Dicebreaker closing? Where to get your TTRPG news!

ENworld is the only TTRPG site I use. It does a good job letting me know if new games and game-adjacent events and news. I really don't need anything more than what I get here and TTRPG news just isn't important enough for me to be spending time on multiple sites. On the rare occasion that I do visit another site, it is usually to read more about something posted on ENWorld.

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So where do I get my TTRPG news? Mostly forums, #YouTube, and #Reddit. After which I usually need to engage in my own journalism to verify the sources and claims anyway, which the modern internet renders more difficult by the day. But let's be honest: The majority of such news is either drama, opinions, or press releases which don't require professional journalists. Reviews are useful but journalists being unable to effectively evaluate games is something of a running joke. And the occasional newsworthy event isn't enough to sustain an entire office.

Journalism is a real craft and it applies to the games industry as much as it applies to any other. And the suggestion that influencers are more accurate and les opinionated than actual journalists isn't just laughable, it is downright dangerous.
Yes, it is a real craft, and yet the so called professionals don't seem to practice it. And influencers are at least as accurate and opinionated as 'actual' journalists in the gaming industry. And the most dangerous part of all this is the increasing lack of media literacy required to adjust for media biases.

News is worth paying for.
Accurate unbiased timely news is worth paying for, but if I have to filter the noise out myself I'm not going to spend money on top of my time for it.

So where do I get my TTRPG news? Mostly forums, #YouTube, and #Reddit. After which I usually need to engage in my own journalism to verify the sources and claims anyway, which the modern internet renders more difficult by the day. But let's be honest: The majority of such news is either drama, opinions, or press releases which don't require professional journalists. Reviews are useful but journalists being unable to effectively evaluate games is something of a running joke. And the occasional newsworthy event isn't enough to sustain an entire office.

Yes, it is a real craft, and yet the so called professionals don't seem to practice it. And influencers are at least as accurate and opinionated as 'actual' journalists in the gaming industry. And the most dangerous part of all this is the increasing lack of media literacy required to adjust for media biases.
Yes, you said.

I get my RPG news from three places.

#1. Here. The bulk of any RPG news I learn about comes from here.
#2. YouTube. Sometimes the algorithim takes me to RPG news.
#3. FaceBook. On rare occasion something pops up there.

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