconsistencies from previous and this season, like downtime being specifically mentioned in the DM Reward section. In my opinion, the admins spend too much time assuming that the entire player base is on the same page with them, which leads to some poor wording and structure decisions.
But, thank you for looking out for us second class citizens that have decided to forego Facebook. It is immensely helpful.