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Does anyone still play Dragon Star?

I just picked it up from someone else. Planning to run a short campaign of it. My take on it is that they had some cool ideas, great production values, and didn't spend enough time on the cool parts of the setting. A lot of it rehashes "elves and dwarves in space and why they get a +2 to a different skill". Still, it's worth trying for a bit.

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First Post
I have found a few updated sites for 3.5

This game had tons of potential just the D20 boom then bust killed it along with many other great setting IE Scarred Lands and many more


First Post
Been playing a 2 year campaign so far.

Created 5 PrC's for the setting: Dwarven Starfighter, Dwarven Navigator, Dwraven Smuggler, Power Armor Specialist, and the Witch Ace.

Elves use living ships, with druids operating them as sacred groves (OGL sourcebook). They use the fey armor rules in SSS's Excaliber book, and don't use power armor (instead going straight to exo-suits).

Perpetrated Press' Arsenal and Factory are great soources for the game. I run them as high end R&D magic items. Dweoware is a cheaper more dangerous form of spellware.

Basic story arc is that the dragon empire nearly goes to war with another empire based in egyptian philosophy (using FFG's Mythic Races, so the players have no idea what they'll be running into). Don't want to give up too much (my players sometimes frequent the area), but some folks are showing up with Chaositech (from the Malhavoc Press book).

Incorporated the IK magic item creation rules to keep magic from overiding tech. I have the iaijutsu skill acting as a sniper focus skill. Did some streamlining on the vehicle piloting rules as well. Heck, I have three pages of homebrew stuff, mostly for campaign feel. Anything in particualr you're after?
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First Post
Storyteller could you tell me more in a PM for some reason i tried to pm u and it said I could not

iaijutsu Where is this from?

not to sound like a total noob what book is this Incorporated the IK magic item creation


First Post
I'll try. No guarantees though. I'm about as computer literate as the local rock.

Iaijutsu is in Oriental Adventures. I didn't like that snipers had to get within 30 ft to snipe, so I converted the skill over to ranged weapons. WOrked out well so far.

IK = Iron Kingdoms. Their magic item rules for them make crafting straight magic items harder and potentially dangerous. Instead they use 'tech' to create magic items (arcane accumulators [batteries], conduits [wiring] etc). Less dangerous, less expensive, but constanly recharging the accumulators make tech an eve cheaper option for most effects. The rare true magic items have my players dancing the jig when they find them... :)


First Post
I'm getting the same PM message. It's probably for paying supporters.

Here are my house rules. They're a hodge podge of rules, either made up by me or incorporated from other sources. They're there to help add to the flavor I'm after, not for any failings in the system (although piloting can slow down the game dramatically).Hope it helps.

PS: It needs updating...

Campaign House Rules

Racial Changes:
-Favored Class is Druid

-Favored class is Bard

-Do not exist

Half Breeds:
-Dragon Aspect: ECL +1
-Dragon Blood (Dragon Child): ECL +2
-Dragon Child (Half Dragon): ECL +3

Racial Option: Techno-Gnome:
-No bonus to save against illusions
-No spell like abilities
-Gains the Gearhead feat for free at first level
-Gains a +2 to Craft, Disable Device, Open Lock, Repair, and Use Device skills. This is in addition to changes listed in the SHB.
-Favored Class: Mechanist

Class Changes:
Favored Class Bonuses:
-Player characters do not take experience points penalties for taking levels in non- favored classes.
-Each race gains a bonus skill points when taking levels in their favored class (+4 at 1st level, +1 per every level there after).
-Races other than humans with ‘Any’ listed as their favored class must choose a favored class at first level.

-Use the modified 3.0 Bard with the FFG rules variant.

Psions/Psionic Warriors:
-Use the 3.5 psionic rules

-Fighters gain Knowledge (Tactics) as a class skill. Knowledge (Tactics) may be used to counter a combat bluff checks, tumble checks, and to counter Sniper Focus users.
-Contested Knowledge (Tactics) vs Hide against snipers: No range adjustments for rolls. Fighter doesn’t know exact location (they know enough to call-for-fire), but the additional Sniper Focus damage is negated for the encounter.

Divine spells casters:
-These casters must make a Will save (DC: 10 + twice the spells level) to cast a spell. The spell is not wasted if the check fails, but the action is lost.
-Spontaneous healing/inflict spells and Domain spells are exempt from this rule. Class abilities do not require a Will save.
-Divine spellcasters may attempt to cast spells beyond their capability (higher level, beyond the usual amount per day for a level, or normally disallowed [ex: spells of opposite alignment]. When making the attempt, double the DC to cast. If the attempt fails, the caster takes damage equal to twice the amount the save missed by. Metamagic feats cannot be added to a 'powercast' spell. Casting spells of opposite alignment may result in the loss of abilities or other roleplaying penalties.

-Clerics may replace their respective turn/rebuke abilities for an ability similar to one found as a Divine feat. These feats will not be available later in the game.

A new god: The Primordial
Clerics of this god must choose Chaos and one of the four elements for their domains.
-New Elemental Domain ability: You may command/awe an element of your chosen type. You may turn all other types. You may use this ability 3 + Cha bonus per day. You may NEVER destroy an elemental with this ability.
-Followers of the Primordial MUST be Chaotic. This god cares not for good or evil.

-A monk may make more than one Deflect Arrows attempt per round. Each attempt uses up one attack of opportunity for each deflection/dodge attempt. The Ref DC for this use is the opponent’s attack roll.
-The monk may use the Deflect Arrows ability during a Total Defense action. Instead of rolling for each attack, apply a straight 30% miss chance to all ranged attacks. The monk must be able to see the incoming attack to effect it with this ability.
-A monk may choose to take Improved Deflect Arrows instead of taking Improved Trip as a class ability. A monk need not meet the feat requirements.
-A monk receives their AC bonus from the AC bonus chart below. This supersedes the AC bonus listed in the PHB. A monk may only apply this bonus when not wearing armor. If the monk is wearing any armor, apply the AC level bonus from the appropriate column(s).

-May purchase the feat ‘Power Armor Proficiency’ without meeting the prerequisites.
-Pilots may apply their class abilities when wearing power armor.

-Use the Ranger/Scout from the Iron Kingdoms setting (pg 131).
-‘Sniper Focus’ is a class skill for the ranger.
-The campaign will use Sniper Concealment rules in IK (pg 138)

-Gains a bonus Metamagic feat every 5th level
-Gains 'Familiarity with Magic' at 8th level. This gives the sorcerer a +2 against spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects. The sorcerer also gains a +2 AC bonus against spells that require attack rolls.

-PHB Wizards are not used. They have been replaced with the 'Runethane' from Arcana Unearthed.
-Runethanes may only ready spells they have learned. They do not gain bonus learned spells per level. They must research them.
-Runethanes start with the same amount of spells as wizards
-Runethanes may specialize in a school of magic, as per the standard wizard.
-Runethanes may create runeplates without item creation feats.

Skill Rolls:
-Skill rolls are open ended on a natural roll of 20.
-Rolling a ‘1’ is an automatic fumble

Sniper Focus:
-An ‘Iaijutsu Focus’ variation used with ranged weapons. Maximum range of this skill is the maximum range of the weapon.
-Sniper Focus and Sneak attack damage do not stack

-The campaign will use the item creation feats found in Arcana Unearthed.
-‘Natural Spell’ now has the following prerequisites: Silent Spell, Still Spell, and Eschew Materials.

New Feats:
Improved Deflect Arrows
-Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, BaB +9
-Benefit: A monk character may make two deflection attempts per AoO spent. The miss chance during a Full Defense increases to 50%.

Sword & Gun Defense
-Prereqs: Dex 15, Two Gun Fighting –OR- Two Weapon Fighting, Sword & Gun Style
-Benefit: While wielding a light ranged weapon in the off-hand and a melee weapon in the other, the character does not generate AoO’s while making ranged attacks.

Sword & Gun Style
-Prereqs: Dex 15, Two Weapons Fighting –OR- Two Gun Fighting.
-Benefit: While fighting with a light weapon in the off-hand (melee or ranged) and the opposite type of weapon (melee or ranged) in the other, a character may gain an additional attack with their off-hand weapon. All attacks are made with a -2 penalty for that round.

Improved Weapons Finesse
-Prereqs: Weapon Finesse in an appropriate weapon, BaB +6
-Benefit: You may add your Dex bonus (instead of Str) to damage with a weapon you have taken Weapon Finesse with.

REMINDER: Consider the following when applying an opponent’s speed modifier for Sensor use: said modifier is a bonus to detect the vehicle, and a penalty to acquire the vehicle as a target.

-Changing speed is a now a free action that can be done without a skill check. If the vehicles speed is changed by up to its listed stat the next action may proceed with no additional penalty. If the speed is changed past the listed stat, up to twice the listed stat, the next action taken with the vehicle receives a -2 penalty. If the speed is changed by more than twice the listed speed, the next action taken receives a -4 penalty. Speeds cannot be changed past four times the listed stat. This penalty stacks with the vehicles new speed penalty.

-Sensor use: Finding a vehicle gains the following additional information, based on the roll:
* Succeeded by up to 5 more than the vehicles stealth: the stealth, exposed weapons, AC, and basic specs of a stock or lightly modified vehicle.
* Succeeded by up to 10 more than the vehicles stealth: the stealth, exposed weapons, AC, and basic specs of a heavily modified vehicle.
* Succeeded by up to 15 more than the vehicles stealth: the stealth, exposed weapons, AC, and basic specs of n exotic or unique vehicle
-.If the vehicle is manned by more than one pilot, use either the lowest initiative or the captain’s initiative (as denoted by the vehicle having a ‘captain’ post).
-When attacking an unacquired target, apply range and all speed penalties to the attack roll. Apply half these penalties if both vehicles are moving in the same direction.
-If attacking an acquired target, apply only the target’s speed penalty to the roll.

Energy effects on vehicles after Hardness:
-Acid & Fire: Half damage
-Electricity: Full damage; Half damage if the vehicle has no electronic systems
-Laser, Plasma, and Sonic: Full damage
-Cold: No damage; -1 per spell level to the vehicles hardness; No hardness reduction on a spacecrafts outer hull.

EMA's (Extreme Mobility Aircraft):
-Although classed as an Aircraft, EMA's move at vehicular speeds.
-Facing: An EMA's facing may be changed as a free action at the beginning of any other action (standard, move equivalent, or partial) without changing the vehicles direction of movement. Doing so requires a Pilot check (DC: 15). Speed penalties before the facing change apply to this check.
-Apply the listed penalty for any following maneuver, based on the difference between the vehicles facing and its direction of movement (see table 1-1). This penalty is cumulative with the current speed penalty. These penalties do not apply if the vehicle is hovering.

1 point = -2
2 points =-4
3 points = -6
4 points = -8

-Combatants are never flat footed in the first round of combat unless it is a surprise round.

-Longarms may be used as melee weapons. A Medium to Large longarm will do 1d6 hp Bludgeoning/x2 crit. This method of attack may be used to threaten AoO's. This technique requires a ‘Martial Weapons’ Proficiency to use effectively.
-Longarms with attached bayonets may be used as double weapons (see 'longarm as melee weapon' above). This feature does not negate the AoO generated when making a ranged attack.
-Locating a weapons discharge by hearing alone: DC 10, before range modifiers.
-Laser pistols are considered ‘silenced’ weapons (see silencers below). This does not affect the weapons range.
-Pistols may be used to make AoO’s. They still generate AoO’s when used to attack.

Suppressive Fire:
-When using suppressive fire, you create a killzone as a cone out to one range increment of the weapon. Using suppressive fire is a full-round action. A burst of suppressive fire may not use less than 15 rounds. When using suppressive fire, make an attack roll at a -4 penalty. This sets the Reflex save DC for all those in or entering the area. Cover bonuses to reflex saves apply for this roll. Only a number of targets equal to the amount of rounds fired may be forced to make this roll. Targets cannot be targeted twice in one suppressive fire burst.

-Characters roll for their defense. They no longer ‘take 10’. Characters gain a dodge bonus to Defense based on their level. The AC bonus received is directly linked to the characters Base Attack Bonus progression (See Table 1-2). Characters multi-classing in standard classes add the respective totals, then subtract 2 for each base class after the first. Characters multi-classing in a Prestige Class only subtract 1 per PrC. This does not drop the character’s AC bonus below what they had before gaining the new level.
-This bonus is reduced by half when wearing Medium or heavier armor.
-Defenders rolling a natural 20 on defense automatically evade the attack. This includes critical hits, unless the attacker also rolled a natural 20. If both opponents roll a natural 20, the defender is hit, but ignores critical damage (including sneak attack damage).
-Archaic armor only adds half its base AC bonus to a characters defense. Magical enhancements add their full total.

Level Poor Average Good Monk
1 +1 +2 +2 +2
2 +1 +2 +2 +2
3 +1 +2 +3 +3
4 +2 +3 +3 +3
5 +2 +3 +4 +5
6 +2 +3 +4 +5
7 +3 +4 +5 +6
8 +3 +4 +5 +6
9 +3 +4 +6 +7
10 +4 +5 +6 +8
11 +4 +5 +7 +9
12 +4 +5 +7 +9
13 +5 +6 +8 +10
14 +5 +6 +8 +10
15 +5 +7 +9 +12
16 +6 +7 +9 +12
17 +6 +8 +10 +13
18 +6 +8 +10 +13
19 +7 +9 +11 +14
20 +7 +9 +11 +15

Spellware and Dweoware
-Spellware will have its base price increased by 50%, same as other typical magic items. However, dweoware will be sold at the mass market price without marking up the base. There's a change you'll lose less with dweoware, but a bad roll means you lose a lot more. The more dweoware you have, the more likely surgery will fail...
-All dweoware has spellware equivalents. The base homemade price will be increased by 50%. This spellware is as safe as other spellware.
-Spellware will be treated as other items: legal, police use, military use, and just outright banned. All dweoware is banned, requiring the blackmarket to obtain. Even at the possible price hike, it'll be cheaper than obtaining illegal spellware in the same
-Paying the surgeon: Typical price is 50 cr per hour in the OR (NOTE: operations last 1 hour per 1,000 cr of the objects base market price). Good doc's will obviously cost more. The price for the services of a black market doc will be haggled for separately, as if
it were an additional item.
-Sedative is 50 cr per dose. This will be rolled into the cost pf the
doc, but some of you might have other uses for the stuff...

Miscellaneous Rules:
Magic item creation:
-The campaign follows the Iron Kingdom rules. Spellware and Dweoware split the hp damage between the creator and the character receiving the item, but it is based on the receivers percentile roll. Dweoware has a 40% chance of incurring permanent hp loss.

-Divide the distance to target by the scopes rating BEFORE figuring feat and range penalties/bonuses.
-The cost of a scope is (rating x rating x rating) x 100. Additional features (thermal imagining, etc) add 1 to the rating when figuring cost.

-Increase the DC to hear an equipped weapon discharge by +10, but reduce the weapons range increment by 30 feet. Silencers can only be applied to kinetic firearms.

Alcohol Rules (getting drunk!!):
-Ingested Poison, DC: 11 + 1 per drink ingested during the last hour
Damage: 1d2 Dex; 1 Dex and -1 to Will saves. Ability damage and Will save penalties gained in this fashion are removed at the rate of 1 point per hour after drinking stops.
-Failure of a roll by ten or more results in severe alcohol poisoning:
Damage: 1d4 Dex and 1d4 Con; 1d4 Con and unconsciousness. Ability damage gained in this fashion repairs as normal.
-Continued drinks after suffering severe poisoning: DC: 14 + 1 per drink ingested during the last hour. Ability damage repairs as normal.
Damage: 1d4 Dex and 1d4 Con; 1d4 Con and unconsciousness
-Saves are made for each drink. Effects are cumulative.

Energy effects on objects after Hardness:
-Acid, Fire, & Electricity: Half damage
-Sonic: Full Damage
-Cold: No damage taken. -1 per spell level to objects Hardness

Panic Rolls:
-May not be used more than once per game session.
-A divine spell caster may sacrifice a spell for the day to improve the panic roll of any character they can see (including electronic media). This is a free action. The sacrifice adds the spells level to the Panic roll.
-The result of the roll may be added to any dice roll. This must be declared after the roll.
-If used to recover from 0 or fewer hit points, the result of the roll is the characters new current hit point total.
-A player may allow another character to use their panic roll, but the characters must be aware of each other and their situation.

Black Market Rules:
-Finding a broker requires a level check with the following DC’s:
* Untraceable civilian equipment: 12
* Illegally modified civilian equipment: 16
* Minor illegal (ex: standard law enforcement) equipment: 20
* Major illegal equipment (ex: high end law enforcement/low end military): 25
* Extremely illegal or banned items (ex: high end military/dweoware): 30
* Unique or exceptionally hard to obtain items (ex: tarrasque scale/unicorn horn): 35+

-The above roll can be modified as follows:
* Typical fence (deal check fails on a 1-5): +0
* Trustworthy fence (deal check fails on a 1-3): +5
* Scrupulous fence (deal check fails on a 1): +10
* Fighter or rogue makes the check: -2
* Character looking for a fence has the Procure feat: -5
* Gather Information was used before attempting to find a broker: -1 for every three the Gather Information result exceeded 12.

-Cutting the deal requires a contested roll with the buyer rolling Diplomacy and the fence rolling Sense Motive. One roll is used for the entire group. Each item must be rolled for separately. The Diplomacy roll is modified as follows:
* Character is a rogue or fighter: +2
* Character has the Procure feat: +5
* Deal is being made with a typical broker: +0
* Deal is being made with a trustworthy broker: +2
* Deal is being made with a scrupulous broker: +4
* Deal is being made on the broker’s turf (increase check failure chance by 2): +2
* Deal is being made on neutral territory: +0
* Deal is being made on the character’s turf (decrease check failure chance by 2): +4

-Results of a successful check:
* Check succeeded by up to 5 above what the needed DC: $500 x the items BP or 5 x the base market cost.
* Check succeeded by 6 to 10 more than the needed DC: $300 x the items BP or 3 x the base market cost.
* Check succeeded by 11 to 20 more than the needed DC: $200 x the items BP or 2 x the base market cost.
* Check succeeded by 21 or more than the needed DC: $150 x the items BP or 1.5 x the base market cost, plus all further ‘cutting the deal’ checks during the same deal are treated as one level higher.

Cash returns when selling merchandise:
-20 + (1d6 x 10) % of the item’s base market value.
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First Post
My homebrew PrC's. I have a derro Pilot/Cleric of Luck play-testing the Witch Ace. He's done well so far.:

Dwarven Navigator

Only a dwarf is reliable enough to get you anywhere you want to go, no matter the distance…

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + (Int Modifier) per level

Class Skills:
Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Freefall (Dex), Navigation (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis),
Repair Device (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Device (Int)

Born Spacer, Skill Focus (Navigation)
Navigation: 8 ranks
Pilot: 6 ranks
Spot: 6 ranks
Gravity Sense Ability

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Dwarven Navigator gains no weapons or armor proficiencies.

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Navigation Mastery
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 "…like the back of my hand!!" +2
3 +1 +1 +3 +3 Flying Blind (Short Range)
4 +2 +1 +4 +4 "…like the back of my hand!!" +4
5 +2 +1 +4 +4 Skill Focus (Gravity Sense)
6 +3 +2 +5 +5 "…like the back of my hand!!" +6
Flying Blind (Move Equivalent Action)
7 +3 +2 +5 +5 Skill Adept (Gravity Sense)
8 +4 +2 +6 +6 "…like the back of my hand!!" +8
9 +4 +3 +6 +6 Flying Blind (Medium Range)
10 +5 +3 +7 +7 "…like the back of my hand!!" +10
Master Traveler

Navigation Mastery (Ex): At first level, a Dwarven Navigator improves their Gravity Sense to such a degree that they can plot a flight path with far greater accuracy. Dwarven Navigator may ‘Take 20’ on Navigation checks with a DC of 35 or less, provided that time and other restrictions allow for this.
“… like the back of my hand!!” (Ex): As in, “I know space like the back of my hand!!”. This ability gives the Dwarven Navigator a +2 competence bonus to Navigation checks at every even level, with a maximum bonus of +10 at 10th level.

Flying Blind (Ex): At 3rd level, a Dwarven Navigator may use her ‘Gravity Sense’ ability to gain a quick mental ‘snapshot’ of their surroundings. Using this ability requires a standard action. The information gathered depends on the result of a Sense Gravity (Spot) Check.
Result Chart:
Planet or larger mass:----------- 5
Colossal V to Colossal VI:----- 10
Colossal IV to Colossal III:---- 15
Colossal to Colossal II:--------- 20
Gargantuan:---------------------- 25
Huge:----------------------------- 30
Large:---------------------------- 35
Medium:------------------------- 40
Small:---------------------------- 45
Tiny:----------------------------- 50
Diminutive:--------------------- 55

A Dwarven Navigator knows the distance and direction of all objects the fall under the roll result. (Example: Krell rolls a 27 on his Spot check to Sense Gravity. He now knows the distance and direction of all Gargantuan or larger size objects within range).

At 3rd level, the range of this ability is 5 squares + 1 per 2 Dwarven Navigator levels.

At 6th level, a Dwarven Navigator may use this ability as a Move Equivalent action.

At 9th level this range increases to 20 squares + 2 per Dwarven Navigator level.

Note: This ability cannot be used when on the surface or within close orbit of a planet or larger celestial body. Also, standard stealth systems are ineffective against this ability, since this is a search using gravitational effects.

CYA (Ex): As in “Cover Your Arse”. At 5th level, a Dwarven Navigator is so attuned to the gravitational forces around them that they can sense a botched teleport a split second before it happens. After a failed Use Device check with a starcaster, but BEFORE the teleport resolves, the Dwarven Navigator may make a Gravity Sense (Spot) check (DC: 20 + 1 per 5 that the Use Device check failed). If this check is successful, roll a Use Device check with a DC equal to the Starcaster check. If successful, the teleport mishap is automatically considered “missed by 5 or less”.

This ability improves at 9th level. The DC to detect a mishap is now 15 + 1 per 5 that the Use Device check failed. If the subsequent Use Device roll is successful, the Navigator manages to shut down the Starcaster before the teleport takes effect. Starcaster charges are not expended. The Starcaster and astronav computer will have to be recalibrated (DM’s call as to how long it will be out of commission, although 3 to 4 hours is not uncommon). If the Navigator failed by 5 or less, then the teleport mishap is automatically considered “failed by less than 5”.

Skill Focus (Gravity Sense) (Ex): The Dwarven Navigator gains a +3 bonus when making a Gravity Sense check. This is a sub set of the Skill Focus (Spot) and Skill Adept (Spot) feats; the bonuses from these two feats do not stack with this ability.

Skill Adept (Gravity Sense) (Ex): The Dwarven Navigator gains an additional +3 bonus to Spot checks when making Gravity Sense checks. This is a sub set of the Skill Focus (Spot) and Skill Adept (Spot) feats; the bonuses from these two feats do not stack with this ability.

Master Traveler (Sp): At 10th level a Dwarven Navigator achieves the rank of Master Traveler. To commemorate this moment and impress upon the new Master the amount of responsibility they carry, the Dwarven Navigator is given a special orb roughly 6 inches in diameter constructed of liquid Mithral. This device allows a Dwarven Navigator to transport a ship as if it had a Starcaster, using his own life force as energy.

To do this, a Dwarven Navigator must meditate on the location desired for one minute, using the orb to focus their perceptions on the ebb and flow of the local gravitational forces. After this minute, a Dwarven Navigator makes a Gravity Sense check (DC: equal to the DC for making a Use Device check on a Starcaster). A leader may have other dwarves help him using the Co-operation rules in the DMG, with a special stipulation: Other dwarven navigators provide a +3 for each participant. Dwarves of other classes only provide a +1 to the roll.

Should the roll prove successful, the ship is teleported to the desired location. Treat the roll as a ‘Teleport Mishap’ if it fails. The CYA abilities cannot be used in this circumstance.

Regardless of the result of the check, the leader of this ritual takes 2 negative levels (DC: 18) per starcaster charge that would normally be used. These levels may be evenly distributed to the other members of the ritual, with the leader taking any excess damage. Should the situation dictate that the levels cannot be evenly distributed (ie: 4 negative levels being distributed to 10 members), the leader takes all negative levels.

Dwarven Smuggler

Many smugglers use deception to get through a blockade. Still others use speed and agility. Some simply force their way through. Only a dwarf, and a crazy one at that, can fly a blockade blind…

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + (Int Modifier) per level

Class Skills:
Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Cryptography (Int), Freefall (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Navigation (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Repair Device (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Device (Int)

Alertness, Pilot Spacecraft, Skill Focus (Bluff)
Navigation: 8 ranks
Pilot: 8 ranks
Spot: 8 ranks
Use Device: 6 ranks
Gravity Sense Ability

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Dwarven Smuggler gains proficiency simple weapons and light armor.

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Flying Blind (Short), Running Dark (Drift)
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Running Dark (Bluff)
3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Skill Focus (Gravity Sense)
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Mastering the Con: +2, Bonus Feat
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Flying Blind (Medium), Running Dark (Drift)
6 +4 +2 +5 +5 Mastering the Con: +4
7 +5 +2 +5 +5 Running Dark (Surprise!!)
8 +6 +2 +6 +6 Skill Adept (Gravity Sense), Bonus Feat
9 +6 +3 +6 +6 Mastering the Con: +6
10 +7 +3 +7 +7 Flying Blind (Long)

Flying Blind (Ex): At 3rd level, a Dwarven Smuggler may use his ‘Gravity Sense’ ability to gain a quick mental ‘snapshot’ of their surroundings. Using this ability requires a standard action. The information gathered depends on the result of a Sense Gravity (Spot) Check.

Result Chart:
Planet or larger mass:----------- 5
Colossal V to Colossal VI:----- 10
Colossal IV to Colossal III:---- 15
Colossal to Colossal II:--------- 20
Gargantuan:---------------------- 25
Huge:----------------------------- 30
Large:---------------------------- 35
Medium:------------------------- 40
Small:---------------------------- 45
Tiny:----------------------------- 50
Diminutive:--------------------- 55

A Dwarven Smuggler knows the distance and direction of all objects the fall under the roll result. (Example: Krell rolls a 27 on his Spot check to Sense Gravity. He now knows the distance and direction of all Gargantuan or larger size objects within range).

At 1st level, the range of this ability is 5 squares + 1 per 2 class levels.

At 5th level this range increases to 20 squares + 2 per class level.

At 10th level this range increases to 80 squares + 4 per class level.

Note: This ability cannot be used when on the surface or within close orbit of a planet or larger celestial body. Also, standard stealth systems are ineffective against this ability, since this is a search using gravitational effects.

Running Dark (Drift) (Ex): A Dwarven Smuggler learns the technique of giving his vehicle a quick burst of speed before immediately shutting down all non-life sustaining systems, including sensors. This allows the vehicle to drift while the smuggler uses his Gravity Sense to keep track of his immediate surroundings.

To use this ability, the player must state their intent and spend a full round in preparation. They shut down systems in such a way that engines and maneuvering thrusters can be activated as a free action. If the vehicle is traveling at a speed of their class level + 5 or less after establishing a drift, its speed penalty is considered +0 for purposes of running dark (see Imperial Supply, pg 98).

If any action is taken with the vehicle while drifting (communications, movement, sensor use, etc), the effect automatically ends. All bonuses for runnig dark are lost and replaced with the appropriate bonus, if any.

At 5th level, a Dwarven Smuggler has learned to incorporate his many tricks into a drift. It only takes a standard action to prepare for a drift. Further more, as long as the character uses only secondary thrusters the Dwarven Smuggler may maneuver the vessel in any manner that has a base DC of 12 or less and still maintain their +4 to Stealth for Running Dark.

Running Dark (Bluff) (Ex):
When spotting a vehicle, either via sensors or their Gravity Sense ability, a Dwarven Smuggler may make a Bluff check as a free action against the opponents Use Device skill. If the check succeeds, the characters vessel gains a +1 to Stealth for every 2 he succeeded by as long as the vehicle remains undetected.

Should the Dwarven Smuggler attempt to use this ability against another dwarf with enhanced Gravity Sense abilities, treat this as an opposed Bluff vs Spot check with the same result.

This ability cannot be used if the vessel has already been detected.

Note: Many times a blockade of organized ships may keep the smuggler from his destination. Treat this blockade per the co-operation rules, giving the bonuses to the lead ships roll.

Skill Focus (Gravity Sense) (Ex): The Dwarven Navigator gains a +3 bonus when making a Gravity Sense check. This is a sub set of the Skill Focus (Spot) and Skill Adept (Spot) feats; the bonuses from these two feats do not stack.

Mastering the Con (Ex): The Dwarven Smuggler’s skill at outwitting vehicle sensors improves. The listed bonus is added anytime the character uses the Running Dark (Bluff) ability. These bonuses do not stack with each other.

Bonus Feat (Ex): The Dwarven Smuggler may choose a feat from the Pilot class list, provided they meet the prerequisites.

Running Dark (Surprise!!) (Ex): While ideally a Dwarven Smuggler prefers not to be caught, they learn to expect the worst. Should an opponent succeed in a Use Device check to find the character’s vessel by 10 or less, the Dwarven Smuggler gains an immediate surprise action (provided that the smuggler isn’t surprised himself). Most use this time to get as much distance between themselves and armed gunships as they can, but some smugglers have been known to keep an ace or two up their sleeve.

Skill Adept (Gravity Sense) (Ex): The Dwarven Navigator gains an additional +3 bonus to Spot checks when making Gravity Sense checks. This is a sub set of the Skill Focus (Spot) and Skill Adept (Spot) feats; the bonuses from these two feats do not stack.

Dwarven Starfighter

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + (Int Modifier) per level

Class Skills:
Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Freefall (Dex), Navigation (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis),
Repair Device (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Device (Int)

Alertness, Born Spacer, Skill Focus (Pilot), Pilot Spacecraft
Pilot: 8 ranks
Spot: 8 ranks
Use Device: 6 ranks
Gravity Sense Ability

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1 +0 +2 +0 Improved Gravity Sense (Short Range)
2 +2 +0 +3 +0 ‘…a nudge in the right direction’ (+1)
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 ‘Fly smarter, not harder…’
Skill Focus (Gravity Sense)
4 +4 +1 +4 +1 ‘…a nudge in the right direction’ (+2)
‘Take it on the Chin!’
5 +5 +1 +4 +1 Improved Gravity Sense (Medium Range)
6 +6 +2 +5 +2 ‘…a nudge in the right direction’ (+3)
7 +7 +2 +5 +2 Improved Gravity Sense (Free Action)
8 +8 +2 +6 +2 ‘…a nudge in the right direction’ (+4)
9 +9 +3 +6 +3 Skill Adept (Gravity Sense)
10 +10 +3 +7 +3 Improved Gravity Sense (Long Range)
‘…a nudge in the right direction’ (+5)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Dwarven Starfighter gains proficiency in simple and martial weapons. The Dwarven Starfighter also gains proficiency in light armor.

Improved Gravity Sense (Ex): At first level, a Dwarven Starfighter may use his Gravity Sense ability to gain a quick mental “snapshot” of the surrounding area. Using this ability requires a move equivalent action. The information gathered depends on the result of a Sense Gravity (Spot) Check:

Result Chart:
Planet or larger mass:--------- Automatic
Colossal V to Colossal VI:----- 5
Colossal IV to Colossal III:---- 10
Colossal to Colossal II:--------- 15
Gargantuan:---------------------- 20
Huge:----------------------------- 25
Large:---------------------------- 30
Medium:------------------------- 35
Small:---------------------------- 40
Tiny:----------------------------- 45
Diminutive:--------------------- 50

A Dwarven Starfighter knows the distance and direction of all objects that fall under the roll result. (Example: Krell rolls a 27 on his Spot check to Sense Gravity. He knows the distance and direction of all Huge or larger size objects within range.)

At 1st level the range of this ability is 5 squares + 1 per 2 Dwarven Starfighter levels.

At 5th level this range increases to 20 squares + 2 per Dwarven Starfighter level.

At 7th level, a Dwarven Starfighter may use this ability as a free action once per round at the beginning of his turn.

At 10th level the range of this ability increases to 80 squares + 4 per Dwarven Starfighter level.

Note: This ability cannot be used when on the surface or within close orbit of a planet or larger celestial body. Also, standard stealth systems are ineffective against this ability, since this is a search using gravitational effects.

“… a nudge in the right direction” (Ex): This represents the Dwarven Starfighter’s ability to aid his sensor systems, giving it ‘a nudge in the right direction’.

This ability grants the listed bonus to Targeting Run checks against any object they can detect with their Improved Gravity Sense ability. Said objects also have their Stealth rating reduced by the same amount (no less than zero) when the Starfighter attempts an ‘Acquire Target’ roll.

‘Take it on the Chin’ (Ex): At 4th level, a Dwarven Starfighter becomes so attuned to his environment and flow of the fight that he can anticipate a hit, minimizing its affects. Twice per day, when the Dwarven Starfighter’s vehicle is struck by an attack, the pilot can make a Ref save (DC20). If this save is successful the pilot banks, swerves, rolls, or otherwise maneuvers his vehicle to avoid the brunt of the attack. Divide any damage from the attack by 2 before subtracting a vehicles hardness or damage resistance. This ability stacks with the ‘Pilot Evasion’ ability of the Pilot class.
‘Fly smarter, not harder’ (Ex): A Dwarven Starfighter learns to make the most out of a ship’s maneuvering systems. A Dwarven Starfighter may add their Dex bonus to the AC of any ship they pilot.

Skill Focus (Gravity Sense) (Ex): The Dwarven Starfighter gains a +3 bonus when making a Gravity Sense check. This is a sub set of the Skill Focus (Spot) and Skill Adept (Spot) feats; the bonuses from these two feats do not stack with this ability.

Skill Adept (Gravity Sense) (Ex): The Dwarven Starfighter gains an additional +3 bonus to Spot checks when making Gravity Sense checks. This is a sub set of the Skill Focus (Spot) and Skill Adept (Spot) feats; the bonuses from these two feats do not stack with this ability.

Witch Ace

Hit Die: d6


Pilot: 7 ranks
Spellcraft: 5 ranks
Use Device: 5 ranks

Pilot Evasion class ability
The ability to cast 1st level spells

Class Skills:
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Freefall (Dex), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Navigation (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Int), Repair (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Use Device (Int)

Level Attack Fort Ref WiIl Special Spells per day
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Vehicle Link
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Linked Vehicle Boost +1 spell level
3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Gremlin +1 spell level
4 +3 +1 +4 +4
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Vehicle Link (Standard) +1 spell level
6 +4 +2 +5 +5 Linked Vehicle Boost (Move) +1 spell level
7 +5 +2 +5 +5
8 +6 +2 +6 +6 Gremlins +1 spell level
9 +6 +3 +6 +6 Vehicle Link (Move) +1 spell level
10 +7 +3 +7 +7 Linked Vehicle Boost (Free)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Witch Ace gains no new weapons or armor proficiencies.

Vehicle Link (Su): With a full round action, a touch, and the sacrifice of a spell per day a Witch Ace may link with a vehicle. This provides the pilot with a link to their vehicle similar to that of a paladin and their mount. See Table 1-1 for the bonuses provided. The link lasts for a number of hours equal to the level of the spell sacrificed.

At 5th level, the Witch Ace may link with a vehicle as a standard action. This improves to linking as a move action at 9th level.
Linked Vehicle Boost (Sp): As a standard action and a touch, the Witch Ace may sacrifice a spell to increase any one vehicle trait of the vehicle they are currently linked to. The attribute is increased by the sacrificed spells level, and lasts until the beginning of the Witch Ace’s next turn.

At 6th level the Witch Ace may use this ability as a move action. This improves to using a free action at 10th level, but counts as the casters quickened spell for the round. The Witch Ace may continue to use this ability as a move action if desired.

Gremlin (Sp): At 3rd level the Witch Ace may, with a touch and a sacrificed spell, animate any vehicle as per the animate object spell. The spells weight restrictions are waived, but the object must be a vehicle in order for this ability to be effective. Treat these vehicles as animated objects of the appropriate size per the DMG when figuring hit die, saves, stats, and such. The vehicles base statistics do not change. Only one such gremlin may be animated at a time. This lasts for a number of hours equal to the spell level sacrificed. This ability is a standard action.

Gremlins will follow spoken commands as long as they can be heard. Smart Ace’s will keep comm. channels open to monitor the gremlin and change commands as necessary.

These animated vehicles will have ranks in Pilot and Use Device equal to twice the Witch Ace’s class level.

Unattended vehicles do not get a save for this ability. Vehicles with pilots use their Will save against this ability, rolling against a DC of 10 + the sacrificed spell level + the Witch Ace’s primary casters stat modifier. Failure means the vehicle is under the Ace’s control. Those piloting the vehicle make ‘fight the controls’ preventing the gremlin from fulfilling its orders. Such attempts force a contested Pilot check between the vehicle and its pilot. This requires a standard action. The winner may use their remaining move action to maneuver the vehicle as appropriate.

At 8th level, the Witch Ace may have two gremlins active at the same time.

Table 1-1: Linked Vehicles

Witch Ace Level Piloting Bonus Stealth Bonus Linked Vehicle Ability
1st to 3rd +4 +2 Improved Pilot Evasion
4th to 6th +6 +4 Pilot Evasion +1/day
Share Spells
7th to 9th +8 +6 Share with Gremlins
10th +10 +8 Spell Resistance

Piloting Bonus: This competence bonus is added to any Piloting skill checks the Witch Ace attempts while piloting their linked vehicle.
Stealth Bonus: This luck bonus is added to the stealth attribute of the Witch Pilot’s linked vehicle.

Improved Evasion: While piloting their linked vehicle, all Pilot Evasion checks reduce the damage to one quarter on a successful save.

Pilot Evasion +1/day: The Witch Ace gains an additional use of their Pilot Evasion ability when in their linked vehicle.

Share Spells: Any spells cast by the Ace upon themselves also work on the linked vehicle they are piloting, provided the spell can on constructs.

Share with Gremlins: Any spell currently being shared with a link vehicle now also affects any active gremlins. A gremlin can be any distance from you for this to be effective, but it cannot be on another plane of existence.

Spell Resistance: The bonded vehicle gains Spell resistance equal to the Witch Ace's character level +5.

Power Armor Specialist

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + (Int Modifier) per level

Class Skills:
Craft (Int), Demolitions (Int), Navigation (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis),
Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Device (Int)

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Technical Proficiency, Power Armor Proficiency
Pilot: 8 ranks
Use Device: 4 ranks

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1 +2 +2 +0 Max Dex Increase (+1)
Bonus Feat
2 +2 +3 +3 +0
3 +3 +3 +3 +1 Max Dex Increase (+2)
Armor Finesse
4 +4 +4 +4 +1 Bonus Feat
5 +5 +4 +4 +1 Max Dex Increase (+3)
Improved Sensor Use
6 +6 +5 +5 +2
7 +7 +5 +5 +2 Max Dex Increase (+4)
Bonus Feat
8 +8 +6 +6 +2 Armor Finesse
9 +9 +6 +6 +3 Max Dex Increase (+5)
Superior Sensor Use
10 +10 +7 +7 +3 Bonus Feat

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Power Armor Specialist gains proficiency in simple and martial weapons. The Power Armor Specialist does not gain any armor Profiiency.

Max Dex Increase (Ex): A PaS learns to move more efficiently in power armor. Any power armor worn by the character has its Max Dex rating increased by the listed bonus.

Bonus Feat: A PaS may choose any feat listed on the Fighter’s bonus feat selection. All prerequisites for a feat must be reached before it may be chosen.

Armor Finesse (Ex): A PaS learns to ‘let the armor do the work’ when attempting certain tasks. At 3rd level, and again at 7th level, the character chooses a skill that is hampered by an armors skill penalty. When attempting this skill in power armor, the PaS may use their Pilot skill instead. This skill does not have to be a class skill, nor does the PaS need to possess ranks in said skill.

Improved Sensor Use (Ex): By 5th level, a PaS has learned to make the most out of their limited sensors. With a Use Device check (DC: 15), a PaS may ‘lock on’ to a single target. If successfully locked, the PaS gains a +1 to hit against this target with an additional +1 per 5 the character rolled over the DC. This lock lasts until the beginning of the characters next round.

If the target is actively hiding from sensors (wearing an Intrusion Suit or other stealth tech, for example), treat this as an opposed rule against the targets Hide Skill.

Using this ability requires a move equivalent action.

Superior Sensor Use (Ex): By 9th level, a PaS may apply one of the following choices
when using their ‘Improved Sensors’ ability. The character chooses the modifier when
they make the Use Device roll:

• The lock may be attempted as a free action once per round.
• The PaS may reduce the target’s cover by one level for that round. Using this option requires a Move equivalent action.


First Post
I ran a DS campaign over a PbP once, and it actually came off pretty well (until I had to cancel it due to personal problems).

The general gist of it was that the PCs were former Legionnaires who had formed a private mercenary company. They had a spacecraft (the Komagata Maru, name yoinked from Canadian history) that got shot down on a strange world.

So, the PCs were stuck on an unknown planet, worried about orc pirates hunting them down, when they find a scientific building that seemed to be built around genetic engineering. The gist of the campaign was evasion from pirate forces, figuring out the purpose of this base, getting their ship repaired, and rebuilding the abandoned buildings (while a critter from MM2 hunted them.... Rukarysyll or something...)

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