Dojo of the Predator

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Samidare stumbles into the dojo. His face is bruised and bloody, while his clothes are torn and stained - all except for his brown belt, which is new and pristine.

“Exalted Darkwolf-sama!” he cries, bowing deeply before his sensei. “I have beaten the demon-man named Ash’lon and claimed my brown belt. I wish to learn a new style, Darkwolf-sama; as by your rules, I may not learn the Wolf style, I beg knowledge of the stance of the Tiger!”

Knight Otu

First Post
Temuro enters the dojo and bows.

"Darkwolf-sama, I was victorious in the first round of the Phoenix Eye tournament, against Rini-sama."

Then he hears about the monstrous Ash'lon and almost shudders.


First Post
Master of the Dojo of Clawed Fury, Rrai-kesh, returns to his masters dojo with news...

"Masterr Darrkwolf, I brring news of 1 victorry and 1 loss as two of my students again battled each otherr."


"Master Darkwolf I have updated my Dojo Record above and ask to learn the Claw style. "

Wolf Mountain
Fanged and Clawed Wolf
Grasshopper of the Mountain
The Reaper with a Thunder Scythe

of the
Member of the Dojo of the Predator
Brown Belt 0 24-20
Yen 7

Yellow Belt: Signature Style (Scythe),Dojo Style (Wolf), Fist of Fury
Green Belt: Signature Style (Thunder),Dojo Style (Fang), Chi Strike, Master of Emotions
Brown Belt: Signature Style (Grasshopper),Dojo Style (Claw), Fist of Fury, Master of Movement

Scythe:Signature Style (Scythe)


First Post
Rrai-kesh returns to his masters dojo yet again to report on the progress of his own students...

"Masterr Darrkwolf, I brring news of 5 morre wins and 5 additional losses frrom my students to add to yourr dojo rrecorrd."


First Post
"Masterr, I have defeated anotherr darrk fighterr, Kenneth Whitefang in perrsonal combat. Soon afterrward, I also overcame the Diamond Sash called Rratasal, becoming only the 5th to everr beat him in combat! 2 morre wins forr yourr dojo and mine, Masterr Darrkwolf!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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