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Defenders of Daybreak, The Early Years.

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No no--it is even better than this. There are actually two updates. You just have to go back to where I left myself a placeholder for the first one:

Then go ahead and read the one below.

Teliaz stopped by. "Boo," he said cheerfully. Or at least, as cheerfully as he could in that "I'm going to enjoy watching the agony of your death throes" voice of his. Despite Dylrath's best efforts, Teliaz hadn't made a lot of progress in the cheery department.

As usual, Dylrath jumped. "Damn," he said, trying to catch the ink pot as it tipped over across the vellum. "Damn damn damn. Don't DO that."

It was still unnerving the way he would just show up. Dylrath never heard a footfall -- fine, plenty of people did that -- but he still couldn't feel Teliaz looking at him, and that drove him nuts. Decent people looked at you before they tapped you on the shoulder. It was aggravating that with all the progress he'd made (cheeriness notwithstanding), Teliaz was still getting that perk from his Dad. Dylrath blotted up the spilled ink furiously.

"'S go," Teliaz said gesturing his thumb over his shoulder.

"Can't," Dylrath said.

"What 'can't'? Surf's up." Teliaz said.

"Can't." Dylrath grabbed his sandpaper and began sanding off the vellum, trying to get a clean surface again. "Damn. Gotta finish this."

"Blow it off."

"But my defense starts tomorrow. Blessed tommorrow!"

"So? What's a little deadline? Make 'em wait 'til you're ready."

Dylrath looked up and blinked. "But I am ready. I'm totally ready. The whole project is ready for the presentation. It's just this damned chart that's not ready. I've got to finish it on time, or wait until next spring. I can't wait until next spring. I have things to do. Or will. If the world doesn't end. N'import, if this plane is ending, I'm getting my degree before it goes up in smoke, waka?"

"Dylly, me boyo," Teliaz said leaning forward, "Over the past few months you've made me late for every temple appointment, every assasination, every damned thing I'm supposed to be doing instead of hanging out with you. And have I ever let you down when the sun was shining, or the floods were flooding, or winds were blowing, or whatever other damn fool thing you thought was a lark? Have I?"

Teliaz looked hurt.

Dylrath paused to think. A moment more, a wrong word, and Teliaz's hurt would turn into betrayal, and everything, everything was at risk. Maybe it already had. How important was the chart? Sure Dylrath had been writing the Census of Oursk and Treatise on Contemporary Divination for years, and only working the "saving Teliaz" project a few months, but which was the priority?


Clearly Teliaz. Screw up with Teliaz and a lot more things were at risk than Dylrath's career.

But there was something else here. What? What was it? He could almost feel his late master Loial smacking him upside the head. Something . . .something important . . . A Moment. An Opportunity.

"Never, pal. You've always dropped everything. And we've always had a great time. But. . . but . . .you didn't exactly drop everything just for me, right? All those things you were avoiding, they were all things you didn't really want to be doing in the first place."

Dylrath put down his tools and walked over to put a hand on Teliaz's shoulder. "I want to do this. Screwing around is my hobby, but this is my life's work. I've got a possible client on the line if I can get the faculty to approve the thesis and graduate me outta here before the moment passes or someone else snags my window of opportunity. This project is for me. I don't want to screw it up."

Teliaz's face set into a stony mask. Dylrath realized that he hadn't looked like the scary old Teliaz in months. Until now.

"Fine," Teliaz said, turning on his heel to stalk away.

Damn, Dylrath thought. He's not getting it. "Wait," he called, hurrying after Teliaz.


"Take the Outgrabe. If I can't come out with you today, it'll be the next best thing. It'll be almost like I'm there."

"You're serious."

"Bricks, yes. Take the blessed thing. It's done nothing but whine for the last week anyway about how I'm not getting any exercise. Or any younger. Or any better looking. Driving me nuts. Take it out and give it a good run. I don't want to see it for the next week while I finish things up here. Then we can catch up and celebrate my victory or drown my sorrows."

Teliaz eyed the hovering disk greedily. It eyed him back ineffably, its many multifaceted eyes glinting softly.

"I'm only a 'hobby,'" it mimicked sarcastically. "When do I get to be somebody's 'life's work'?" it added in an aggrieved tone that resembled Velendo far more than Dylrath.

"Never hurts to have a dream," Teliaz said with a casual smile. "Right pal?" And with a practiced step, he hopped up onto the board and glided out of the room.

"See ya in a week," Dylrath hollered after them.

A cantrip would settle the chart, he realized, now that he was thinking clearly.

If only there was something that would settle his stomach . . .
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First Post
Sialia said:
The orphanage, too? Dang.

What about the royal grant of the governorship of Celay Terzdun?

It's never occurred to me before, but perhaps Rendic's ability to wander around more or less completely unnoticed by the Defenders was a sort of special ability of its own.

I mean, yeah sure, he was there at all those things you listed, but I can't remember him being there, and I was also Alix's apprentice.

Probably if he was in a postion to scoop up Alix's assets, so was I and I never thought of it which is really unusual for me to miss an angle like that. Alix would have been so disappointed in me.

Got to look in on old pal Rendic one of these days. If I can just remember to get around to it . . .

"Rendic" was a Bard... Of course, "Rendic" wasn't his real name! That's just the one you remember! (Memory Manipulation)


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...For Whom the Dockalfar Wait!

Bandeeto said:
Although I have not mentioned it previously in this journal, I should write a word or two concerning Frolic’s friend Michael. It has been clear for some time that he is a very unusual boy. He seems to attract all sorts of magical attention, and his understanding of magical concepts is uncanny for such a young lad. If given proper guidance, he might become one of the most powerful mages of this age. Without training, he might well become a serious threat to those around him. I must remember to ask Ortigal to give Michael a reference for a scholarship at the Oursk Academy, if the boy’s parents are not too opposed.

Uh-oh, Chongo!

Remember in the other DoD thread, where they are training in the "fast-time" place (just prior to meeting a very wroth Aeos), and the Dockalfar tell them that they are waiting for a child?!?


First Post
Nothing so glamorous, I'm afraid.

Rendic was just the dullest NPC Piratecat ever ran for any length of time. We couldn't remember to put him in the marching order when we were with him. Nobody ever paid any attention to him.

Thanks for asaking, Welverin. My semester went fine--straight A's for the spring semester, and an A and an A- for the summer semester. Next week, it starts all over again, but this time for the degree: it's called the culminating semester, and I have to write two large research papers in as many months.


I wish I was as far along with my papers as Dylrlath is with his. But then, he started a couple years before I did.

I'm not sure about the child. I was present for that session, but I don't think they meant Michael. I'm sure we considered the possibility. He might be too old by now. Dyl was sure glad to realize that he was definitely off the hook this time around.

(there was a prophecy during the Comet Cycle that referred to Dylrath as "the child." He would almost have swapped with Alix ("the martyr") to ditch that sobriquet. Almost.)
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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Re: ...For Whom the Dockalfar Wait!

Steverooo said:

Uh-oh, Chongo!

Remember in the other DoD thread, where they are training in the "fast-time" place (just prior to meeting a very wroth Aeos), and the Dockalfar tell them that they are waiting for a child?!?

I was much more concerned that the child was the King's son, whom none can remember. Then again, there's nothing to say that both can't be true, and Michael is the King's son...


Wow! I finally caught up on this one.

What can I say besides Wow?

I like to think that I am good at RP, but I have a ways to go.

Sialia - I love your characterizations. I could heap on praise, but I think I will just keep it simple. You inspire me. I want to bring my characters to life as effectively as you do yours. Thanks!

Bandeeto - Excellent work. For the logs in the game I play in, I have tired out different styles. It isn't always the easiest thing, but I enjoy how you have conveyed personality through your posts. Very nice!

For everyone else that has been involved in the DoD campaign, don't think that I don't respect your RP! I really do. All of you seem to have put together very interesting characters and I like the individual characters.

I like reading the DoD threads because I really get a feel for personality and I am able to think of ways to bring my characters "to life" through reading your examples. It looks like you guys are having a blast playing and combat is certainly alive and well! All around, it looks like a great game.

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