Dictionary of Terminology


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
The Dictionary of Terminology
By trollbill, as originally published on the Wizards of the Coast Board, with additions by Zombiegleemax

For the benefit of newcomers to this message board, I have compiled a list of commonly used terms found here. If you have any suggestions, or have an addition you think should be made, please let me know. Criteria for additions to the Dictionary of Terminology are included at the end of this post.


Disclaimer: Definitions used in this list are based on their common usage on this message board and thus may vary in meaning from other boards, sites or even common dictionary usage. Definitions on this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of WotC, its employees, associates, immediate family members or household pets.



All your base are belong to us! (expression): Phrase meaning, “You have no hope of defeating us(me).” Etymology: Computer gaming, refers to a line from a poorly translated computer game that is frequently quoted by computer gamers as a declaration of their gaming interest.


Bag-o-Rats Fighter (expression): A fighter who carries a bag of rats, dumps the bag when entering melee, makes a whirlwind attack against each rat, then uses the great cleave feat to gain an extra attack against his opponent for each rat he kills; often used as a prime example of how the 3E rules can be abused.

Base (verb): 1. To, in a miniatures gaming context, move one miniature adjacent to another. 2. To, in a miniatures painting context, modify the base of a miniature.

Beer & Pretzel Gaming (expression): Refers to gaming in a casual, laid-back style.

Beater (noun): See Beatstick.

Beatstick (noun): Character or creature whose primary combat role is to inflict large amounts of melee damage; also known as a Beater.

Bent (adjective): Refers to a class, feat, skill, race, spell or otherwise specific game rule that the user of the term considers somewhat unbalanced.

Big Bad Evil Guy [BBEG] (term): An arch-villain, -nemesis, or -foil used by the DM, often in a recurring role, as the climax to an adventure, story arc or campaign. Etymology: D & D Message Boards, term first used in the thread Honesty vs. Story.

Broken (adjective): Refers to a class, feat, skill, race, spell or otherwise specific game rule that the user of the term considers very unbalanced.

Bump (verb): To reply to a post for the express purpose of moving that post to the top of the queue or forum.


Canon (adjective): Any mythology presented in rules, movies, books or other material that is officially recognized as part of the mythology of that setting. Etymology: Religion, refers to a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council.

Castle of Fun [CoF] (noun): A recurring D&D message board thread, now given its own channel, that is dedicated to light-hearted, online, role-playing; also known as the Dungeons & Dragons Virtual Corporation.

Chainmail Bikini (noun): Flexible armor, usually of decorative use only, consisting of interlinked metal rings that are shaped in the form of a bikini; and commonly cited as the archetype of sexism in a male biased gaming community.

Cheese (noun): 1. (considered derogatory) Character, spell, feat or other game element or combination of games elements considered to be overpowered for its cost. 2. Tactic, build-combination or other use of rules elements that violates the spirit of the rules without violating the technical wording. Etymology: English slang, taken from the term cheesy, meaning shabby or cheap.

Cheese (verb): (considered derogatory) To make use of a cheap (cheesy) game element or tactic.

Cheese Monkey (noun): (considered derogatory) Player or GM who excessively makes use of cheap (cheesy) game elements or tactics.

Cleric on a Stick (noun): Wand of cure wounds used as a substitute for a cleric or other proper healer; also known as a Happy Stick.

Crunchy (adjective): Euphemism referring to a published material or portion of a published material that contains game mechanics, see also Fluffy. Etymology: Gaming industry, term made popular by Sean K. Reynold’s euphemistic essay on the gaming industry entitled, Forgotten Rums.


d20 (noun),1: RPG system published by WotC under an open gaming license, using D&D as it’s flagship product. 2: A 20-sided die.

Dread Gazebo (noun): See Tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo.

Drizzt Do’Urden (fictional name): Famous, often emulated, two scimitar wielding, good-aligned, drow ranger from the Forgotten Realms.

Drizzt Clone (noun): A much overused character concept that is modeled after Drizzt Do’Urden.

Dungeon Master [DM] (noun): A Dungeons & Dragons specific term for a Game Master.

Dungeons & Dragons Virtual Corporation [DDVC] (noun): See Castle of Fun.


Elminster (fictional name): Archetypal arch mage, meddler and font of wisdom from the Forgotten Realms; analogous to Tolkein’s Gandalf, or Merlin, from Arthurian legend.


Fanboy (noun): (often considered derogatory) In gaming, sci-fi or fantasy circles, a serious, often overly obsessed fan of a game, author, designer, series, or other genre element.

Feats should be nice, not required [FSBNNR] (expression): Phrase used to express the belief that 3E psionics needs to be re-vamped rather than patched with feats that fix weaknesses.

Flame (verb): To reply to a post in a highly critical, derogatory and/or inflammatory manner.

Flame War (noun): A thread that has degenerated into mostly pointless flames and counter-flames; sometimes also flamefest.

Flame Warrior (noun): A participant in a flame war.

Flamefest (noun): See Flame War.

Flood (verb), 1: To overwhelm a network channel with mechanically-generated traffic. 2: To inundate a thread by posting repeatedly over a short period of time.

Flood Control (noun): Software designed to prevent network channel flooding.

Fluffy (adjective): Euphemism referring to a published material or portion of a published material that contains flavor text, see also Crunchy. Etymology: Gaming industry, term made popular by Sean K. Reynold’s euphemistic essay on the gaming industry entitled, Forgotten Rums.

Fnord (noun): 1. Meaningless word used as a placeholder name or a random member of a class of things under discussion. 2. Meaningless word used to distract, confuse or otherwise misdirect the reader from the subject at hand. Etymology: American literature, term first popularized by The Illuminatius! Trilogy of books by Robert Shea and Rober Anton Wilson.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] (noun): A compilation of commonly asked questions related to the topic at hand, combined with their respective answers to create a customer or user support reference.

Front Loaded (adjective): Refers to a class, spell, ability or other graduated rule whose benefit(s) at it’s initial stages are greater than those of later on.


Game Master
GM: (noun):
GM: A generic, non-game specific term for the controller/referee of a role-playing game.

Gamer (noun): A person who plays games; most commonly, but not limited to; war games, role-playing games, collectible card games, and computer or console games.

Gaming (verb): The act of playing a game, usually with others. See also Gamer.

Gazebo (noun): See Tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo.

Gish (noun): Character who combines elements of an arcane caster and melee combater. Etymology: Dungeons & Dragons, refers to a title original given to Githyanki fighter/magic-users.

Greyhawk (verb): To loot the bodies of fallen enemies. Etymology: Dungeons & Dragons, term first used by players of the Living Greyhawk campaign as a sarcastic response to adventures that gave less treasure if it was not specifically stated that the bodies were being looted.

Grognard (noun): A gamer, especially war gamer, who has considerable experience with a particular game or genre of games, has seen that game or genre of games go through many iterations, and who may often complain about new versions of, or newbies to, that game; also known as Old Guard. Etymology: French, nickname for a member of the French Old Guard during the Napoleonic era, referring to said members’ frequent imbibing of grog, an alcoholic beverage consisting of watered down rum, and synonymous with their tendency to grumble about all things new.


Hack’n Slasher (noun): A player whose primary focus in a RPG is to roll dice, kill things and take their treasure; also known as a Roll-player.

Happy Stick (noun): See Cleric on a Stick.

High Gaming (noun): A particular genre of gaming, usually that preferred by the user of the term, viewed as superior to other genres of gaming

House Rule (noun): An official variant or unofficial customized rule used within the confines of an individual play group.

Huzzah! (exclamation): An expression or shout of acclaim. Etymology: Unknown, earliest known uses stem from the late medieval/early renaissance period.


I got a rock! (expression): A declaration used to indicate that one has been cheated within a RPG, usually in regards to treasure division. Etymology: Modern American, derived from It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

In-Depth Role-Player [IDRP] (noun): A player whose primary focus in a RPG is to strive for the realistic portrayal of her character, especially in terms of emotion and personality, by making all decisions based solely from the character’s viewpoint.


Jack Chick (biographical name, possibly pseudonym): Christian fundamentalist known for, amongst other things, publishing the anti D&D comic book, Dark Dungeons, through his company Chick Publishing, Inc.


Kender (noun): A diminutive race in the Dragon Lance campaign setting that is similar to and replaces the halfling race in that setting.

Killer DM (term): A Dungeon Master whose campaign has a high mortality rate amongst the player characters; often, but not necessarily, due to deliberate and sometimes malicious actions on the part of the DM; also sometimes Player Killer.


Leet Speak (adjective): Internet ‘code’ language originated by hackers and considered a CoC violation.

Live Action Role-Playing [LARP] (noun): A style of gaming that emphasizes live, often immersive, character interaction over, and sometimes to the exclusion of, dice rolling.

Low Gaming (noun): A genre or genres of gaming the user of the term finds inferior to those genres she views as High Gaming. See also High Gaming.

Lurker (noun): A person who frequently visits a message board, but seldom, if ever, posts to it.


Meat Board (noun): (considered derogatory) A colloquialism for the Metaboard.

Meat Shield (noun): Character or creature whose primary combat role in the party is to absorb large amounts of damage in order to protect other, more vulnerable, party members.

Meh (expression): Verbal or written expression of indifference equivalent to the physical expression of a shrug.

Message Board Paladin (noun) A member who attempts to assist the moderators in their policing duties.

Meta-board Pigeon (noun): A member who often Spams the Wizards.com Meta-board with repeated, mostly innocuous comments; also sometimes Pigeon. Etymology: D&D Message Boards, term first coined by WotC_Mel in the thread Shoo!

Metagame (noun): Any element of gaming found outside of actual game play.

Metagame (verb): To make character decisions in an RPG based upon game knowledge rather than character knowledge.

Metagamer (noun), 1: A player who uses out-of-character knowledge to benefit his in-game character. 2: Someone who Metagames.

Min/Maxer (noun), 1: A player who designs her character, usually within the basic parameters of the rules, to maximize that character’s advantages and minimize its disadvantages. 2: A Power Gamer.

Monty Hauler (noun), 1: A person who runs or plays in a campaign where everything is 'given away', i.e., monsters are easy to kill and treasure and experience easy to find. Etymology: Modern American, refers to Monty Hall, an MC for many television game shows. 2: A Munchkin.

Multi-user Dungeon [MUD] (noun): Any of various online, multi-player adventuring environments.

Multiple Attribute Dependency [MAD] (expression): Phrase referring to character classes whose abilities require good scores in multiple attributes rather than just one, and commonly used to refer to what is often considered the primary weakness of the psion character class.

Multiple user Personality [MuP] (noun): Any one of several persona adopted by a single user and represented by a separate user-name; see also Sock Puppet.

Munch (verb): To min/max a character. Etymology: RPGing, derived from the term Munchkin.

Munchkin (noun), 1: (considered derogatory) A player who creates an extremely unbalanced and over-powered character by using ludicrous loopholes in the rules or by outright breaking them. 2: (considered derogatory) A player whose gaming style the user of the term disapproves of; often including, but not limited to, power gamers, min/maxers, Monty Haulers, hack’n slashers, metagamers, rules lawyers and/or twinks. 3: A young gamer. Etymology: Modern American, refers to a race of midgets in The Wizard of Oz.


Nattering Nabob of Negativity (noun): (Considered derogatory) A member who excessively posts negative commentary. Etymology: U.S. Politics, term first used by Vice President Spiro Agnew to decry liberal bias in mainstream media.

Nerf (verb): To weaken a specific game rule, or specific character or item within a game, usually for purposes of game balance. Etymology: Modern Toys, refers to the Nerf brand name that uses a soft, compressible material to make non-hazardous toys.

Newbie (noun): A new player to the game and/or new member to the message board.

Non-player character [NPC] (noun): A character in a role-playing game whose actions are not controlled by a player; specifically, a character whose actions are controlled by the Game Master.


Oberoni Fallacy (noun): The fallacy that the existence of a rule stating that, ‘the rules can be changed,’ can be used to excuse design flaws in the actual rules. Etymology, D&D message boards, a fallacy first formalized by member Oberoni.

Old Guard (noun): See Grognard.

Open Gaming Foundation [OGF] (noun): Organization dedicated to the publication and production of game systems that use the Open Gaming License such as WotC’s d20 System, or an open license similar to the OGL.

Otaku (noun): (often considered derogatory) a Fanboy; especially one fixated on Anime, Ecchi, Hentai, Manga or other form of Japanese comic or cartoon art. Etymology: Japanese, literally 'house,' slang for an overly obsessed fan and implying said fans obsession interfering with his or her ability to socialize and thus remaining mostly confined to the house rather than experiencing social situations.


Player (noun): A person who plays a game; usually used to differentiate a person who plays in a role-playing game versus a person who controls one.

Player Character [PC] (noun): A character in a role-playing game whose actions are controlled by a player.

Player Kill [PK] (noun): An encounter or adventurer in which a PC is killed.

Player Killer [PK] (noun), 1: A Killer DM. 2: A player who frequently kills other PCs.

Power Gamer (noun), 1: A player whose primary focus in a RPG is the increase of his character’s power, usually defined in combat terms. 2: A Min/Maxer.

Prune (verb): To delete old and/or excess threads from a message board in order to improve performance of that board.

Pun Pun (fictional name): Character concept designed to demonstrate and epitomize extreme character optimization.



Railroad (verb): To, as a DM, force the players along a linier storyline that often does not allow for deviations created by player input.

Role-player (noun), 1: A person who plays role-playing games. 2: An In-Depth Role-Player.

Role-playing Game (noun): A game that allows the player(s) to assume the role of a character or personality involved in the development of a story-line.

Roll-player (noun): See Hack'n Slasher.

Rouge (noun), 1: Any of various cosmetics for coloring the cheeks or lips red. 2: A very common misspelling of the word rogue.

Rule 0 (verb): To, as a house rule, modify or eliminate an official rule, or create an original house rule. Etymology: D&D 3E, refers to Rule 0 of character creation in the PHB which states that a player should check with the DM for house rules before generating a character.

Rules Lawyer (noun), 1: A player who is knowledgeable of the rules and uses them to his advantage; sometimes even to the extreme of using one rule to argue a point to his advantage, then using another rule to argue against that point when it becomes a disadvantage. 2: A gamer knowledgeable of the rules.


Sage, the (noun): see The Sage.

Snarf (fictional name), 1: The comical antihero of the Larry Elmore comic series Snarf Quest. 2: The comical sidekick in the Rankin Bass cartoon Thundercats.

Society for Creative Anachronism [SCA] (noun): An international, non-profit, medieval re-creation and recreation organization.

Sock Puppet (noun): A MuP, often one used by the poster to conduct activities that she does not want associated with a more well-known screen name or to create fictitious support for her other screen name(s). Etymology: Common crafts, refers to the practice of making a simple hand puppet out of a sock and using it to speak for the puppeteer.

Spam (verb), 1: To post repeated, off-topic, usually innocuous comments to a thread that overwhelm and eventually derail that thread. 2: To send unsolicited, usually commercial E-mail to a large number of addresses. Etymology: British television, from a skit on the series Monty Python's Flying Circus in which chanting of the word Spam (trademark for a canned meat product) overrides the other dialogue.

Spell-point Using Mage [SPUM] (expression): Term often used to characterize 3E Psionics.

Splatbook, 1: Any published, non-core, supplementary game book, especially one dedicated to a specific class, race or campaign location. 2: (considered derogatory) Any unnecessary, excessive and/or poorly designed published game supplement. Etymology: Game industry, refers to the asterisk (*), also known as a splat, sometimes used by game publishers to designate supplementary material in catalogues.

System Reference Document [SRD] (noun): Online documentation posted on the OGL web site containing an abbreviated version of the 3E D&D rules.


Tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo (title): Humorous gaming story now part of popular gaming folklore.

Tank (noun): A heavily armored character that excels in melee combat. Etymology: Military, refers to a heavily armored combat vehicle.

The Sage (noun): Title, originally held by Skip Williams and now held by Andy Collins, of the official rules clarifier for D&D in Dragon Magazine.

Thread (noun): A continuous chain of postings on a single topic.

”tj” (phrase): Letters sometimes used in place of “ch” in posts by non-English speaking members and occasionally used by English speaking members as a form of support for those non-English speaking members who have been harassed for bad grammar or spelling.

To Hit Armor Class 0 [THAC0] (term): 2E D&D term similar in purpose to the 3E term attack bonus.

Total Party Death [TPD] (expression): See Total Party Kill.

Total Party Kill [TPK] (expression): An encounter or adventure that results in the entire party being killed; also sometimes Total Party Death.

Troll (verb): To post a controversial or inflammatory statement on a message board for the express purpose of generating outraged replies. Etymology: Fishing, derived as a pun from the fishing practice of trailing a lure or baited hook from a moving boat.

Troll (noun), 1: (considered derogatory) A person who trolls. 2: In game terms, a large, vicious green humanoid with regenerative capabilities.

Twink (noun), 1: (considered derogatory) A player whose play-style or behavior ruins or disrupts a game. 2: A Munchkin.

Twink (verb): To give a character an item or ability that increases that character’s power substantially beyond that normally expected for a character of that level and race.



1E: 1st Edition AD&D rules.
2E: 2nd Edition AD&D rules.
3E: 3rd Edition D&D rules.
3.5E: Version 3.5 of the 3rd Edition D&D rules.

A&E: Arms & Equipment accessory.
AC: Armor Class.
Abj: Abjurer specialist wizard class.
Acm: Archmage FR PrC.
AD&D: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
Adp: Adept NPC class.
AFAIK: As far as I know.
AL: Alignment.
AoE: Area of effect.
AoO: Attack of opportunity.
Arc: Arcane Archer PrC.
Ari: Aristocrat NPC class.
Asn: Assassin PrC.
Atk: Attacks.

BAB: Base attack bonus.
BBEG: Big bad evil guy (see Terms above).
Bbn: Barbarian PC class.
BD&D: Basic Dungeons & Dragons.
Blk: Blackguard PrC.
BoVD: Book of Vile Darkness accessory.
Brd: Bard PC class.
BTW: By the way.

CCG : Collectable card game.
CE: Chaotic Evil alignment.
CG: Chaotic Good alignment.
Cha: Charisma ability score.
Chm: Divine Champion FR Prc.
Cjr: Conjurer specialist wizard class.
Clr: Cleric PC class.
CL: Class level.
CN: Chaotic Neutral alignment.
CoC: Code of Conduct.
CoF: Castle of Fun (see Terms above).
Com, 1: Commoner NPC class. 2: (old use) Comeliness ability score.
Con: Constitution ability score.
CR: Challenge Rating.
Crit: Critical Hit.
CRPG: Computer role-playing game.

d%: Percentile dice.
d4: A 4-sided die.
d6: A 6-sided die.
d8: An 8-sided die.
d10: A 10-sided die.
d12: A 12-sided die.
d20: A 20-sided die.
d100: Percentile dice.
DDVC: Dungeons & Dragons Virtual Corporation (see Terms above).
DDG: Deities & Demigods accessory.
Def: Dwarven Defender PrC.
Dev: Arcane Devotee FR PrC.
Dex: Dexterity ability score.
Dis: Divine Disciple FR PrC.
Div: Diviner specialist wizard class.
DMG: Dungeon Master’s Guide core rulebook.
DotF: Defenders of the Faith accessory.
Drd: Druid PC class.
DvR: Divine Rank.

EAB: Epic-level Attack Bonus.
ECL: Effective Character Level.
ELH: Epic Level Handbook accessory.
Enc: Enchanter specialist wizard class.
ESD: Electronic Systems Document.
Evo: Evoker specialist wizard class.
Exp, 1: Expert NPC class. 2: Experience.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (see Terms above).
FLGS: Favorite Local Gaming Store.
Fort: Fortitude, or Fortitude saving throw.
FR: Forgotten Realms campaign setting.
FRCS: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting accessory.
FSBNNR: Feats should be nice, not required (see Terms above).
Ftr: Fighter PC class.
FWIW: For what it’s worth.
FYI: For your information.

Gld: Guild Thief FR PrC.
GM: Game master (see Terms above).
GW: Gamma World game system.

HBGB: Hero Builder’s Guidebook accessory.
HD: Hit Dice.
Hie: Hierophant FR PrC.
HL: Holy Liberator DotF PrC.
hp: hit points.
Hrp: Harper FR PrC.
Hth: Hathran FR PrC.
HtH: Hand-to-hand.

IC: In character.
ICBW: I could be wrong.
IDRP: In-Depth Role-Player (see Terms above).
IIRC: If I recall correctly.
Ill: Illusionist specialist wizard class.
IMAO: In my arrogant opinion.
IMC: In my campaign.
IMHO, 1: In my humble opinion. 2: In my honest opinion.
IMO: In my opinion.
IMX: In my experience.
Init: Initiative bonus.
Int: Intelligence ability score.
IRL: In real life.
ITCK: If Thoughts Could Kill third-party psionics supplement by Bruce Cordell.

j/k: Just kidding.
JMO: Just my opinion.
JSYK: Just so you know.

KoDT: Knights of the Dinner Table D&D comic strip.

LARP: Live action role-playing (see Terms above).
LE: Lawful Evil alignment.
LG: Lawful Good alignment.
LGS: Local Gaming Store.
LMAO: Laughing my (insert appropriate expletive) off.
LN: Lawful Neutral alignment.
LoD: Lords of Darkness accessory.
LoE: Line of effect.
LOL: Laughing out loud.
Lor: Loremaster PrC.
LotR: Lord of the Rings.

MAD: Multiple attribute dependency (see Terms above).
MEA: Move equivalent action.
MM: Monster Manual core rulebook.
MMORG: Massive Multi-player Online Role-playing Game.
Mnk: Monk PC class.
Mod, 1: Modifier. 2: Moderator.
MoF: Magic of Faerun accessory.
MoP: Manual of the Planes accessory.
MotW: Masters of the Wild accessory.
MUD: Multi-user Dungeon (see Terms above).
MuP: Multiple user Personality (see Terms above).

N: Neutral alignment.
n/k: not kidding.
NE: Neutral Evil alignment.
Nec: Necromancer specialist wizard class.
NG: Neutral Good alignment.
NIMH: Not in my house.
NPC: Non-player character (see Terms above).
NWN: Never Winter Nights computer game.

OD&D: Original, or old, Dungeons & Dragons.
OA: Oriental Adventures accessory.
OGF: Open gaming foundation (see Terms above).
OGL: Open gaming license.
OMG: Oh, my God!
OOC: Out of character.
OTOH: On the other hand.

Pal: Paladin PC class.
PBeM: Play by e-mail.
PBM: Play by mail.
PnP: Pen ’n Paper
PC, 1: Player character (see Terms above). 2: (rarely) Politically Correct.
peep: People.
PH: Player’s Handbook core rulebook; also sometimes PHB.
PHB: Player’s Handbook core rulebook; also sometimes PH.
PK, 1: Player kill (see Terms above). 2: Player killer (see Terms above).
ppl: People.
PrC: Prestige class.
Prp: Purple Dragon Knight FR PrC.
Psi: Psion PC class.
PsiHB: Psionics Handbook accessory.
PW: Psychic Warrior PC class.


RE: Regarding.
Red: Red Wizard FR PrC.
Ref: Reflex, or Reflex saving throw.
Rgr: Ranger PC class.
Rnc: Runecaster FR PrC.
Rog: Rogue PC class.
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing.
ROFLMAO: Rolling on the floor, laughing my (insert appropriate expletive) off.
RPG: Role-playing game (see Terms above).
RPGA: Role-Playing Gamers Association.
RTFM: (considered offensive) Read the (insert appropriate expletive) manual.
RTM: Read the manual.

S&F: Sword & Fist accessory.
S&S, 1: Song & Silence accessory. 2: Sword & Sorcery Studios
SA: Special Attacks.
SCA: Society for Creative Anachronism (see Terms above.)
Sha: Shadow Adept FR PrC.
Shd: Shadowdancer PrC.
Skr: Divine Seeker FR PrC.
Sor: Sorcerer PC class.
Spd: Speed.
SPUM: Spell point using mage (see Terms above.)
SQ: Special Qualities.
SRD: System Reference Document (see Terms above).
SS: Savage Species accessory.
Str: Strength ability score.
SV: Saving throw bonuses.

T&B: Tome & Blood accessory.
THAC0: To Hit Armor Class 0 [zero] (see Terms above).
TPD: Total Party Death (see Terms above).
TPK: Total Party Kill (see Terms above).
Tra: Transmuter specialist wizard class.
TRPG: Table-top role-playing game.
TYVM: Thank You Very Much.

UA: Unearthed Arcana accessory.
UAB: Unarmed attack bonus.
UBB: Ultimate Bulletin Board (see Terms above).

vBB: vBulletin (see Terms above).
VLH: Very Large Hats (see Terms above).

War: Warrior NPC class.
Will: Will, or Will saving throw.
Wis: Wisdom ability score.
Wiz: Wizard PC class.
WoC: Wizards of the Coast; also sometimes WotC.
WotC: Wizards of the Coast; also sometimes WoC.
WTF: What the (insert appropriate expletive).
WTG: Way to go.

XP: Experience points.

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary (see Terms above).



1E: 1st Edition AD&D rules.
2E: 2nd Edition AD&D rules.
3E: 3rd Edition D&D rules.
3.5E: Version 3.5 of the 3rd Edition D&D rules.

A&E: Arms & Equipment accessory.
AC: Armor Class.
Abj: Abjurer specialist wizard class.
Acm: Archmage FR PrC.
AD&D: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
Adp: Adept NPC class.
AFAIK: As far as I know.
AL: Alignment.
AoE: Area of effect.
AoO: Attack of opportunity.
Arc: Arcane Archer PrC.
Ari: Aristocrat NPC class.
Asn: Assassin PrC.
Atk: Attacks.

BAB: Base attack bonus.
BBEG: Big bad evil guy (see Terms above).
Bbn: Barbarian PC class.
BD&D: Basic Dungeons & Dragons.
Blk: Blackguard PrC.
BoVD: Book of Vile Darkness accessory.
Brd: Bard PC class.
BTW: By the way.

CCG : Collectable card game.
CE: Chaotic Evil alignment.
CG: Chaotic Good alignment.
Cha: Charisma ability score.
Chm: Divine Champion FR Prc.
Cjr: Conjurer specialist wizard class.
Clr: Cleric PC class.
CL: Class level.
CN: Chaotic Neutral alignment.
CoC: Code of Conduct.
CoF: Castle of Fun (see Terms above).
Com, 1: Commoner NPC class. 2: (old use) Comeliness ability score.
Con: Constitution ability score.
CR: Challenge Rating.
Crit: Critical Hit.
CRPG: Computer role-playing game.

d%: Percentile dice.
d4: A 4-sided die.
d6: A 6-sided die.
d8: An 8-sided die.
d10: A 10-sided die.
d12: A 12-sided die.
d20: A 20-sided die.
d100: Percentile dice.
DDVC: Dungeons & Dragons Virtual Corporation (see Terms above).
DDG: Deities & Demigods accessory.
Def: Dwarven Defender PrC.
Dev: Arcane Devotee FR PrC.
Dex: Dexterity ability score.
Dis: Divine Disciple FR PrC.
Div: Diviner specialist wizard class.
DMG: Dungeon Master’s Guide core rulebook.
DotF: Defenders of the Faith accessory.
Drd: Druid PC class.
DvR: Divine Rank.

EAB: Epic-level Attack Bonus.
ECL: Effective Character Level.
ELH: Epic Level Handbook accessory.
Enc: Enchanter specialist wizard class.
ESD: Electronic Systems Document.
Evo: Evoker specialist wizard class.
Exp, 1: Expert NPC class. 2: Experience.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions (see Terms above).
FLGS: Favorite Local Gaming Store.
Fort: Fortitude, or Fortitude saving throw.
FR: Forgotten Realms campaign setting.
FRCS: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting accessory.
FSBNNR: Feats should be nice, not required (see Terms above).
Ftr: Fighter PC class.
FWIW: For what it’s worth.
FYI: For your information.

Gld: Guild Thief FR PrC.
GM: Game master (see Terms above).
GW: Gamma World game system.

HBGB: Hero Builder’s Guidebook accessory.
HD: Hit Dice.
Hie: Hierophant FR PrC.
HL: Holy Liberator DotF PrC.
hp: hit points.
Hrp: Harper FR PrC.
Hth: Hathran FR PrC.
HtH: Hand-to-hand.

IC: In character.
ICBW: I could be wrong.
IDRP: In-Depth Role-Player (see Terms above).
IIRC: If I recall correctly.
Ill: Illusionist specialist wizard class.
IMAO: In my arrogant opinion.
IMC: In my campaign.
IMHO, 1: In my humble opinion. 2: In my honest opinion.
IMO: In my opinion.
IMX: In my experience.
Init: Initiative bonus.
Int: Intelligence ability score.
IRL: In real life.
ITCK: If Thoughts Could Kill third-party psionics supplement by Bruce Cordell.

j/k: Just kidding.
JMO: Just my opinion.
JSYK: Just so you know.

KoDT: Knights of the Dinner Table D&D comic strip.

LARP: Live action role-playing (see Terms above).
LE: Lawful Evil alignment.
LG: Lawful Good alignment.
LGS: Local Gaming Store.
LMAO: Laughing my (insert appropriate expletive) off.
LN: Lawful Neutral alignment.
LoD: Lords of Darkness accessory.
LoE: Line of effect.
LOL: Laughing out loud.
Lor: Loremaster PrC.
LotR: Lord of the Rings.

MAD: Multiple attribute dependency (see Terms above).
MEA: Move equivalent action.
MM: Monster Manual core rulebook.
MMORG: Massive Multi-player Online Role-playing Game.
Mnk: Monk PC class.
Mod, 1: Modifier. 2: Moderator.
MoF: Magic of Faerun accessory.
MoP: Manual of the Planes accessory.
MotW: Masters of the Wild accessory.
MUD: Multi-user Dungeon (see Terms above).
MuP: Multiple user Personality (see Terms above).

N: Neutral alignment.
n/k: not kidding.
NE: Neutral Evil alignment.
Nec: Necromancer specialist wizard class.
NG: Neutral Good alignment.
NIMH: Not in my house.
NPC: Non-player character (see Terms above).
NWN: Never Winter Nights computer game.

OD&D: Original, or old, Dungeons & Dragons.
OA: Oriental Adventures accessory.
OGF: Open gaming foundation (see Terms above).
OGL: Open gaming license.
OMG: Oh, my God!
OOC: Out of character.
OTOH: On the other hand.

Pal: Paladin PC class.
PBeM: Play by e-mail.
PBM: Play by mail.
PnP: Pen ’n Paper
PC, 1: Player character (see Terms above). 2: (rarely) Politically Correct.
peep: People.
PH: Player’s Handbook core rulebook; also sometimes PHB.
PHB: Player’s Handbook core rulebook; also sometimes PH.
PK, 1: Player kill (see Terms above). 2: Player killer (see Terms above).
ppl: People.
PrC: Prestige class.
Prp: Purple Dragon Knight FR PrC.
Psi: Psion PC class.
PsiHB: Psionics Handbook accessory.
PW: Psychic Warrior PC class.


RE: Regarding.
Red: Red Wizard FR PrC.
Ref: Reflex, or Reflex saving throw.
Rgr: Ranger PC class.
Rnc: Runecaster FR PrC.
Rog: Rogue PC class.
ROFL: Rolling on the floor laughing.
ROFLMAO: Rolling on the floor, laughing my (insert appropriate expletive) off.
RPG: Role-playing game (see Terms above).
RPGA: Role-Playing Gamers Association.
RTFM: (considered offensive) Read the (insert appropriate expletive) manual.
RTM: Read the manual.

S&F: Sword & Fist accessory.
S&S, 1: Song & Silence accessory. 2: Sword & Sorcery Studios
SA: Special Attacks.
SCA: Society for Creative Anachronism (see Terms above.)
Sha: Shadow Adept FR PrC.
Shd: Shadowdancer PrC.
Skr: Divine Seeker FR PrC.
Sor: Sorcerer PC class.
Spd: Speed.
SPUM: Spell point using mage (see Terms above.)
SQ: Special Qualities.
SRD: System Reference Document (see Terms above).
SS: Savage Species accessory.
Str: Strength ability score.
SV: Saving throw bonuses.

T&B: Tome & Blood accessory.
THAC0: To Hit Armor Class 0 [zero] (see Terms above).
TPD: Total Party Death (see Terms above).
TPK: Total Party Kill (see Terms above).
Tra: Transmuter specialist wizard class.
TRPG: Table-top role-playing game.
TYVM: Thank You Very Much.

UA: Unearthed Arcana accessory.
UAB: Unarmed attack bonus.
UBB: Ultimate Bulletin Board (see Terms above).

vBB: vBulletin (see Terms above).
VLH: Very Large Hats (see Terms above).

War: Warrior NPC class.
Will: Will, or Will saving throw.
Wis: Wisdom ability score.
Wiz: Wizard PC class.
WoC: Wizards of the Coast; also sometimes WotC.
WotC: Wizards of the Coast; also sometimes WoC.
WTF: What the (insert appropriate expletive).
WTG: Way to go.

XP: Experience points.

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary (see Terms above).


Section III. 3e Class Abbreviations / Name / Source

Acm / Archmage / Forgotten Realms
Acp / Arch-Psion / The Mind's Eye
Acr / Thief-Acrobat / Song and Silence
Act / Arcane Trickster / Tome and Blood
Adp / Adept / Dungeon Master's Guide
Adu / Arcane Duelist / Random Encounters
Agr / Agent Retriever / Epic Level Handbook
Ako / Akodo Champion / Oriental Adventures
Alc / Master Alchemist / Magic of Faerun
Alg / Algarondan Griffonrider / Unapproachable East
Ali / Alienist / Tome and Blood
Anl / Animal Lord / Masters of the Wild
Aos / Acolyte of the Skin / Tome and Blood
Ara / Arachne / Faiths and Pantheons
Arb / Arboreal Guardian / Ghostwalk
Arc / Arcane Archer / Dungeon Master's Guide
Ari / Aristocrat / Dungeon Master's Guide
Asn / Assassin / Dungeon Master's Guide
Aus / Auspician / Faiths and Pantheons
Bal / Ballisteer / The Mind's Eye
Bam / Battle Maiden / Oriental Adventures
Bat / Battlerager / Races of Faerun
Bay / Bayushi Deciever / Oriental Adventures
Bda / Blade Dancer / Oriental Adventures
Beh / Beholder Mage / Monsters of Faerun
Bew / Bear Warrior / Oriental Adventures
Bfz / Black Flame Zealot / Unapproachable East
Bld / Bladesinger / Races of Faerun
Bli / Blighter / Masters of the Wild
Blk / Blackguard / Dungeon Master's Guide
Blm / Blood Magus / Tome and Blood
Blo / Bloodhound / Masters of the Wild
Boc / Bone Collector / Ghostwalk
Boi / Bane of Infidels / Masters of the Wild
Brb / Barbarian / Player's Handbook
Brd / Bard / Player's Handbook
Bre / Breachgnome / Races of Faerun
Cam / Cancer Mage / Book of Vile Darkness
Can / Candle Caster / Tome and Blood
Cav / Cavalier / Sword and Fist
Cde / Cosmic Descryer / Epic Level Handbook
Cer / Cerebral Assassin / The Mind's Eye
Cha / Knight of the Chalice / Defenders of the Faith
Chm / Divine Champion / Forgotten Realms
Clr / Cleric / Player's Handbook
Cma / Crystal Master / The Mind's Eye
Cns / Constructor / The Mind's Eye
Coh / Consecrated Harrier / Defenders of the Faith
Com / Commoner / Dungeon Master's Guide
Con / Contemplative / Defenders of the Faith
Cpa / Celestial Paragon / Epic Insights
Csi / Crystalsinger / The Mind's Eye
Dad / Dadoji Bodyguard / Oriental Adventures
Dar / Darkmask / Lords of Darkness
Ddi / Dragon Disciple / Tome and Blood
Ded / Devoted Defender / Sword and Fist
Del / Dungeon Delver / Song and Silence
Dem / Demonologist / Book of Vile Darkness
Des / Deepwood Sniper / Masters of the Wild
Dev / Arcane Devotee / Forgotten Realms
Dhu / Dark Hunter / Fey Feature
Dia / Diabolist / Book of Vile Darkness
Die / Divine Emissary / Epic Level Handbook
Dis / Divine Disciple / Forgotten Realms
Diw / Diamond Warrior / The Mind's Eye
Dmg / Doomguide / Faiths and Pantheons
Dmk / Dweomerkeeper / Faiths and Pantheons
Doa / Disciple of Asmodeus / Book of Vile Darkness
Dob / Disciple of Baalzelbul / Book of Vile Darkness
Dod / Disciple of Dispater / Book of Vile Darkness
Dom / Disciple of Mammon / Book of Vile Darkness
Dop / Disciple of Mephistophles / Book of Vile Darkness
Drc / Dread Champion / The Mind's Eye
Drd / Druid / Player's Handbook
Dre / Legendary Dreadnought / Epic Level Handbook
Drm / Dread Master / Faiths and Pantheons
Drp / Dread Pirate / Song and Silence
Dru / Drunken Master / Sword and Fist
Dul / Duelist / Sword and Fist
Dur / Durthan / Unapproachable East
Dwc / Deathwarden Chanter / Ghostwalk
Dwd / Dwarven Defender / Dungeon Master's Guide
Ear / Elemental Archon / Faiths and Pantheons
Ehm / Elven High Mage / Races of Faerun
Ein / Epic Infiltrator / Epic Level Handbook
Els / Elemental Savant / Tome and Blood
Ems / Emancipated Spawn / Savage Species
Ent / Entropist / Lords of Darkness
Err / Knight Errant / Silver Marches
Eun / Eunuch Warlock / Oriental Adventures
Ewm / Exotic Weapon Master / Masters of the Wild
Exo / Sacred Exorcist / Defenders of the Faith
Exp / Expert / Dungeon Master's Guide
Eye / Eye of Grumush / Masters of the Wild
Fob / Fiend of Blashpemy / Fiend Folio
Foc / Fiend of Corruption / Fiend Folio
Foe / Foe Hunter / Masters of the Wild
Foh / Fist of Hextor / Sword and Fist
Fol / Fang of Lolth / Song and Silence
Fop / Fiend of Possession / Fiend Folio
For / Forsaker / Masters of the Wild
Fre / Frenzied Berserker / Masters of the Wild
Frm / Forest Master / Faiths and Pantheons
Fte / Fatespinner / Tome and Blood
Ftr / Fighter / Player's Handbook
Gar / Gnome Artificer / Magic of Faerun
Geo / Geomancer / Masters of the Wild
Gho / Ghostwalker / Sword and Fist
Ghs / Ghost Slayer / Ghostwalk
Gia / Giant Killer / Silver Marches
Gla / Gladiator / Sword and Fist
Gld / Guild-Thief / Forgotten Realms
Gol / Goldeye / Faiths and Pantheons
Gpa / Guardian Paramount / Epic Level Handbook
Gri / Grim Psion / The Mind's Eye
Gro / Guardian of the Road / Random Encounters
Grs / Great Rift Skyguard / Races of Faerun
Guw / Guild Wizard of Waterdeep / Magic of Faerun
Har / Horned Harbinger / Faiths and Pantheons
Hen / Henshin Mystic / Oriental Adventures
Hex / Hexer / Masters of the Wild
Hfo / Halfling Outrider / Sword and Fist
Hid / Hida Defender / Oriental Adventures
Hie / Hierophant / Forgotten Realms
Hig / High Proselytizer / Epic Level Handbook
Hli / Holy Liberator / Defenders of the Faith
Hor / Hordebreaker / Silver Marches
Hos / Hospitalier / Defenders of the Faith
Hpr / Harper Priest / Magic of Faerun
Hrm / Harper Mage / Magic of Faerun
Hrp / Harper Scout / Forgotten Realms
Hrw / Heartwarder / Faiths and Pantheons
Hth / Hathran / Forgotten Realms
Hud / Hunter of the Dead / Defenders of the Faith
Iai / Iaijutsu Master / Oriental Adventures
Ils / Ilithid Savant / Savage Species
Inc / Incantarix / Magic of Faerun
Inq / Church Inquisitor / Defenders of the Faith
Kic / Kishi Charger / Oriental Adventures
Kin / Kineticist / The Mind's Eye
Kni / Knight Protector / Sword and Fist
Kow / King of the Wild / Masters of the Wild
Lid / Lifedrinker / Book of Vile Darkness
Lor / Loremaster / Dungeon Master's Guide
Lsh / Lasher / Sword and Fist
Mam / Mantis Mercenary / Oriental Adventures
Mao / Mage of the Arcane Order / Tome and Blood
Mar / Master Arcane Artisan / Epic Insights
Mbu / Maho-Bujin / Oriental Adventures
Mch / Master of Chains / Sword and Fist
Med / Meditant / The Mind's Eye
Met / Metamind / Psionics Handbook
Mid / Knight of the Middle Circle / Defenders of the Faith
Mki / Mage-Killer / Magic of Faerun
Mkn / Mindknight / The Mind's Eye
Mnd / Mindbender / Tome and Blood
Mnk / Monk / Player's Handbook
Mof / Master of Flies / Savage Species
Mor / Mortal Hunter / Book of Vile Darkness
Mot / Moto Avenger / Oriental Adventures
Msa / Master Samurai / Sword and Fist
Msh / Master of Shrouds / Defenders of the Faith
Mts / Maho-Tsukai / Oriental Adventures
Myu / Master of the Yuirwood / Unapproachable East
Myw / Mystic Wanderer / Magic of Faerun
Nar / Nar Demonbinder / Unapproachable East
Ncm / Ninja of the Crescent Moon / Sword and Fist
Neh / Nentyar Hunter / Unapproachable East
Nic / Nightcloak / Faiths and Pantheons
Nis / Ninja Spy / Oriental Adventures
Nit / Mirumoto Niten Master / Oriental Adventures
Obi / Order of the Bow Initiate / Sword and Fist
Ocr / Outlaw of the Crimson Road / Song and Silence
Ocu / Ocular Adept / Faiths and Pantheons
Ooz / Oozemaster / Masters of the Wild
Ora / Divine Oracle / Defenders of the Faith
Osc / Orc Scout / Silver Marches
Owa / Orc Warlord / Races of Faerun
Pal / Paladin / Player's Handbook
Pea / Peerless Archer / Silver Marches
Plm / Pale Master / Tome and Blood
Prp / Purple Dragon Knight / Forgotten Realms
Psw / Psychic Weapon Master / The Mind's Eye
Pwi / Perfect Wight / Epic Level Handbook
Pyr / Pyrokineticist / Psionics Handbook
Qow / Queen of the Wild / Masters of the Wild
Rau / Rauthmari Battlemage / Unapproachable East
Rav / Ravager / Sword and Fist
Red / Red Wizard / Forgotten Realms
Rev / Red Avenger / Sword and Fist
Rex / Royal Explorer / Song and Silence
Rgr / Ranger / Player's Handbook
Rnc / Runecaster / Forgotten Realms
Rog / Rogue / Player's Handbook
Rsb / Runescarred Berserker / Unapproachable East
Rub / Ruby Disciple / The Mind's Eye
Saf / Sacred Fist / Defenders of the Faith
San / Sangherin / The Mind's Eye
Sch / Scaled Horror / Savage Species
Sen / Union Sentinel / Epic Level Handbook
Sfc / Spellfire Channeler / Magic of Faerun
Sfh / Spellfire Hierophant / Epic Insights
Sha / Shadow Adept / Forgotten Realms
Shd / Shadowdancer / Dungeon Master's Guide
Shf / Shifter / Masters of the Wild
Shi / Shiba Protector / Oriental Adventures
Shm / Shadow Mind / The Mind's Eye
Sho / Shou Disciple / Unapproachable East
Shs / Shadow Scout / Oriental Adventures
Sil / Silverstar / Faiths and Pantheons
Sir / Singh Rager / Oriental Adventures
Sir / Siren / Savage Species
Ska / Warrior Skald / Races of Faerun
Skr / Divine Seeker / Forgotten Realms
Sky / Zhentarim Skymage / Lords of Darkness
Slb / Slaad Brooder / Savage Species
Slk / Soulknife / Psionics Handbook
Sly / Slayer / Psionics Handbook
Sor / Sorcerer / Player's Handbook
Sou / Soul Eater / Book of Vile Darkness
Spd / Spelldancer / Magic of Faerun
Sps / Spellsinger / Races of Faerun
Spy / Spymaster / Song and Silence
Ssw / Spellsword / Tome and Blood
Stl / Strifeleader / Faiths and Pantheons
Sto / Stormlord / Faiths and Pantheons
Sur / Survivor / Savage Species
Swd / Sword Dancer / Faiths and Pantheons
Syb / Sybil / Savage Species
Tab / Talontar Blightlord / Unapproachable East
Tam / Tamer of Beasts / Masters of the Wild
Tat / Tattoed Monk / Oriental Adventures
Tec / Techsmith / Faiths and Pantheons
Tem / Templar / Defenders of the Faith
Thf / Telfammar Shadowlord / Unapproachable East
Thk / Thayan Knight / Lords of Darkness
Ths / Thayan Slaver / Unapproachable East
Tmp / Tempest / Masters of the Wild
Tod / Thrall of Demogorgon / Book of Vile Darkness
Tog / Thrall of Graz'zt / Book of Vile Darkness
Toj / Thrall of Jubilex / Book of Vile Darkness
Too / Thrall of Orcus / Book of Vile Darkness
Tpr / Tribal Protector / Sword and Fist
Tra / Temple-Raider of Oldimarra / Song and Silence
Trn / True Necromancer / Tome and Blood
Urp / Ur-Priest / Book of Vile Darkness
Ver / Verdant Lord / Masters of the Wild
Vig / Vigilante / Song and Silence
Vir / Virtuoso / Song and Silence
Vod / Void Disciple / Oriental Adventures
Voi / Void Incarnate / Epic Insights
Vrm / Vermin Lord / Book of Vile Darkness
War / Warrior / Dungeon Master's Guide
Was / Warsling Sniper / Races of Faerun
Wat / Watch Detective / Masters of the Wild
Wav / Waverider / Savage Species
Way / Wayfarer Guide / Tome and Blood
Whu / Witch Hunter / Oriental Adventures
Win / Windrider / Masters of the Wild
Wis / Wild Scout / Silver Marches
Wiw / Windwalker / Faiths and Pantheons
Wiz / Wizard / Player's Handbook
Wod / Warrior of Darkness / Book of Vile Darkness
Wop / Wearer of Purple / Faiths and Pantheons
Wow / Worldwalker / Epic Insights
Wpn / Weapon Master / Sword and Fist
Wrm / Warmaster / Sword and Fist
Wrp / Warpriest / Defenders of the Faith
Wud / Warlord of Utterdark / Epic Insights
Wvs / Waveservant / Faiths and Pantheons
Wwc / War wizard of Cormyr / Magic of Faerun
Yak / Yakuza / Oriental Adventures
Ytc / Yuan-Ti Cultist / Savage Species

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