Dungeons of Drakkenheim - 3rd Party Review

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Dusty Dragon
I'll note that there is a new book, called "sebastian Crowe's guide to drakkenheim" that is really worth looking into for fans of the setting.

It has some very interesting character options. One is the Apothercary, an int-based, short-rest based caster with multiple subclasses that play very differently. A chemist blows things up, while a mutagenist which turns themselves into a hulking monster... Other highlights includes 2 monk subclasses, one (way of the arcane hand) is a 1/3 caster that doesn't use Ki to cast spells (but has extra spell slots!).


First Post
Are you familiar with GW's old Mordheim skirmish game? The ad for this struck me as very much a copy/paste of that lore/setup, and I'm curious if it hits many of the same points.
I'm pretty certain that Monty specifically referenced that as an influence during a VOD.


One thing my group (and me as a player) is struggling with, and talking to some other folks on a different forum who are playing through DoD are as well - is player character motivation. I think DMs planning to run this need to be very clear up front that a) this is actually a dungeon crawl and b) you have to really buy into your chosen character quest and/or form close bonds as a group, since that's what's impelling you forward into magical Chernobyl. I wasn't fully cogent of the lack of a classic WOTC-style externally driven 'plot' so we're at 5th level trying to figure out what to do with a significant magical artifact & it's hard to figure out what our way forward is. I know there's some groups and players out there where just fortune is enough, but that doesn't work for me and I think a lot of people expecting another heroic adventure need their expectations calibrated before starting.

From a DM side, love what they've done here. Going to shortlist this to my things to run with teh appropriately interested group for sure.


Yeah, I picked this up. It's a really tightly composed campaign.

I love that each player starts by choosing a personal quest, with a tangible reward offered at the end. One thing I might do is add a powerful magic item as an alternative to the ability score increase or feat. But having the personal quest is a great way of getting players to think in terms of their character's arc, and I look forward to seeing how beginner players respond.

In terms of gameplay, the Haze, a sort of magical dust cloud that inhibits rest and recovery, is an interesting device that is clearly designed to minimize "rest and reset" structure that often dominates 5e campaigning, and therefore raise the stakes while forcing players to be more conservative with limited resources like spell slots and certain abilities (rage, etc.). This makes it a bit more of a gritty style of play than some groups might be used to, but you could simply ignore that aspect of the Haze and just use it for aesthetic purposes if preferred. I am very much looking forward to seeing how it affects play.

One plot point I find odd is that if nothing is done the Haze could spread and basically wipe out the region "in 150 years" and the entire world two centuries after that. Who cares? If you are going to add that subplot, make it a ticking clock, so that the campaign has some real teeth. But I plan to just ignore that plot point, since I will be transplanting this adventure to Exandria, where I set most of my games, or possibly to The Forgotten Realms.

The heir to the throne subplot is not for me, nor am I particularly interested in the faction stuff. Mostly because I will be transplanting this adventure. But they are very well thought through.

The introductory hook, where the party of level 1s accompany a caravan to a village, face down a simple bandit encounter, pick up some interesting rumours, and acquire supplies is very well designed for an first game. The challenge is nice and simple, so should work for beginners, but there are plenty of sandbox elements, so players won't feel like they are on a railroad after they get to the village.

I haven't fully analyzed the rest yet, but on a first casual read, this is a first-rate adventure sandbox, with plenty of options that will allow the players to largely determine the shape of the campaign through their choices and discoveries. The art is excellent, and the maps are clear and useful. The overall tone is kind of reminiscent of Scholomance, in World of Warcraft, which I consider a classic RPG setting. There are plenty of interesting twists, puzzles and choices that will engage experienced players, but can be toned down as well.

Keeping in mind that I haven't actually played DoD yet, my initial reaction is that this is an excellent adventure, particularly if you want a little more challenge. It's better than most of what WotC has put out for 5e, frankly. I wish I had had it when I started my latest beginner campaign, as I'd prefer running it to the updated Phandelver.
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Alright, folks, real quick addendum on this. I wanted to cover what changes I would be making when I ran this adventure, because it's definitely going on my "To Be Run" pile!

1) I bring in encumbrance, using a slot-based system (less hassle to track, easily extended to anyone the PCs recruit)
2) Short rests are 10 minutes (this aligns with my general house rules)
3) Rather than checking for random encounters every hour, I use Arnold K's excellent Underclock system, rolling 1d6 per 10 minutes. In areas of high threat, I roll 2d6
4) Bring in more Eberron-esque elements; I want flamethrower golems, rocketeer gnomes, and Amethyst Academy wandslingers
5) Remove the genetic component to magical ability; I rather like the idea of the Amethyst Academy "recruiting" noble scions as an intimidation tactic - "Do what we say or suddenly your kid's a wizard" is great leverage against dynastically-minded noble houses.
6) PCs have a choice about retreating. They can retreat blindly or deftly.
Great post. I appreciate you motivating your changes. Makes it easier to understand if this is a good idea (for me) or "merely" your personal preference. Questions:

1) What would you say is the biggest issue with not using encumbrance? (And how is vanilla 5th Ed not sufficient?)

I'm very hesitant adding administration, so would like what actual problem it is solving, and how I can combat it in a minimal way.

2) Doesn't shorter short rests counter the time management, the idea time needs to be important?

3) While a decent idea, that was a lot of words to basically say "start at 20, deduct 1d6 until you reach below zero and have an encounter" :) Maybe I'll adapt it by tying the dice size used to if the party uses stealth (Drakkenheim asks heroes to choose "fast", "normal", and "slow" pace and we could tie those to rolling a d10, a d8 and a d6 respectively, for an average encounter frequency of more often than once-every-sixth encounter (when rolling a d6) or once every four-and-a-half encounters (d8) or once every 3.6 encounters (d10).
Note that the Fast pace remains preferable if you need to cover a certain distance even with this tweak, since you get four times as far as when you use Slow movement. Meaning you'll have fewer encounters in total (2.8 encounters compared to 7). Of course, not being allowed Stealth and Perception can of course make this the worse option anyway :)

Do note the original suggestion ("each players roll d20, encounter on any 1") has an average encounter frequency of (slightly less often than) one-in-five (with four players) or one-in-four (with five players).
The formula is 1-(19/20)n where n is the number of players, so a 18.6% risk per encounter or 23% with five players.
The Underclock variant expressed as a risk percentage is 17.5% so very similar frequency, but of course the original system can lead to no encounters ever or twenty encounters in a row, while with Underclock the players will often know there will or won't be an encounter; 17.5% is the average. (or 23% or 27% with d8s and d10s respectively).

4 & 5) it's your game

6) I'm guessing you're somehow dissatisfied with just playing out the combat and the withdrawal. You're likely thinking "in D&D, you can't flee". Am I right?

Asking because of the tension between two equally dissatisfying outcomes:
1) a monster can never escape if a PC minmaxes her speed (if using the regular rules; i.e. keep running each combat round until everybody breaks off pursuit, which of course blood-thirsty PCs never do)
2) a slow PC can somehow escape a much faster monster (if regular combat is stopped and instead special fleeing rules are used)


One thing my group (and me as a player) is struggling with, and talking to some other folks on a different forum who are playing through DoD are as well - is player character motivation.
If I run this I will for sure add some external quests. I am not sure a single campaign-long quest can sustain the motivation alone... I'm assuming you pick something at level 1 but need to become many levels higher before you can do something about it, like level 8 or 12 or something.

It'd be nice to stumble upon a couple of, if not short-term quests then at least medium term ones. Things you hear about at one level and then you succeed (or fail) maybe the next level, or the level after that.


In terms of gameplay, the Haze, a sort of magical dust cloud that inhibits rest and recovery, is an interesting device that is clearly designed to minimize "rest and reset" structure that often dominates 5e campaigning, and therefore raise the stakes while forcing players to be more conservative with limited resources like spell slots and certain abilities (rage, etc.). This makes it a bit more of a gritty style of play than some groups might be used to, but you could simply ignore that aspect of the Haze and just use it for aesthetic purposes if preferred. I am very much looking forward to seeing how it affects play.
I come from having used something similar in Tomb of Annihilation as a DM, and then playing something like it in a homebrewn campaign world. In both cases, there's a forest and you can't (easily) long rest where you like. Meaning it feels kind of done (for us).

It really isn't til level 7 spellcasters truly come into their own. At low levels, there is zero need to nerf casters and their limited spell slots.

So I'm definitely curious if y'all think you can let heroes long rest without breaking the adventure? The threat of contamination (and random encounters) would still persist so PCs would still not routinely make sleepovers in the wild. But knowing you CAN get more spells would be a nice bone to throw players...

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