Discovery Trailer

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I have to say though, it does seem a bit... err... well... retreading a well trod path? I mean, seriously? Half vulcan XO with daddy issues? Come on, that's kinda been done to death no?

I'm getting less and less impressed the more I think about this.


I have to say though, it does seem a bit... err... well... retreading a well trod path? I mean, seriously? Half vulcan XO with daddy issues? Come on, that's kinda been done to death no?

I'm getting less and less impressed the more I think about this.

They take it one step further; Sarek is somehow involved with the half Vulcan, half Human character. So in addition to a full Vulcan half brother (Sybok) does Spock also have a half Vulcan half sister (Michael Burnham)? Do sensors detect the Mary Sue?


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I'll give it a try, since it'll be on Netflix. I haven't loved a Trek series since TNG though. I liked DS9 but didn't love it, and neither Voyager or Enterprise really worked for me.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Would somebody PLEASE tell scriptwriters (and wannabees thereof) that they must read Roddenberry's notes and absorb the philosophy of the "Star Trek future", before setting pen to paper?
Based on this trailer, the same goes for set designers and alien designers and makeup artists.

I'm sorry but as a fan of Star Trek from back when TOS was first aired, this leaves me cold. They stage this in a time period things should be comfortingly familiar to those who have grown up with Star Trek, but they remove everything that would make it so? (No, that wasn't a pun.) I can see why CBS/Paramount landed so hard on "Axanar" now; it would have eviscerated this thing.

There's a problem with people who want to "make their mark" while playing with a much beloved property. They generally fail.

I don't get why they felt they needed to change the Klingons, but I think there is no way to go back to the TOS aesthetics for ... anything. It just looks too dated and it will just be jarring. It doesn't matter that some old school fans get annoyed - the problem is that everyone, old schoolers as well as the new audience, will feel the dated look.

They could avoid that problem probably if they would stop trying to go for prequels or "alternate timeline" and either move the timeline forward, or make a complete reimagination.


I don't get why they felt they needed to change the Klingons, but I think there is no way to go back to the TOS aesthetics for ... anything. It just looks too dated and it will just be jarring. It doesn't matter that some old school fans get annoyed - the problem is that everyone, old schoolers as well as the new audience, will feel the dated look.

They could avoid that problem probably if they would stop trying to go for prequels or "alternate timeline" and either move the timeline forward, or make a complete reimagination.

Or, if they have their hearts set on making a Star Trek that doesn't fit the aesthetics or essential core of Star Trek, then just don't. Make something new. That avoids the issue of angering the fans. they won't do that, though. They see a property that has made money for them in the past and just can't resist going back to the well again.

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