That's cool. How the game went? Care to resume it and post your impressions? How many players, what did they do? What would you change these days, important advice, etc?
It’s still ongoing! We play every other week. It’s GMed by
@Manbearcat and there are three players, including me.
I like the game quite a bit. It took some getting used to. I think we kind of started fairly simple and then slowly expanded what kinds of conflicts we were doing. I think in our first session following character creation, we arrived at our first town and we split up, with each of us handling an individual conflict.
Each session since then has involved more of the game… escalation, assisting others, multiple PCs in a conflict, and so on. I think that progression helped me to learn the system. So that would probably be my advice… start simple and build on that foundation.
My character is Brother Isaiah, an enormous guy who’s also a bit of a simpleton. I think we’re also learning that he’s a bit softer than many other Dogs… he’s not as judgmental about things he might consider smaller sins. He lost his little sister due to the sins of others (the details of which haven’t yet been established) and that’s left him with a soft spot for children. When kids are at risk, he gets righteously angry. Yet when kids seem guilty of sin, he’s (perhaps) overly forgiving.
Our most recent session had us arrive at a town that had been decimated by recent heavy rains and flooding. Many are dead, and those who survive are helpless. There’s also a nearby mining community not of the Faith made up of rough and unsavory folk. There’s going to be a struggle for resources to help recovery efforts.
I think this has already taken a bit of a toll on Isaiah as he felt the need to rally some folks, including children, who were grouped in prayer, into action. He also helped ward off a couple of miners that were trying to take some lumber. He threatened them, and one of his fellow Dogs got them to see reason and leave. But they're angry and still about.
That was where we left things… I’m curious to see what happens to him when we resume.