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[Dec] What's up in your campaign?


So what's up in your campaign?

In my Koboldquest PbP, the kobolds are on their way delivering a box (yea yea banal). They've just survived two nasty encounters; one with a trio of dire toads, almost got away after swallowing the druid. The second encounter they've had was with two balding Ogres who thought that kobold blood makes good hair-tonic. The Ogres managed to pound the party's cleric/ranger into the ground and inflict quite a bit of damage, but they managed to overcome the ogre (7 kobolds to 2 ogres; maybe I should have thrown in one more. ;) )

Guess we'll never know about the hair-tonic...

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THe party freed the God of Adventure from his prison and for a reward he sent them someplace to have a great adventure. Riught now they are investigating an tower melenia old. There are Halflings that can pass through stone (spring attcking from inside the walls and back to them :D) as well as a person being kept alive barely by magic. The Halflings are using him as a food source; he stays barely alive but has fast regeneration. They know there is an ancient dragon heart that may be causeing the halflings to act and have powers as they do.

THere is also a cavern that is unmarked (they havea magical map from Yondalla, basic the reilc in Complete Divine). Inside they will find more adventure, and it will deal with more trapped gods. From there there are three other places that they should travel to. One will involve the greater gods who they think are good enslaving the populace, and doing things the greater gods are not supposed to be able to do. THere will be a Lord of the Flies type valley where kids rule and adults are no where. And finally a cult to Kord, of course they are nudists with olympian like bodies and take offense to people who are clothed and people not in as good as shape as they are. That should be complete and vauge enough just in case the players happen to read it. ;)


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The party has just entered the City of Brass to find the noble Efreeti that caused a curse on the Calif of Semphar and convince him to remove it. They managed to finally end the life of the plotting merchant who had hired the assassin guild to dispose of the knight, who was courting the same rich merchant as he was.
They still are working on discovering the threat the priestess' god had warned them about in dream visions, and which was the reason for the trip to Semphar in the first place (about one RL year ago).
The arch enemy of the priestess, a semi-undead mage from her home country (on another prime material plane) who needs her ancestral sword to finally return to life or achieve undeath, has sent some people to Semphar as well, since according to rumors a part of her ancestral blade, split when the evil mage was trapped in his semi-undead state hundreds of years ago, is buried in Semphar somewhere. The party beat the evil wizard's minions before, in Mulhorand and Chessenta, where other fragments of the blade were found.
Some loose ends consist of a Succubus infiltrating the party, the aftermath of a war between two thieves guild which left the surviving daughter of the losing guild's leader under the protection of the party, and the plots of the Red Wizards of Thay, arch-enemies of the church (and country) the party is working for respectively part of.


Inventor of Super-Toast
In Dungeons and Dragnet: Sharn Freelance Police

The Freelance Police are having quite a mess of things. First, they find evidence that Karrnathi noblemen are funnelling money and resources towards building a necromantic lens to annihilate Sharn. Then they, in making the information known to Morgrave U. and the Brelish government, make an enemy of a gnomish professor who wanted to take credit for the discovery. Add on top of that an assassin who looks exactly like one of the Policemen and a new recruit (a sausage-eating, undead-respecting Karrnathi baron's daughter), the Freelance Police will have quite a tough time staying under the radar of the Sharn Inquisitive.

From Eberron: In the Halls of the Goblin King
The Six from Sharn are currently in the employ of the Llesh Haruuc, who is using them to perform labors to cement a deal for a lightning rail to run through Darguun (or so the Six may believe). They have currently set into the Torlaac Moor with half a clue, looking for the red-bristled, acid-drooling horrid boar that lurks therein. There, they were betrayed by Baalo, their hobgoblin guide, who attempted to feed them to a troll. Although Gath the half-orc from the Shadow Marches was killed by the troll, the Six managed to defeat it twice (they didn't know about regeneration), with the help of a mercenary sent by the goblin king as backup.

Demiurge out.


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We just had our quarterly game.

The PCs had recently broke up an attempt to destroy as small empire. As servants of this empire, they were then assigned to bring justice to the criminal groups who had planned against the empire. They were able to assasinate a cannibal chieftain and his witchdoctor. They destroyed a shrine to the god of plagues. Now they just have one more enemy to bring to justice, an group of evil wizards.

On the way, the half-celestial found clues to his parentage, and the group met a god who has taken an interest in their adventures.

Two campaigns.

Scroll of the Gods
The PCs decided to look for one character's missing uncle. Two nights ago they all mysteriously heard his voice shouting on the wind, saying, "I've found the Scroll of the Gods! Now you have to find me!"

They believe he is on some other plane, because there are numerous planar portals in this world (big plot point). Some of the PCs hope to seal these portals to keep out things like demons. The PC whose uncle is missing, though, heard "Scroll of the Gods," and decided he wanted it so he could become a god.

The group has just left their home town to travel 200 miles so they can talk to Mazokan, a mage knowledgable of the planes, and the only man to ever return a spirit from the realm of the dead to this world. Very Hero's Journey-esque.

The party just saved a visiting noble from an assassination attempt, and they're planning to figure out why the people behind it wanted the man dead. Things are complicated by the fact that many of the PCs actually don't like this noble either.

The group is 11th level, and they will soon be traveling to a monastery on the elemental plane of air, where the assassins make their home. Wire-Fu ain't got nothin' on the stuff I'm planning for this next session's fight.

Also, great news, one of my wayward players will actually be returning to the game. He is a doctor in training, and he actually has a free month. *grin*

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
PbP: Forge of Fury

The party's just returned to the Sharn sewers after almost being killed by the party shifter in the aftermath of a fight against a harpoon spider. They're currently on a stairwell just above a warforged with a rapier, trying to decide what to do.

PBeM: Beyond Outpost 3 (Dark Sun, Temple of Elemental Evil)

Heading out of Urik and into the wastes on their way to Outpost 3 (from the Dungeon adventure of the same name and serving as my Moathouse). Just picked up some inixes from my version of Elmo.


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The party (2nd level, 6 characters) in my PbP game just returned to the civilized section of Phlan (FR, Moonsea) to recover from their heavy wounds (and level up) after having defeated a total of 19 skeletons, 13 zombies and 2 wights (they fled from the remaining 3 and a plethora of other undead, which they couldn't identify yet; oh, and that was not a single combat, of course) on a trip to the local graveyard a bit outside of the city to verify some rumors, which said it was overrun by undead... looks like it is after all.

Trading in a valuable weapon they found, they could afford getting healing from the local Tyr temple to remove the nasty negative levels inflicted on two of them.

Now it's time to relax, after browsing through the temple's library to find out more about those undead wretches and bringing the news to the city council and receiving a generous reward for their deeds they are now back in the Cracked Crown (the most expensive tavern in Phlan) to take a much-needed bath and enjoy the great food and drink, the warmth of the fireplace and listening to the chatter of a trio of buff fighter ladies, who also ended up there, spending some of their well-earned money on the little luxury they can afford (a bath and good food, that is).



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Group one

Epic level group that had to save their kids from a time thane after he was hired by the two sons of a demon minor demon lord that they killed. As they killed the thane the group let loose a magical time rift that sent them all back several years before the fall of Myth Drannor. So now the PC's are either going to have some fun and fight without changing the outcomes of the battles or desperately try to find a way to not mess up time and get back home (since it wasn't done through the normal time travel methods)

Group two

13th level group that I just finished running a premade adventure, temple of the winding way from the latest dungeon. In which that PC's got a ranger/cleric who was in the area investigating one of the slight hooks for said adventure. Now the PC's are continuing on their way to the "Fortress of the half-fiend" which the original DM has been working on for over a month or so with Castle Greyhawk like levels.


First Post
Living Greyhawk (Geoff Region) - Lightning raids made by several adventuring groups have crippled the giant's flying cloud castle. The strikes sucessfully achieved many ojectives and gathered (as yet undisclosed) vital intelligence that will have a major impact on the conflict between Geoff and the giants.

Rumor - A devil attempted to enter a city in Geoff but was revealed by the security measures and promptly dispatched by adventurers returning from a foray into the cloud castle. Nobody was permanently injured, but witnesses report the devil attempted to implicate Ingot Quikbucon as its summoner before it was smote down. Ingot was unavailable for comment.

(From the interactive at HochCon and subsequent events)

Voidrunner's Codex

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