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Defend the Realm! Support our Troops! Play some games! New 5E Charity Humble Bundle Launched!

Kobold Press and Frog God Games have partnered up to launch a great bundle of 5E titles on Humble Bundle to raise money for the Navy Marine Corps Relief Fund. Last years Pathfinder bundle raised over $40k and with this years’ offering giving you up to $375 worth of games for only $17 or so they have already smashed that in under 24 hours – having already raised just under $100k!

Kobold Press and Frog God Games have partnered up to launch a great bundle of 5E titles on Humble Bundle to raise money for the Navy Marine Corps Relief Fund. Last years Pathfinder bundle raised over $40k and with this years’ offering giving you up to $375 worth of games for only $17 or so they have already smashed that in under 24 hours – having already raised just under $100k!

The books come in three tiers, with each tier also giving you the books from the previous tiers. So the more you donate, the more 5th Edition PDFs you get!

For only $1, or more, you’ll get Beyond Damage Dice, Sanctuary of Belches, The Borderlands Princes, Quests of Doom 1 Volumes 1 & 2, The Mother of All Encounter Tables, The Book of Lost Spells, Deep Magic: Clockwork, Rogues of Remballo, Southlands Heroes, The Raven’s Call as well as a 30% discount voucher that can be used on the Frog God Games or Kobold Press webstores.

$8+ will get you all of the above plus Cat and Mouse, Midgard heroes for 5th Edition, Fifth Edition Foes, Quests of Doom 2, Quests of Doom 3, The Borderland Provinces Gazetteer, The Borderland Provinces Players Guide, The Borderland Provinces Journey Generator, and four Deep Magic PDFs (Angelic Seals, Battle Magic, Rune Magic & Illumination Magic).

The top tier, for donations of $17 or greater, will also give you Tome of Beasts, Maps of the Lost Lands, Chuck’s Dragons, Bard’s Gate, Bard’s Gate: The Riot Act, Book of Lairs, Book of Lairs Map Pack, Adventures in The Borderland Provinces, and Last Gasp.

NMCRS is a charity dedicated to helping US Servicemen with a variety of needs. A description of their mission and work, from their website, is included below.


To provide, in partnership with the Navy and Marine Corps, financial, educational, and other need-based assistance to active-duty and retired Sailors and Marines, their eligible family members, and survivors.

The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) is a non-profit (501(C)3) charitable organization that provides emergency financial assistance to active duty and retired Navy and Marine Corps personnel and their family members. Assistance is provided in the form of interest-free loans or grants for basic living expenses such as rent, utilities, food, diapers and gas, emergency travel due to death or critical illness of an immediate family member, funeral expenses of family members, essential car repairs, car insurance and payments, evacuation expenses for those faced with an impeding natural disaster or recovering from a disaster, and dental and medical expenses not covered by Tricare. The Society also provides financial education and budget counseling, Budget for Baby workshops, and registered nurses who make house calls to mothers with newborns, homebound elderly retirees and combat-served veterans and their caregivers


As a non-profit, volunteer service organization, we use both financial and non-financial resources to identify solutions to meet emerging needs. We help clients improve personal financial skills and encourage individual financial responsibility.

Guiding Principles

  • We provide effective client service in a consistent, compassionate, and non-judgmental manner
  • We are committed to preserving the dignity, self-respect, and confidentiality of our clients
  • We are responsible stewards of the funds entrusted to us by our donors
  • We provide our volunteers and employees with the training and resources to be effective -- offering consistent services throughout the Society
  • We recognize the vital role our volunteer force plays in the delivery of Society programs and services.

Our prior success working together is demonstrated by a real-world example.

On 7 December 2016, the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, in front of the Bremerton City Council, the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society was privileged to accept a very generous donation from Bill Webb of Frog God Games. Working through Humble Bundle promotions, and in conjunction with Kobold Press and Green Ronin Publishing, the donation will go directly to support Sailors and Marines.

In one such case, a young Sailor, stationed on board one of the air craft carriers homeported here in Bremerton, was diagnosed with a brain tumor shortly after reporting for duty. The tumor was operable, but she was terrified and far away from home with no family nearby to be with her during or after the surgery. Her command contacted the Bremerton NMCRS office to request the Society’s help. Volunteer caseworkers at NMCRS Bremerton arranged and paid for the Sailor’s mother to fly to Seattle, Washington, found and paid for lodging and meals while her daughter was in the hospital, and then arranged and paid for both the Sailor and her mother to fly back to the family’s home to recover and regain her strength. The Society again stepped in to fly the service member back to Seattle when she was healthy and ready to return to duty aboard her ship.

This is just one example of how your donations to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society are used to assist service members and their families when in need. In 2016, the two NMCRS offices in Kitsap County assisted nearly 1,700 clients with more than $1.1 million dollars of interest-free loans and grants. Their visiting nurses have made 864 client contacts, their volunteers have taught 24 Budget for Baby workshops and given away 173 newborn baby care packs.

Thank you for your previous support! You are truly making a difference for Navy and Marine Corps service members and their families - in Kitsap County and around the globe.

The Dungeons, Monsters & Dragons 5E Bundle is on Humble Bundle now for the next two weeks.

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Backed - its a company's that is doing something for a good cause now, regardless of what happened in the past...worth supporting the cause in this case to me.


I backed it because it was one of the best deals I’ve ever seen.

I understand that people have reservations about supporting Frog God Games, and I respect that. If that is your choice, I will not tell you that you are wrong.

I still choose to back this for three reasons.

One is that the cause is good and you can pick how much goes to the charity, how much goes to the to companies and how much goes to humble bundle, as a heads up the majority goes to the companies if you do not adjust it.

The second reason is that there are two companies involved and while the CEO of FGG has done some horrible things, KP does not seem to have those issues.

Third I don’t know how the proceeds from this heavily discounted sale effect FGG but it is only their CEO that has done these horrible things, not the authors, illustrators and editors of the products that are on the humble bundle.

All that said I know this is a personal decision and not an easy one at that. For far too long sexual assault and sexual harassment has been a back burner issue, something that has been swept under the rug. Finally in the last month or so a long awaited Sea Change has begun to occur. I offer no great answer or solution to this issue, I’m just choosing to support our (I’m a US citizen) troops and the talented writers and artists that have made these products, if by way of that a few cents finds its way into the hands a horrible human being, to me that is the cost of supporting the rest.

As an aside, from my understanding all these FGG products were made before any of the contributors would have know the CEO had behaved this way. All products made after this fact I view differently as you created art for a company with a CEO that had behaved this way, you chose this platform and you get shunned with him. My two cents, take it as you will.


Third I don’t know how the proceeds from this heavily discounted sale effect FGG but it is only their CEO that has done these horrible things, not the authors, illustrators and editors of the products that are on the humble bundle.

All that said I know this is a personal decision and not an easy one at that. For far too long sexual assault and sexual harassment has been a back burner issue, something that has been swept under the rug. Finally in the last month or so a long awaited Sea Change has begun to occur. I offer no great answer or solution to this issue, I’m just choosing to support our (I’m a US citizen) troops and the talented writers and artists that have made these products, if by way of that a few cents finds its way into the hands a horrible human being, to me that is the cost of supporting the rest.

As an aside, from my understanding all these FGG products were made before any of the contributors would have know the CEO had behaved this way. All products made after this fact I view differently as you created art for a company with a CEO that had behaved this way, you chose this platform and you get shunned with him. My two cents, take it as you will.

Usually, at least illustrators, artists and editors are not paid in royalties, they were paid for a commission of work when the book was created and that's the end. Not 100% what's the case for writers in the RPG industry though.


Usually, at least illustrators, artists and editors are not paid in royalties, they were paid for a commission of work when the book was created and that's the end. Not 100% what's the case for writers in the RPG industry though.

If that is true, that is a point against one of my statements for supporting this work, but like you I'm not sure how writers in the RPG industry get paid.

It would be nice if there did not have to be so many chest beating posts about the big struggle of conscience and then the purchase.

There is a link up above about the situation that is causing concern for many people. I don’t think that there needs to be a rehash more than that every news item or thread.

It is already said above, you can give 100% to charity if you want and you can just download the Kobold Press materials if you want to.

You can also consider that this is not the first year a charity bundle was arranged by FGG, this has been done in the past. That they are a partnership with partners with very good reputations. That they did a new version of their old school rules system deliberately with an all woman design team (project management, art and layout) to give more opportunity and experience to a new team (and got ripped on by some in that community for it).

This is is a chance to donate to charity, and last year I think a $50K cheque was cut to the charity. You also get a chance to get seriously A-list materials from both companies. Help out people in need during the holiday season and enjoy the deeply discounted books that both companies are offering up to help out a cause they believe in.
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