• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Doom from Below: The Illithid Ascension (Last Updated: 1-1-03)


First Post
Note, firstly, our story hour represents a somewhat unique (as far as I am aware) situation...
Specifically, it is written not by me, the DM, but by Shayuri's player. I just edit, approve and post. (I love delegating authority!)

The present events of the story hour took place many sessions ago so there is a bit of room for archivist-license, and occasionally a couple things might be enhanced or otherwise adjusted depending on their relevance to the overall story. That having been said, Shayuri does a top-shelf job in recreating both the events and the feel of the game.

So, in answer to your question, most of this story hour is either cool writing by the players, or cool player ideas. I just provide the environment (i.e. the unrelenting advance of all-consuming DOOM) to motivate them. :D


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First Post
It was dark. Cold. Also, wet.

Their heads swam and ached. Vague, half-felt memories swirled like a spiral of cream in a stirred cup of coffee.

Semaki groaned and sat up slowly. The dark was absolute, even to her eyes. Her skull felt...bloated somehow. As though her brain had been inflated. "Quadim?" she probed into the black. "Are you there?"

Another female groan. Shayuri's voice crawled out of the gloom. "Ooog...my head..."

Elfin hands slapped bare stone as Semaki patted around her. "Where is he? Quadim?"

I do apologize for the necessarily rough treatment, but there are reasons; which will be explained shortly. Until then, welcome to our enclave.

A rectangle of light appeared, and swiftly expanded upward with the grating of stone on stone. Shayuri and Semaki stumbled out of the testing chamber, wincing and squinting in the sudden illumination.

Sitting at their ease in the warm, comfortable room they entered were Mark, Shar and Piklum who looked up at them quizzically.

"How'd it go?" piped Piklum as he scooped the coins he'd been counting back into his pouch.

"I feel like someone actually put their hand into my brain and wiggled it all around," Shayuri complained with a hand on her temple. "It was like being back with the illithid."

Mark shrugged. "It was your own fault, you know," he said. "You could have just come in."

"Quadim and Mana are just as much part of our group as you are," Shayuri shot angrily back. "If he distrusts any of us, he distrusts us all!"

"Where are they?" Semaki suddenly interjected. "Quadim...and the boy. Where are they?"

"Perhaps they're on their way?" Shar suggested. "It took you two over an hour after all."

As Semaki and Shayuri digested that tidbit, the stone door ground open again, admitting the adolescent druid, Mana, into the room. He looked around blearily and coughed.

The elf stepped nearer and demanded, "Where is Quadim? Was he with you? Where was he taken?"

Mana stepped back, alarmed. He raised his hands defensively. "I don't know! I was alone, I think...but it was dark. I couldn't see! And there was...something..." he winced and touched his scalp. "...something in my head. Asking things. I didn't like it."

Now furious, Semaki whirled and looked up at the ceiling. "Where are you, mage?! Where have you taken him! What is the meaning of this?!"

Excellent questions, Semaki. And ones I will explain at once. Please come this way.

Another slab of stone, a different one this time, slid up to reveal a smallish but well-lit passageway. Standing just inside was the burbling amorphous shape of a water elemental. Shayuri immediately stepped back, a hand going to her throat. Semaki narrowed her eyes.

It will not harm you unless provoked, reassured the voice. Follow it, please. I look forward to meeting you all in person.

"Is Quadim with you?" demanded Semaki.

He is.

Shar rolled her eyes and stepped into the passageway, following the water elemental as it trundled away, leaving a trail of wetted stone behind it.

Mark gave Semaki a severe look, "Try to be respectful," he said. "You're about to meet a leader of the Caronian Resistance; a great man. He's saved more lives than I can count."

"Five?" Shayuri asked in a scathing tone.

Piklum burst into laughter and scuttled after Shar into the hall. Mark's eyes threw daggers at Shayuri, but he decided not to dignify it with a response, and proceeded as well. The three who were Tested followed brought up the rear.

After following the oddly winding passage for a few minutes, they were brought to another door. The elemental stood aside and gestured with a glassy pseudopod for the others to enter. No sooner than they had then Semaki cried "Quadim!" and rushed ahead.

The room beyond was largish, apparently a natural cavern that had been "dressed." The floor was smooth, but uncut; the same stone as formed the rough walls and ceiling. At the far end of it was a stone table large enough to hold a person lying down, an older man of perhaps fifty winters with a rather impressive-looking staff and red robes, and a low cut open doorway with a hallway partly visible behind it. Lying on the table, unconscious, was Quadim.

The old man didn't flinch at Semaki's maddened rush, and halfway through the room the reason became apparent. Semaki struck an invisible something and rebounded, falling backwards onto the ground. Shayuri rushed to help her up, but Semaki shrugged assistance aside, darting to her feet with elven grace.

"What is this?!" Semaki raged. "Release him at once!"

The old man bowed slightly, not directly reacting to Semaki's words. "Good afternoon," he said in a deep, rich voice. "I am Zoyster. As Mark has informed you, I lead this cell of the Resistance."


Face tight with anger, Shayuri stepped forward, careful not to hit the invisible wall. "I think we deserve an explanation, Zoyster," she said coldly. "This isn't exactly the welcome we were promised."

Zoyster's eyes flicked between Semaki, Shayuri and Mana for a moment, then he nodded. "Yes. Quite. Routine mental probes are usually enough to ferret out thrall infiltrators. The more..extensive...tests you were subject to are in reaction to a recent development by the mind flayers. You both have my apologies, though you chose to be examined of your own will." He walked behind the table and raised a forestalling hand. "I realize that my words will not suffice though. That is why I brought you here to see this." He began to chant hollowly in High Arcane as his hands described looping figures in the air.

And Quadim began...to melt.

Semaki rushed at the wall again and pounded futilely against it, screaming "NOOOOOO!!"

The others watched in horrified fascination as Quadim's flesh ran like wax...then began resculpting itself, knitting into an entirely different form.

Pallid grey flesh. Long arms, with long fingers. Blank white eyes that dominated an otherwise almost featureless face.

A doppelganger. Only the gridwork of scars on its skull linked this creature with the monk that it had been.

"A trick!" Semaki bellowed, tears flowing freely. "A lie!"

Mark rounded on Semaki furiously. "An illithid spy! I knew there was something wrong with him! If it hadn't been for you, I'd have left him behind long ago!"

Shar shook her head slowly. "We were fools to have trusted him." Her dark eyes raised to meet Semaki's with mute accusation.

"All of you be quiet!" Shayuri demanded. "It's not Semaki's fault! She had no one else!"

Everyone fell quiet though as Semaki suddenly roared defiantly and ripped her sword from its sheath. "Drop this wall, mage!" she howled. "Drop it and face me! If you harm him, I swear on the blood of my ancestors that I will hunt you and yours until the world BURNS! FACE ME!"

As if in response, the invisible wall suddenly became very visible indeed...and quite opaque. A featureless onyx field, utterly smooth, and impervious to any force Semaki could muster.

"Semaki, are you MAD?" Mark yelped. He lunged for her, trying to restrain her. "He decieved you! That's no reason to get angry at Zoyster. Imagine how much worse it would have been if we hadn't found out in time!"

"Stay back, human," Semaki snarled, leveling the blade at him. "Confederate of this evil. I'll have no qualms about starting with you, if you interfere."

Shayuri quickly ducked in, pulling Mark back. "How dare you?" The question was aimed at Mark and Shar. "Both of you! Quadim and Semaki have been our companions for weeks, and this is how you repay them?"

"The truth is plain, sorceress," Mark returned with contempt. "Open your eyes and SEE!"

"I've SEEN a wizard turn a man into a doppelganger," she retorted. "That, in itself, means nothing."

"Not a man!"

Shayuri folded her arms. "We have only his word to accept for that. And at the moment, I'm more inclined to trust my own intuitions about Quadim than this...Zoyster."

Mark bridled. "This Zoyster is one of the last court mages of Caron! He's wiser and smarter than any THREE of you!"

"Oh?" Shayuri asked archly. "I have yet to see any evidence of that. We come to him as friends, and he rewards our amity by raping our minds and subjecting Semaki to this...display."

"Are you a complete fool?" Mark demanded of Shayuri. "He said it himself! This was to protect us from illithid infiltration!"

The sorceresses silver eyes flashed angrily. "A convenient excuse but it doesn't hold, Mark! You didn't see what happened after you went in. We were brutalized by elementals, our minds all but...DISSECTED with magic, and now this? How can any Resistance movement hope to endure when it seems hells-bent on making bitter enemies out of potential friends?"

"Friends that are dominated by the illithid are friends we don't need," Mark growled.

"Anyone with some power and ambition can turn a time of justified fear, into a time of tyranny," Shayuri replied sadly.

Before Mark could reply, the wall winked out. Semaki, having collapsed against it, sobbing, leapt to her feet...but Zoyster was nowhere in evidence. The table was also bare.

It seems that I...erred in my judgment. Quadim is not a threat to this enclave. You all have my apologies.

"Where is he, wizard?" Semaki shouted. "Show yourself!"

Quadim is through the doorway, in the last room on the right. You're welcome to see him, if you like.

"Don't do it, Semaki," Mark warned. "He may be dangerous."

Semaki's bloodshot eyes regarded Mark for a moment, but any response she might have been brewing was interrupted by Shayuri.

"I'll go with you."

Semaki hesitated, then nodded, and the two went through the arched doorway into the darker passage beyond.

The hall was lined with doors, but all were closed and barred except for the one at the far end, on the right. It stood open, letting an oval of light out into the corridor.

When they reached it, Semaki said in a dry whisper, "I...would like to see him alone."

Shayuri nodded. "I understand. I'll be just outside here."

"Thank you."

Semaki entered Quadim's cell alone.

Next Time! Illithid scouts threaten the Resistance! Can our heroes help? WILL they help? And what dark secrets lurk within the woods nearby... To Be Continued!


Awesome and very entertaining as always :).

So when do we learn more about the indominatable XAG... (BTW consider this idea *yoinked*... An intelligent Ioun Stone? Brilliant!)
Last edited:


First Post
The holding cell was made of the same hewn stone as the rest of Zoyster's underground hideout. Smooth, probably shaped by magic, and grey and featureless. In the center of the cubical room was a metal table. Secured to the table by 'his' wrists and ankles...was Quadim. Not the quiet monk they had come to know though. Instead he sported the alien features of a doppelganger.

Semaki paused just inside the doorway, her mind and heart raging against one another. She knew what doppelgangers were; what they did. Spies. Saboteurs. Seducers. And often...too often...agents of the mind flayers. Could it have been an act? Could it... No! Resolutely, she took a step forward.

Quadim jerked and awoke...grey eyelids uncovering featureless white orbs. He squirmed on the table, not as if trying to escape his bonds, but rather shrink away from the woman who was approaching. "Semaki, no," he protested weakly. "Please...don't look at me..."

The elf narrowed her eyes and nodded. All question and doubt vanished, and she went to Quadim's side.

"This isn't me, Semaki!" Quadim pleaded. "I didn't...I don't know what happened!" His voice cracked as he spoke...had he human eyes, his tone suggested strongly that they'd be shedding tears. Then he added, in a dry whisper. "I don't know if I can go on like this. Maybe the wizard was right..."

Semaki's face hardened a bit at the mention of the whisper, but she still said nothing. Her right hand dropped to her side though, and with the whisper of steel on leather, drew her sword. A classic 'archer' sword, only three feet of blade, but done in the tasteful, elegant style that typified any elf handiwork. Its blade gleamed in the magic light that shone from the rock above them, making a silver-blue slash that hovered in the air between elf and monster. "Tell me," Semaki said in a heavy voice that was devoid of any hint of elven melody. "Tell me what you want."

"Release me," Quadim replied in a quiet voice that, despite the inhuman rasp, sounded very much like the Quadim she had known. "If I am to die, I would die free."

Semaki only barely hesitated, putting her sword down on the table and going to each limb in turn, freeing him from the shackles.

Before she could reach it again, Quadim's smooth grey hand curled around the hilt of Semaki's sword and lifted it. It glinted dangerously. Semaki paused where she stood but made no effort to step away.

"All my life I have sought order in my life and self," Quadim said in a hollow monotone as he gazed upon the sword's blade. "Perfection in body and mind...through discipline." His shoulders quivered. "And now...I see that all I thought was a lie...a deception. I don't know who I am anymore. I don't even know what I am. How can I live like this?" He turned his pale white eyes to Semaki. The hand with the sword moved towards her...reversing its grip and extending the hilt. "Take it," Quadim urged. "Take it and..." he broke off and looked away.

Semaki's icy white fingers, marred only by the dancing blue sigils of her tattoos, closed around the hilt and gently eased the sword out of his hand. "Tell me," she said again, though her composure was thinner now, her eyes moistening as she became surer of what his answer would be...what it must be. "What do you want me to do?"

Still looking at the door, Quadim asked in a toneless voice, "Would you kill me if I asked?"

The elf nodded slowly. "If you asked," she answered, almost too softly to hear. Her voice mourned not one passing, but two, though how exactly she conveyed that was hard to say.

Quadim did not ask what Semaki would do after she struck him down, and she didn't volunteer that information. Even so, the knowledge of it resonated between them.

There was a long period of silence.

Then, with a peculiarly...wet...sound, Quadim's skin began to change. It lightened, roughened a bit. His head became rounder, grew thin hair that didn't quite hide the marks on his skull. After a few seconds, Quadim sat on the table before Semaki as he had been when they first knew each other. His dark eyes could shed tears now, and were shiny with them. "It won't be easy," he said softly, his voice rich and warm and human, "but given the choice between you and anything else...I must choose you."

A sword hit the hard stone floor and clanged resoundingly. It was the only sound for several minutes in that cell, save for an elf's weeping, muffled by a monk's tunic.

When they emerged from the cell, Semaki was helping support Quadim, who was still a bit stiff from his confinement. Shayuri raised a questioning eyebrow, but decided to leave well enough alone. Both Semaki and Quadim looked...content. That was enough.

They were met in the larger room by Shar, Mana, Mark and Piklum...and Zoyster, who was talking to them. They all turned around. Mark's hand dropped to his sword hilt on seeing Quadim and Shar's eyes narrowed warily. Mana smiled shyly and backed up to lean against the wall. Piklum, the irrepressible, waved jovially and called, "Hey, welcome back! Can you turn into anyone now? Turn into me!"

Semaki glared daggers at Piklum, and Quadim shook his head. "This is who I am," he said in a tone that brooked no argument. "I will be no one else." Semaki squeezed his hand gratefully.

Mark opened his mouth angrily, but was smoothly cut off by Zoyster. "I owe all of you my deepest apologies, and to Semaki and Quadim in particular. An explanation is the least I can do to try to make amends."

"Save your apologies, wizard," Semaki spat, anger again rising to the fore. "We've heard enough and want nothing more to do with you."

"Actually," Mark noted with a trace of smugness, "we've agreed to help..."

"*I* have agreed to no such thing!"

"Please...please," Zoyster again broke in. "The time is late, and there's much to hear."

Quadim tilted his head towards Semaki and whispered something to her. Semaki stiffened, but finally nodded, looking sulky.

Zoyster gestured. "Follow me, please." As he led them through the winding corridors he spoke. "As you're all surely aware, we live in constant danger from infiltration by illithid spies and thralls. However," he said quickly, raising a finger to forestall an angry comment from Shayuri, "as your sorceress is well aware, there are methods of detecting and dealing with illithid domination that do not require what some of you were subject to." Zoyster paused and gestured with his staff, causing a pair of large double doors at the end of the hallway to open before them. The room beyond was larger, with shelves of books spaced around the walls, and several tables and desks scattered across it. "Unfortunately," he went on, "it seems the illithid are well aware of this also...and have arranged to make life more difficult for us."

Shayuri's expression changed from one of sullen annoyance to one of surprise, even eagerness, as she saw the rows and rows of books. As Zoyster strode to a shelf on the far side and began digging around, the sorceress drifted to a nearby shelf and scanned titles. Mark remained respectfully silent, his posture rigid...almost standing at attention. Shar had turned to one side and was muttering something to Xag, who giggled and waggled in his orbit around her head. Mana put a hand to his head and said in a voice that echoes in the rocky chamber amplified, "It's these...lines on our heads, isn't it?"

Zoyster grunted and nodded, turning back around with a large roll of parchment in his hand. "I'm afraid so, my boy. See here, all of you."

He spread the parchment out over a desk. On it were drawings and diagrams of human heads...each with a webwork lattice of scars over them.

"What are they?" Shayuri asked, setting a book she'd picked out down and touching a fingertip to a drawing.

"We don't know," Zoyster admitted heavily. "We've learned, through hard mistakes, that ordinary methods of detection don't work. We speculate that the scars are side effects of a new method of domination that doesn't require any kind of mystical power. As such, it cannot be easily detected without an unfortunately thorough search of the subject's mind...and cannot be suppressed, dispelled, or otherwise interrupted by any means we've found so far."

This information was digested in silence by the various people in the room. Shayuri, on sudden impulse, asked, "Xag? Have you heard of this tactic before?"

The whirling grey rock immediately piped up, "Nope! It's news to me. You have to watch the squids though! They're crafty. Like, uh, things that are...crafty."

Shar sighed. "Which reminds me...I think it's time to hand over Xag."

Zoyster raised a bushy white eyebrow. "Hand over?"

Mark stepped forward and eagerly broke in. "Yes. You see, we were sent here to bring Xag to the Resistance. He...it's an item of great power, made to fight the illithid."

"I see. May I?" Zoyster held out a hand.

Shar snatched at Xag, who swerved crazily out of the way. "Hey!" he cried, "Relax! I can do it!" The stone zipped away from Shar's head and performed a single orbit around Zoyster before returning to Shar.

Zoyster's eyes widened, and he placed a hand to his temple. His breath caught.

"What is it?" Mark asked. "What happened?"

"It seems Xag will be remaining with you for the time being," Zoyster finally said as he recovered his composure. "I myself have some...thinking to do. You are all free to go, of course. But I must ask something of you."

Semaki scowled. "You dare ask us a favor after what you did?"

Zoyster merely nodded. "I realize you may not be inclined to help, but do hear me out. We've recieved word that a party of scouts is approaching and will reach this spot within two days. They are thralls." He let that sink in, then continued. "We cannot kill them. Their deaths would attract even more attention, and we can't risk it. Instead, if you would see fit, you could leave here and loop through the forest widely around this site, eventually connecting with the trail you left when you came here. The scouts would follow your tracks, guiding them around this part of the forest, and onwards into the empty wilds. Once that is done, you would be welcome to return here. I'm sure a suitable reward could be arranged, if that will help your decision."

"You want us to be bait," Shayuri said flatly.

"Not exactly. Should the plan be successful, you will never see them. Here." He held out a gourd carved with mystic runes. "As you leave, pour some of the contents of this on your soles. It will prevent you from laying tracks leading to here. Then, do it again before returning here, after you've connected to your earlier tracks. They will not be able to follow you, save where you wish it."

"Why should we help you, wizard?" Semaki asked angrily.

Zoyster waved a hand at the door sadly. "It is not I you would be helping, lady. It is the hundreds of other people currently living here. Refugees from Caron, mostly. Left to my own devices, I could escape easily enough...though I've no doubt I would stay to fight. But should this sanctuary be discovered by the illithid, these poor souls who hide here would have nowhere to turn to."

Shayuri sighed and looked away.

Semaki's mouth twisted into a rictus, but finally she nodded. "Very well. For them. Not you!"

"On their behalf, I thank you. I thank you all." Zoyster gestured widely. "I'll have a room prepared for you. A night of rest would not come amiss before you begin, I think."

"We gladly accept your hospitality with thanks, Zoyster," Mark said formally.

"I think not." Semaki padded to the door of the study. "I will sleep outside." Before anyone else could say anything, the elf was gone. Quadim hastened after her.

Shayuri stood for a long moment, an agonized expression on her face. On the one side, her friends, on the other...a warm bed, and books. Finally she slumped and picked the book up off the table. She would explain to Semaki. Surely this would be all right. It was just for one night.

When Zoyster led the others to an empty room with cots set up in it, Shayuri followed. As the others tiredly set down their things and doffed their armor to sleep, Shayuri curled up on the cot, automatically tucked the little thrall-skirt around her legs, and began to read the book of elven history she'd found on Zoyster's shelf... Finally she too slept, the book lying open on the floor below her cot. A leather thong marked the last paragraph that she'd read.

In the last days, when The People had all but left the land, and the empire that had been was as bones in the cradle of the earth, there was set aside a hallowed ground to sequester the Nine for all time. Five lords of magic, peerless in their might, were set with four of the highest and most holy priestesses within the alfheidar to guard the Nine and keep their power from corrupting the world again. Their spirits accepted the shackles of the baelnorn willingly, and they gave not their bodies, but their very souls to their pledge. And over the hallowed earth was placed a ward of undeath; that any who died in a vain attempt to wrest away the power would be charged in death to defend it.

Morning came, and a simple but fine breakfast served. Zoyster joined them early on, looking paternally pleased. When Shayuri asked if they had a crossbow to spare, he even threw in a quiver of bolts. He also gave them a map outlining the ideal course for them to take, to lead the scouts astray.

They met Semaki outside who looked a bit sour, but not as much so as Shayuri had feared. It occurred to the sorceress later that perhaps Semaki hadn't minded some time alone with Quadim. The thought brought an embarrassed blush to her coppery cheeks.

Just before setting out, Mark produced the gourd Zoyster had provided and applied a splash of the ointment within to his soles. Even Semaki had to admit that the magic was effective. The armored warrior left not a single disturbed blade of grass in his footsteps. A few minutes later all the party was so girded, and they set off, following the river towards a location on the map dubbed 'Ruines.' There they would scrape the ointment off, and begin to lay the false trail.

For most of the journey the party walked in silence. It was a fine spring day, with the trees shimmering radiant green and birds of all kinds twittering and calling. The river sploshed jovially alongside them at a leisurely pace, like a friendly dog tagging along. Somewhere along the way Semaki and Quadim had unobtrusively started holding hands. Mark took point; striding instead of walking, rolling his shoulders in a suitably dramatic, heroic way. Clearly he thought Zoyster might he scrying. Shayuri walked in silence, consumed in her thoughts. Bunki, her ferret, perched on her shoulder and groomed her hair. Mana was nearly as exuberant as Mark, if considerably more genuine about it. Bursting with energy and glad to be out of the underground, he surged ahead, then waited for the others, only to surge ahead again. Shar, for her part, was unusually pale and withdrawn, occasionally rubbing her temples.

And Piklum...ahh, Piklum. He was missing.

No one noticed until the splash.

Semaki turned and looked at the others questioningly, realizing almost at once that it was too big a noise for a simple rock. Shayuri nearly bumped into her before snapping out of her thoughts. "What is it?" the sorceress asked, craning her neck to look as well.

"Piklum is missing," Semaki said. "I heard a splash."

Almost as one, the party, save Mark and Mana, spread out along the banks of the river, calling out. The current was not fast on the surface, but on entering the icy runoff water they found that it was deceptively strong. They fanned out farther, calling his name, questing for branches or other obstacles the slug-like halfling might have gotten stuck in. Finally, they had to admit defeat.

"I'm sure he'll be all right," Shayuri said uncertainly.

"We'll keep watching for him as we go," Semaki noted. "If he washed downstream, we'll see him."

Mark nodded. "Good idea," he said impatiently. "We'd best hurry. The scouts won't wait for us."

And so they journeyed on. The "ruines" were not altogether far past where Piklum had vanished in a puff of water. The river became split by a large central island, with a crossable ford at the tip. Atop this island was visible broken, crumbling stones. They scraped the remaining ointment off their shoes and boots, knowing that to the trackers it would seem as if the group had been walking in the river until this point. They crossed the ford, still scanning the area for any sign of Piklum, but without success.

The island was about the same as the bank they'd left. Intemperately overgrown shrubs and grass threading between loose clumps of broad-leaved trees and the occasional mossy boulder. The main difference was that, protected from direct viewing from shore by a large hillock, an old stone tower rose perhaps three stories before the brickwork finally had given way some time in the far past. Rubble surrounded the ruin, but the bottom section seemed reasonably intact. The door was even in place.

Mark eyed the structure with some distrust, but his voice was jocular. "All right, so where to next? Across the river to the other side, then around and..." He paused as Shar cried out in something like pain. "What is it?"

Shar shook her head. "It's not possible..."

Mana looked curiously at Shar and Shayuri asked, "What's not? Are you all right?"

Semaki peered at the door, seemingly oblivious. Something about it seemed...wrong...

"It's new," Semaki said suddenly, making heads turn towards her. "The door. It's not as old..."

The door opened with the sharp CRACK of breaking wood.

Things seemed to happen in slow motion. Semaki jumped away from the door, just as something large, spindly, and grey-green whickered out. There was an impression of jagged serrated edges, of dull highlights off of a hard carapace. Mark was grabbing his sword and running at the creature. Semaki, her eyes open in shock, was scrabbling for her own short blade. Quadim was roaring something and flashing forward with impressive speed...

Lurching out of the dark doorway was what looked like a preying mantis, but nearly seven feet tall from its triangular head to its clawed, narrow feet. Long feathery antennae twitched and it jittered with incredible speed away from Mark as his sword flashed in a broad arc towards it. The wide swing overextended the warrior, and the mantis took ruthless, instant advantage of that momentary opening. Chitinous, serrated forelimbs lashed out and pinned Mark's body between them, holding him steady for when the suddenly gaping mandibles descended and dug through armor and flesh alike. Mark howled.

Shar launched herself towards the fray, incanting a supplication to Delta as she went, and Shayuri launched a pair of scintillating magical darts at the monstrosity. Even as she did, she realized that something about the creature was...unsettling. There were the suggestions of fingers outlined in the carapace of its forelimbs. The hint of a humanoid nose in its arthropod's face. Then Quadim and Semaki attacked as one, the thick shell deflecting Semaki's blade, but doing little to help against Quadim's assault. It staggered and emitted a piercing screech that was something between a woman's scream and an insectile squeal. Distracted by Quadim, the mantis-thing released Mark...who returned the favor by releasing a loud cry of battle and swinging his large rune-encrusted blade directly at the thing's back. Chitin crunched and buckled under that massive attack; another horrible cry rent the air. The massive insect twisted, knocking Mark back with one sweep of its claws. Just as the world went grey, then black in his eyes he saw Shar hovering over him...her expression was unusual...almost gentle.

More magic bolts, and between that and the combined efforts of Semaki, who's next thrust was far more effective when it found an aspiration pore in the thing's carapace, and Quadim, the wretched thing finally collapsed in a jittering pile of spindly, armored legs and leaking abdominal fluids.

Mark managed to get back to his feet, his nearly mortal wounds all but completely healed by a generous outpouring of divine power from Shar. "What WAS that thing?" he demanded.

"I'm not sure," Shayuri replied, approaching the fallen thing carefully. "If I didn't know better, I'd think it was originally human though. But I have no idea what magic would do this...even a polymorph would leave the original mind intact."

Quadim quickly poked his head in the door and looked around. "It's clear inside," he reported, wincing when Semaki gave him a silent glare for risking his life that way.

"Maybe there's clues about what it was there," Shayuri mused, drifting into the tower.

Mark shook his head. "No...it's not important. Look, we did what we came to do...let's move on. The scouts..."

"...will be at least a day behind us," Semaki said calmly. "We have time."

"I do not like it here," Mark gritted, staring fearfully at the tower.

"Good GODS!" Shayuri shouted from inside the dark. Both Quadim and Semaki bolted inside.

The sorceress was staring at a corner that at first seemed to have a stack of bizarre objects...resembling burlap sacks perhaps. On closer perusal though, one could see that they were in fact bodies, covered in a sort of hardened goo. Worse still, the bodies were not...entirely...human. Instead, most seemed to be frozen in between human and insect states, with chitin spikes and plates protruding from agonized faces and grotesquely rupturing skin. They were all, mercifully, dead. Most of them had huge holes eaten in them, and missing limbs. A terrible miasma hung in the air though. It smelled of crushed ants and rot.

In Shayuri's hands was a tattered old book. Semaki touched Shayuri's shoulder gently, eliciting a jump from her. "Are you all right?" the elf asked sympathetically.

Shayuri nodded too quickly, then swallowed and straightened. Her second nod had more conviction. "I almost didn't notice...but I did a detection cantrip," she responded in a dry, soft voice. "There's something magical in the...pile." She swallowed.

Semaki looked at the stack of corpses with a distasteful expression. "Is it worth it?" she asked.

"I don't know. It looks fairly strong."

The elf nodded, but before she could take more than a step towards the grisely stack, Quadim was past her, and throwing the topmost...thing...off. His face was a mask of revulsion. Two more toppled to the floor, with awful brittle crunches mixed with pulpy squishes. Then Quadim asked, "Is this it?" He started to reach down, but Shayuri interrupted him, almost panicked.

"Don't touch it!"

The monk jerked back, and let Shayuri replace him. Sure enough, there it was. A sword, not much larger than Semaki's, but radiant with magic energy. It was embedded in the chest of one of the unfortunates...horribly, its own hand was on the hilt. The sorceress' luminous silver eyes squinted, searching...searching...there. Her skill was still a bit tender, but the signature of Transmutation was distinct. A very versatile school, to be sure...but she thought of the insects, and what might have caused the transformations, and shuddered. "It might not be safe. I need some cloth."

Quadim complied, providing a strip from the hem of his tunic. As he did, Semaki picked the book up off the floor from where Shayuri had dropped it.

As Semaki began to read, Shayuri incanted, making a quick but complicated gesture. The sword slowly raised out of the insects body, dislodging the thankfully not-so-tight grip it had on it. When it was hovering in midair, Shayuri took the cloth and wrapped it carefully around the hilt...only then did she gingerly take it and place it in her backpack. "We can't use this until we've had it more completely analyzed," she explained. "It could be dangerous, especially given what we've seen here."

Semaki began to read aloud.

"I'm hungry...hungry all the time. They did this to us. I don't know why! We can't get out. Lenford can't break it open...says it's barred on the outside. I've begun to change...my eyes are different. Some of the others too, but I'm farther along. Our food's nearly gone."

She paused, then started again, making it sound like a journal.

"They..." she squinted. "They are dead. I had to...I couldn't stop... I'm already hungry again... If only...there was nectar...like before... It filled me. It made me whole. I want more... I'm sorry, my friends...at least you didn't have to...change. Changing. Still. It hurts, but mostly...not as much as hunger..."

Another pause, and now Semaki's eyes were watering.

"I can barely hold the quill..." she paused, seeming to skip ahead. "I can't think. There's only the hunger left now. Gods take pity on me...let me die..."

The elf dropped the book and stumbled outside where she coughed and half-doubled over. Quadim hurried to her side, but was waved off. "I'm all right," Semaki insisted.

Shayuri picked up the book and examined the last entry. During the part Semaki had skipped, the words degenerated into mad, chaotic scribbles. The last part of the page was torn off. Or, she quickly realized on seeing the pattern of the tear, eaten off. Suddenly feeling ill, she slipped the book automatically into her pouch and exited the tower. "I suggest we all get out of here now," she said thickly. "For all we know, it may be something in the area that does it. We should go."

Mark nodded, very pleased with the idea.

Shar said in a calmer voice than any could ever remember from her, "You're right...and you're wrong. You all have to go away from here. I have to go...somewhere else."

"What?" Mark asked, shocked. Shayuri's mouth dropped open.

"I've felt the presence of Delta," Shar explained wearily. "She has made Her will known to me. The illithid are...attacking Her. She needs my help."

Shayuri's mouth opened farther, then snapped shut with a little *click* of teeth. "They're attacking a goddess?"

The priestess nodded. "Delta's freedom and chaos are anathema to them, even as they to Her. They are using their control over Her followers against Her."

"But what can you do to stop that?" Mark demanded.

"Whatever I can. Whatever I must." Shar sighed and shook her head. "I wish you all well. Perhaps we will meet again." She didn't seem optimistic of that though. "Xag?"

"Huh? Oh! Right. Um...eeny meeny my-knee...MARK!" The hurtling pebble suddenly altered course and whipped at Mark, causing him to recoil with a startled squawk. When he recovered, Xag was comfortably circling his head. "Heya," it said jovially.

"Uh...hello," Mark replied uncertainly. Then his native upbringing kicked in. "This...is an honor, Lord Xag. I'll do my best to..."

"Don't even start that with me, kiddo. I don't even HAVE an ass! You can't kiss it! HAW!"

Shar smiled and waved. The others said their goodbyes. And then she was gone; walking off towards the river and vanishing behind the shrubs.

Those remaining turned and walked the other way, crossing the river again and forging ahead into the deeper woods on the other side.

It was perhaps another hour or two, not long past midday, when they saw the thick, inky strands slung between trees. The webs got thicker as they progressed. It was not entirely a surprise therefore when three unusually large spiders saw fit to hurl themselves down from the trees at them. Two smaller ones, and one large one. And yet, these creatures too bore the subtle hints of humanity in their features. All three were dispatched with almost disappointing ease, with Semaki able to use her archery skills while Mark held the onslaught back. He took a pair of mild bites, which Mana treated competently. Though the wounds itched, the venom didn't have much more effect than that on him. They pressed onwards.

According to Semaki, finally they were nearing the north edge of the forest. From there they would return to the large tree they had stayed at once before, the lone tree called The Encampment that jutted alone out of the plains they had come across to reach the Resistance enclave. There they would again salve their feet, and tracelessly return to the enclave.

They did run across an unusual thing however. A clearing in the woods had a large conical hill in it. The hill was made of loose, piled dirt, and was perhaps ten feet tall. Its peak seemed flattish, but it was hard to tell. Neither Semaki nor Mana seemed to know what it was, and while curious, the group was eager to get out of the freakshow forest, and so decided to continue on by. Whatever it was, it didn't seem especially threatening.

Fifteen minutes later Semaki whispered in Shayuri's ear, "We're being followed."

With it pointed out to her, Shayuri could see. Shapes to either side, zipping from tree to bush to tree. Mark, Quadim and Mana looked around as well when notified.

"What do we do?" Mana whispered.

"There's nothing left for it. They mean to ambush us," Mark gritted. "We form a defensive line, and hope we are too much for them."

"Quickly!" Semaki hissed.

Quadim, Semaki, and Mark quickly formed a triangular formation which Mana and Shayuri ducked into. As if on cue, things burst out of the forest around them. Grey and sickly shiny, their features a blur of human and ant. Shayuri cast a defensive spell as the creatures closed with dreadful speed...and the battle began.

Very quickly it became clear that although numerous, the 'mants' were fragile things. Semaki took one down with a carefully aimed bowshot as they charged, then switched to her sword. Mark and Quadim attacked at once, slicing and crushing another pair. Shayuri dispatched one with another pair of force missiles, but a second one managed to wiggle in close enough to rake her...fortunately its talons skittered off the invisible field around her. Mana's scimitar blurred and hacked off one of its arms. The battle went quickly. Less than a minute later, the group stood unscathed amidst a small ring of dead bodies.

"That wasn't so bad," Mark noted, fingering his hair as the wind picked up in the leaves with a sighing rasping sound.

"Run," Quadim said, abruptly.

Semaki's eyes widened. "Run," she confirmed. Both wasted no time following their own advice.

The others followed, though Mark sputtered, "What? Why?"

Shayuri looked over her shoulder...and gasped.

It hadn't been the wind. The sound was the pattering of feet getting nearer. Hundreds and hundreds of feet.

As they ran, a living carpet of halfling-sized ants surfaced out of the underbrush behind them. Glassy, murderous compound eyes glared. Mandibles gnashed. Disturbingly humanlike claws reached out for them.

And slowly...ever so slowly...the ants were gaining.

Suddenly the forest was thinning, falling away. Mana whimpered, his breath wheezing in his lungs. The vast golden plains were stretching out now, and in the distance was the large solitary stalk of The Encampment. "We're not going to make it," Shayuri gasped, her breath burning like fire.

"Get to the tree," Semaki urged. "Put your backs to it. We'll have to fight."

"It's too far!" Mana cried out. "I can't...I can't..."

"You CAN!"

The pattering footfalls sounded like rain, but when they entered the tall grass, the ants collectively made a huge tempestual roar like a hurricaine might.

The tree didn't seem to be getting any bigger.

Quadim suddenly grabbed Semaki around the waist with one arm and sprinted toward the tree, rapidly leaving the others behind. Mark began to pull ahead as well. Shayuri grabbed Mana's shoulder, wishing beyond wishes that she had just exercised a bit more, had just practiced running a bit more. So close...so close. She raised a hand to try to fight off as many as she could...a wave of dizziness, a moment of nausea...

...and she ran headlong into the Encampment tree. Mana crashed into her from behind.


"No time!" Semaki scolded. "Backs to the tree! Weapons ready!"

"No," Mark said abruptly. "Hold your fire. Let them come." He swallowed and looked up at the tree. "Just let them come."

The hurricaine grew...grew...grew until it was a maddening howl that seemed to reside as much inside their brains as in the air around them.

The grasses at the edge of the clearing around The Encampment parted, admitting things that looked almost comically like children in grey waxy armor...if not for the terrible jaws and clawed hands. And so the Swarm descended upon the party like the wrath of every god combined.
Last edited:


First Post

Sorry for the huger than usual delay...holiday season and such. Excuses, excuses, I know. :) On Widdit!


As the living ocean of twisted, ant-like people (or were they person-like ants?) descended on the adventurers, time seemed to slow. A warm springtime breeze swirled around the group as they pressed their backs into the bark of the tree known as The Encampment, as if hoping it would absorb them into itself. Somehow, impossibly, the noise of that breeze in the leaves and limbs of the tree raised over the nightmarish pounding of hundreds of chitinous feet, yet did so without being loud. It sounded almost like music, of a sort; a soft sighing refrain that reminded one hauntingly of a song you knew, but could never quite remember the name for.

And as the inhuman swarm reached the great burled trunk of The Encampment...it parted and swept around it. Not one set of hideous compound eyes set into humanlike sockets seemed to notice the group as they huddled, astounded. It took several minutes for the insectile tide to pass by. Several more minutes after that for them to decide they had lost their quarry...and another few minutes watching them all trundling back towards the woods, satisfied that the intruders had been repelled.

There was silence long after the hissing patter of their feet had faded. Reverentially, Mark put another coin in the hollow of the tree's trunk. This time, everyone else followed suit.

They rested. Semaki nimbly scaled the tree's trunk to sit on one of the lower, thicker branches. Quadim followed her with equal aplomb. Shayuri, still feeling a bit weak from the sprint, sank to sit at the tree's base. Mark paced impatiently, occasionally checking his sword.

"Mark?" Shayuri asked presently. "How did you know? How does this tree...work?"

Mark paused and gave the sorceress an unreadable look. "I don't know how exactly," he admitted, slipping off a glove and scrubbing his fingers through his short brown-blonde hair. "But the stories of The Encampment are specific. It's a place of sanctuary. The tree guards that." He shrugged.

Semaki spoke in her quiet, mellifluous voice then. "There are ways to bring trees intelligence to rival or exceed that of men. And to give them magics as well. Elven rituals that I doubt were taught widely to others, but may have been used here in ages past. The tree is older than it looks I think."

Mark patted the trunk. "The hows and whys are beside the point anyway. What's important is that it happened at all. I think Zoyster will be most interested to hear our re..."

"Again, the wizard," Semaki said dismissively. "I did not agree to this for his sake. Moreover, he failed to warn us of these dangers."

"He may not have known," Shayuri replied, trying to head off the confrontation. "The mantis and spiders...I think they're pretty recent. And if these...deformed ant-things breed at the same rate real ones do, they may be relatively recent as well."

Mark nodded fiercely. "Of course he didn't know! How would he have?"

Semaki shrugged. "You may be right. I'm just used to wizards who are a bit more competent."

The warrior's face turned a shade of reddish purple, and he sputtered. Semaki went on as if nothing were happening.

"...after all, it could just as easily have been a community of illithid or thralls in that wood, not one day's march from his stronghold. I would think he would keep a closer eye on his surroundings."

"Listen elf," Mark spat in a fury. "When the mind flayers came up from the ground with their armies, killing and enslaving all before them, where were YOU?" He began to pace under Semaki's branch, glaring up at her like a cat stalking a bird that stays maddeningly out of reach. "Zoyster, and others like him, risked and sometimes even gave their lives to save the few wretches they could, and I will NOT hear you insulting him! Say what you like, but at least he has acted; not stayed hidden away in some misbegotten forest somewhere, laughing and dancing as the world burns!"

Shayuri stood up, palms out. "Mark, calm down, please..."

Mark turned to look at her, his rage undimmed. One accusing finger jabbed in her direction. "And you...you're scarcely any better! Siding with her over Zoyster! And given the chance to stay here and work with the Resistance...to make a difference!...you choose instead to go to the elves!"

The sorceresses face hardened. "I have very good reasons for that."

"Call it what you like," Mark sneered. "I know cowardice when I see it."

There was an almost silent plod as Semaki dropped to the ground, her face set in a furious mold, her eyes narrowed and her hand on the hilt of her sword. Shayuri's eyes widened and mouth twisted into a grimace. "How dare you?" she asked, almost conversationally. She began walking towards Mark, quicksilver eyes fastened tightly on his blue. And despite her being unarmed, and her slender form hardly threatening or muscular, there was something in her anger that unfurled around her like a set of dark, invisible wings, casting an almost tangible pall. Her lips peeled back to show her teeth as she spat.

"How DARE you accuse me of that?!"

To his credit, Mark did not fade back under the sorceresses wrath. "What else can I accuse someone of, who chooses to flee rather than fight?"

Shayuri stopped, mainly because to continue forward would mean plowing straight into Mark. While her voice diminished in rancor, her eyes lost none of their anger. "There are many ways to flee, Mark. And many ways to fight. My journey to Dieresis is how I mean to fight. I cannot oppose the illithid alone, and so I am going to enlist their aid. Is this too complicated to understand?"

Mark's eyes flicked to Semaki, then back. "No," he replied tightly. "But tell me if this is too difficult a concept. The Resistance has tried contacting the elves before! More than once! And each time it's failed to produce any kind of aid, any kind of recognition. What makes you think you'll be any different?"

One of Shayuri's hands strayed to the pouch at her side, where the hard lump of Shankara's crystal message sat. Do I trust him that much? she wondered to herself. And she shook her head. "I cannot make promises, nor assurances that I can get results where others have failed," she said smoothly. "Though I think the presence and support of Semaki will prove beneficial."

Again, Mark glanced at Semaki. "No. No, the fight is here, can't you see? It's now! Even if the elves for some reason DO decide to help, they think in years! We're struggling in the here and now, and can't wait for that! Going to the elves, pressing them...I still see it as an excuse to find safer lands. Is it a coincidence that the one place you want to be is also the one place the mind flayers have no hold over? What good can you do there?"

"What good can we do HERE?" Shayuri snarled. "Join with Zoyster? Live like a cockroach under the ground? Hiding and hoping that someone else will take care of the problem before they find us? What good does that do anyone? Don't you see, Mark? Zoyster is pinned down! He can't move, he can't act...for fear of being noticed. And it's only a matter of time before he's found. Tell me what he would have done yesterday if we hadn't conveniently been nearby to lead these scouts astray! All it will take is one ill turn of fate, and he's done for!"

Mark's face went greyish at the words, and he glared at Shayuri. "A coward might flee a ship merely because it's sinking," he began, but the sorceress cut him off.

"No, Mark. A coward, by nature, is passive. Afraid to act! Courage demands action, no matter the risk. Now tell me...what is acting here? Crouching under the earth and praying for a miracle, with the mighty Zoyster? Or striking out across the hostile wilderness in the thin hope that the battle may yet be turned? Let me make myself perfectly clear." Again fury rose off of Shayuri in sheets thick enough that they seemed almost visible, like heat haze over masonry on a summer's day. "I am not fleeing this war. I mean to go into the world and bend my every effort to binding friend to friend, ally to ally. And I swear..." She paused, then went on defiantly, her eyes taking on a fierce gleam. "I swear by my Name that when I return, it will be at the head of an army that will SHATTER the illithid! I will scour the world of their infection and send the few that survive scrabbling so deep into the earth that they'll never again see the surface!"

"Fine words, but do you think Zoyster feels any differently?"

The fire that had filled Shayuri faded. She half-turned away from Mark. "I do not presume to know how he feels. However, if he does, then he's chosen a highly suspect course of action. Or should I say, inaction."

"He's doing more than you know," Mark insisted. "He's doing the best he can. There's a lot of people who owe more than their lives to him."

"I was a slave to the illithid for a year," Shayuri returned gently. "In the end, only death freed me. I know better than most what's at stake." When she looked at Mark again, her eyes were haunted. "Do you really think I don't want to hide?" she asked softly. "Do you think a night goes by without me wanting to pick someplace far from anywhere, craft a meager home, and try to escape notice? Mark, there is nothing that frightens me more...nothing...than being captured again by the illithid. I admit, it frightens me to know that the road I'm on will eventually, inevitably, lead me back to face them. And every day we spend traveling is another day for us to be discovered. Their agents are widespread by now..." Shayuri looked away from Mark again, and shivered slightly. "But I will not be ruled by that fear. I will not be! Surrendering to it would be giving them control over me again, and that I will never do."

Semaki came over and put a hand on Shayuri's shoulder. The sorceress nodded gratefully, then met Mark's eyes again. "So accuse me of vanity. Accuse me of arrogance." A short, humorless laugh. "Accuse me of madness, if you like. All of those are things that I possess, in some measure. But not cowardice. Never that."

This time it was Mark who looked away. "My duty is to the Resistance," he said stalwartly.

"Then our paths divide at the enclave," Semaki returned.

There was nothing more to be said. Mana and Quadim, silent throughout, exchanged glances but didn't speak. A wind blew in the branches of The Encampment, making a soothing surssuration...but if it carried any real meaning, there were none present who could interpret it. The traceless salve was again applied to their soles, and they struck out for the enclave of the Resistance, following their old trail so that the magic of the salve would erase those earlier tracks and leave only the trail they left when first coming to The Encampment on their way to Zoyster several days ago. The circle was complete. The enclave, for now at least, was safe.

By the time they returned, the sun was setting. Standing beside the waterfall that guarded the enclave's entrance was a tall thin figure that bowed at their approach. Mark knelt. Semaki turned her back.

"Welcome back," Zoyster said in his aged voice. "Come inside, please. Tell me of your journey."

Semaki didn't say anything, nor move, nor in any way acknowledge that the wizard had spoken, or was indeed there at all. Mark got to his feet and went to Zoyster's side. Shayuri hesitated, unsure what to do.

Zoyster signed and let his arms back down to his sides. "At the very least," he said, suddenly sounding weary, "come and accept your reward for the service you have done for us."

Shayuri stepped forward, but Semaki half-turned and spat, "I want nothing of yours."

Again, the sorceress hesitated...but with an apologetic look at Semaki, she continued forward. "It'll only be a moment, Semaki," Shayuri explained uncomfortably. "We'll need all the help we can get to reach Diaresis."

The elf did not respond as Mark, Shayuri and Zoyster vanished into the enclave.

Once inside, Mark and Zoyster excused themselves, leaving Shayuri in the library. It was several minutes before Zoyster returned, alone, and carrying a sturdy, well-made but otherwise unremarkable leather backpack.

"This, and its contents, are for you," the wizard explained, holding it out. "For you all. I, and those I safeguard, owe your group a debt for your aid."

Shayuri nodded and held out the crossbow she'd recieved before. "Thanks."

Zoyster waved it away. "Keep it. Weapons like that will do us little good here." A wan smile curved beneath his large white mustache. "Should we be forced to fight, then we will have already lost. It will do you more good, I think. Keep it."

"Then...thanks again." She took the backpack.

"Don't be too quick to thank me," Zoyster added, a mysterious glint in his eye. "I am being generous, but not without an ulterior motive."

Shayuri's eyes narrowed slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Mark will be coming with you to Diaresis. The task you have set before yourself is a difficult one, and you'll need our help." His bearded head nodded as he studied Shayuri. "As, I believe, we will need yours, should you succeed." Zoyster waved a hand helplessly. "We've tried to reach the elves before. Never with any success. They have not exactly turned our requests for aid down outright, but their deliberations take a long time...time I fear we don't have. Between that and the internal politics of the court, I fear our requests may not have reached the ears that they need to." He paused, scrutinizing Shayuri anew. "What makes you think you can succeed when so many have failed?"

Again, Shayuri could feel the weight of Shankara's stone in her pouch. But anyone could deliver it. It didn't have to be her. What would happen if Zoyster learned of it, and of what message it contained? Would he entrust it to this inexperienced band? Or take it for himself, to bring before the lords of the elves...and shut the others out. She shook her head. "I think Semaki's presence will help. They are more likely to listen when an elf is among us...and Semaki is not an ordinary elf." She felt sure that was true, though wasn't entirely sure in what way Semaki was unique. The tattoos meant something...but what, she had no idea.

Zoyster nodded slowly, his grey eyes never leaving Shayuri. "Perhaps. In any event, you have the well-wishing of everyone here, including myself. I regret that what you will find in that pack is the most resources we can afford to part with, but I do hope you find them useful. Also...I recieved word from a messenger not a few hours ago that a friend of yours...the transmuted halfling...had turned up with a caravan belonging to the Spineless Order." His mouth twisted in distaste. "They reported him to be in good health, and accompanying them. As I understand it, you should be able to pick up their trail several hours to the south of here." One bushy eyebrow wiggled as he winked. "I am given to understand that they're headed for Umlaut. May the gods watch over you all."

Mark walked back in, looking stoic and determined. Shayuri looked at him for a long moment. Was he a friend? An ally, most certainly...but a friend? His first allegience was to the Resistance. He would help them as long as it was in the best interests of the Resistance. It would be wise, she decided, to remember that. She turned back to Zoyster and bowed her head to murmur thanks. Then she and Mark exited the enclave. Semaki and Quadim waited outside. The elf's nose wrinkled at the sight of the backpack, but she said nothing, preferring to pretend that no such thing existed.

To Mark she said, "I did not expect to see you again."

"I'm coming with you," the warrior replied evenly. "This affects the Resistance, and I'm to serve as embassy to the elves."

Semaki looked at Shayuri. "And you?" she asked archly.

Shayuri met her gaze. "Nothing has changed for me. I represent only myself." For some reason the words sounded terribly lonely to her as she said them.

Semaki nodded approvingly. "And Piklum?"

"He's with a caravan south of here. They're already past, but we can pick up the trail. They'll be expecting us." She hesitated, then went on. "The caravan belongs to the Spineless."

Semaki only nodded, unconcerned. Mark rubbed his finger uncomfortably, remembering Piklum's unfortunate transformation. "Is that safe?" he asked.

"Who can say?" Shayuri replied. "Not much is known about the order. I imagine if we show proper respect and don't antagonize them, we should be all right. Same with most mages."

Mark swallowed, but squared his shoulder and nodded.

Semaki waved them forward. "The light is fading," she said. "We should go before it's too dark to find the track tonight. Come."

She and Quadim jogged off into the deepening twilight. A moment later Shayuri and Mark followed suit.

They left no tracks; no signs of passage. The waterfall burbled on, unspoiled and unseen. Just another peaceful glen in an empty wood.


First Post

Because of issues beyond our control, the story hour is/has-been on hiatus. We hope to resume updates presently. Nevertheless, we are now compelled to cry BUMP and let slip the prawns of war!


bump courtesy of Rune's bump a story hour thread

So, did the prawns of war get out of control and eat everyone? Because it's been rather a long time since the last update :)


First Post
That's my fault, actually. Our faithful (hah!) compiler of adventures has been subject to a variety of pressures that have made compiling and posting...difficult. I shan't bore with details. :)

I am semi-back, and trying to catch up, but there's a huge backlog. You know how when you look at a tower of paperwork, it's really hard to grab the first sheet off and start...because it represents a commitment to keep going through the whole thing? That's what I'm fighting now. :)

A lot has happened, but one thing hasn't changed.

DOOM still hangs heavy over our heads.

I will try to get an update out this weekend to illustrate...perhaps with a teaser for some of what's happened in more recent sessions, to give a sense of foreshadowing. Hmm, yes...I like that idea.

Thanks for the post though. It's nice to know someone remembers us after so long. :D

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