Dice Room

This one looks more promising than Dice Room. I might give this a try. I'm not too confident, however, that its stats are any different from IC, but I guess we could try Ken's 300 roll statistical test.

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If you want a real statistical test you should do repetitions in the 1000's. Especially with a d20. An even distribution with 300 rolls only gives you 15 instances of each result.

Just sayin' :)

EDIT: Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's an easy way to do that many duplicate rolls on that site. It looks like there's a hard-coded maximum of 40 rolls at once. Writing a script to send the roll requests and collate the results would probably be easiest, but I'm not sure how much the site would like that (not to mention not knowing where exactly to start with that sort of programming).
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Oh come off it LS! We're a bunch of OCD geeks whose favorite thing to do on a given night is to play PbP D&D for hours on end. If we can't do something as hit Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and click a mouse a couple hundred times, who can? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::cool:

That's a good point. That way, if I'm really motivated to do this (and my motivation is growing with every 1 I roll), I can do research instead of bogging down a database. Interesting.

There's random.org, which uses atmospheric noise and is certified by gaming comissions, but the mode that saves perma-links to your rolls Invisible Castle style has a monthly fee.

*BUMP!* So Invisible Castle is down again, and although CoCo Roller linked earlier in this thread, is good, it lack the ability for multiple users to roll in the same session (or at least with the same campaign title so that the rolls can be viewed together). Has anyone come across an option other than relying on IC?
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*BUMP!* So Invisible Castle is down again, and although CoCo Roller linked earlier in this thread, is good, it lack the ability for multiple users to roll in the same session (or at least with the same campaign title so that the rolls can be viewed together). Has anyone come across an option other than relying on IC?
The OOTS roller has never failed me, unlike Invisible Castle.

How hard would it be to program something like IC?

Not terribly hard. If my day job were to pay me to do something like that, I'd estimate it at around 10 days of work. Maybe less to get something bare-bones but usable.

Now ask me if I have 10 days sitting around to work on something like that, full time...

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