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Death in Freeport


"Then let's move," says Aidan. "Out the side door and through the side streets. We're drawing stares and I don't want to chance their mates following us."

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"They seemed pretty demoralized to me," Arcata points out...but she helps Egil up and towards the door regardless.

"You asked for all these other people to come too?" she asks the older man as she walks with him.


"Yes I did." He does a quick count "Aidan, Arcata, Dogrynn, GrockUprim, Hinjo, and now Mr. Bone-sticks, that's everybody. I'll explain when we get to the, the Mermaid." Everyone heads out and follows Dogrynn down some side streets to another tavern with a morbid looking placard out front. A side table is procured and Brother Egil orders and pays for food for everyone. The ale is watery but the fish is not bad. Once the food is served and the barmaid leaves Egil says

"Thank you for coming. You are all good people and I deeply appreciate your being here. I need your help. Two days ago, a librarian from the Athenaeum disappeared. The missing man, Lucius, is a dear friend of mine, and I’m worried that evil has befallen him. When I went to the loremaster's assistant, Milos to request an excusal from my duties for a few days to search for Lucius he denied my request and added on to them with Lucius' duties. For reasons that are not entirely clear the high loremaster has declined to look into the matter and I have been ordered not to pursue it myself or bring it up again with any member of the Athenaeum. I am bound by my oaths of obedience, but I am worried, this is not the first time Lucius has gone missing.

"I have known Lucius for most of my life. We were both brought up in the Athenaeum and grew up together. He became a librarian and I, a scholar. Six years ago something strange happened to him. He seemed to change overnight. One day he was my friend of many years, and the next he was a complete stranger. He asked bizarre questions, seemed to remember nothing of our friendship, and treated the Athenaeum as his own personal library. Some months later he was caught violating the sanctum and was expelled. Shortly thereafter, he left Freeport entirely and was gone for four years.

"When Lucius reappeared, he was like his old self. He came to the chapterhouse and begged to be readmitted, saying that he had no memory of the previous five years. Thuron, the high loremaster, seemed adamant about refusing Lucius’s petition but changed his mind after a private meeting with him.

"Lucius returned to the Athenaeum, and it was just like old times for eight or nine months. Then he started to look haggard, and he told me he wasn’t sleeping well. Something was disturbing him, but he wouldn’t say what. He started asking a lot of questions about what he had been like right before his expulsion. The high loremaster talked to him about it, but Lucius wouldn’t let it go.

"I grew increasingly worried for my friend. He was constantly on edge and obviously exhausted, but pursued his researches with what appeared to be increasingly obsessive desperation. He seemed on the brink of insanity, as if one small thing could push him over the edge. Two days ago, he failed to come to the chapterhouse. I went to his home and found it empty. I searched all over but could not find him. The Athenaeum seems to deny it, but I know that something has happened to Lucius. I am bound by my oaths not to search for him now or bring it up with members of the Athenaeum, but you are not members of the Athenaeum. Will you be willing to find out what happened to him?"


Hinjo finds himself leaning forward, drawn into Brother Egil's story. After Egil finishes, Hinjo sits back for a moment, his gazed fixed on some distant point. Finally, with a snort, Hinjo straightens up and turns his attention to Egil.

"I will help as I can."

Then he sits back, leaving the floor open for the others to respond.


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Arcata listens, first seeming sympathetic, then even a little upset.

"Of course we'll help!" she declares. "Obviously your superiors are hiding something, and it sounds pretty sinister too. You should be very careful, Brother, and keep your nose clean. I don't want you to forget me."


Somewhat taken aback by Arcata's reaction, Aidan looks at the woman and says, "While it certainly sounds like there's something being hidden, it may be a tad early to say something sinister is going on in the Athenaeum. It is Freeport, after all. Everyone in this city has secrets."

Turning to Brother Egil, Aidan asks, "A few questions. One - Do you know what he was researching prior to his expulsion? Two - Aside from his house and the Athenaeum, can you think of any places he frequented regularly? Three - How did the High Loremaster treat Lucius or speak of him after their 'talk'?"

Pausing and then looking around at the assembled group before continuing, Aidan crosses his arms and says, "And while I like you, Brother, as I said, this is Freeport. So four - what's in it for us besides your gratitude? Looking for strays in this town doesn't usually make friends or money."


Brother Egil smiles in relief "Thank you Arcata, Hinjo."

He turns to the Freeport native "Aidan, I have been initiated into the Athenaeum's Order and know certain magics. I can offer you healing when we meet. More, since I have been assigned Lucius' librarian duties on Milos' orders I now have more access to certain Athenaeum archives than I did before. For you in particular this means access to more reserved materials. Most of the recordings of first hand accounts of such matters you asked me about before are not available to the general public at all, but some do exist in the archives.

"Let's see, to answer your questions. When Lucius turned strange the first time he had questions about both the most mundane and the most esoteric topics. At one point he asked me to describe a certain illustration of an imperial seal to him. I thought he was asking about the markings that indicated it was a church prelate who issued the seal, but it turned out he was asking how to describe the color indigo, as if he had never seen such a color before. Another time he asked where he could acquire an elitheometer. I had never heard of one and he got frustrated saying never mind, he'd just need to find some orichalcum and make his own. I don't know what he was looking for in the Sanctum, it is said to hold some of the most valuable and rare treatises the Athenaeum holds and does not make public. Rumors among the initiates say there are also wondrous magics held in there, though only senior members could say what they are or are supposed to do.

"Other places Lucius frequents. Most of his time was spent at the Athenaeum or his house. He occassionally liked to attend the street fairs and the markets. He enjoyed cooking and often ventured down to see what was available for the soups and meals he'd make."

"The Loremaster rarely speaks with the initiates, clerks, or librarians directly. His assistant Milos handles bureaucratic details and sees that Thuron's will is implemented. Thuron is not known as a man who changes his mind easily, yet something that Lucius said or did during their meeting swayed him. I asked Lucius about it but he was ordered not to speak of it he said. It is a puzzle. In any case Thuron has been away a lot recently meeting with a member of the Captain's Council, though I don't know which one. I don't think he has seen Lucius since he called him in to talk things over. At least I have not seen them together and Lucius did not mention any more meetings to me."


ic - Death in Freeport

Aiden said:
Pausing and then looking around at the assembled group before continuing, Aidan crosses his arms and says, "And while I like you, Brother, as I said, this is Freeport. So four - what's in it for us besides your gratitude? Looking for strays in this town doesn't usually make friends or money."

"It is a fair enough question. Each person must come to their own decision on this their own way.

"I don't need anything more from Brother Egil. He has already been more than generous to me with his time and hospitality. Without him I think I would have struggled to find my way in this city. I am not from around here," Hinjo concludes with a smile, as if his fur, braided hair and accent did not make that obvious anyway.


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"Did he say or do anything unusual just before his first change, six years ago?" Arcata ask.

"Maybe he had an audience with someone, or went somewhere? Or was studying something?"


"Hell yeah, Egil I'm there for you. And I think you can count me bud, Rikki in too. Don't 'member Lucius, what does he look like?" replies Dog.

Voidrunner's Codex

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