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D&D 3E/3.5 Do these 2e spells exist in 3.5e? I'll even take custom made versions.


I'm looking for 3.5e conversions of these spells or a 3.5e version of these spells that may go by a different name. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


3rd level Wizard Spell
Range: 100 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 10' cube/3 lvls.
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell the caster can summon a horde of magical, voracious worms underground. These worms weaken earth and stone, causing cave-ins, stone walls to collapse, and so forth.

In 3d10 rounds, stone in the affected area is permanently reduced to the consistency of packed earth, and packed earth or natural soil is rendered to the stae of loose, tilled earth (it takes 6d10 rounds for stone to be rendered to tilled soil). Upon completion of their work, the worms disperse, joining the natural ecology as best as they can. They pose no direct threat to any other life, eating nothing more than earth and rock.

The area of effect is not vast, but certainly enough to get through a stone wall or to collapse a small cave. The material component of this spell is a living worm.


5th level Wizard Spell
Range: 50 yds
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 rd./level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.

This offensive spell functions much like a curse, transforming the recipient's tongue into a long worm with a vicious mouth at its end. The affected victim cannot speak while his tongue is so transformed. Immediately upon transformation, the worm pushes itself out of the victim's mouth and begins attacking him. The worm has a THACO of 8, and inflicts 1d4 points of damage per bite. The worm has the recipient's Armor Class and 12 hit points; the recipient of the spell suffers all damage inflicted upon the wormtongue. If the worm is slain by violence, the victim loses the ability to speak for 3d4 days. If the wormtongue is dispelled or the damage inflicted upon it is magical, the long-term loss of speech does not occur.

Summon Worms
[sblock]Summon Worms

2nd level Priest Spell
Range: 30 yds
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10' square
Saving Throw: Special

Upon casting this spell, the priest calls forth a number of normal worms that come up from the earth below and cover an area 10 feet square. The worms remain until they die and desiccate in the sun (if outside), starve, or someone burns/washes/sweeps them away.

Aside from just being repulsive, the worm-covered ground becomes very slippery. Anyone entering the area or in the area of effect when the spell is cast must attempt a saving throw vs. spell. Those who make successful saving throws manage to keep to their feet, but any time another move is made in the area, another saving throw is required. Failure results in a fall, and a successful saving throw (which can be attempted but once a round) is required to stand up again.

The worms do not move appreciably, nor do they obey the caster in any way. The material component for the spell is a small handful of fresh soil.

Curse of the Worms
[sblock]Curse of the Worms

5th level Priest Spell
Range: 30 yds. +1 yd./level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special

A horrid variation of slay living (the reverse of raise dead), this spell summons a number of worms into the body of a victim, which then begins to squirm out of every orifice. The victim must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic or die from multiple hemorrhages and suffocation in 1d4 rounds. The worms continue to issue forth during this time and for 1d6 rounds afterward. The victim cannot use spells, magic items, or mental abilities while the worms erupt, but can move, speak, and attack normally. The worms are real in every sense and remain even after the victim is dead. A remove curse or dispel evil spell or successful dispel magic spell cast before the victim dies ends the effect and saves the victim's life, but the victim still suffers damage as noted below.

Those who successfully make saving throws still suffer 2d8 points of damage from hemorrhaging and choking, and a small number of worms briefly issue forth from the victim's body.

The material component is a pinch of dust taken from a desiccated worm.
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Since you've received no responses, I'll put in my 2 cents and say that NO, I'm not aware of anything that replicates any of those spells in 3rd edition.


I've not seen them, but aside from Wormtongue they're all basically just re-flavourings or variations on existing spells.

Wormworks is Soften Earth and Stone, Summon Worms is a Permanencied Grease, and Curse of the Worms names its source, Slay Living, which exists in 3e.

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