Dojo of the Predator


First Post
Masterr Darrkwolf, I brring you news two victorries frrom my Dojo of Clawed Fury. I have defeated the darrk Arrkanyl and my student Rrathan has also gained a victorry while underr my tutelage.

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Knight Otu

First Post
"Darkwolf-sama, I have just aquired my Green Belt, and I seek to learn the style of my ancestors, the Phoenix style. Will you accept me as a student?"

Shiba Temuro, Phoenix Bushi

Green Belt 0
Styles: Manticore (Sig), Sword (Sig), Spider (Sig), (Phoenix) ?
Record 4 - 4
Yen: 7
Last edited:


First Post
Rrai-kesh arrives on tiger-back to report to his master.

"Masterr, I brring you news of a defeat forr yourr dojo. I was beaten by a verry skilled white belt named Snow Owl. I humbly beg yourr forrgiveness forr this insult."


First Post
::Rini skips into DarkWolf's presence::

Hey, I just won a match against WinterSnow! It was close, but I pulled it off!

Yellow Sign

Winter Snow walks in behind Rini.

Yes, Master, Rini beat me after a long match.

OOC: Well it was the longest match to date.....40 rounds! Nice fight Rini!

Voidrunner's Codex

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