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DM Tip Jar -- is that going too far?


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A tip jar seems in poor taste to me. In fact, it might cause more problems than it's worth. As an occasional GM of public games at my local FLGS, the biggest problem I encounter is players who show up with a chip on their shoulder about entitlement. If someone feels entitled to act like a jerk without any incentive, how much worse would it be if they had the additional attitude of "I payed my dues, so I can act however I want."? Not a good idea, IMO.

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5ever, or until 2024
Kaladhan said:
I don't think I would be upset, but I would find that very odd. I would suggest instead a "pay the DM a drink" suggestion. For some weird reason, that would work better with me.

Yes. It is understood (or should be) that food and drink must be sacrificed to the DM...but pictures of presidents, just doesn't seem right.

The Levitator

First Post
If I were a DM wanting to make a few bucks to cover his costs by running publicly available clubs, I don't think I would use tipping to earn that money. Tipping is subjective and optional, which means it is easily abused. Players who can afford to tip may expect something in return for the contribution, and that's not fair to the players who can't afford or choose not to tip. Perhaps a better idea would be to organize a club and have a modest membership fee. A couple bucks per session isn't going to break any players or line the DM's pockets, but it might help cover the cost of the space, books, and munchies.


I would be upset if my players tipped me. First I'd have to count all the money. Then I'd have to go deposit it into my bank. Then I'd have to report it to the IRS. Then I'd have to fill out additional information on my tax forms.

It's just way to much work for the $0.25 I'd make from them...


First Post
I think a lot depends on the people involved. I've been running games for roughly sixteen years and one of my cousins played in pretty much all of them. In all that time he hasn't so much as bought a single book or die and more often than not I'm the one feeding him as we almost always game at my house.

While I've never put out a tip jar (and never would, frankly, because it puts out the assumption that I must think I'm one extremely talented DM), I have considered serving my cousin with a bill. ;)


First Post
Depends on the game.

Had friends who ran a larp that had a tip/donation jar so they could have snacks/soda on hand. Worked pretty good and kept snacks n drinks flowing. I doubt it'd fly in a PnP game.

I have something resembling this at my table. It's called the "Roll Better Dice" cup.

Basically, you can roll a better die for your next roll. Want to roll the d30 instead of a d20 for your next attack/check/save? Put a quarter in the cup. Want to roll the Chaos Die (d2-64 from Backgammon) instead of normal damage dice? Put a dollar into the cup.

All the proceeds go towards our GenCon expenses for the next year. Heck, last year we paid for our hotel for all four days, plus the cost of gas to Indy.

A cup for just DM tips? Nah.



Knight of Solamnia
Ourph said:
A tip jar seems in poor taste to me.

Very poor taste. If you want to thank the DM, buy him a soda, get him some Skittles, pay for his share of the pizza. If the DM has gaming book expenses, then maybe the players can pitch in for the book since they're all taking part.

If this is a game open to the public, then let me instead suggest that you approach this in terms of volunteerism. You offer to run a game. Do so with the intent of providing an avenue for gamers to enjoy the hobby they love. Do so with the idea of getting new players into the game, or of making friendships.

Or make it a donation jar, and ask that people donate money to your favorite charity, such as the Joe Murphy Memorial Fund.

Point is, gaming is a hobby and should be fun. It's a great way to make friendships and to share companionship. Gaming is not a service, nor should a player feel obligated to pay money, even if optional, for a hobby. I'd rather the player keep his money, so he can buy his own gaming books, and perhaps return the favor and GM for you.


Moderator Emeritus
I don't see anything wrong with it.

In my own home game we have a "pig", that is used to pay fines when people are disruptive to the game, and that the last player to arrive always pays a dollar to, by house rule.

I then use that money for whatever I want. Usually it is to buy bagels, coffee, or various sundry things that gamers use when they come over (paper towels, toilet paper, sugar, milk, whatever), but sometimes it is just to buy myself a midnight snack at the local bodega when I am staying in some night to watch a movie or do schoolwork.

We we had a lot of money in it at some point we used to pay for tickets for the group to see Fellowship of the Ring when it came out, and another time I got a module with the money, but never ended up using it.


First Post
Or a 'Pizza Fund' jar - sharing the ill gotten loot for, ummm, food that is really bad for you.

The Auld Grump, Okay, who ordered the slice with walnuts?

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