di Senzio's Tournament: Road to Fallon [El Jefe Judging]


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Cepheus watches the exchange between Jik'tu and Quozen and a mix of sympathy and humor with respect (after all not everyone would keep their word on that bargain with Jik'tu) show on Cepheus' face.

Cepheus accepts the potion from Jik'tu [sblock]ooc:Let me know if you still want to sell it. I did the rolls for MW Studded Leather and it took a few tries but still came out less than buying it and as fluff for the character I prefer to make the armor he wears as a point of pride. He will also feel a sense of pride and brotherhood with Jik'tu wearing armor he has crafted while smiting all foe.[/sblock]

Yes I am an armorsmith as well as weaponsmith. That will be a terrifying sight for our enemy seeing Jik'tu coming for them in custom full plate and mighty weapons all crafted by me. I will go back to the shop tomorrow and begin work on the armors.

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First Post
Nods in approval at the servant...

Ok den Cepheus, makes dem armors

It be prouds to wear yous made stuffs...

After it < motions to the elf> gets dem maiters out of stuffs

do makes him pump dem blower tings makes irons hot...

After days werks we makes him steals from old ladies and kills childs fer us...

[sblock=Velmont] No big deal on the potion, I make like 1000 mistakes a day. Also, when we resolve our obligation with the lord; Quozen will still be in servetude to me - just a reminder do your planning. I want him to have a chance to play along for the benifits (xp etc). Plus it'll just be more fun for RP. [/sblock]

[sblock=BigB] Agreed, the flavor of your making the armor is waaay cooler. Just sell the potion to Reynoldo's and keep it toward making future weapons and armor. I have not decided a theme for the Plate (I don't want Tarusk all over it or we can't walk freely. I am thinking faces - distorted as if in pain, fear, and dispair placed as ornamentation. As for what weapon to take what do you think? Two handed or one? That 20 STR and +7 damage will rock for two handers but the shield will only enhance our survivability long term. [/sblock]
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Nirrassa of Clan Swiftclaw

EDIT: Nirrassa will join the crowd out here for the other festivities.
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First Post
The sun is still low, and show up itself once in a shile, through the holes of the clouds that cover most of the sky. The shy ray of the sun slowly dry the grass. People ar gathering near the fence that limit the public access to the archery range. Targets are being prepared by a few young man.

Two tent are there, and in one, a few people have gathered in the largest one and seems to wait. In the other tent, a man in full plate mail come in and out. Each time he is out, he tells a few order to the boys before going back into the smallest tent.

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