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Dice from the Red Basic Edition Set


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I'm hoping some folks here could help me out. I'm looking to track down a few sets of those dice that came with the Red Basic Editions (1983 I believe). They came in many different colors, and usually included a white crayon so that you could mark them in to see them better (the d20s were 1-20, as opposed to the the sets that had 0-9 twice).

I'm trying to find some complete sets of the dice in any color, but specifically looking for red and green D20s, and orange D6s. Any ideas for websites I could go to to track these down? Or, if you have some I'd be willing to purchase them also. You can e-mail me at malichai@swbell.net

Thanks much!

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Hee hee. :)

Good luck finding some in good condition. I think I still have one (in yellow from 1982), but it is chipped and turning ,well, fuzzy - for lack of a better word. The plastic tends to thread and 'despool' (again, for lack of a better word).
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Good luck. I've somehow managed to not lose my set and I'm keeping a hold of them. Next year I'm celebrating their 20th birthday. In two years they can legally drink. :D


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I have 2 sets, blue and red, thought the blue D20 is now a bit chewed from an incident with my puppy a few years ago. So my dice are 22, though been legally drinking here in the UK for 3 years.. ;)


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I've got the set still in the original Red Box. Still in their plastic bag and with the white crayon to boot. :D

But I'm not selling them.


I have most of my originals still, thay are almost 20 years old. They are red and very worn.

I also have a set, pale blue IIRC and still in the bag and in the box (alongside a mint basic rulebook and Keep on the Borderland. Those I don't plan on opening either. :D

No idea though on where my brother (who gave it too me) picked up the mint set, so can't help there - sorry.


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Looking through my bags of dice I see that I have a red d6 from the Basic Set and a blue d10 presumably from the Expert Set (they did sell dice in that thing, right?). I assume they are from different sets because they have different colors used to color in the numbers. Maybe I used different colors, how can I know? That was 20 years ago and do you know how much brain damage I have caused since then? At any rate, if anyone finds my favorite set of dice (bought during Jr. High School - lost sometime between High School and College) you know the ones, they were a nice charcoal grey that you could see through quite clearly. They could spin for days and were un topple-able once stacked. And, IIRC, they always rolled high when they needed to, and always rolled low when they needed to. Funny for as how negative we can be, the older we get it's usually the good things we remember... but that's another topic, for another thread, for another forum, for another board. Take care and happy gaming.


i still have 2 sets of baby blue and baby blue mixed with orange and yellow.

i love those dice. the blue D20 is affectionately known as "widowmaker". it has 4 instant kills and numerous character deaths to its credit. when i die, it gets buried with me!
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