Describe a character!

The Decidedly Un-Friendly Guide to Nicholaus Dennoncourt
((Because I couldn't resist and I would hope his player knows that he is loved and that I dont' mean a word of it. Jack on the other hand... ;) ))

Nich? Oh, Nich's fine. A great guy. Of course, you might find that you affection for him grows in direct proportion to how much you happen to like, say...snakes. If you happen to have a fondness for the wriggly little, rock-dwelling beasties, you two should get along just fine.

I suppose the worst that can be said about Nich is that he's a vampire. No, wait. That's a lie. I'm pretty sure it gets steadily worse from there. You see, it's not enough that he's a soulless, blood-sucking leech whose very existance depends on the deaths of countless others. No, then he has to go out and be insufferably -smug- about it. You know what I'm talking about. That expression that just makes you want to go up and punch it. That doesn't make him too different from other vampires, I suppose. On my life...I will hand a gold piece to the first person who can come up to me and prove that they've seen two vampires together, each with likely close to a millenia under their belt, who do anything other than loaf around and melodramatically threaten each other. Not that I'm complaining about that. Please, if that's what you ancient horrors want to do with your time, be my guest. I'll even scare up a few rats for you to suck on so you don't have to get up from your easy chairs.

And yes, Nich is unendingly sweet. -Unbelievably- thoughtful. It helps, of course, if you happen to be an attractive woman. He will bend over backward so far you'll be surprised that he ever went through rigor mortis. If you do not fall in the 'attractive female' category, however, you may be slightly out of luck. He'll certainly be civil, of course. He'll even go so far as to refrain from visibly groping your wife right in front of you. Well. Most of the time. You see, he can't really be blamed if he chats up a lovely lady or two that might be quite obviously spoken for. After all, he's obviously so much more charming, more clever, and more of a man than you are...well, can you really deny your woman the honor of being schmoozed over by such a class act? Watch gentleman. Take notes. Becaue if you dont' happen to feel much like playing along, you'll likely find yourself on the recieving end of doe-eyed crocodile tears the likes of which you wouldn't -believe-.

"I'd be your friend, Jack. You just aren't willing to look past the fact that I'm a stinking, bloodsucking husk who had the audacity to put his fangs to the better half of your soul to save what passes for his life. Woe is I. I'm certain it has nothing to do with the fact that you'd be a perfectly amiable person were I not constantly trying to verbally get into your wife's drawers!"


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The "Truth" Behind Imreis Dascht

Describe Imreis in three short words you say? Oh well thats as easy as describing a sunny day, really. Cocky. Arrogant. Bastard. Everyone who has ever meet him would whole heartedly agree with this first impression of the being. He'll stand before you, belittle your views on one hand and defend your life with the flip of a switch. He walks around like he owns the place, confindent in the fact that he just exsist. And he has this infuraiting smirk on his face all the time! You know, the kind you just want to reach across and SMACK off his face? I mean honestly if you ever meet this man and DON"T think he is the biggest arse you have ever come across then you must have been drunk when you meet him.

Course, for the select few he chooses to know, those special few in his "herd", they'll say something differnt about him. Kind, gentle, caring are just a few of the words they would use to describe him. Some have even said benieth that cold and hard exterior one could find a passionate and persistant lover. And if you can get him to converse with you, the brillant mind behind those dark purple eyes might blow you away. He seems more then willing to argue any point with you in a logical fashion, and many times can prove his points in that logically infuriating sense of his. He has this easy going way about him that once you get close enough to him, you may find yourself relaxing and laughing along with him. Though even those who managed to get past his cold unkindness might not be able to peirce completely behind those eyes of his. There is something hidden there, something dark and quiet, something cold and deadly that he shares with very very few. If you manage to get close enough you may still find yourself on the outside looking in at this tall mysterious man.

On a side note He's got a great body and one hell of arse...perfect for pinching

Ketch said:
"I'd be your friend, Jack. You just aren't willing to look past the fact that I'm a stinking, bloodsucking husk who had the audacity to put his fangs to the better half of your soul to save what passes for his life. Woe is I. I'm certain it has nothing to do with the fact that you'd be a perfectly amiable person were I not constantly trying to verbally get into your wife's drawers!"
Ariel falls into this catagory too! Whooohooo! Though I dont think she's tried to nibble on Jack's better half just yet. Gimme time!

The Practical Users Guide to Xanto (with flatpack instructions)

Xanto Donovan is a guy with a strange view of the world. Fluffy hugs and cute animals and whiskey! Lots of whiskey! The man would pickle himself in whiskey if he could get away with it (and not face consequences like a dead liver...)

Spottable in any crowd, he wears black exclusively. Except for the rare few times when he wears a white suit. He wears a dress robe cape and trouser set. It covers every inch of his firm and ... body. His hair is blond and as such, has many of the atypical attributes that someone would ascribe to members of such colouring. The blue eyes don't tend to help all that much either. But what pretty eyes, eh?

He has a stubborn streak a mile wide, why else would anyone put up with the madness of the Crossroads for so long? Of course, they do say that ignorance is bliss...

Married in recent times (or dragged down the aisle) he actually was the one to suggest (scarily) marriage to the woman who throws mugs at lightspeed. A few dents on him don't make him any less acute, for when he's listening, he's taking everything in and remembering it all.

A mind like a steel trap (a rusty one, depending on the amount of liquor in his system).

Xanto is a momma's boy henpecked scared to roll over in bed in love. Love makes people do some very strange things. Such as endure the worst cooking in the world. In such a frame of mind, we have to believe that his stomach is made from the strongest material in the world. Or that the withering pot plant in the corner has had extra meals supplied for a long time. Testing the poisonous amount of stuff in the soil would be amusing if nothing else.

His sense of humour isn't always appreciated - infact, it's gotten the guy into more scrapes than we care to remember. No, tell a lie, we do remember and laugh a lot about it. After all, when Xanto starts smiling at you, you know it's trouble... but trouble worth remembering!



Bhryn said: be fair, once you've covered 'hair trigger temper' I think you'd have all bases covered anyway, lol! :p


*looks at Ru* Where was that leash you wanted to put on me?

The cute and huggable Oriza Spellstealer

What can be said about Oriza that few who have meet her do not already know? She enters the room in such a way that one has to take notice one almost has to take notice of her and her very hot as she always appears in a dark red light. She would appear to many who have not talked to her as shy, quiet, prehaps even a bit to shy to be hanging out in a place as mean and rough as the Crossroads Tavern. Something about her will make you wish to go to her and protect her, she oddly seems to be able to draw men with little trouble but she's mine so there!

But be warned because just like the tattoo that graces her back, that little rose has thorns! You harm anything she considers hers to protect and watch out! She has been seen giving a boot demon a glare that killed it on the spot, she's got that much kick to her. In a fight few have acctually seen her work, though it is probaly safe to assume that she has a few spells up her sleeves or dress? I'll have to check.... somewhere. Sources say that she has been known to give out dead, thorned roses to people she does not like very much.

But if you happen to be in her good graces she is a very kind and understanding woman. She doesn't seem to mind talking about any subject that may come up and she seems more then happy to listen to your oppinions as well. She is very understanding that not all things work the way they should and that sometimes you need to see the other side to get the answer right. She seems to very much enjoy hugging and snuggling with her friend. Also she blushes very easy. Mention things like "stripping" or "getting a room" to her and she'll turn almost as red as the roses she hands out! Also rumor has it that she has been seen occasionally as a little red dragon, a very cute one at that!
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The Blue Rose, a.k.a. Ryth

Sweet and oh so lovable, those are just a few things which could be said about My Ryth... err... Ryth, I mean. His happy go lucky expression could melt the hearts of most who would lay there eyes on him. Whether it be spinning around on barstools, laying all cute and cuddly like by the hearth, or speaking in his adorable own way would never fail to brighten up your day! Ryth may look all innocent but I warn those who do not know him, this one has a... bite to him (not to mention the fact that I will murder... do something unpleasant to those who hurt him in anyway.)!

Ryth has a family which is lovable just like he is, especially his twin, Lyth. Together, these two will never bore you. Ryth is very understanding, funny, and loving... all that and more wrapped in one package! He is also very reliable in battles with his ticky moves which will take you by surprise... which also makes me so proud!

He is also my Blue Rose... why? Because like those kinds of roses, they are very rare and not to mention unique... just like he is... and he is mine too! Did I say that already? Well I'll repeat, Mine!

The Wonderful Guide to Bhryn: The One We've All Been Waiting For...

Bhryn is a celestial and a woman at that. Yes, she fights and kicks bad guy tushy all day. But that doesn't seem to stop her from keeping on a smile and having a good time with her friends.

Her beautiful platinum hair sticks out as you would guess but don't try and call her old, or she will stick you with a fork. Or better yet... throw a mug at you. When the tavern sees Bhryn pick up a mug, they automatically want to duck because she has a mean arm and scary accuracy... which she's used countless times on some unfortunate people... *Coughs*

But don't fret, there is still some good to this Paragon of Celestia... and we have yet to find it that includes her easy-to-get-along-with nature. Bhryn is an easy gal to get along with and she takes pride in getting to know everyone.

She has a sword which she talks to a lot which seems kind of crazy if you sit down and watch her.

As you look past all the outward glances, you will find that Bhryn is in love and with a fine man. They recently got married which would make it Bhryn's second or third ... happiest time of her life. Even as a wife, she has yet to learn to cook Bhryn seems to struggle at the cooking but she is getting amazingly better!

Beyond everything, Bhryn is really down to earth with an amazing figure and sexy legs out look on life and she appreciates even the simplest things. She'll always protect her friends and family and fight for what is good and pure in the world. Except when it comes to her new dog...


If I can't hit you, you can't hit me...

The Chaotic Naukhel

Despite how hard he tries to be cold stone and orderly. He actually has a heart, or so someone would like to think so.

Not always dishonest. He speaks the truth in hope that someone will see beyond the Mask he is associated with.

He takes pride in the softer things like roses and horses. And likes to relax and pamper others when no one is looking.

He plays a role, but once you know him well it is easy to look beyond that. He truly wants to see peace and once he has pledged his loyalities it takes a force of nature to break them. He lives in Order, but stresses over the tiny bit of Chaos that has seeped into his life.

He pretends to be a lady's man, but he doesn't love easy and when he does it is intense and often guided by jealousy.

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