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Does the term "a creature" include yourself?


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An ad hominem is an argument of the form "you are stupid; therefore you are wrong"

Saying "You are wrong, here's the evidence. Also, you're stupid" is not an ad hominem.

Nor is saying "You are wrong, this is probably because you are stupid"

Off topic, but here we go. "You are stupid" is the attack and "therefor you are wrong" is the incorrect logic. Saying "you are stupid" does not always semantically equal a ad hominem, correct. You have to ask yourself the context of you saying "you are stupid." You lack that in the example for it can be an ad hominem as noted in: "you are stupid; therefore you are wrong"

Saying "You are wrong, this is probably because you are stupid" is ad hominem. "You are wrong" is the incorrect logic and "this is probably because you are stupid" is the attack.

If the person said "you are wrong and let me show you as to why." That is not ad hominem.

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The origin square of the burst from Fireball, targets each creature. Which can include you for you are an enemy or an ally. It is not treated as if you are bursting from the origin square.


What you need to explain is how you are an ally or enemy for the purpose of Area effects, but not for Melee effects...

That. Rule. Does. Not. Exist.

Incorrect. It is either one of the two sorts enemy or ally.

That. Rule. Does. Not. Exist.

Incorrect, and is very relevant for this is the defined term of creature-semantics

You said: "We don't care how you resolve Personal 'attack-type' powers. That's not relevant to the task at hand. We don't care how you resolve powers that include 'you' as a target. That's also not relevant to the task at hand."

Because it isn't.

In this statement you are actually speaking for everyone or yourself? Just a curious quick rhetorical question. Anyway, you do not care how I resolve? Seems pretty clear to me the intention of your statement. These are forums and have a governing way of respect and in every post rebuttal you are clearly showing in your language used: "Wrong" "don't care." I have only said incorrect, and proceeded to debunk you; and even given examples to help you (and others). Perhaps I should say I don't care, or you are wrong.

1) Impersonal you, and royal we. Artifacts of the language sometimes used in English during debates. Please don't take them personally, they are not ad hominems.

2) You haven't debunked anything. You've invented rules (Origin squares target things!?!) and called that a debunk.

The origin square is the mark for what you use as defined for adjacent to count. So very relevant.

However, origin square is not relevent to determining allies, or enemies, or what a creature is.

Neither is adjacency for that matter.

I have not done so at all, nor is there any point I have missed. Only you have done to this to me, and to the rules. Look at all my previous posts and say if I have done so.

1) You claim melee 1 can only hit adjacent creatures
2) You claim it cannot attack your space
3) You claim your space is considered adjacent

Ergo, you are inferring that a rule exists claiming melee 1 cannot attack your space, however, you have not suppled said rule, so you have not supported your case.

Almost perfect. A condition may prevent you from targeting even if the action does not need to be used to attack. Such as being unconscious and petrified.

However, those cases are specific instances that do not apply to this particular context of: Using a power to make bobby hit himself.

Only you are thinking this and note your general usage of your language.

No, it is trivial because it is so easy to do that it shouldn't require any sort of example.

There are only 4 points of a square in which you can draw to the intended target and 1 line of effect. Only 1 LoE is necessary for the power to work in question. Even in my example this is exactly it.

With two adjacent creatures, there are four corners per creature (assuming Medium creatures). Any corner can be used as the source or the destination for a line-of-effect. The term I used is 'potential lines-of-effect.'

From Monster A, the potential lines-of-effect are:

A1->B1, A1->B2, A1->B3, A1->B4, A2->B1, A2->B2, A2->B3, A2->B4, A3->B1, A3->B2, A3->B3, A3->B4, A4->B1, A4->B2, A4->B3, A4->B4.

That's 16 potential lines-of-effect.

From Monster B, each one of those lines-of-effect are reversed.

That's 16 more potential lines-of-effect.


Thirty-two is most definately the correct answer here.

Incorrect. Read the pages as previous noted. It is all there. As for Scorching Burst, a good example and you perfectly are in understanding of the rules here. Not only that I agree with you! It is a burst and its origin square is where you place it, within range of course. Within meaning, up to range if decided, and also meaning your square. So, if you decided to place it on your square (note not yourself), it will have an affect on you. It's an area burst, and it targets creatures which is you, in this case (ally), just like fireball.


Enemy's and Ally's definitions are very clear: "Enemy" means a foe of your character, and "ally" refers to your character's companions in combat.

That is verbatim from the rules compendium. If what you say is true, and that creatures must be enemies or allies... and that Scorching Burst can hit you because of the origin square issue...

Then are you claiming that either you are a foe to the origin square of your power, OR that you are the origin square's companion in combat?

Are you assigning some sort of combat faction to the origin square, so that it has motivation, and can actually pick a side!?!

That's nonsense. Origin squares don't have allies, or enemies.

NOW it is appropriate to toss in an ad hominem: How can you be sure that creature excludes or includes or in any way requires allies or enemies, when you obviously do not understand what 'ally' or 'enemy' actually means?

I am quoting the rules.

You understand but you do not comprehend.

However, there is a specific that has to be understood. Frankly, I do not think you are understanding any of the posts which I have made. Which is ironic.

There's no irony here. You are, in specific cases, speaking nonsense. In this case, by insisting that origin squares are at all relevent to any discussion of an enemy or ally status... and that by moving the origin square it changes things so that things that target enemies or allies suddenly can change the candidates for those things. That is utter nonsense, and I am under no obligation to attempt to understand nonsense... particularily nonsense that has absolutely zero rules support to back it up.

Any sort of the two concerning targets which are enemy or ally. Not being able to target a creature means it has to target an enemy or ally. As would be described by the power.

Nothing supports this, I keep telling you.

Now, you have a contradiction of your previous rebuttals.

No, origin square and target are two different rules concepts... I never claimed that origin square and target were the same thing. What I claim is that origin square and target are not mutually exclusive, and that's a different thing all together.

Range melee 1

You need more than that.

Look on page 220. Even though this is an example for cover it can be an example for a few things. If you are the creator space then yes. If the burst, such as fireball, you are not the space. The origin square proceeds to acquire the appropriate targets which are creatures-enemy or ally. In most or probably all cases I concur that it is not tactical, and smart.

Except that enemy/ally status is not determined by the selection of an origin square. They are as disconnected from each other as selecting your morning breakfast is to what is on my television. They literally have NOTHING to do with each other.

Whoa, whoa! Did you just ask that question?! I have stated it and have given the pages many times, and even yourself have your personal logic for the term creature. But now are asking the question? Creature=enemy or ally.

A Creature is any sort of the two which is enemy or ally. You are not target you generally are the origin square, the creator's space.

What you have yet to prove here... and I repeat this:

That Creature EXPLICITLY excludes you. You've proven that the term creature does not discriminate to enemy or ally status. You've not proven that it discriminates against you. For it to do so, you must include text that excludes you. That text does not exist, no matter how much you post text that includes enemy or ally.

I am still waiting for a text step by step resolution debunking using the rules in which we play D&D 4th edition with. There are no mistakes and the origin square is used for much more; you are generalizing.

AGAIN with the origin square. This is the big misunderstanding:

At no point have you proven, or given a single bit of evidence, to suggest that the origin square of a power cannot also contain its target.

Furthermore, you've even admitted that in the case of Area powers, the origin square CAN contain its target, but what you have failed to do is indicate what rule excludes the origin square, nor what rule allows Area powers to be an exception to that rule.

Nor can you; those rules do not exist.

Because normally, means, if all can normally happens it happens in melee 1. Such as an immediate interrupt preventing a melee 1 in that square interned with Dimensional Vortex it does not normally happen.

No one is discounting that you normally attack enemies one square away from you. I'm not disputing that. What I am stating is what a power normally does, and what it is allowed to do, are not the same thing entirely.

Normally you attack the enemy beside you. Rarely, you attack someone in your square. The only thing you can't do is attack someone outside the range of the target.

Incorrect you would use a personal power. As for measuring distance pg 202. Note, one does not start in the space of the creature. It starts adjacent to the adventurer that is closest to the target intended.

Personal powers have nothing to do with this argument; the existance of the Personal attack-type does not mean that other attack-types cannot attack your square. Nothing in the Personal attack-type insinuates this, nor does anything in any attack-type state that they cannot affect you.

The ONLY exception presented is Close burst. That says it does not affect you. NO other attack-type/range combination states this.


First Post
If something is next to me (in my square) is it within 5 feet of me (within one square of me)

Well, yes, yes it is.

Melee 1 isn't limited to adjacent squares, it can also be used on the same square, it's just that melee 0 can't hit adjacent squares.

Incorrect. Feet, as DracoSuave would say, are irrelevant. If a creature is next to you it is adjacent, if it is in your square it is adjacent. As defined terms given in Rules Compendium.

Melee 1 is within , as in around, the origin square. It is limited, unless it is melee 2 then of course you know what I will say about that.

Melee 0 can attack adjacent squares!!!!!!!!!!!! It targets the creature which occupies the same space, which is considered adjacent for this purpose. As how melee 1 is considered adjacent to the origin square for it to function. It cannot target the square adjacent to it. It has a reach 0.


First Post
Anyways... that's a lot of argument, but the answer exists in a primary rules source that hasn't been erratad, and hasn't been contradicted:

"“Creature” or “creatures” means allies and enemies both, as well as you."

PHB. Page 57.

The definitions of enemy and ally have changed from their original meaning (thank god) but this... this has not been contradicted, even by the RC text.


"You are wrong" is the incorrect logic

"You are wrong" is not logic. "You are wrong" is a statement. It may be supported by logic, but it is not logic.

Calling a statement "incorrect logic" indicates that you don't even understand the basics of logic.
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First Post

Hammer Time

What you need to explain is how you are an ally or enemy for the purpose of Area effects, but not for Melee effects...

That. Rule. Does. Not. Exist.

I have done so many times. Please, consult previous posts and pages that I commentated.

That. Rule. Does. Not. Exist.

Pages 105-106

Because it isn't.

Perhaps, not intentionally. But intent and action are two different things.

2) You haven't debunked anything. You've invented rules (Origin squares target things!?!) and called that a debunk.

Reading from the Rules Compendium what are you reading? Oh wait, is this Shadowrun?

However, origin square is not relevent to determining allies, or enemies, or what a creature is.

Neither is adjacency for that matter.

You contradict yourself here. Ask yourself this and look at page 220: What does an area burst 2 do? It targets creatures-if that is the target in the power descriptor and lets say that it is. Creature meaning enemy or ally.

1) You claim melee 1 can only hit adjacent creatures
2) You claim it cannot attack your space
3) You claim your space is considered adjacent

Ergo, you are inferring that a rule exists claiming melee 1 cannot attack your space, however, you have not suppled said rule, so you have not supported your case.

I have not claimed I have given examples of the rules, posted the rules, and even given a comprehensive example. As for #3 read my post to Kingreaper.

However, those cases are specific instances that do not apply to this particular context of: Using a power to make bobby hit himself.

It applies perfectly, and over and over have posted rebuttals to this. However, I have answered every question and not once have I changed anything. Some of you have assumed that I have, but are only being illogical with the defined terms given

No, it is trivial because it is so easy to do that it shouldn't require any sort of example.

You are dodging, or you were being ambiguous. Still the language used did not indicate trivial "as in easy."

That's 16 potential lines-of-effect.

There is a square it has four points in which to draw a line to the intended target for LoEif in question. Only four possibilities to the other square. Honestly, one does not need to be drawn, which was my point, actually, in my example. It is a clear line.

You are thinking permutations. Permutation do not apply here. Note, the example on page 107 does not draw 32 lines to see if it has LoE to the goblin. There are 4 lines-starting from each point of the square-it can draw to the goblin all passing through terrain-No line of effect. And note it says from origin square.

Hammer Time

Enemy's and Ally's definitions are very clear: "Enemy" means a foe of your character, and "ally" refers to your character's companions in combat.

That is verbatim from the rules compendium. If what you say is true, and that creatures must be enemies or allies... and that Scorching Burst can hit you because of the origin square issue...

Incorrect and NO this is not verbatim. "Enemy: means opponent of the power's user." Ally: means companion of the power's user. That is verbatim

You understand but you do not comprehend.

Wait not Shadowrun, must be Call of Cthulu.

No, origin square and target are two different rules concepts... I never claimed that origin square and target were the same thing. What I claim is that origin square and target are not mutually exclusive, and that's a different thing all together.

So close! What have I been typing in my previous posts? And yes, they are exclusive as they are defined. Origin square does not equal target. It is origin square, and target is target. Exclusive, unless specified of course.

You need more than that.

Page 100: "Melee [number]: The power can be used against a target that is within the specified number of squares of the power's origin square. For example, a melee power that has a range of 1 can normally be used against an adjacent target, whereas a melee power that has a range of 0 can be used only against a target sharing the attacker's space.

Except that enemy/ally status is not determined by the selection of an origin square. They are as disconnected from each other as selecting your morning breakfast is to what is on my television. They literally have NOTHING to do with each other.

Whoa, logic bomb! So they are not creatures, they are not enemies, and they are not allies! OMG, what do we target Fargrim?! We cannot target anything! Origin square, boom, any creatures in burst within its LoE. Simple. Oh your example is not disconnected they are both thoughts of an option(s) that you may so desire. There is Fruit. There is apple and there is orange. Both fruits however dissimilar.

What you have yet to prove here... and I repeat this:

That Creature EXPLICITLY excludes you. You've proven that the term creature does not discriminate to enemy or ally status. You've not proven that it discriminates against you. For it to do so, you must include text that excludes you. That text does not exist, no matter how much you post text that includes enemy or ally.

Done many times! Creature=enemy or ally, and you are not THE TARGET OF THE INTENDED POWER. Unless......

AGAIN with the origin square. This is the big misunderstanding:

At no point have you proven, or given a single bit of evidence, to suggest that the origin square of a power cannot also contain its target.

Furthermore, you've even admitted that in the case of Area powers, the origin square CAN contain its target, but what you have failed to do is indicate what rule excludes the origin square, nor what rule allows Area powers to be an exception to that rule.

Nor can you; those rules do not exist.

Apparently, I have to go over this again: Seek previous post concerning subject matter.

Now now, what did I say about bursts??? Do not take me out of context!

The only thing you can't do is attack someone outside the range of the target.


Personal powers have nothing to do with this argument; the existance of the Personal attack-type does not mean that other attack-types cannot attack your square. Nothing in the Personal attack-type insinuates this, nor does anything in any attack-type state that they cannot affect you.

The ONLY exception presented is Close burst. That says it does not affect you. NO other attack-type/range combination states this.

Booooooo! Incorrect. They have everything to do with the post you made and the rules.


First Post
Anyways... that's a lot of argument, but the answer exists in a primary rules source that hasn't been erratad, and hasn't been contradicted:

"“Creature” or “creatures” means allies and enemies both, as well as you."

PHB. Page 57.

The definitions of enemy and ally have changed from their original meaning (thank god) but this... this has not been contradicted, even by the RC text.

RC is the errata and supersedes the PHB. Creatures can mean you. Area burst, for example. It is almost basically the same thing. Just RC clears it up to better defined terms. Now, if I did not have RC, or any errata saying such then yes. I would agree with you all completely.

But note how the powers do not compute in their resolution. What you mean I can attack myself? Now how can I do that with a range attack if I am a creature o-0?!??
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First Post
"You are wrong" is not logic. "You are wrong" is a statement. It may be supported by logic, but it is not logic.

Calling a statement "incorrect logic" indicates that you don't even understand the basics of logic.

You are taking everything out of context, and making everything illogical to your liking (Hmn, no ad hominem there). Please, read my rebuttal to you again.

Let's keep it civil, please. Attack the argument, not the person.

Thank you!


First Post
Hammer Time

My my my

Music hits me, so hard, makes me say OH MY LORD
Thank you for blessing me
With a mind to rhyme
and two hype feet

when you know you're down
a superdope homey from the Oak town
and I'm known as such

And this is a beat... uh... you can't touch

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