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Defenders of Daybreak, The Early Years.


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Sito Rotavele wrote:
Hey, no fair not posting the long, drawn-out, boring, obvious riddle. Arcade would only say that because tom-Tom solved it first!

That is possible!:D

However, I kid you not, the riddle was incredibly bad and obviously PCat meant it to be so. Envision a twelve line riddle that boiled down to: "why did the elf throw a sand-timer out the window?"

My recollection is that Tom-Tom blurted out the response about half-way through the riddle. As you well recall, Arcade would be the sort to wait for the questioner to finish the entire riddle, even one as stupid as this, just in case it had a twist at the end.

In any case, I don't have the text of it written down. It wasn't worth recording.

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Arcade’s Journal – The Faerie Circles, Part 2

...passed through the gate, and looked for the large tower where the conference was to take place. Since the land is in permanent twilight, we had been using the burning of some torches to measure time, but they did not seem to burn at a consistent rate....

...arrived at the foot of the tower. Light streamed from the windows high above, and seemed even to glow through the walls. The cacophony of a party in full swing was audible within. As we entered, however, there was absolute silence. We found ourselves surrounded by tables groaning with food and drink, but with nobody else around. It all appeared delicious, but we dined on the food we had brought, just to quench our desire for faerie-fare.

Just as we were beginning to search for a way up into the tower, despite the lack of doors or stairs, a woman’s voice inquired as to why we were interrupting the feast. We answered as best as we could, explaining our mission. Suddenly, we found ourselves in the midst of a huge gathering of creatures and a great swell of sound and celebration! Satyrs sang rude songs and guzzled wine in the corners. A profusion of small beings with wings flitted about. Brownies and leprechauns were arguing merrily. Dryads were everywhere. High in the rafters a group of flumphs entertained a very happy crew of stwingers.

At the head table sat the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Sistamula, the Faerie Queen. At her side reclined a huge crystalline dragon and a huge faerie dragon. She invited us to eat, informing us that the usual penalty would not apply. I reminded Nolin of Michael’s stick, and he gave it to the Queen who was quite pleased. It had become a perfect rose, in full bloom.

The Queen addressed Nolin by his true family name, “Maradine”. This is the first hint that Nolin has ever had to his father’s identity, concealed or unknown by his mother all these years. According to the legends that I know, that name belonged to an outcast elf and his family around the time of the Mage Wars.

A number of dryads giggled at me. I discovered that my feat of resisting a dryad in her grove in springtime was well known. Hmmph. I was in a black mood from the teasing, but the entrance of the King of Faerie cheered me considerably. He was in the form of a unicorn, a dazzling creature.

The royal pair said that we might save the forest by finding and stopping the “immortal” who was responsible. We were told that he was in our world, and that they would give us passage to a location nearby. The Queen gave Nolin an enchanted milkweed pod, and told us to use it to restore the faerie circles. It must be used within a destroyed circle, in the presence of that which destroyed it. She thanked us for our help, and hinted that the means to defeating the Doxelfar was contained within my staff.

The staff had often expressed a desire to meet a king, and cryptic remarks it had let slip hinted that it may have ruled a kingdom in its time. Therefore, before we left I introduced The Master of Space and Time to the faerie monarchs. It was quite tongue-tied, and I was forced to apologize for it....

...discussion with TMOSAT on the subject of humility and power, and the controlled use of power for good purposes. The staff is quite conceited, considers itself very powerful, and repeatedly states its desire not to be used for anything “unworthy”. It is quite infuriating. It alternately acts like a petulant child, insisting that its trivial wishes and desires be pandered to, or like a wise former monarch, afraid of revealing its awesome secrets before the recipient is ready and has proven himself!

After much persuasion by me regarding the righteousness of our cause, it has agreed to aid us against the Doxelfar, but will not say how it intends to help. Aargh...!

...the Queen had Glimmer’s body turned to clay, and reshaped to its former glory. Afterwards, the wall gaped open for us, and we departed. Instantly, we found ourselves in the woods in our own world.

It was daybreak, and we found Tao sleeping nearby. When we woke her she was very surprised and disoriented. She had lain down to sleep in the woods south of Rampart, and awakened to find herself many leagues to the northwest. Alix was with her as well, having been magically transported here from the Manticore during the night. A little questioning revealed that at least two weeks had passed since we entered Faerie. Velendo and Cadrienne did not believe that we had been in Faerie at all, but remembered it all as a strange dream. They took some convincing. Finally we managed to explain our mission to the whole group....


First Post
Sorry Negative Zero, ya' gotta go back two posts. See below:

From Faerie Circles 1
Michael had asked that Frolic give us a short wooden stick, as he thought we might need it. Frolic also told us that the faerie circles are being destroyed, becoming “lightless”, about twice per month. He agreed to take us to the nearest intact circle....

It was just this random, nonmagical stick as far as we could tell. Michael wanted us to take it along. He had a "feeling" we would need it. It's sort of like Fiver from Watership Down telling you you're going to need something. If you're not stupid, you just listen.

Naturally, I've got to say that TMOSAT was one of my favorite NPCs as well. We had heated arguments in very precise and proud tones on many topics ranging from morality to the uses of power to the nature of wisdom, and on and on.

It totally burned my butt that I couldn't properly Identify TMOSAT. It would do things like Teleporting away, or wandering off for weeks in Astral Projection leaving me with a dead stick, and then when I was at my lowest ebb for hit points it would occasionally do an Ego attack and take over my body!

But it was MY STAFF, and so I could never afford to just sell the thing or something. Besides, P'Cat kept letting slip all these cool powers it had, one every so often. Just enough to keep you interested and to save your bacon on occasion.


First Post
Bandeeto said:
It totally burned my butt that I couldn't properly Identify TMOSAT. It would do things like Teleporting away, or wandering off for weeks in Astral Projection leaving me with a dead stick, and then when I was at my lowest ebb for hit points it would occasionally do an Ego attack and take over my body!

It's so much more fun that way. Anybody can get a funky staff that does neat tricks, but TMOSAT couldn't've become an NPC if it didn't have a mind of its own. Did TMOSAT ever do anything interesting after it took over Arcade? Never mind, if it did you'll post the story eventually.


Boy, this takes me back!

I loved the faerie adventure. It was the first major plot arc I did without Dungeon Magazine, and it was a complete success. The PCs were kept off balance, the rules were all changed, and everything was classic (in the "Midsummer Night's Eve" sense) and new all at once.

TMOSAT was also my fave NPC, or one of them. Bandeeto, for all of his other sterling characteristics, is an inveterate metagamer; he HATES not knowing the underlying rules. TMOSAT was my attempt to keep him interested and intrigued. :D


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Arcade’s Journal – The Faerie Circles, Part 3

...some of the party decided to explore the hillock which we had arrived on. They climbed down one side and found a small brook at the bottom.

Suddenly a pair of javelins shot out of the nearby bushes and over the group’s head. A pair of large, froglike humanoids emerged, and sprang to the attack! Tao and the rest made short work of the two as the other Defenders charged down the hill to assist, but in an instant the air was full of the creatures as more leaped from the water and out of the brush. One of the frog-beings (who we later discovered were bullywugs), made for me and stabbed me deeply with his spear. I needed a distraction to escape, so I quickly took out the stone of Continual Darkness that I keep in hidden in my cloak-hem pouch.

I had planned to expose it for only 10 seconds or so, to give me time to get away. Unfortunately Velendo had been aiming at the thing when everything went dark. He struck out, and gave me a bash that nearly put out my lights! I managed to pocket the stone, and the returning day revealed that the bullywug had fumbled his spear haft right into Velendo’s grasp. I cut loose with some Missiles and the party set to with a will. The battle was, thankfully, soon over....

...spent some time getting healed and being berated by the party for not giving warning before using spells that could cause darkness or blindness. After some discussion we hit upon a plan. To avoid such problems in the future, we will call out maneuver numbers to warn of impending events. “Maneuver 1” will indicate darkness, “maneuver 2” a blinding effect, and “maneuver 3” will be a warning to drop to the ground. Others will be added as needed....

...realized that if we remained in place the bullywugs might return, and set off into the swampy forest. It soon became clear that we would not be able to continue traveling on foot much longer, as the swamp was becoming more and more damp. Just then, out of the mist drifted a large raft, being piloted by an elderly female orc. Using some translation spells we discovered that her name was Agatha, and that she wasn’t a bad sort. A combination of friendliness, persuasion and bribery with Badgerbite got us a ride.

Alix and Tom-Tom were carrying around way too much energy after the combat, and they worked some of it off by tossing Velendo into the swamp for fun. There he met the local leeches, which it took quite some time to get off.

Agatha told us that twice a month, further to the northwest, a huge pillar of fire rises into the sky. It is followed by a wave of darkness that seems to emanate from that direction. She was quite pleased that we had dealt with the bullywugs, as the creatures had killed and eaten her pet lizards. (“My muckies,” she called them.)

It seems likely that the pillar of fire is being made by the being that we are seeking. We are making all possible speed to the northwest....

...a bit later in the day. We were poling through the swamp, and suddenly heard a loud “whoomph!” Far away we could see the pillar of fire reaching towards the sky. We are hurrying on, using the site as our target....

...much later, arrived at a large, dry clearing below a hill. Through the scrub, the remains of a stone building with a tower are visible. We sent Agatha on her way with some Badgerbite and much thanks.

I have consumed a potion of Vitality, so that I may both take a watch and memorize spells in case of attack....

...during the night a huge mass of bullywugs surrounded our position but did not attack. In the morning they approached under truce, and the largest of them said “Chundath awaits you.” He gestured towards the hill, and we made our way up to the summit, walking between two lines of armed bullywugs who watched us in silence.

When we reached the top we were herded into a large, rope-enclosed circle. Out of the still air came the high-pitched whine of the Doxelfar. I informed the staff that now was the time, and in a green flash the tableau vanished, leaving only the staff and myself! To my left and right I saw walls of green flame, with a black wall behind. Before me, I saw a wall of white flame which seemed to pull me forward. I stepped through and found myself back in the clearing.

Everything appeared frozen in place. Two short, thin, brownie-like creatures (the Doxelfar), seemed to be in the middle of trying to wrap the party up in the rope. The Defender’s weapons were drawn, and each member was looking about, wildly. Since I could finally see our foes I tried launching a Magic Missile, but it fizzled on contact. I wrongly presumed that the beings had resisted the spell, when, with a sudden jerk, everything sped back into motion. I appealed to the staff to try again.

Again, I faced the flaming walls and stepped through into the frozen scene. This time I stabbed one of the Doxelfar, and my blade snapped as if I’d struck stone. A magical dagger also failed to leave even a scratch. As real time again took hold, I suddenly realized that I could only manipulate things which I had personally carried through the wall of white flame.

I quickly grabbed some rope and one of Velendo’s holy bricks. Unfortunately, one of the creatures began attacking me. Tom-Tom hit it with a ram of invisible force, and the creature collided with me at great speed. I was flung to the ground and lost my grip on the staff, just as it disappeared.

When it reappeared a minute later it looked most unhappy, and glowered balefully at me. (Never mind that it hadn’t told me what it was going to do, nor mentioned what the rules for using the period of no-time were going to be!)

Mostly by luck, the Doxelfar had both received wounds, and now they fled. Glimmer remained tightly wrapped in the rope. At that moment a pair of creatures emerged from the tower. A large bullywug strode towards us, a strange lizard-like dog at his side.

The bullywug spoke to us in broken Common. “Surrender now, quick and painless, you die!”

As one, we attacked.

I put a patch of Grease under both creatures, and several missile weapons struck the bullywug, blasting it apart. DogC (Tao’s new dog), closed in to finish off the lizard beast.

Our victory was short-lived. DogC began whining in terror, and Cambion burst into blazing light in Alix’s hand. The lizard-dog’s mouth opened impossibly wide, and it began to change shape, growing into a hideous humanoid that reeked of the Abyss. It was clad in what looked like golden-dragon-scale armor, and it wielded a fell mace that screamed as it split the air.

The creature mocked us.

“Bearsfroth told me to expect your arrival. You are even more pathetic that he described! I bring news of your late acquaintance, Nostradis Ghend. He is chained to a rock having his entrails removed for all eternity, but he remembers you quite clearly. Now you shall join him in death!”

As one frog, the bullywugs fled.

I opened the battle with a Darkening Bolt, but he laughed as the electricity played about him. Plainly, he was immune. Tao closed and struck him with the Gauntlet of Shrinking, but again the enchantment had no effect. He also resisted Nolin’s Snowball Swarm. Things were looking bad.

A bloody and very nasty combat ensued. Finally, after a series of ineffectual strikes, Tom-Tom managed to pierce its back armor with a hurled, magical dagger. The blade struck deep, and the being roared that he had not been hurt so in centuries. He reached back and yanked out the dagger. The wound spurted flame!

The demon then proceeded to stalk Tom-Tom, teleporting after him around the clearing. Tom-Tom tumbled towards the fighters, but the demon followed and struck hard, wounding the halfling badly. Trying spells once more, Nolin and I both managed to hit with Magic Missiles. I followed that with a Pyrotechnics spell cast on the flaming wound in the demon’s back. It didn't like that! Tao and Velendo followed with quick strikes in the same location. The beast screamed and began to dissipate in a cloud of black smoke.

Just as we thought we were safe, Tom-Tom yelled that the demon was materializing behind me! I ran forward a few steps, turned, and cast Gust of Wind. At the same moment, Tom-Tom struck it with another dagger, and other party members’ arrows slammed into it. Behind the demon's wispy, smoking form a planar gate opened, and he was blown through it. It slammed shut behind him.

I restrained myself from asking him to give our best to Ghend....
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P'Cat, feel free to inject any corrections here. If you actually have the stats that would be great.

The demon was (as far as I know) a straight-up 2nd Ed cambion, a lesser tanar'ri.

This made him immune to lightning (which of course my character had no way of knowning.) He also had some magic resistance (I would guess about 25-40%). I think he was affected by normal weapons, but his AC was quite good (owing at least in part to the amazing armor.) He also seemed to have either Teleport No Error or Dimension Door at will. He also had Poly Self, and some variety of illusion or shadow magic. The mace had some nasty abilities too.

For those who missed the post (once upon a time on some thread or other), the maneuvers were:

1) Darkness
2) Blinding
3) Hit the Dirt
4) Tao is charging
5) Feed Dylrath to the monster and flee (invented by Tao)
6) someone is about to bust down the door
7) Sound attack (cover ears)
8) Nolin is about to do something strange
0) Explosion point blank


Nope, you got it right! A greater (Marquise) cambion, wearing armor made from the skin of a gold dragon. He was naaasty. This might have been the first time I sicced something on the group that I wasn't sure they'd be able to handle, although Nostradis Ghend was a little powerful for them as well.

Speaking of which, this is when they found out that the Brotherhood of Night has a penchant for demon summoning.

I loved the moment when they killed the bullywug who they had thought was the bad guy. "Uh oh," they said. "He went down WAY too easily...."

Incidentally, I figured the magical armor was safe to include; overpowered for the party level, but who wants to explain to the dragon why you're wearing skin from his cousin? No one, that's who, and so the armor was given to a LG church.


First Post
Bandeeto said:
. . .I restrained myself from asking him to give our best to Ghend....

Actually, what happened was, Bandeeto said to Piratecat "I restrain myself from asking him to give our best to Ghend." and Kidcthulhu/Nolin hollered out "I don't!!"

One of the upsetting things about slowly discovering that we were starting to be caught in a long storyarc was finding out that out enemies remembered us, and had acquaintances who had also heard about us from them.

As time went by, keeping track of who the "villain du jour" was started becoming important. Bandeeto was especially good at recognizing names we'd heard once before, and I tended to let him worry about that sort of thing, since I'm terrible at it.

In this case, we had heard the name "Bearsfroth" once before, but not in a place that was expecially memorable or significant. I think only Bandeeto recalled that it was a familiar name at this point.

Soon, though, we would all know the name, and know it well. It will not be forgotten a second time.

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