D&D 5E DMG excerpt: random magic item tables

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Is 5th edition going to add anything NEW to the magic items? Be nice to see a few new tidbits in there. I love the art though, so that's cool.

Is 5th edition going to add anything NEW to the magic items? Be nice to see a few new tidbits in there. I love the art though, so that's cool.

The edition as a whole? Virtually certain... eventually.

From the previews we've seen so far however, the DMG's not likely to be contain them. Other products down the line will have to provide them. Personally, I'm fine with that - I'd rather be lacking an unknown new item, which I may or may not care for, then be left wanting for a known, pre-existing item from an earlier edition. YMMV, however.
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Maybe we've gone back to the letter system for lair treasures.

I bet that dryad has treasure type "O", know what I mean?

Voidrunner's Codex

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