Kickstarter Destroy the Bridge - Live on Kickstarter!

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Destroy the Bridge is now live on Kickstarter!


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This 50-page adventure is designed for one to eight characters of 7th to 9th level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 8. This adventure is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.



This adventure takes the PCs on a special operations mission into the mountains of Anatolia during the Second Syrian War. They must destroy a bridge to stop an advancing Celtic horde, but when the PCs reach the objective, they find they may be too late. They must improvise, or their entire unit will be slaughtered.


This adventure also features a short gazetteer highlighting the most interesting and inspiring details about ancient Anatolia including ruins, pirates, lost civilizations, subterranean cities, and amazing terrain.



Get the PDF for just $10!

Upgrade to the Standard or Premium PoD for just a few dollars more! (plus printing and shipping costs)

Back it today right here!


You can also download a free preview of this adventure right here.

Back with Confidence: This project is finished and will ship on or before April 8.

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