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Defenders of Daybreak, The Early Years.


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Piratecat said:
Rofan was a "visionary" of Galanna who saw the Goddess in the smallest things: a bird, a snowflake, a pig. He was erratic, though, and not necessarily stable. Rofan adventured on and off with the party for years, eventually leaving to found a bear cult and become a charismatic (if insane) leader.

Rofan was a nutcase. He used to take sudden dislike to the most mudane items (boots, for example) and proclaim them to be instruments of the devil. More specifically, the devil's fruitcake.

Why a fruitcake? Dunno. Rofan was nuts. And fruitcakes are pretty evil.

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Don't worry KidCthulhu, I haven't forgotten Alix's battle with the orc. The first Brotherhood of Night story arc is coming up. Crellar's Inn Revisited (Dopplegangers Part II) is a much creepier sequence, and it happened after Nostradis Ghend (coming next).

There are a lot more details in that story, so I'll try to go into a bit more depth. Hijinks from Rofan included.

Darklance, I kept a journal through the first several years of the campaign. I also kept nearly every scrap of source material (letters from people, maps, scrolls, etc.) that P'Cat gave the Defenders for the entire time we adventured together. I admit I'm a gaming packrat, but you'd be amazed how often holding onto those little details saved our bacon down the line. Plus, as KidCthulhu has indicated before, no one else wanted to do it. :D

The original entries from the journal are very terse, more reminders for my character of the shape of the plot and the important people we'd met. Some of the stories I wrote in more detail, and you'll get to read those. P'Cat and others will have to pick up the thread at the Academy of Flamecraft, where things finally got so convoluted and complicated that I gave up taking meticulous notes.

I am editing all of the journal entries as I go to make them read more naturally (and, I hope, more interestingly to non-Defenders). ;)

As Piratecat says, the psionically-empowered staff was a great mystery to us all for many years. Even Tom-Tom, the psionic, was unaware of it's characteristics. At least, he never mentioned any suspicions to me! We knew of it, fondly, as TMOSAT (The Master of Space and Time) as it initially introduced itself in that way. TMOSAT was always exceedingly arrogant (having been empowered by a grand vizier). It insisted on being well-cared-for and polished at every opportunity. It also would use its power for me only when asked nicely (and occasionally only when bribed). It took years to coax it into revealing what it could do (which was quite a lot.)

I should point out that, at this point in the story, the staff had never spoken. It stared at people, nothing more. Arcade had a proficiency in quarterstaff, so he thought he might use in combat. You'll see how that came out!

We had learned from the sage Kinxanthrias of Kindric that the staff was made from hovering elm (a very magical wood), which came only from Kanach'hurian in the Desert of the Screaming Sands, 220 leagues away. He suggested we ask Imperial Librarian Hurnd in the city of Oursk for more information, but the group didn't make it to Oursk for many years....


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Right. The thing about the Staff was, when we found it, it didn't read as magical, and it didn't do anything, so it seemed reasonable to assume it was a quarterstaff at the time.

An error, that. As we discovered.

Anyway, the thing about Bandeeto's notes was--well, really all of our notes--after a while in Piratecat's campaign, we all started needing some way of keeping our character sheet pages together.

I got there early one night and Tomtom's player was joking around with Kidcthulhu and Piratecat. "I had to go and get a folder for my character sheet," he admited sheepishly. "Paperclips weren't doing the job anymore. But if I move up to a ring binder and thumbtabs, somebody shoot me, ok? I mean, how geeky would that be?"

Mere moments later, Bandeeto arrived and strode into the room proudly. "Look!" he announced proudly. "I finally got Arcade organized!" He held up a new ring binder, complete with color coded thumbtabs for spells, journal, plot notes, maps, equipment, etc.

Hurt does not begin to describe his feelings to our reaction.

He claims his best revenge was watching the rest of the group -- Tomtom and Alix in particular -- migrate to the form.

Except me. I kept Dylrath and Cadrienne's pages in dog eared, disorganized folders until the day I left. Probably had something to do with the degree to which both were known for being impossibly disorganized pack rats. "Hey, look," Dylrath would cry. "My supplies and equipment still include that onion I was carrying on my first day out with you guys. Wonder how it's doing after all these months?"

Sito Rotavele

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Bandeeto said:
TMOSAT was always exceedingly arrogant (having been empowered by a grand vizier). It insisted on being well-cared-for and polished at every opportunity.

Although one interesting sidelight is that we could occasionally tell Arcade to "go and polish your staff"...and he would. ;)


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He critted with a juggling ball? Sounds like one of those party members you want to strangle until they leave and then you just sigh and reminisce about all the crazy stuff they did.


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madriel said:
He critted with a juggling ball? Sounds like one of those party members you want to strangle until they leave and then you just sigh and reminisce about all the crazy stuff they did.

Got it in one, Madriel. The fact that we later had problems with Alix's player and he was asked to leave the campaign doesn't really help. Shame. I hate when you find that you can like a person a great deal, but can't game with them.


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Alix's departure

Hey, just like to say I'm a fan of this story our and PC's main one and patronize a great deal.

With that out of the way...

I'm curious about Alix's player. What made you guys ask him to leave? Don't want to open up any old wounds, but you've piqued by curiousity.


Without going into great detail, the problems were primarily cheating on dice rolls and cheating on his PC's funds; there were also some personality issues that grew worse over time.

All in all, I've come to terms with the fact that I can like the person while being very frustrated with him as a player. It still makes me sad, though.


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Sialia said:
Except me. I kept Dylrath and Cadrienne's pages in dog eared, disorganized folders until the day I left. Probably had something to do with the degree to which both were known for being impossibly disorganized pack rats. "Hey, look," Dylrath would cry. "My supplies and equipment still include that onion I was carrying on my first day out with you guys. Wonder how it's doing after all these months?"

Tao is kept in the same fashion as Sialia's characters. I still have the original character sheet she was started on. When PC asked me a couple of weeks ago when Tao joined the group I told him the date (cause it is on the character sheet) and got out my old notebook which has notes that are 9 years old.
When we get to where Tao joins the group I will try to help fill in some details where I can since I still have my notes.

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