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The party defeats the Ogre chief, Gronar loses a hand in the process and the party decides the only way they can all go home and take the prisoner elves with them is if they're all dead and are carried like luggage by the giants.

Returning to the maze, Paquito is informed of an umber hulk threat and that a "reborn" version of Taurranous may be lurking about in the underdark as well.

Gronar gets his hand back from the elves, who detain Omar and Ratchet, while informing Finrod that in three days the elves will wipe out a new evil threat growing in the maze.

The party returns to the maze where a group of minotaurs on loan to a lizardman tribe have returned and their leader has openly challenged Paquito for control of the tribe.

A lizardman assassin arrives as well and offers his services, along with blueprints to every defensive fortification Mirwood has to offer. Paquito enlists the lizardman's aid in getting rid of the upstart Minotaur.

The assassin does his job and more, wiping out all but one of the returning male minotaurs, whom Paquito takes as his personal bodyguard.

The party heads under the maze to wipe out the umber hulks and either confirm or deny the new existence of Taurranous, the party encounters their first group of umber hulks and while the party is triumphant, Luciann runs screaming further into the underdark after succumbing to one of the umber hulk's confusion ability.

And that's where we are. :) New update coming tomorrow. I promise. :heh:

Think about all those disappointed children!

Luciann flees away from the umber hulks as fast as his fey legs can carry him, rounding bends and slick floors the frightened elf turns a sharp corner and comes face to face with two small pudgy blue goblins. Each goblin holds a short that it swings mockingly at the fast approaching elf.

Luciann attempts to avoid the two goblins, who stand against the back wall of an "L" shaped turn that opens into a large room that Luciann can see as he runs past the first goblin. It's short sword darts out and while it does no damage to Luciann, it does force the elf to spin as he runs. Luciann spins into the rock wall opposite the goblins. The startled elf turns to defend himself from this new threat.

The rest of the party quickly catches up to the embattled sorcerer, Omar and Finrod move up an engage a goblin apiece, while Korg steps up behind them and takes out his spear. Gronar, intrigued with what the goblins are so intent on guarding, moves past Korg and into the large room.

A huge cavern is spread out for Gronar's eyes, standing at the southeastern corner, the cavern stretches over one hundred feet to the north. The southern wall is lined with trees, bare of any leaves they have the look of weathered stone. The middle of the cavern is dominated by a large blood colored maggot that undulates across the rock floor. The West wall has a huge pillar of rock that reaches to the ceiling, there is also a similar pillar just beyond the maggot and close to the East wall. Gronar's eyes however are drawn to the figure at the back of the room, even a hundred feet away Gronar's eyes can see the shape of a minotaur, only it's skin doesn't seem right. It's skin seems to move of it's own accord, almost as if it was shifting in and out of the prime plane.

Korg skewers a goblin, only to have the creature grow a wicked grin on it's face.

"Hit me harder." That was all Korg needed to hear, Korg knew from past kills that anything that withstood that kind of blow, wasn't going to go down with anything Korg had left to offer. The giant decided to leave the dwarf and elves to fend off these creatures.

Gronar quickly advanced to the stone pillar to the West of the blood maggot and with his long spear, his pierces the blood maggot in it's midsection, then tears a gash to the rear of the creature. The thing undulates one last time before it twitches itself unto death.

Paquito, Gorfine, and Lothred also move past the goblin battle and enter the cavern next to Korg. With the blood maggot dead, Korg races up to the stone pillar just beyond the maggot.

Paquito spies the creature at the far end of the cavern and his skin prickles with dread, he looks over at Gorfine and together they both understand who it is the stands against them. Gorfine gives Paquito a wink and turns back to look at the new form of Taurranous.

"To the victor, go the spoils." Gorfine then moves out to the middle of the cavern and hails Taurranous.

Gronar confused about what Gorfine is trying to accomplish, ignores his pleas and tries to move up across from Korg's position, as he does so the pillar he was standing against, slams the giant's body against the West wall, a large fist protruding from it's West-facing side.

"Guys? A little help here!" Finrod shouts as the battle with the blue goblins is quickly becoming a battle of attrition, only the goblins show no sign of being any closer to death.

"Idiots, they'll be fighting that battle until they die. They lost that battle the second Korg attacked them. At least the giant had the wisdom to move on from a fruitless endeavor." Lothred tells Paquito

"You are drunk again. No?"

Before Lothred could respond, his lithe frame is hoisted in the air by the "dead" tree's limbs behind him. Lothred's shout for help is squeezed into nothingness by the tree's branches as they constrict around the waist and neck of Lothred.

Paquito reaches for Lothred's hands but the teifling is retracted out of the reach of Paquito, who dares not get too close for fear of getting caught himself.

"You going to help him out?" Ratchet says, as Paquito becomes acutely aware of the gnome's presence behind him.

"I tried, you want me to jump onto the tree and chew through the bark. No?"

"At least apply some effort, I'd like to see him go away and never come back as well, but that doesn't mean watching him suffocate to death while you whistle Ride of the Valkeries." Ratchet replies

"I have the next generation of minotaurs to sire, It's a lot of pressure. No? I can't be risking my life to save someone who I wish would impale themselves on their own staff. No?"

Ratchet thrusts his dagger in a manner suggesting he could kill off any future children of Paquito's. The cold steel next to a sensitive area causes Paquito to jump forward and into the grasping branches of the tree. Paquito's monstrous body however is more than a match for the tree's strength as the minotaur easily tears away the clinging branches. After ripping off a couple of branches, Paquito realizes that it doesn't feel like wood and upon closer inspection, the place where the branch breaks shows signs of bleeding.

The tree drops Lothred unceremoniously on the rock floor as it's branches droop and fall to the floor unmoving. Lothred points his staff at the tree and chokes out the words to his acid splash spell, he watches as the damaged tree becomes a hissing stump of melted flesh. The teifling then turns his attentions to the next tree in line and repeats.

Gronar, not wishing to get into battle with a block of stone, avoids combat with the pillar and closes in on Taurranous. Gorfine pronounces his faith in his returned leader in the middle of the cavern, Taurranous seems to flick his arm at the pious Gorfine. The minotaur saw too late to react, the small swarm of clawed, stingered, creatures flying through the air. The scorpion swarm engulfs the head of Gorfine and quickly drown out the screams of horror from the minotaur.

Korg, who sees the ranged attack, grips his spear and heads for Taurranous, as soon as he's clear of the pillar he was covering behind, Korg's body is engulfed by the dropping form of a lurker. The huge creature covers Korg, the added weight causes the giant to tip backwards and fall prone.

*** The Goblins and trees are all old D&D monsters (updated to 3.0/3.5 by a 3rd party) 1000 imaginary points if you know what the names of these creatures are. :)

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
*** The Goblins and trees are all old D&D monsters (updated to 3.0/3.5 by a 3rd party) 1000 imaginary points if you know what the names of these creatures are. :)

Well, I recognized the nilbogs right off. The "Hit me harder!" gave it away. As for the trees... I'm not sure, maybe a kampfult?

But what enquiring minds really want to know is what's up with Taurranous?!?

Jon Potter said:
Well, I recognized the nilbogs right off. The "Hit me harder!" gave it away. As for the trees... I'm not sure, maybe a kampfult?

But what enquiring minds really want to know is what's up with Taurranous?!?

Wow! Give that man his imaginary prize! :cool: Right on both accounts, I'll explain what Taurranous has become at the end of the next update.

The amazing thing about this whole encounter is that the PCs only got XP for 2 creatures. The Nilbolgs, Kampfults, Blood Maggot and Grey ooze/Gelatinous Cube thing, were all below their level threshold for XP :cool:

They actually "gave" one of the Nilbolgs over 500 hit points! Too bad I will never be able to give the fat blue goblin description ever again to any of these players. :p

Jon Potter

First Post
Hairy Minotaur said:
Wow! Give that man his imaginary prize! :cool: Right on both accounts

Before you start thinking me some kind of savant, I have all of my 1E books on the shelf behind my computer. It was really just a matter of flipping a few pages to find the kampfult. Now the nilbog I knew right off; such a metagame-y monster is easy to recognize.

The only time I ever encountered nilbogs as a player, the things were completely overwhelming us until somebody got the idea to drown the buggers in the river running through their lair. The guy playing the paladin suggested it as a solution and promptly lost his paladin-hood because of it. :\

Ahhh... good times.

Graywolf-ELM said:
Now where do we get the updated-ness stats? Will you give them up?


The updated stats for the Nilbogs and Kampfults? They're in The Tome of Horrors
from Necromancer Games. :)

I'd hate to see what your tribe would do to a couple of Nilbogs..... "shudder" there'd probably be a 1000hp blue goblin running around. :p

Goodbye again, and good riddance

Gronar steps up to meet the hulking figure, it's skin the color of the void, so black it appears to absorb the surrounding ambient light. Thousands of tiny scorpions crawl over the figure, Gronar watches as they crawl in and out of Taurranous' ears, nose, and mouth.

Gronar could hear the muffled struggle of Korg behind him, he never hesitated, knowing that failure to bring down the returned Taurranous would cause far more strife than Korg's suffocation. Plus he heard the sounds of Paquito, Lothred, and Ratchet behind him. He knew they would rescue Korg.

Paquito strode up to the flailing Gorfine and bathed his head in a scorching stream of fire, charring the tiny scorpions off of the minotaur's face. Hearing the labored breathing from the lungs of Gorfine Paquito motioned for Ratchet to assist the downed minotaur.

"You want me to save him?" Ratchet asked incredulously.

"As long as he lives, I care not if he suffers. No?"

Ratchet needed only a glance at the downed creature to know that the scorpion's poison would not kill it.

"He'll live." Ratchet announced

"Excellent, leave him then. We take the fight to his delusion. No?" Paquito rallied as him pointed towards the skin crawling form of Taurranous.

Omar, Finrod, and the now lucid Luciann, wailed away on the two nihbolgs who reveled in their adversary's determination to exterminate them. Finrod's anger outgrew his reasoning as he swung his blade harder and faster at the blue goblins taking the nihbolgs from a minor nuisance to a deadly threat. While the nihbolgs rarely hit Finrod or Omar, the PCs were losing a battle of attrition, while the health of the goblins was skyrocketing.

Ratchet and Lothred raced to free Korg, Lothred shot a splash of acid from his staff while Ratchet worked his dagger over the facial impression of Korg, looking for where Korg's mouth might be.

Gronar stepped in to meet Taurranous' threat and cut a wicked gash across the thing's chest. Taurranous raked his claws across Gronar's forearms, while dozens of tiny scorpions skittered across Taurranous' arms and into the river of blood created in the wake of Taurranous' gouging.

Gronar tried to shrug off the minotaur's claws, but the otherworldly power of the new Taurranous dug his claws even deeper into Gronar's forearms. Gronar could feel the tiny vermin crawling under his skin, twisting and stinging his muscles, he fought through the effects of the poison in the stings and raised his arms as high as he could. Taurranous' claws scraped back down Gronar's arms to his shoulder, Gronar spin his greatsword in his hands to point the tip at the head of Taurranous. With an "I dare you" grin, Gronar drove the blade through the body of Taurranous and cleaved it in two.

Ratchet manages to cut into the lurker about where Korg's mouth is to give the giant a breathing hole. Lothred begins beating the lurker with his staff trying to get it to release the giant. Paquito catches up to Gronar's side as the twitching voidness that was Taurranous slowly abates, the scorpions however toss aside their former home and mass together in a swarm of crawling and clicking at the site of Taurranous' body.

It is then that Paquito notices the undulations beneath the shreds of skin on Gronar's arm. Paquito jerks Gronar away from the massing scorpions and towards the encased Korg. Gronar flicks his wrist and slices a cut from the base of the lurker to Korg's knee. Paquito then grabs one side of the cut with his hands and braces the other side with his hooves, he then forces the two pieces further apart and tears the lurker in half.

Ratchet attends to the gasping and choking Korg, while Gronar begins plucking the scorpions from his arm. Paquito retrieves a stoppered flask from his backpack and helps Gronar de-scorpion himself by placing the still living scorpions in the flask.

"Souvenir?" Gronar asks

"Better." Paquito answers with a grin.

Once Korg is able to sit up, Gronar grabs him and helps him back to the entrance to the cavern.

"We should check out what lies beyond. No?" Paquito asks

"Fine by Gronar, you go check, Gronar wait for your report upstairs." The giant replies

"I'll go with you." Lothred offers

Paquito winces at the notion and decides to follow the giants back up.

As the rest of the party approaches, the nihbolgs flee in terror running back through the darkness. Paquito makes a note that those two things will need to be run down and dealt with.

"You guys really did a number on those goblins, I'm glad you stayed back here and had our backs." Lothred snipes

"Hey those things were tough, they took everything we gave them and still wouldn't go down, looks like you guys had the easy fight." Finrod answers

"Only because you made it that way." Lothred walks away laughing

"What does that mean? You knew about their threat and still left us there? You trying to kill us?" Finrod's shouts go unanswered as the rest of the party fades away into the underdark.

The soft sound of thousands of scorpions across the stone floor of the cavern, snapped Finrod into the present and he took off running to catch up with the party.

Once the party had returned to the minotaur lair, and given food and what nonmagical healing the minotrices were able to give them. Paquito made sure they were resting soundly before approaching Corridorian with his "souvenir" from the Taurranous battle.

"What are those for?" The maze mage asks

Paquito takes off the black spike studded collar from around his neck and hands it to Corridorian.

"I need you to make this better, it's a collar of venom and with the addition of these scorpions and some other nutrients I picked up, I'm hoping to get this trinket to it's full potential. No?"

Corridorian studies the collar for a moment before nodding in agreement with Paquito.

"It'll take a couple of days, maybe a week, but I think I can do it." She replies

"Excellent, send me the first chosen. I feel like growing the tribe some more. No?"

I used a Daraka demon (from Tome of Horrors by Necromancer Games) for the new Taurranous. The only change I made was to extend the distance he could throw his "pets".

Voidrunner's Codex

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