Unearthed Arcana DM needs help with Epic level monsters


Firstly Sorry for my English if I get something wrong, it's not my first language.
Hello everyone Dungeons and Dragons DM in need for help with Epic level stuff, so it's all homebrew stuff nothing official.
If someone bought the "Beyond CR 30" manual from Total party killer on DMs Guild could you help me create Monsters from CR 36 to 40 (with their CR system) since Total party killer dind't make them or can you share your Monsters from CR 36 to 40? Or maybe could you suggest something interesting for the creation of these monsters?

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The CR system is mostly about adding up damage done per round and total HP/defences.

It is a beef-o-meter.

If you need help with that part, D&D 5E - Ridiculously Simple Monster Building - it is my attempt to reverse-engineer the 5e monster building rules and make one that is a little less table-lookup based. In theory the math should give you a monster within rounding error of the DMG table for most situations.

For a CR 30 monster you start with 14+80+120=214 monster building points.

The official rules don't talk about how beefy post-30 CR creatures are. If we continue the level 20 to 30 curve we have:

For a CR 35 you get 274 MBP.
For a CR 40 you get 334 MBP.

Each MBP lets you buy:
+1 AC
+2 to your primary attack or DC stat (if you have more than one, weighted average)
8 HP.
+3 at-will attack damage (legendary or not)
9 points of single-use damage (if action economy doesn't work with at-will damage, only pay for the difference. If usable more than once, multiply price)
+1 save proficiency
2 for the first legendary resist, 1 for each extra.

If you consider their immunities or resistances to be super awesome, multiply HP by some factor.

But this only gets you beef-o-meter. And it doesn't prevent you from making a stupid monster; using the DMG rules, AC/ATK/etc becomes stupid cheep past low levels. Basically you add them to taste.


The CR system is mostly about adding up damage done per round and total HP/defences.

It is a beef-o-meter.

If you need help with that part, D&D 5E - Ridiculously Simple Monster Building - it is my attempt to reverse-engineer the 5e monster building rules and make one that is a little less table-lookup based. In theory the math should give you a monster within rounding error of the DMG table for most situations.

For a CR 30 monster you start with 14+80+120=214 monster building points.

The official rules don't talk about how beefy post-30 CR creatures are. If we continue the level 20 to 30 curve we have:

For a CR 35 you get 274 MBP.
For a CR 40 you get 334 MBP.

Each MBP lets you buy:
+1 AC
+2 to your primary attack or DC stat (if you have more than one, weighted average)
8 HP.
+3 at-will attack damage (legendary or not)
9 points of single-use damage (if action economy doesn't work with at-will damage, only pay for the difference. If usable more than once, multiply price)
+1 save proficiency
2 for the first legendary resist, 1 for each extra.

If you consider their immunities or resistances to be super awesome, multiply HP by some factor.

But this only gets you beef-o-meter. And it doesn't prevent you from making a stupid monster; using the DMG rules, AC/ATK/etc becomes stupid cheep past low levels. Basically you add them to taste.
Thank you for the support and advice. I specified the manual "beyond CR 30" because they have new rules for Monsters with a CR that high and i was hoping that someone had the manual to help me create interesting Monsters from CR 36 to 40 using the CR system of this manual , if someone Is curious enough he could buy It on DM's Guild it's not expensive.


I was also wondering if you or other purchased the "Beyond CR 30" manual from DM's Guild because I mostly need help with the system that the manual propose since (I created A LOT of Monsters for this campaign but with this I wanted help from other DMs) for Epic characters since they are at level 50 with epic levels.

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