D&D 5E Do the effects of the Haste Spell stack with the Fighter's Action Surge feature?

Last night, a fellow player and I got to talking about how his character (a female 8th-level Elven Bladesinger Wizard) would cast Haste on my character (a male 8th-level Bronze Dragonborn Fighter [Scout]) before or during combat. I curiously asked him if my character's Action Surge would stack with the effects of the Haste. We both got excited at the possibility of them stacking with one another right at that point. And so we tried to figure out how many actions my character could perform while the Action Surge was in effect for his first round of combat.

Before my fellow player came up with the idea of hasting my character, I was already using Action Surge to unleash his Lightning Breath Weapon before using his melee attacks (he uses the Two-Weapon Fighting style and a variant of the Duel-Wielding feat from D&D Wiki to make four attacks with primary and offhand weapons). So an additional action (from the Action Surge) + 2 Attack actions + Bonus Action (to make 2 offhand attacks via the variant Duel-Wielding feat) + Movement? 5 actions in all?

With Haste in the first round: Additional action (from Haste) + Additional action (Action Surge) + 2 Attack Actions + Bonus Action (again making two offhand attacks with the variant feat) + Movement? This would bring it up to six.

I want to make sure the math here is correct. :p My fellow player and I are looking to use this Shock and Awe tactic during our adventure in Avernus. ;) Thoughts? I am aware of the spell's major drawback should the spell end after a minute or when the wizard has her concentration broken.

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Like everyone else, he has an action. He gains one additional action from Action Surge. He gains another additional action from haste (with limits on use). And he can take a bonus action. Movement, strictly speaking, is not an action.

I'm not familiar with the feat you're referencing, but by my count he can make up to seven attacks - his 'normal' action and his 'Action Surge' action can both be used to Attack (2 attacks each time), the 'haste' action can likewise be used to Attack (but only 1 attack), and per your description the feat allows his bonus action to give 2 attacks.

(But if he uses his action to use his lightning breath first, then that drops to only 5 attacks in all - it takes up an action all by itself.)


Here is the spell;

"Choose a willing creature that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, the target's speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws, and it gains an additional Action on each of its turns. That Action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon Attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object Action.

When the spell ends, the target can't move or take Actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it."

You get an extra action, but can only get one weapon attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use Item.


Looking at D&Dwiki feat;

Dual Wielder​

You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following benefits:
  • You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand.
  • You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed weapons you are wielding aren’t light.
  • When you use your bonus action to engage in two-weapon fighting, you can make a number of attacks equal to the amount used when you took the Attack action earlier in the round (i.e. if you attacked once, you can make one bonus attack, if you attacked twice, you can make two, and so on).
  • You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.

Looks like it is pretty powerful. You use the bonus action to make extra attacks based on how many you made earlier with your attack action. In this case it would be two since Haste and Action Surge gives you extra actions and do not count here. So it looks like you get 2 attacks normally, 1 from haste and then bonus action to Dual Wielder for 2 more.


Like everyone else, he has an action. He gains one additional action from Action Surge. He gains another additional action from haste (with limits on use). And he can take a bonus action. Movement, strictly speaking, is not an action.

I'm not familiar with the feat you're referencing, but by my count he can make up to seven attacks - his 'normal' action and his 'Action Surge' action can both be used to Attack (2 attacks each time), the 'haste' action can likewise be used to Attack (but only 1 attack), and per your description the feat allows his bonus action to give 2 attacks.

(But if he uses his action to use his lightning breath first, then that drops to only 5 attacks in all - it takes up an action all by itself.)
Here is the Dual Wielder variant feat from D&D Wiki: Dual Wielder, Variant (5e Feat) - D&D Wiki

Dual Wielder​

You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you are wielding a separate melee weapon in each hand.
  • You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed weapons you are wielding aren’t light.
  • When you use your bonus action to engage in two-weapon fighting, you can make a number of attacks equal to the amount used when you took the Attack action earlier in the round (i.e. if you attacked once, you can make one bonus attack, if you attacked twice, you can make two, and so on).
  • You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.
The section in Italics is what my character is using to make two attacks with his offhand weapon.

As for his breath weapon, I use the additional Action from Action Surge so that my character can still make all of his weapon attacks.

Hehe. Someone beat me to talking about this variant feat. :)


Here is the Dual Wielder variant feat from D&D Wiki: Dual Wielder, Variant (5e Feat) - D&D Wiki

Dual Wielder​

The section in Italics is what my character is using to make two attacks with his offhand weapon.
Thanks. I wasn't doubting you, just noting that I didn't know it. :)

As for his breath weapon, I use the additional Action from Action Surge so that my character can still make all of his weapon attacks.
It doesn't actually matter whether you use your 'base' action or 'Action Surge' action for either of them - you get the same number of attacks either way.

I'm pretty sure my totals from earlier remain accurate: 2+2+1+2 off-hand if all you do is attack; or breath + 2+1+2 off-hand.


Thanks. I wasn't doubting you, just noting that I didn't know it. :)

It doesn't actually matter whether you use your 'base' action or 'Action Surge' action for either of them - you get the same number of attacks either way.

I'm pretty sure my totals from earlier remain accurate: 2+2+1+2 off-hand if all you do is attack; or breath + 2+1+2 off-hand.
It seems like you're adding something in. When you action surge you get you get an additional action, so for your 8th level fighter that's 2 attacks. The haste action only allows you 1 weapon attack. The off-hand attack is a bonus action granting 1 weapon attack for the single bonus action on your turn. It looks like you gave 2 attacks for the bonus action.

Breath weapon + 2 attacks from action surge + 1 attack from haste + 1 attack from off-hand bonus action = 1 breath weapon + 4 weapon attacks. Depending on scenario you'd be better off ignoring the breath weapon for 6 weapon attacks. Which, for an 8th level PC is pretty powerful.

As a DM, I'd allow the breath weapon as your hasted attack so you could get 5 weapon attacks and a breath weapon, but that would not be RAW.


It seems like you're adding something in. When you action surge you get you get an additional action, so for your 8th level fighter that's 2 attacks. The haste action only allows you 1 weapon attack. The off-hand attack is a bonus action granting 1 weapon attack for the single bonus action on your turn. It looks like you gave 2 attacks for the bonus action.
The variant feat the OP is using grants 2 off-hand attacks.
The current breath weapon rule from Fizban's

It's no longer a full action
Another source I don't have access to. I stand corrected.

Voidrunner's Codex

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