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"Different" Magic Items


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I run a pretty low magic game. I don't hand out spells and magic items often, and I make it difficult to obtain them from defeated enemies. My players don't mind this, but as they reach 10th level, they want magic items that are "different".

By different I think they mean non-standard, something I can't just pluck out of the DMG or extrapolate based on other magic powers (combine a couple of different magic items together, etc). I "inherited" one such item, a player has a fighter character with self-cleaning/repairing armor chain mail.

So they want different or quirky magic items, great. I thought I'd consult the boards and see what items other DMs have given out in the past. Any recommendations would be most welcome!


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Just make something up and don't worry about the books. Think about the characters. Have the king reward them all with personalized items with interesting histories.

Things like that are interesting. I can post an example when I find it.


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Self cleaning and repairing armor is armor that is imbued with Prestidigation and Mending. It should be only a few thousand GP base price extra. I'd imagine that quite a few of the effects they want would be included under the spell Prestidigation or whatever the proper spelling is. They should be cheap to make.


Iron Fist of Pelor
My players, on defeating a cultist on a ship full of ghouls, seized a spyglass from him that radiated magic. However, even with an identify, they were only able to discover two powers that the spyglass had:

1) It made far away objects look close; and
2) Whenever someone new looked through it, for a moment they saw an eye staring back at them.

Through adventuring, they've discovered two additional properties:
3) Under at least some circumstances, when someone is scrying on them, it alerts them to this fact (gears on the side of the spyglass begin turning), and they can look through it at the scrying sensor and see the scryer; and
4) If they look at someone through the spyglass, and the person turns a corner, they can continue to watch the person.

Does it have more powers? and how exactly do these powers work? Time will tell!

(I think it's the most fun magic item I've given out so far).

Otherwise, remember to associate histories, or at least cool aesthetics, with your items. Even a pearl of power is more interesting if the user is prone to repeating his words soon after using it -- this is a property of a PoP I got in a game I play in, and it's great fun to roleplay.



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A Druid's sickle or scimitar, that when it hits and spills blood,
the grass, trees, other plant life about begins to bloom and grow.

A spiked chain that, when rattled, causes all foes that fail a will
save to be 'shaken'.

A whip which removes someone's belt as a touch attack. :)

A greatsword of honor which, when touched, prohibits those
touching it from telling a lie.

A Bane weapon which, when swung at that which it is Bane
against, becomes a reach weapon dealing force damage.
( Visual: When swung, a 5' long bright burst of force energy
shoots from the end towards the creature. )

I hope the appropriate GM will forgive me if I'm stepping on toes here. I remember this Armor from a Story Hour, but I follow about half a dozen and I stink at keeping names straight.

It's most impressive ability, impressive if you use the rules for donning/removing armor, was that it would transform from a metalic cube an inch or two on a side into a suit of armor. The best bit was that when it became armor you were wearing it. I believe it had some plusses as well, and probably the cleaning/mending powers somone suggested before.

If you were to offer that same ability to a Knight of Midevil times I'm sure they'd have lined up for miles to get thier paws on such a suit of armor.

  • Backpack of Cleaning: 24 hours after placing inside this pack clothes are clean and fresh-smelling.
  • Pouch of Freshness: Food placed in this Sack/Pouch stays fresh twice (or 3x?) as long as normal
  • Surefoot Shoes: Horseshoes that dont fall off and never need replacement
  • Goblet of Ambrosia: Cup or Goblet that will change the flavor of whatever's in it to the drinker's desire.
  • Folding Wagon: Much like a Folding Boat, except it's not self-propeled. Great with the Mount or Summon spell lines though. Need to haul a Horde back? Just whip out the Folding Wagon and Polymorph your Henchment into Horses or some-such. :D

Hatchling Dragon
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one of my all time favorite magic items out of the Encyclopedia Magica is a box that has a portable-hole looking sort of thing on top...

...when something is placed in this hole it is immediately sucked in & spit out covered in chocolate.

i added a little bit in that a pc or npc can be sucked/thrown in. that always makes for an interesting encouter =)


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We had a DM who gave us a softball-sized stone that was split down the middle. When the two halves were put together, they heated up over the course of a few minutes until they gave off warmth equal to a campfire (without the light or noise). Once separated, the halves cooled in a few minutes.

Akunin said:
We had a DM who gave us a softball-sized stone that was split down the middle. When the two halves were put together, they heated up over the course of a few minutes until they gave off warmth equal to a campfire (without the light or noise). Once separated, the halves cooled in a few minutes.

Okay, I'll ask: HOW do they separate the two halves? If it gives the warmth equal to a campfire, it's going to be dang hot. Does it come with asbestos gloves?


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Heretic Apostate said:

Okay, I'll ask: HOW do they separate the two halves? If it gives the warmth equal to a campfire, it's going to be dang hot. Does it come with asbestos gloves?

Could always take a sword and give it a solid tap....

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