D&D General Demetrios1453 Plays the Gold Box Games

Curse of the Azure Bonds (Part 12): Hap (Part 2)

After cashing out on the previously unsold items, it's time to rest up before we head to Hap.

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And then it's time to leave and head south.

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We head south.

But... on the way...

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Yikes! Dragons, plural!

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Three of them, to be exact. Thankfully, 1e dragons aren't that bad, with much lower HP and much easier-to-hit AC than later edition versions. However, their breath weapons are still pretty formidable! Luckily, they're hemmed in by the trees, so their movement and aim will be hindered significantly.

Being grouped up like that make them a tempting target, which Brin quickly takes advantage of.

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Luckily, despite the trees, there's still a nice straight line-of-sight to target them.

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Bleh. I'm guessing they made their saves.

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Bragir moves into position to launch a fireball as well. Bant and Brother Baltor have already moved up towards the dragons, but weren't able to quite reach them.

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Ugh, another batch of saves...

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Well, one didn't save at least. It's quickly taken out by the archers.

However, it's now their turn, and one of them aims its breath weapon at Baroness Bella...

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Ouch! That must have been a direct hit and failed save! Luckily, the bottom one is trapped by the trees and the other dragon, and can't get in position to breathe as well.

Once my melee get up there, though, the remaining two are dispatched quickly.

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The party got some nice XP, but Baroness Bella and Bant took some significant damage.

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But it's onward to Hap! Perhaps this seemingly random attack by dragons might be explained there...

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Since we might get into some fighting before we can find a place to rest, we elect to camp outside of town.

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After some quick healing and memorizing, we prepare to enter the town of Hap.

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Well, that's ominous...

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And, well, that's even more ominous. Good thing that I decided to rest before entering the town!

Dark elves, in broad daylight! We need to stop whatever is happening here quickly!

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Yeah, Drizzt they aren't. (The Crystal Shard had been published the year before, and already our favorite drow was making a name for himself).

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They have a mage with them! We'll need to focus as much as we can on him.

The real issue here is that 1e drow had serious magic resistance, so trying our tried-and-true tactic of fireballing everything in sight is potentially a lot less effective than it normally would be. Knowing this, I didn't even attempt to cast a spell in this fight, and just wore them down the old fashioned, non-magical way.

Luckily, the mage quickly gets hit by an arrow, and is not only injured, but unable to cast a spell this round.

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...So he stupidly runs up to start meleeing....

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That goes as well as could be expected, although Bragir gets the killing blow.

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And shortly afterwards, they are all dead (Bragir is getting all the killing blows! I'm guessing Bant is getting annoyed in the manner of Legolas and Gimli)

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That's some decent XP, so let's see what they had...

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They have special drow gear. In ye olden times, drow gear was nice... until it evaporated in the sunlight. This game has a similar process, although it's based on location, and not day/night. It's broad daylight here, but the equipment is just fine. It's only after you leave the Hap area that it will be destroyed. And... in the meantime, +3 weapons are awesome! The drow chainmail, however, isn't an improvement for anyone.

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We luckily avoid any further patrols until we can duck into a building.

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They don't have much to say, so we head south towards a much larger building. It's the town's inn, but before we can even register that, we meet our special guest star for this section:

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Akbar is another character from the Azure Bonds books, a wizard from the distant southern land of Turmish. As NPCs are usually helpful, we let him join the group.

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We stay, so we can check out Akbar's character sheet, and then rest. We'll make this our base to take out patrols until we've cleared them (just like in our old Phlan days!), and then search out whoever is in charge of this occupation.

But first, let's see Akbar's stats. If you've looked at the above picture, you can already tell that we aren't going to be impressed...

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That's bad... like really bad. He has a fragile 15 HP and an AC 10 (the game uses his published stats, like for all the other NPCs from the novels), so he's going to be hidden in the back row and hope that enemies don't get around the others to murder him immediately. He's also level 5, when the rest of my party is around 8 or 9. But, as a magic-user, he can still throw around fireballs and magic missiles, so he's not entirely useless. Conversely, we're going to be fighting drow a lot, which will inhibit even this slight upside.

In the original game, it was very tempting to drop him, even if you did lose all the RP stuff and game info you get if he's with the group. The real issue back then was that, no matter how much XP he got, you couldn't train him, as the nearest training hall is in Essembra, and since he leaves the party forever if you leave the Hap area maps, he remained near-useless for the entire time. Now, however, with GBC, he can be trained, and will get max HP each time he levels. Since he's only level 5, it won't take much time for him to gain a level or two, so he'll actually be tolerable well before we've completed this section of the game.

I save and try a few things to make him a bit better.

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That Ioun Stone raises DEX to 18, so let's see if we can get that AC down a bit! And we have some extra drow chainmail, as well...

Neither work. The drow chainmail was a forlorn hope anyway, as he's not a multi-classed elf, but the Ioun Stone was a huge disappointment, even if I wouldn't be able to get it back from him later (as you can't trade back from NPCs in the game, which is why I saved before trying all this).

More importantly, though, I trade him the darts I got, so he won't go weaponless here in a bit, as he only has 20 in his inventory. Once he's out of spells (or we elect not to have him cast them), he'll at least have something to do other than stand around. I've played plenty of games where I forgot to get him darts, and he was even more useless than normal with nothing to do once he ran out of his original 20.

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Yep, still Dex 13, even with the stone equipped...

So, reversing all of that experiment other than giving him the darts, we prepare to rest in the inn.

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Well, his memorized spells are useful at least! They could really have ruined him more by giving him nothing but useless spells, which, in retrospect, is kind of surprising they didn't lol.

We rest up...

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And head out to explore the rest of the town, and to clear out patrols.

(The secret here is that the more patrols you defeat, the fewer enemies appear in the final fight in this town. As this means fewer mages and clerics, it's a good idea to take them down piecemeal instead of facing them en masse and be subject to several hold person and lightning bolt spells when you failed to wound them or get past their magic resistance. The goal is to defeat at least four patrols before heading to the final fight)

A few buildings down, we reach the local temple.

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Another place to rest if we need it.

But as we exit the temple...

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They have a cleric this time. Again, we'll need to focus on him before he gets any spells off.

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Buffy has been bumped to the front due to the addition of Akbar, but her AC isn't bad, and she has a new, if temporary, weapon!

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The cleric is hit!

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And he, too, moves to the front, where he quickly goes down.

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Soon, the last of the patrol is dead.

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And Brother Baltor picks up a nice, if (again) temporary, weapon.

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We took a bit of damage, but we have two close spots to duck into if we need to rest, so we'll continue searching out patrols.

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But we've reached the image limit, so we'll leave the final few patrols, as well as the leader of the occupation of Hap, for the next post!
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One thing I’ve learned from these play thrus is that the random encounters weren’t actually infinite, and that they affected other encounters! Always thought they were endless and did everything I could to avoid them!

Curse of the Azure Bonds (Part 13): Hap (Part 3) - Hap Completed!

Almost immediately afterwards, we run into yet another patrol.

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Fewer drow this time, but again, we need to take out that cleric quickly.

Since Akbar is useless with his darts, we might as well test out the drow magic resistance.

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This one didn't work.

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Nor this. Luckily, my archers are injuring him and keeping him from casting spells while the melee carve through the fighters. Soon, he's the only one left.

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And he shortly thereafter dealt with.

Let's rest to prepare to deal with any final patrols and then head to the southern edge of town to deal with these invaders once and for all! We return to the nearby Temple of Sune.

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Akbar will re-memorize his wasted spells. Hopefully, he'll have better luck with them in the upcoming fights.

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We head out, and immediately...

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After a bit of wandering, we finally find the last patrol.

Let's try some higher-level spells to see if we can get through that resistance.

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Ice storm has a smaller radius than fireball, so it will catch all the drow while not touching my characters.

It did injure one of the four, which went so quickly that I didn't get a screenshot, but that's still a terrible success percentage...

We focus on the cleric again, and Brother Baltor takes him down.

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But this time, Buffy is in a prime spot to make her special move on the last one. And she succeeds!

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And with that, it's time to head south and meet the final occupiers of the town. We enter the large barn at the southern edge of the settlement.

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Empty, but not empty, heh. Time to actually fight an efreet, as one we met in PoR wasn't hostile to us.

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Such gloating from someone whose forces have been decimated by us.

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Two wizards and two clerics (as I said last post, if you don't whittle down the patrols, there will be even more here!). This will be a bit tricky, but the clerics need to be prioritized. The wizards can damage us, but the clerics can cast hold person, which is usually a quick death sentence. The efreet can be mostly ignored for the moment while we deal with the others.

Well, let's see if we can get lucky with some spells.

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(And I really probably should have buffed before the battle, but it's too late now. Granted, this isn't usually a really rough combat)

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And we have some luck!

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One of the mages, one of the clerics, and even the efreet (who is, surprisingly, not immune to fire damage) have taken damage.

Second fireball time...

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And that unlucky mage, who took damage from both fireballs, goes down. And the other cleric, thankfully, takes damage as well. However the rightmost mage has remained unhurt through the onslaught.

Brother Baltor tries to get this over quickly.

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Yeah, that went poorly. And even worse, the remaining, uninjured mage now goes, and throws off a lightning bolt. He aims at Brin, which is unfortunate for her, as she takes some damage (which I failed to screenshot), but he failed to aim it to damage more than one character. He didn't aim towards anyone near the wall, as the bolt would have bounced, which would have double damaged some characters, but he'd probably have killed himself as it bounced back right to him.

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Brin took 28 points of damage, which is pretty serious, but she has already cast her spell for the round, and can still take a hit or two before we need to worry.

Akbar now takes a try...

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That actually does some damage! The cleric now decides to move forward, where my melee can now hit him with impunity.

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The drow are quickly taken down, and the efreet follows them not much later.

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They have a few gold and gems, but the drow gear they were carrying is pretty useless once you've gotten your temporary upgrades. It's just going to evaporate later, and stores won't pay you anything for it.

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Well, that's intriguing. I'm guessing this cave is where the invaders have come from!

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My PC wizards are close to leveling up, and Akbar's XP bar has moved up very rapidly, as he's so much lower in level. He might even beat the other two wizards for his next level!

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Party time!

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Yeah, we were thinking that as well.

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How useful! We gratefully accept.

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Time to go back to the inn and rest up!

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And with that, Hap has been cleared! Next time we head out to explore the (spoilers in title!) Cave of the Dracolich!

Map of Haptooth Village:

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(I'm not sure why the guide calls it Haptooth Village, when it's just plain "Hap" in-game.

I seem to recall without the assistant program, Akbar was fully controlled by the PC and he was prone to just fireballing your whole party with his bad aim… unless I’m mis remembering.

Curse of the Azure Bonds (Part 14): The Cave of the Dracolich (Part 1)

I wonder if we're going to meet a dracolich soon? Just a hunch...

Rested up, we head out of town.

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We head towards the caves, as we'll lose both Akbar and our drow weapons if we head out into the wilderness (the weapons would be by far the greater loss, obviously). This was the issue with having Akbar previously - you couldn't go to Essembra to train without losing him. Luckily, GBC solves that issue for us!

Soon (as in immediately in game time), we reach the caves.

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That's an interesting, and irritating, combo. Fireballs will presumably not do much against either!

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But, might as well try...

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While Akbar is in the midst of his casting, Bragir tries to shoot a salamander.

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And, even more annoyingly, the salamanders are immune to non-magical weapons. Since we haven't found a single magical arrow yet, any ranged weapon attack will need to be aimed at the drow.

Akbar aims..

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And, yeah, it does precisely nothing. We're going to need to memorize some different spells here soon.

Fire may not do much, but we do have other magical options!

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And good old melee attacks do work just fine!

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Eventually, we're able to wear them down and defeat them.

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A decent amount of XP, but they did do some damage. On the other hand, my magic-users are now ready to level up!

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They've reached 9th level, and now have access to those sweet, sweet 5th-level spells! This is very timely, since one of the premier 5th-level spells will be exactly what we need in these fiery caverns!

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Both of them take cone of cold, which will be of immense use here... but we have to be able to rest and memorize it first!

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Interesting. We will head west then to see where these arrows take us.

(Also, all that explored area in the west of the map is just Haptooth Village, as it shares a map with the caves.)

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OK, south it is. But, just after we make the turn...

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There's not much reason to try to talk or flee, so combat it is!

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Well, if we can't cast cone of cold yet, let's cast it's closest substitute...

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For a spell that is forever stuck at 3d10 damage in 1e, that's not too bad.

The melee does its share in taking them down...

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And soon the battle is won!

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But, we've been taking a bit of a beating.

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The good thing is that the encounter we've been heading towards is literally through the doorway to the right. So we should be able to get there without too much problem...

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Sigh... spoke too soon.

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Same set-up as before.

Bragir follows Brin's strategy from the previous battle.

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Again, not too bad of damage!

Brin casts one of the few spells she has memorized that will be effective...

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That's quite the damage from a magic missile! It's at 5d4+5 at this level.

Akbar follows suit...

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Pretty decent damage from him as well (he's only at 3d4+3).

As that is the last of our foes, the battle is over shortly afterwards.

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We finally head through the doorway, and find out what those mysterious arrows were all about.

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From the picture, I'm guessing that their leader's proposition involves acquiring truly prodigious amounts of hair spray.

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I mean, at least these drow aren't trying to kill us, so we'll accompany them and see where this leads us.

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..."dark with a single streak of white." That's not a "streak", ma'am.

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Yes, she does. But first, that journal entry:

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Well, that explains why we were attacked by black dragons on the way here. A tower filled with dragons sounds like a... dangerously unpleasant proposition, but if this Dracandos, as seems likely, is the one behind one of our bonds, then we don't have much of a choice. So, we'll take as much help as we can get. Baroness Bella does step forward.

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Great, yet another marking! But at least this one was voluntary.

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Basically, when we meet random patrols, some might be friends with Silk, and will let us pass without conflict. Given how tough the drow battles have been, this will come in very handy.

This whole sequence, by the way, doesn't occur if you don't have at least one female party member. And thus, it's the only time in the Pools series that gender comes into play at all in the plot.

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Now that we've had this encounter, we settle down to rest. The problem is, not even here will be totally safe from patrols that could interrupt our rest. CotAB isn't as nice as PoR was when resting in set encounter rooms.

Case in point....

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Luckily, this time it's a patrol allied with Silk, so they pass by.

This is doubly helpful, since you need to encounter 9 random patrols before they are depleted and you can rest freely anywhere in the caves. Note that I said "encounter", not "defeat". Even the patrols that just pass on by count towards this number! Yeah, the party loses out on some XP, but getting to where we can rest freely is worth it. As it is, this patrol was the third (the fight at the entrance to the caves was a set encounter, not a random patrol), so we only have to encounter 6 more before we're in the clear.

We make camp again to heal up and adjust memorized spells to our current environment. But, as we're near the image upload limit, we'll pick back up there next time!

Curse of the Azure Bonds (Part 15): The Cave of the Dracolich (Part 2)

We rest up, with slightly modified spell lists for our magic-users to reflect our more fiery circumstances.

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Lightning bolt and cone of cold will be much more helpful here. We do keep a spare fireball handy though.

We head out of Silk's area, and onward through the cave system. We go a short distance, go through a door, and...

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Well, time to test out the new spell!

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(That's the main issue with cone of cold or lightning bolt - your magic users have to move to exposed positions for the best results. Thankfully, as elven fighter/magic users, my guys can wear armor and be reasonably well protected.)

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While she's casting, Brother Baltor moves up to join in the fun.

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Brin's spell basically does nothing.

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Let's see if this goes any better.

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Akbar, meanwhile, just runs for cover.

Bragir gets his spell off...

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DK ELF FIGHTER IS UNAFFECTED is the story of the day, it seems. A few here and there have taken damage, but overall it's not been very effective whatsoever.

We'll just have to wear them down the old fashioned way, I guess.

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Brin has luckily not been mobbed, so she moves back away from the main melee.

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One drow however moves forward and reaches Bragir, forcing him to change weapons.

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Baroness Bella has taken a few out, but has also taken a bit of beating herself.

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Eventually, we wear them down, and Buffy ends the battle in a spectacular manner:

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Setting up and executing a backstab in this game can be frustrating, but when you pull it off, it's so, so satisfying!

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Pretty good XP!

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We've taken some serious damage, though. This section can be a trial for even the best parties.

Conversely, however, Akbar is finally ready to level!

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As I said previously, it was impossible to level him before without GBC, so it's so nice to be able to do so now. As we go along, he'll advance from completely useless all the way up to merely sub-par.

We'll rest up here again, not just because we're so wounded, but also to give Akbar to make use of that new spell slot!

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We rest up in peace, thankfully.

But before we move too far afterwards...

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Thankfully, these patrols aren't too much of a problem. In this case, since the mage is within melee range, even less so.

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Brother Baltor takes him down.

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And then ends the battle by dealing with the last of the remaining fighters.

We continue on.

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Thank you Silk! That's our fifth patrol, so only four more to go before the patrols are gone!

Shortly afterwards, we reach the northwestern section of the cave system.

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We could parlay and get the upcoming treasure without combat. But we have all sorts of non-fire spells prepared just for this type of situation, and it seems a shame to waste the opportunity.

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Everyone takes a small amount of heat damage from the salamanders pouring out the doorway. And then the combat begins!

There are a lot of salamanders. But Bragir moves forward to launch one of the spells he's prepared just for this situation...

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Not bad! But it's just a few points shy of their HP, which will leave them alive, for the moment. The melee will take care of them pretty quickly, as the next few screenshots will show.

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Akbar scuttles off to a more protected position, and readies a spell of his own...

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And Brin gets in on the action...

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They're all bunched up around the doorway...

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Not bad at all!

Bragir follows suit, with the same target location...

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Well, we've worn them down pretty decently by this point. The melee have taken care of the ones in front of them that were affected by the cone of cold, and are now moving to clear out the survivors.

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Since our non-magical arrows won't be of any use, time to use their spell counterpart...

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The melee take down the rest, and then sweep through the doorway to take out the last one.

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Now let's see what they were guarding.

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Since when has a little fire and lava trumped the avarice of adventurers? Of course we send someone in!

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Nice! Well, if there's 5 more like that, we're definitely going to keep going in! But as we've reached the image limit, we'll have to wait for next time to see what other treasures wait to be found!

Curse of the Azure Bonds (Part 16): The Cave of the Dracolich (Part 3)

Well, let's see what else is in those treasure chests!

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Of course!

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Sometimes the character you choose will just take damage and not reach the chests. Annoying, but not too big of a problem. We are much more successful in the next try, as, besides the money (the same amount of money is in each chest), we have some magic items as well!

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We'll take those and look at them later after we've gotten the treasure from all six caskets.

I switch out to Baroness Bella, as Bant has taken some damage and she now has the most hit points.

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Grumble. We switch out to Bant. He manages to get a chest with just the money, but when he tries again:

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This is getting irritating.

The next time, however, we get some further nice treasure.

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Well, all that money is causing issues, as we're too overloaded to take the far more important magic items. We drop some of the cash, and are able to take the loot this time.

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After that, Baroness Bella gamely goes in again.

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The next time, she gets a chest with just the money, but only takes the gems and jewelry. Finally, in the last chest, we get some nice loot again:

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When we try once more:

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Well, let's see what we got!

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Well, Brother Baltor gets that mace. He has a drow mace right now of equal power, but this one won't evaporate once we leave the area. I'll keep the dragon slayer sword as a backup for Baroness Bella to use when we encounter dragons (if I remember to switch it out). The ioun stone is also quite the find, as it's the strength one, and we have a character that's under 18 STR.

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That's definitely better, and will help out with her melee attacks and carrying capacity.

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Brother Baltor has the remainder of the items we found here. The magic-user scroll, as well as the one Baroness Bella has, will go to our magic users. We'll keep the dragon breath scroll handy in case we need it. As for the gauntlets... perhaps we can finally improve Akbar?

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Apparently his stats are hard-coded in the game. There's no reason for this, especially when using magic items, but that just seems to be the way it is...

At least he and Brother Baltor are ready to level!

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Brother Baltor has gained enough ranger levels that he can now memorize and cast some low-level druid spells (this is the only way to access druid spells in the Gold Box games). However, they aren't particularly exciting choices.

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7th level and 4th level spells for Akbar! Let's get that ice storm!

But before he and Brother Baltor memorize their new spells, let's see what was on those scrolls.

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Some nice spells for both to scribe!

So, let's rest, heal up, and scribe and memorize spells!

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We just get one "Fix" attempt in, healing only some of the party, before our rest is rudely interrupted.

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Grumble. At least it's patrol #6, so only three more possible patrols after this.

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This time the drow mage doesn't even try to cast spells, but just runs up to melee (he was one space back at the start). Note that his HP total is still green, so he hasn't been hit at all. He just YOLO'ed up and started swinging away with his sword. Um... sure, whatever. I'll take it. He rapidly pays the price for such foolishness...

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Soon, we've worn them down, and Buffy ends the battle in a spectacular way...

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(Trust me, backstabs are so rare and so satisfying that I post all the ones Buffy gets)

But we're even lower on health now...

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Luckily, this time we're able to rest, and get fully healed up.

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But during the battle, I noticed that we're still badly encumbered.

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Time to dump even more extraneous cash.

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(I already dropped the 2 gold before this)

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That's much better! I repeat the process for everyone, and soon they are far more mobile again.

Time to head south from the fire cavern entrance.

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Interesting way of spelling hookah. But then again, in 1989, autocorrect wasn't a thing. At least they could have consulted a dictionary!

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We say no.

And thus begins the single hardest fight so far in the game. Since there are lots of screenshots involved, we'll pick up right here in the next post!
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Curse of the Azure Bonds (Part 17): The Cave of the Dracolich (Part 4)

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There are only 12 of them, but the problem is simple: they have magic resistance. Normally doing enough damage to a group of spellcasters to disrupt their casting is a simple fireball away, but not here. And the real issue is that they'll be happy to cast hold person early and often. If I don't get lucky, that likely means characters getting killed instantly. This is in contrast to fighting the group of warriors earlier, or a (hypothetical, but not really hypothetical as we'll see) fight with mages, as the worst they can do is just regular damage and not insta-kills.

So, let's wade in and try our best...

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Darn, the necklace of missiles apparently has a pretty short range...

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Sigh, we have to do it, until we can move her closer.

Thankfully fireball has a much better range.

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And some do get damaged...

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Repeat with Brin...

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Whew, that one lost a spell!

And even Akbar...

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But even with that barrage, there are still plenty whose magic resistance held up. Thus, a short time afterwards, Bant gets unlucky, fails a save on a hold person, and...

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And as others in that big group around Baroness Bella start to cast, I realize this is a lost cause, and need to reload.

OK, Take 2:

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The barrage begins again.

First Bragir goes:

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Then Akbar:

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Then Brin:

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Brother Baltor tries to help:

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But it doesn't go so well...

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Buffy has wisely moved to a better position and then delayed her action until some of the drow get closer:

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Akbar again:

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Brin goes for ice storm this time.

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As you can see, the constant barrage has managed to keep them mostly unable to cast spells. But, soon enough, the inevitable happens...

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Indeed, so has Baroness Bella. This is, obviously, not an ideal situation.

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But all is not lost! Because they didn't rush forward this time, we have a remedy!

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Baroness Bella is un-held...

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And Brother Balor joins in:

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And Bant is now no longer held either!

The barrage keeps up. Just to save room, I'm not showing all of them, but the fireballs, ice storms, and necklace of missiles attacks go non-stop, some hitting a lot of them, some just getting a few, but keeping their spellcasting to a minimum (the melee are of course hitting whoever they can in this endeavor). However, a couple still get through, and Brother Baltor and Akbar are both held. Akbar at least is far enough back to not worry about, but Brother Baltor is on the front line. Annoyingly, he's my only source of any remaining dispel magic spells now, so both of them are stuck until the end of the battle. I'll just have to play defense around them.

One drow was near Brother Baltor, but after focusing on him, he drops and Brother Baltor is no longer in immediate danger of being killed instantly.

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We've worn them down considerably, and all of them are now basically locked in place (as, unless their morale breaks, they won't move away and risk taking opportunity attacks from party members next to them).

With three of them nicely lined up, Bragir moves up to try to really damage them...

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And soon enough, we're down to one...

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And with some help from Buffy, finally down to zero.

Whew! This seriously is one of the toughest battles in the entire series. It's certainly no shame in skipping it, but it's nice to have bragging rights to say you've survived it!

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Other than our two held characters, they seem to have pretty much focused on Baroness Bella, with everyone else basically unharmed.

The hold person fades immediately after the battle, but after casting a truly prodigious amount of spells, it's time to rest (and save! I'm not going through that again!)

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Our rest is interrupted...

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But thankfully they move on. That's patrol #7, so we're nearly to the point where we can rest freely!

After resting, we move to the north and east.

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Ankhegs! Luckily there are only five, plus two drow.

Bragir is going to try something new:

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But it doesn't really do much, other than block the flank.

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Well, if cloudkill doesn't do much, good old fireball will. Brin casts away, but, unfortunately, given their position against a wall, it's hard to get a good number of them in the AoE.

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Akbar follows suit:

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He's getting quite handy with those, now that he's at a decent level!

My melee have been handling the ones up top, but also are being subject to their acid attacks, and thus have taken some damage. Buffy, especially, has been a target. But soon enough, we've taken them down, and the battle is over.

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Time to rest up once again!

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And we'll end the post there. Next time, we have some more brutal battles with large numbers of drow. And will we escape the cave?
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Curse of the Azure Bonds (Part 18): The Cave of the Dracolich (Part 5)

After we rest, we move one square, and...

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Patrol #8, but this time we have to fight.

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We quickly aim at the mage, who, after being hit, moves forward to melee. With, again, predictable results.

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The battle is soon over.

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We head south, and soon barge into another room full of drow.

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We do not retreat.

This time, it's all mages. Now, that might seem as bad as all clerics, but (a) they have lower HP and AC, and (b) they don't have any "fail your save and you can instantly die" spells. Yeah, they'll throw the random lightning bolts around, but with everyone's hit points (other than Akbar's) being pretty robust, they'll probably not be too bad to deal with.

Buffy gets us started with her necklace:

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Brin with a fireball...

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Bragir follows with his own fireball.

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Already we've thinned out their ranks quite a bit.

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As my melee run up, Akbar gets a fireball off as well.

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(Oops! Aimed poorly, and Brother Baltor will be in the radius! Should have chosen one square down)

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One of the few that hasn't been hit in that barrage retaliates...

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But at tihis point, my melee is up there taking down the by-now low hit point survivors. But one still gets a spell off...

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But the battle is over soon after that.

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Brother Baltor took the brunt of their lightning bolts (and an inadvertent friendly-fire fireball) and is in pretty poor shape.

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At least there were a lot of XP for that bunch!

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Enough that Buffy (as seen in the previous screenshot) how has enough XP to level up!

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First to level 10! And her thief skills are looking very nice now.

We rest, mainly to get Brother Baltor healed up.

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We leave the room and head south again. As we near the southern edge of the cavern complex, another patrol blocks our way.

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But this is patrol #9 (Nowhere near as fun as Mambo #9, for which I've just dated myself), so after this we won't meet any more random patrols and can rest freely on the map!

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Oh, a mage and a cleric. This one is going to be a bit more work than the previous eight!

And the cleric goes first. That sucks. Especially for Brin.

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Luckily, she's protected in the back row, so she can't be reached for an insta-kill. The rest of the party starts to wear the patrol down. So much so that they start to run away (which is what this screenshot was supposed to show, but I was a moment to late to catch the text). Note the cleric facing away and trying to head south. Brother Baltor will get a hit on him from behind.

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The last fighter tries to run as well, and Bant takes him out.

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The last patrol is down! We're free to roam and rest where we will (other than set encounters).

We head towards the southeastern corner of the complex, where we soon meet a decidedly not-random patrol.

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Two drow fighters and four efreet. Look at them all nicely lined up! Brin has a spell just for this situation!

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Bragir follows suit.

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That causes a couple to drop. Akbar gets in on the action as well. He doesn't have the ability to cast cone of cold, so he does the next best thing...

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This pretty much leaves the drow, who go down quickly.

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I wonder why they were blocking this passage? We continue on a bit.

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Hey, that's unfair! We so wanted to visit the drow city! We move forward a few more spaces, and...

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Well, there's nothing more to see this way I guess. We turn around and head towards the southwestern portion of the map.

We've got some pretty major battles coming up, so this is a good place to stop. Next time, we'll finish this zone and finally meet the long-awaited and much-anticipated dracolich!

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