DM Rewards & DM Quests (Clarifications)


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I don't believe so. In fact, I am fairly certain that those supplements aren't even AL-legal (if you are talking the adventures that are kind of HC expansions/side quests). To make sure we are on the same page however, could you please provide a link to an example?

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I don't believe so. In fact, I am fairly certain that those supplements aren't even AL-legal (if you are talking the adventures that are kind of HC expansions/side quests). To make sure we are on the same page however, could you please provide a link to an example?

This one is. The one I'm running right now has an AL code of DDHC-TOA-7 and says "Legal for Adventurer's League Play" on the cover. See


That guy, who does that thing.
Yes, the DMs Guild Adept adventures are AL-legal, as noted by Chris Lindsay in this note on the WotC website.

No indication if those adventures count as hard-covers for the purpose of DM Quests that require hard-cover adventures, but I'm inclined to believe they don't -- the DM Quests were published in September 2017 and the guidance linked above wasn't posted until October 2017. In general, changes to the way DM Quests work aren't made in the middle of a season without explicit notification.



That guy, who does that thing.
Since the requirement is for running adventures featuring the Death Curse, it seems fairly certain that the 100 hours for the Death Domain also needs to feature the Death Curse.

So what we're saying is that an adventure 'features the Death Curse' if a character who doesn't have the Death Curse can contract it by playing the adventure? That seems reasonable to me.


Yes, the DMs Guild Adept adventures are AL-legal, as noted by Chris Lindsay in this note on the WotC website.

No indication if those adventures count as hard-covers for the purpose of DM Quests that require hard-cover adventures, but I'm inclined to believe they don't -- the DM Quests were published in September 2017 and the guidance linked above wasn't posted until October 2017. In general, changes to the way DM Quests work aren't made in the middle of a season without explicit notification.


How about this, a definition from the AL Content Catalog?

DDHC “Hard Cover”; the seasonal releases that often take characters from 1-10+. May sometimes extend to other evergreen products, like Lost Mine of Phandelver

Looks like HC stands for Hard Cover...

In fact all of the Adept series are listed in the October update (7.03a) of the AL Content Catalogue, in DDHC-TOA-# order after DDHC-TOA-1, Tomb of Annihilation.
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That guy, who does that thing.
DDHC “Hard Cover”; the seasonal releases that often take characters from 1-10+. May sometimes extend to other evergreen products, like Lost Mine of Phandelver

Looks like HC stands for Hard Cover...

That makes sense, but this also means that the DDHC adventures wouldn't count for DM Quests like Dedicated DM, Deja Vu, or Slot 0 DM, which specify DDAL/DDEX adventures. And the DDHC adventures do seem to be worked into the requirements for Cursed DM ("Run an adventure featuring the Death Curse (all CCC, ToA DDAL/DDEP/HC adventures)". However, I can also see that the DDHC quests probably aren't considered in the Acererak's Harbinger DM Quest ("Run the entire Tomb of Annihilation hardcover."), so they don't 'count' as being hardcover adventures for that quest.

I'm guessing we'll need an admin to weigh in on this, but in the meantime, if the text of the DM Quest doesn't specify a specific type of Adventurer's League legal adventure (such as Saint of Ilmater -- "DM a table where half or more of the players are age 15 years or younger" -- no mention of a specific type of adventure), the DDHC adventures would qualify to satisfy the quests as written. If it does specify DDAL adventures, then DDHC adventures don't qualify.



Dedicated DM also specifies Hardcover sessions and Introductory adventures, though.

The special DDHC adventures would apply anytime Hardcover is mentioned, for DM Quests.

Dedicated DM also specifies Hardcover sessions and Introductory adventures, though.

The special DDHC adventures would apply anytime Hardcover is mentioned, for DM Quests.

That's what I think, too. With the caveat of Chris Lindsay's comment on treasure for them...

For adventures that allow you to roll random treasure, the DM does not roll, but instead may choose a +X weapon, +X armor, or consumable item appropriate for the tier being played. Note that what can and can't be taken as treasure in a hardcover adventure is spelled out in ALDMG and these follow those rules.


That guy, who does that thing.
The special DDHC adventures would apply anytime Hardcover is mentioned, for DM Quests.

That's the exact question: do DDHC adventures count as hardcover adventures for DM Quests? As noted, there are already some DM Quests where it doesn't make sense to count the DDHC adventures as hardcover adventures -- the Acererak's Harbinger DM Quest is likely not intended to require a DM to run the entire hardcover and all of the DMs Guild Adept content as well. We don't want a situation where people are trying to determine for themselves when a DDHC adventure counts and when it doesn't -- either the quests should be written so that it's obvious when a DDHC adventure counts for it, or guidance should be given that a DDHC adventure counts as a hardcover for DM Quests, with exceptions given where appropriate.

For the moment, unless guidance is given, my presumption would be that they don't, since the Guild Adept program was announced after the DM Quests for Season 7 were published, and changes generally aren't made mid-season without explicit guidance.

Just my $0.02US; you probably won't get burned by assuming they do count as hardcover adventure sessions, but I tend to be persnickety about this stuff.



First Post
sorry if this question has been asked before: If you finish the "cursed dm" quest from season 7, and you want to make a death domain cleric, does that count as your +1 (as in PHP+1)

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